

Oct 25, 2017
What does your gf want? If she thinks she can deal with a visit from him then it might be better to stay out of sight. If she thinks he'll get violent she might want someone there to help.
She doubts he'll get violent. I wouldn't be needed for protection - she lives with her family and they'd take care of that. But it is a small town where everyone knows everyone else's business. I have this gut feeling that me being near - even if I'm not in the house - will cause problems. Ramps up drama at minimum, tires get slashed at maximum.


Oct 28, 2017
It will, just don't see each other too often.

It's pretty fucking great, man.
Thanks, yeah. What do you typically do together? I think I'll feel weird about only having sex, gotta do something more. But like is it only watch movie or get drinks too? Because with the latter it seems more like a proper romantic date


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, I need some advice here.

I had a third date tonight with the girl from Friday night, and it went really well. Like in terms of relationship-building, very solid stuff. It was another hike and dinner, but the conversation was good, we sat on a bench in the middle and smoked weed and made out a lot. Long story short before I dive in: we haven't had sex yet and I'm wondering what the path should be a for a fourth date.

The context:
- She's shy in some ways, and admits this. I've been the one to initiate anything physical: kissing, close proximity, cuddling. Her reaction is the same: initial timidity and then later completely gung-ho. Now it's to the point where if we're outside (it's cold weather atm) she'll just straight up tell me to hold her close. Kissing is now commonplace too.
- She said on a previous date that she didn't want to jump in bed too quick. She hasn't said she wants to go slow per se, so I'm not sure just how fast she wants to move.
- Neither of us has been to the other's home.
- Our dates are getting pretty long in run time. Tonight was 3 and a half hours.
- We're going to see each other again tomorrow.
- She already said she wants to do a movie night with me sometime at my place.
- She doesn't usually stay out very late. She's a morning person.

Possible ideas:
- I'm thinking of offering to cook dinner and then we'll watch some films. I feel like this sends a strong signal, and is also a different way to introduce a girl to my home than I've done before. Maybe it's too strong?
- We could go with dinner and a movie out and about (what the hell is even out now? and we've seen Black Panther already, separately), and then see if this takes us back to my place, but we've done dinner dates twice now and seeing a movie in theaters isn't really intimate or a good place to really connect with someone. Also this could send the signal that I want to go slowly, but I feel like we might be ready to go to the next level. On the other hand, this takes the pressure off her.
- I could go with a curve ball and suggest something like bowling, but we've done physically active activities already. It seems repetitive, but again, this takes the pressure off of her.
- I could ask her what she wants to do, but if she wants me to suggest something or says she's fine with anything, I'm back to square 1.

From how things have progressed so far, I'm thinking she might want me to be the one to take the lead with any sort of physical intimacy. And we're comfortable enough with each other at this point that if she said she's not ready, it wouldn't really effect anything between us, so I'm leaning towards the movie night idea.

What do you guys think?


Oct 25, 2017
Okay, I need some advice here.

I had a third date tonight with the girl from Friday night, and it went really well. Like in terms of relationship-building, very solid stuff. It was another hike and dinner, but the conversation was good, we sat on a bench in the middle and smoked weed and made out a lot. Long story short before I dive in: we haven't had sex yet and I'm wondering what the path should be a for a fourth date.

The context:
- She's shy in some ways, and admits this. I've been the one to initiate anything physical: kissing, close proximity, cuddling. Her reaction is the same: initial timidity and then later completely gung-ho. Now it's to the point where if we're outside (it's cold weather atm) she'll just straight up tell me to hold her close. Kissing is now commonplace too.
- She said on a previous date that she didn't want to jump in bed too quick. She hasn't said she wants to go slow per se, so I'm not sure just how fast she wants to move.
- Neither of us has been to the other's home.
- Our dates are getting pretty long in run time. Tonight was 3 and a half hours.
- We're going to see each other again tomorrow.
- She already said she wants to do a movie night with me sometime at my place.
- She doesn't usually stay out very late. She's a morning person.

