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L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
This is why hate speech in the United States need to be expanded. White Nationalism is literally calling for the removal of PoC because spoiled white people feel threatened for the first time because equality means they can't rule over black and brown people anymore. Jaffe, you want some equality? Maybe listen to PoC and women about how shit they are continually treated instead of propping up some spoiled bitch babies scared of losing their privilege.

"Expanded" is a bit of a weird word in this case; hate speech isn't illegal in the U.S. by itself to begin with. Laws that attempt to make it illegal can be shot down based on the first amendment. If hate speech is penalized, it's because it's in the form of a specific threat.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who tries to push and defend the idea of universal, unfettered "free spech" is an absolute simpleton. That twitter thread in the OP has some really stupid shit from Jaffe.


Oct 25, 2017
Disagreeing is fine but posters here spew hundreds of comments calling Jaffe names. I just imagine what it would be like in someone else's shoes. We get it, he said something wrong but there isn't a need for multiple threads to just rip into the man like he doesn't have any feelings at all. Hot damn, any empathy in your body? Just calm down and disagree in a professional manner, is that so difficult?
You mean the thing Jaffe started doing before anyone else? Yeah people are going to call him names when he started it himself. News at 11


Oct 25, 2017
People like Jaffe aren't really interested in critical thinking as much as unique thinking. There is nothing critical about his argument, it's either a, taking a value, freedom of speech, far beyond its scope and meaning to people or b, an incomplete slippery slope.

If he wants to be a critical thinker he should either do research to see historically what has happened in events like Milo getting banned and construct reasoning why it would happen today/ read someone accredit who has done this and read their reasoning. Or construct a timeline of events that link together well enough and with reason.

But he doesn't do any of this, he seems to be like most YouTube skeptics/critical thinkers and think that having a different thought should be enough to be considered critical thinking and warrants the same merit, enough to be in discussion in how we handle present day issues. This type of thinking is absolutely silly and there would be no leap in logic to using the same argument that flat earthers have the same merit as scientists to debate how to handle Climate change.

And now he is upset that people responded with the same amount of thought that he put in.
Oct 25, 2017
This is literally the same for not listening to an musician or seeing a movie because of the composer/director political views.

There are people who will be okay with separating the art from the creator and there are people who are not. Don't try to bullshit into saying that people who won't stand for someone because of their political agenda is wrong.
I'm not saying it's wrong. But the people who separate the art from the creator are free to do that as well and shouldn't be criticized for it (within reason of course).


Oct 25, 2017
LOL can someone even point to when this forum does any of that? Do the mods have a secret site when they patch updates and this shit goes on where we don't know about it?
Era: "Are we the baddies?"
There were a couple instances of posters attempting to dox. Said posters were permabanned and the posts were deleted.


Nov 9, 2017
Event venues and websites have just as much of a first amendment right to not host Milo as he has a first amendment right to be a dumb fuck. He kind of misses the entire point of freedom of speech with the assumption that private organizations have an inherent obligation to cater to anyone who wants to speak there or use their services.


Oct 29, 2017
Even Breitbart booted Milo out ... fucking BREITBART. But nooooo, it's those mean lefty bullies who are destroying free speech by de-platforming him. LMAO.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Jaffe, let us really know how you feel.
Part of the problem with Era is a lot of people are so invested in the personal lives and political stances of industry/gaming press people, while others don't really give a shit. So you have people getting all mad because someone likes X creator/dev that offended them.

For example, take Colin Moriarty. I listened to this dude on the PS I Love You podcast and enjoyed his takes on games the most of the crew. Also thought he was super well spoken and brought a lot of interesting stuff to the podcast. I didn't and still don't give a fuck about his political views, not even enough to know what they are because that's not the content I'm looking for from Colin Moriarty.

Apparently that's not okay to some people. You have to be awre of and agree with a person's political/social views before you can enjoy their work/content.
...good for you? Whether or not you can ignore someone's political opinions is a choice that you make entirely for yourself. the problem here is that Jaffe thinks freedom of speech=freedom from any sort of negative critique or consequences and is now shellshocked that a racist, transphobic, pedophile defending douche is a sensitive topic.


Oct 31, 2017
After seeing the GIFs you can use in Drawn To Death, David Jaffe posting on any message board sounds like a nightmare.


Oct 25, 2017
Disagreeing is fine but posters here spew hundreds of comments calling Jaffe names. I just imagine what it would be like in someone else