Possible ideas:
- I'm thinking of offering to cook dinner and then we'll watch some films. I feel like this sends a strong signal, and is also a different way to introduce a girl to my home than I've done before. Maybe it's too strong?
- We could go with dinner and a movie out and about (what the hell is even out now? and we've seen Black Panther already, separately), and then see if this takes us back to my place, but we've done dinner dates twice now and seeing a movie in theaters isn't really intimate or a good place to really connect with someone. Also this could send the signal that I want to go slowly, but I feel like we might be ready to go to the next level. On the other hand, this takes the pressure off her.
- I could go with a curve ball and suggest something like bowling, but we've done physically active activities already. It seems repetitive, but again, this takes the pressure off of her.
- I could ask her what she wants to do, but if she wants me to suggest something or says she's fine with anything, I'm back to square 1.

From how things have progressed so far, I'm thinking she might want me to be the one to take the lead with any sort of physical intimacy. And we're comfortable enough with each other at this point that if she said she's not ready, it wouldn't really effect anything between us, so I'm leaning towards the movie night idea.

What do you guys think?

Over thinking is my specialty.

But yeah I'm leaning towards this.


But that's not totally a bad thing. It means you're thorough and pay attention to detail. Just don't get too hung up on creating a perfect scenario, because you never will. Some times good enough IS good enough.

Seems like you're doing fine. Do the movie night at your place. Take the initiative. Make her feel welcome in your home. Good luck :)


Nov 8, 2017
The sad thing is, on the internet a lot of people see "support" thread as "give me attention" threads and not "hey let's try and figure out what we can do about our issues" threads.

Heck, you see it in this very thread a lot of the time.

My work and hobbies have kept me from seriously dating for a few months now. Just too much going on.

I still have some friends I occasionally hook up with though, and I guess I'm okay with that. Hard to not catch feelings though. But that's something I need to work on, really. My end goal is to find someone who I can really have a physical and emotional connection to, and I can't seem to get both in one person at the moment. But like I said, I haven't been trying much as the other aspects of my life have been engaging enough.

hey there, iam very sorry, it was never my intention to get attention or anything. i seriously never get proper answers to my question, and this is why i ended up here.

i sort of got it. i will check therapists around me, if there is anything they can do for me. yea, i am sort of depressed because of this issue. an issue i cant fix. an issue everyone else around me seems to be easily to hop on and hop off, but for me, this seems to be a life task which wont be fulfilled, ever. it depresses me and for the longest time i thought i might be able to fix it myself. now i got the confirmation, through the internet, that i am a nut job who needs a therapist.

An attitude like this isn't kept online. It seeps out of your pores and creates a cloud of negative energy that follows you.

i really dont know, if you can see negativity. this sounds very new to me.

You want some advice? DON'T RELY ON OTHER PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY. That's a tall ask for any partner, because now they're responsible for your happiness along with their own. Your first goal should be that comfortable and satisfied life - you don't need a girlfriend to have it. You can be very content with your life while single. When you are, it's a million times easier to date.

i really feel happy around other people. once i am alone, i feel depressed and would love to kill myself, i love playing videogames (offline) to distract myself from loneliness, but i really hate it being alone. once i am alone, iam online, reading things, but just sitting there, with no music or no screen in front of me is unbearable. i really feel happy and safe around people, even strangers. just distraction in any way is good. and the better in know the people, the less i have to concentrate that this is superficial distraction.

Oh they know. But (1) It's not their job to tell you or make you better at dating, and (2) There's a lot of men out there who don't take negative feedback well. That's pain, negative energy, fear, and frustration that they don't need in their lives. "Oh, but I wouldn't be like that". They don't know that! There's risk to them with no benefit. It's not a worthy gamble.

how am i able to figure out, even if i say beforehand that i would love to know to do things better in the future and that other guys are there freaking out and getting frustrated about that? how can i improve if no one tells me what is wrong with me? is everyone seeing a therapist, just because dating is going wrong? why are girls not having these kind of problems? why are only dudes complaining about this topic online, or is it just my subjective perception?

Do you wanna know what everyone suggests seeing a therapist?

- We won't be able to fix you. We aren't trained professionals, we only know what you tell us, and you don't like to listen to us.

- Therapy is awesome. It's someone you can talk to who gets to know you and is legally (in the US at least) forbidden from discussing your issues outside of the office. Get a sexual thrill from dressing up as Bulbasaur? No one else will ever know.

- You need someone you can talk to in real-life. Someone who can see you, see your micro-expressions, and give you good honest feedback. You want someone who'll tell you why girls don't like dating you? Boom, that's a therapist's job.

- Because as you mentioned, your standard ways of fixing things aren't working.

-no, i am listening to you and i am considering seeing a therapist.

-iam in germany, the country who invented psychoanalysis, but i dont know anyone who got into one. i heard from some neighbours about this, but they talked about it in a very bad manner+ i think its a fairly taboo-ish topic to talk about this, i guess.

-iam not sure about seeing a therapist, i feel cramped and unsafe thinking about this. dont you get drugged and your personality changes and stuff? i think this takes several years, doesnt it?

thanks again for everyone who answered to my... questions.

That's all well and good but what you project here is what we judge and that shit aint looking too good man. If its how you come across online you probably carry some of that in person.
there might be truth in that.

Make new friends. Talk to less family.

easier said than done. making new friends with 30? i dont even know where to start. i was last year in a boxing club, after three months there was a birthday party, i was the only one not being invited to that. i was friendly and chatty, but this was sort of... the reason why i stopped going to that. why was everyone invited except me? even the one guy who is radio silent was invited. i always answered in a friendly manner, never talked when i was not asked to... so well....

Talking to someone you like is not different to talking to someone you dont. Still a person. You liking them doesnt mean anything. Treat them different when they reciprocate interest. Before that its just a person all the same. Also. Part of talkig to people is learning when they are down and when they wanna be left alone. If you cant tell you need more practice. Tone, diction, energy level, engagement, body language are all indicstors as to whether someone is or ins't enjoying a convo. You have to learn.
i havent figured out this. why are people around me, less gifted or less smart able to nail this one issue, and i am not???

This is why you need therapy. This isn't healthy. But think of it this way. I would never want to be the literal determinant of another person's self worth. Way too much pressure, way too much work. This is not an attractive desire. No one wants to be the source of your self worth. Find worth in yourself man. Even if you get a girl, you'll chsse her off with this attitude.

iam not sure, but: everyone suggesting me getting therapy... i get it.


why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

am i the only one complaining about this?

i hear from friends like: grow a pair, man up and stuff like that, but deep down, i feel very hurt and very unsecure. thanks to the whole #metoo debate, i feel like, now everyone is watching me even more.

Yeah it's a shame and, yeah, the biggest issue with many of them is that they believe nothing can help. That kind of thinking is the biggest reason why they can't deal with their problems. I think that a good chunk of them, deep down, prefer the hardship they know/are comfortable with than confront their issues (which would result in new kinds of hardship). It might sound judgemental of me but I'm speaking from experience. I had some really bad mental problems and it took me over 9 years of hard work to feel good about myself. A lot of the things that are being said in that thread are things I used to believe and it often felt easier to just wallow in my problems than try to deal with them. My psychologist help me work through all that. But I don't want to derail further, I just think it's sad when I've (sort of) been in their shoes and know it can get better.

To try and say something on topic, I'm a tinder noob and I'm really surprised at how much tinder can change what types of girls it shows you. A few days ago it showed me mostly girls into fitness/training and today there were mostly girls who studies the humanities.

as i said:i came to this thread to seek help. i am not here to vent or to get attention. i only want help or suggestions how to improve my situation. as everyone suggested, i made an appointment at a therapist, i dont know when i will get into that and if that works, but since everyone says that i seem to be beyond repair and there might be something deep down, i think i have to pull the plug and go there.

i am very frightened, because i believe medications and drugs are making you different… it changes your personality… and that is why i really would love to fix it by my own. but it seems from my and the perspective of the internet unfixable.

thanks anyways for your suggestions and help. i'll let you know, if there was anything which was able to help me.


Oct 25, 2017
hey there, iam very sorry, it was never my intention to get attention or anything. i seriously never get proper answers to my question, and this is why i ended up here.

i sort of got it. i will check therapists around me, if there is anything they can do for me. yea, i am sort of depressed because of this issue. an issue i cant fix. an issue everyone else around me seems to be easily to hop on and hop off, but for me, this seems to be a life task which wont be fulfilled, ever. it depresses me and for the longest time i thought i might be able to fix it myself. now i got the confirmation, through the internet, that i am a nut job who needs a therapist.

i really dont know, if you can see negativity. this sounds very new to me.

i really feel happy around other people. once i am alone, i feel depressed and would love to kill myself, i love playing videogames (offline) to distract myself from loneliness, but i really hate it being alone. once i am alone, iam online, reading things, but just sitting there, with no music or no screen in front of me is unbearable. i really feel happy and safe around people, even strangers. just distraction in any way is good. and the better in know the people, the less i have to concentrate that this is superficial distraction.

how am i able to figure out, even if i say beforehand that i would love to know to do things better in the future and that other guys are there freaking out and getting frustrated about that? how can i improve if no one tells me what is wrong with me? is everyone seeing a therapist, just because dating is going wrong? why are girls not having these kind of problems? why are only dudes complaining about this topic online, or is it just my subjective perception?

-no, i am listening to you and i am considering seeing a therapist.

-iam in germany, the country who invented psychoanalysis, but i dont know anyone who got into one. i heard from some neighbours about this, but they talked about it in a very bad manner+ i think its a fairly taboo-ish topic to talk about this, i guess.

-iam not sure about seeing a therapist, i feel cramped and unsafe thinking about this. dont you get drugged and your personality changes and stuff? i think this takes several years, doesnt it?

thanks again for everyone who answered to my... questions.

there might be truth in that.

easier said than done. making new friends with 30? i dont even know where to start. i was last year in a boxing club, after three months there was a birthday party, i was the only one not being invited to that. i was friendly and chatty, but this was sort of... the reason why i stopped going to that. why was everyone invited except me? even the one guy who is radio silent was invited. i always answered in a friendly manner, never talked when i was not asked to... so well....

i havent figured out this. why are people around me, less gifted or less smart able to nail this one issue, and i am not???

iam not sure, but: everyone suggesting me getting therapy... i get it.


why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

am i the only one complaining about this?

i hear from friends like: grow a pair, man up and stuff like that, but deep down, i feel very hurt and very unsecure. thanks to the whole #metoo debate, i feel like, now everyone is watching me even more.

as i said:i came to this thread to seek help. i am not here to vent or to get attention. i only want help or suggestions how to improve my situation. as everyone suggested, i made an appointment at a therapist, i dont know when i will get into that and if that works, but since everyone says that i seem to be beyond repair and there might be something deep down, i think i have to pull the plug and go there.

i am very frightened, because i believe medications and drugs are making you different… it changes your personality… and that is why i really would love to fix it by my own. but it seems from my and the perspective of the internet unfixable.

thanks anyways for your suggestions and help. i'll let you know, if there was anything which was able to help me.

In the US, there are a few different types of mental health professionals. Psychiatrists are full-on medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing mental illness. They are the ones who'll give you meds, only when necessary, and only to bring you to "normal". Psychologists are all about talking to you, utilizing whatever method they can to understand your psyche to help rebuild it. Therapists and counselors are trained professionals who, again, just talk.

I go to therapy every other week. I love my therapist. It's not about being broken...it's about learning better ways to approach life, to approach relationships, so that my life is enriched.

Women have their own problems in dating, believe me. After talking to my friends, my sister, and girls I'm dating, I would rather be a man in society. These may just be US things, but I've never been followed home, catcalled, shown a dick, had someone think they deserved something, have someone blow up at me because I broke up with them, have a drink spiked....

Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
Thanks, yeah. What do you typically do together? I think I'll feel weird about only having sex, gotta do something more. But like is it only watch movie or get drinks too? Because with the latter it seems more like a proper romantic date
Have pretty much never had a date outside the house since, sometimes I bring over food or she does, typically we play video games or watch netflix after. It's been 2 months so far with no problems.
Oct 25, 2017
Women have their own problems in dating, believe me. After talking to my friends, my sister, and girls I'm dating, I would rather be a man in society. These may just be US things, but I've never been followed home, catcalled, shown a dick, had someone think they deserved something, have someone blow up at me because I broke up with them, have a drink spiked....

No, that's not just a US thing. I think for some men everything in life up to the point here they start to look for a girlfriend or even sex has been a set procedure. You start kindergarten all the way through to collage and just turn up each day and study and you'll make the progression. Learning to drive, take lessons and pass the test, now you have a licence. Get a job, take those papers from your education, submit a resume, repeat enough times, your employed. These are the things you are supposed to have when you make progression through life as the milestones.

Now the majority of men have worked on social skills through thier life and will be able to get a relationship/sex through natural interactions and learning from any setbacks. Then there are those men who see gaining a partner as part of the progression system they've lived in all their life, as a procedure. A procedure they've not been taught about but only from movies TV and how it appears to be looking from the outside. When they follow what they think the procedure is and it fails they lash out becuse they feel cheated. Or they try to cheat the system or Speedrun it. Which is the bad behaviour you've briefly listed some ways this manifests itself.

Men generally don't ask about how to get a girlfriend or admit failings so they continue along the same path hoping one day it will work for them or just give up feel sorry for themselves and blame the system, luck or women.

Which is why we have Dating Era and why it's needed.


Oct 25, 2017

why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

Wow, uh, maybe you should lay off with the vast generalizations? That's a toxic attitude towards women you have there.


Oct 26, 2017
Had my third date yesterday. We made our own dinner and after that we hit up a bar with lots of micro brews (which is a great idea for first dates too because the names of the beers are pretty interesting conversation starters imo). Went back to her place and we decided to watch It. She doesn't like scary movies but she promised she'd watch it and she did. That's also a great way to get more intimate btw, watching a scary movie with a girl. After the movie we made out for a bit and cuddled and went to bed.

I'm feeling pretty good about this girl. Gonna see her next week again.


Oct 25, 2017

why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

am i the only one complaining about this?

i hear from friends like: grow a pair, man up and stuff like that, but deep down, i feel very hurt and very unsecure. thanks to the whole #metoo debate, i feel like, now everyone is watching me even more.

Listen lad, you aren't ready for dating. No amount of 'want' or "but, if I had someone to care for/care for me, I'd feel better" will secure you for dating. You need to fix your own problems before you even start considering being with someone. Again, seek professional help, try to acquire some new hobbies, maybe try making friends on ERA through the hangouts threads, beat your meat, play some games, just do SOMETHING to take your mind off this while you recover. Continue the way you're goin' and you're gonna have a bad time.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

am i the only one complaining about this?

i hear from friends like: grow a pair, man up and stuff like that, but deep down, i feel very hurt and very unsecure. thanks to the whole #metoo debate, i feel like, now everyone is watching me even more.
"Spoiled princesses" exist because there are desperate self-professed Nice Guys out there with no self-esteem who don't respect themselves, who believe that being in a relationship no matter how toxic is better than being lonely, or that looks is the only important factor and thus positive personality traits are only optional. They exist because they are allowed to exist. It is the desperate guys' fault.

More importantly, why is this a problem? If you don't like princesses, don't date princesses. Or are you begrudging the fact that you can't be a spoiled prince that would have girls dropping before him with zero effort?

Also, you should only be worried about the #metoo movement if you are a creep or sexually harass people. Luckily, you are neither, so nothing to fear!


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
hey there, iam very sorry, it was never my intention to get attention or anything. i seriously never get proper answers to my question, and this is why i ended up here.

i sort of got it. i will check therapists around me, if there is anything they can do for me. yea, i am sort of depressed because of this issue. an issue i cant fix. an issue everyone else around me seems to be easily to hop on and hop off, but for me, this seems to be a life task which wont be fulfilled, ever. it depresses me and for the longest time i thought i might be able to fix it myself. now i got the confirmation, through the internet, that i am a nut job who needs a therapist.

i really dont know, if you can see negativity. this sounds very new to me.

i really feel happy around other people. once i am alone, i feel depressed and would love to kill myself, i love playing videogames (offline) to distract myself from loneliness, but i really hate it being alone. once i am alone, iam online, reading things, but just sitting there, with no music or no screen in front of me is unbearable. i really feel happy and safe around people, even strangers. just distraction in any way is good. and the better in know the people, the less i have to concentrate that this is superficial distraction.

how am i able to figure out, even if i say beforehand that i would love to know to do things better in the future and that other guys are there freaking out and getting frustrated about that? how can i improve if no one tells me what is wrong with me? is everyone seeing a therapist, just because dating is going wrong? why are girls not having these kind of problems? why are only dudes complaining about this topic online, or is it just my subjective perception?

-no, i am listening to you and i am considering seeing a therapist.

-iam in germany, the country who invented psychoanalysis, but i dont know anyone who got into one. i heard from some neighbours about this, but they talked about it in a very bad manner+ i think its a fairly taboo-ish topic to talk about this, i guess.

-iam not sure about seeing a therapist, i feel cramped and unsafe thinking about this. dont you get drugged and your personality changes and stuff? i think this takes several years, doesnt it?

thanks again for everyone who answered to my... questions.

there might be truth in that.

easier said than done. making new friends with 30? i dont even know where to start. i was last year in a boxing club, after three months there was a birthday party, i was the only one not being invited to that. i was friendly and chatty, but this was sort of... the reason why i stopped going to that. why was everyone invited except me? even the one guy who is radio silent was invited. i always answered in a friendly manner, never talked when i was not asked to... so well....

i havent figured out this. why are people around me, less gifted or less smart able to nail this one issue, and i am not???

iam not sure, but: everyone suggesting me getting therapy... i get it.


why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

am i the only one complaining about this?

i hear from friends like: grow a pair, man up and stuff like that, but deep down, i feel very hurt and very unsecure. thanks to the whole #metoo debate, i feel like, now everyone is watching me even more.

as i said:i came to this thread to seek help. i am not here to vent or to get attention. i only want help or suggestions how to improve my situation. as everyone suggested, i made an appointment at a therapist, i dont know when i will get into that and if that works, but since everyone says that i seem to be beyond repair and there might be something deep down, i think i have to pull the plug and go there.

i am very frightened, because i believe medications and drugs are making you different… it changes your personality… and that is why i really would love to fix it by my own. but it seems from my and the perspective of the internet unfixable.

thanks anyways for your suggestions and help. i'll let you know, if there was anything which was able to help me.

Jesus Christ bro.

You say you're not here to vent but uhhhhh, guess what honey. You're venting.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I got a yes and a no. Yes she really wants to do that date and it sounds amazing (her words) but she woke up today feeling sick and can't. Yesterday she did mention a few times that she wasn't feeling well but we kept going with the date anyways. Looks like hiking for a couple of hours in coldish weather made it worse. Whoops.

So we're doing a rain check on that. She says she wants to do that date and any date real soon and had a great time but needs to get better first.

It looks like we're in a good place but girls keep getting sick on me. The rain and cold weather probably isn't helping.


Oct 25, 2017
It's still flu season Beren and the flu was especially damn nasty this year. The weather has been especially crazy too, which can fuck with immune systems. Don't take it too personally! :)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Lol I know. There's that thread full of people talking about the flu. I just have an above average immune system I guess (my roommate seems to be the same). We're flirting via text and it's all good.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been taking a break from dating, but will soon crack and end up making new profiles. I never really know what to put in them, though.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Anybody got any two cents on Coffee Meets Bagel?

I feel like a dating app mood again but at the same time, Tinder just feels mind numbing hence why I deleted it a long time ago.

Also tried Bumble at some point back then but almost nothing ever happened on there from my experience, and whenever a date did happen, they became remarkably awkward.
Just wanted to update from this post

So, I've been kinda using this for a week now and uh has this bean format always been the way it is?

Because based on my experience so far, this feels like Star Wars Battlefront 2 of dating apps ie the app seems to revolve more around trying to get my money than anything.

I mean, obviously dating apps shouldn't be a rote activity anyway and it's not like I'm using it super frequently, but the one random suggestion per day just seems so limiting.


Oct 28, 2017
there might be truth in that.

Probably is.

easier said than done. making new friends with 30? i dont even know where to start. i was last year in a boxing club, after three months there was a birthday party, i was the only one not being invited to that. i was friendly and chatty, but this was sort of... the reason why i stopped going to that. why was everyone invited except me? even the one guy who is radio silent was invited. i always answered in a friendly manner, never talked when i was not asked to... so well....

As I've said, if you think you're doing everything right and you aren't getting results then maybe there are issues leaking out you can't see. Even so, sometimes things just don't work out. That's how it happens sometimes. You can't let one thing set you back from ever trying. Just continue to be social and let things happen naturally. Friend groups often take time to integrate into, you just gotta accept that it isn't always instantaneous.

i havent figured out this. why are people around me, less gifted or less smart able to nail this one issue, and i am not???

You keep bringing this up. One, you're not as amazing as you think you are and the people you are deeming lesser are not actually lesser. This is such a shitty attitude. Stop projecting it.

why are women always the ones pampered? always the ones getting invites?

always the ones complaining?

why is there a princess-snydrome, where a psycho/needy/helpless/poor woman is able to get a super nice gentleman( this happened to one of my friends) while i have never seen it the other way around? is it simply not existing? or is our society built upon this paradigm???

am i the only one complaining about this?

i hear from friends like: grow a pair, man up and stuff like that, but deep down, i feel very hurt and very unsecure. thanks to the whole #metoo debate, i feel like, now everyone is watching me even more.

People will rip you apart for this but frankly I can't even be bothered to address this. Dude, you can whine all you want about how everything is unfair but the world and all this shit is not going to change for you. You can either learn to play with the rules or you can continue to be mad things are not how you want them to be. Which one are you going to do? Do you want to be successful or do you want to be right?


Oct 25, 2017
For tinder, is it just better to ask a girl out with the first message or have at least a couple of exchanges first?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Hey I should probably ask out this girl I met at a party who I sort got along with ey


Sweet thanks datingera


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
For tinder, is it just better to ask a girl out with the first message or have at least a couple of exchanges first?

Depends. Usually a couple messages to prove that you're not going to randomly drop a dick pic on her, then ask her out.

Hey I should probably ask out this girl I met at a party who I sort got along with ey


Sweet thanks datingera

This isn't a question. Do you want to? Then yes. You do you.


Alt Account
Oct 25, 2017
I really dunno what to do with Tinder. I can't make better photos right now but it seems like my actual photos are good enough, and yet, no match, like almost no one for like 4 days straight. Only got one Yesterday but she ghosted me. Besides I'm on Tinder Gold so I know when people likes me but no like so far...

Obviously Tinder is not good for me, I need to meet with people for real but have almost no way to do it. Only thing I got is college but it's hard to date people in that context since people have other business. I feel like I'm on a dead end really.


Oct 28, 2017
I really dunno what to do with Tinder. I can't make better photos right now but it seems like my actual photos are good enough, and yet, no match, like almost no one for like 4 days straight. Only got one Yesterday but she ghosted me. Besides I'm on Tinder Gold so I know when people likes me but no like so far...

Obviously Tinder is not good for me, I need to meet with people for real but have almost no way to do it. Only thing I got is college but it's hard to date people in that context since people have other business. I feel like I'm on a dead end really.

You live in a big city or more small town. That plays a part.

Darth Vapor

Self Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Death Star
I've known this girl for about two years and have had a crush on her the entire time. I would have made a move at some point but she has exclusively dated women for years. A week ago she jumped on top of me and we fooled around for a bit. We have since been hanging out and hooking up every chance we get. I am falling for this girl hard. She is moving away at the end of April.

Hold me fam.

PS we are going to see Lorde and Run the Jewels tonight, I'm stoked!


Dec 20, 2017
So after months of dry balls, I now somehow have 2 tinder "dates" on the same day.

Life is strange.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
So yesterday I went to a musical festival with this girl who I'm just friends with and we got really drunk, but she was far more drunken than me. So, almost at the end of the festival she went right for it and kissed me and told me she liked me so much. I was kind of shocked but didn't pay much attention to it because she was drunk. Today, she didn't seem to remember anything lol so when I told her she was really embarrassed. But here's the thing, she also told me she did not regret doing it, that she actually regrets not remembering it. Well, that seems to light up all the sign that she is attracted to me. My question is, should I dismiss this as drunken behavior or actually think that she might have a thing for me?
Hello everyone, I wanted to give a little update to my story right here. So, we have gone to a couple of dates, things are going smoothly and, well, at least we finally kissed sober lol

She's a real fun girl and our dates have been a ride. The let's eat out and then we end up in a random place outside of town kind of date. We share a lot of interests too, which is a nice plus since it's hard to find people with my interests in this city.

I feel good since I've had a bumpy ride on dates for a while now, so yeah, I'm happy things are going well and calm right now.


Jan 6, 2018
I've known this girl for about two years and have had a crush on her the entire time. I would have made a move at some point but she has exclusively dated women for years. A week ago she jumped on top of me and we fooled around for a bit. We have since been hanging out and hooking up every chance we get. I am falling for this girl hard. She is moving away at the end of April.

Hold me fam.

PS we are going to see Lorde and Run the Jewels tonight, I'm stoked!

So man up. Ask her out and see about long distance or straight up moving with her. If you've known her for 2+ years you can skip some of the "getting to know you" phase since you already know each other.

Be bold. Let her know exactly how you feel.


Oct 25, 2017
I've known this girl for about two years and have had a crush on her the entire time. I would have made a move at some point but she has exclusively dated women for years. A week ago she jumped on top of me and we fooled around for a bit. We have since been hanging out and hooking up every chance we get. I am falling for this girl hard. She is moving away at the end of April.

Hold me fam.

PS we are going to see Lorde and Run the Jewels tonight, I'm stoked!
Run The Jewels?! Marry this girl lol. That's going to be amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
How is OkCupid nowadays? I'm thinking of going back to it. My pictures still suck though.


Oct 28, 2017
Got a tinder match with a cute girl. Sent her a simple 'hello' gif and she replied with another gif. Then I responded with yet another gif. And she went even further. It was a pretty funny conversation using only gifs.

But then I wanted to respond to her last gif and suddenly the conversation disappeared from my 'matches' tab.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How is OkCupid nowadays? I'm thinking of going back to it. My pictures still suck though.
This isn't a relevant question. It's always depended on several factors, such as who - and where - you are. Everyone's experience differs, but I can say this much: get better pictures.
Oct 25, 2017
Got a tinder match with a cute girl. Sent her a simple 'hello' gif and she replied with another gif. Then I responded with yet another gif. And she went even further. It was a pretty funny conversation using only gifs.

But then I wanted to respond to her last gif and suddenly the conversation disappeared from my 'matches' tab.

Oh, that's normal. You entertained her, gave her attention and then she moved on. Your gifs as you thought were building a connection, but not. Move on too.


Oct 25, 2017
How is OkCupid nowadays? I'm thinking of going back to it. My pictures still suck though.
I do really well on OKC, but terrible on, say, Bumble (though they each have their own issues - I think half the girls on Bumble aren't even actively using it).
But yeah, it all depends. I'm older, and I live in a heavily populated suburban area. If I were in the city and younger, I'm sure tinder would be better.


Oct 27, 2017
The reason I have such little experience in dating is that I was fat all my life with no confidence until lately. Lost 30kg
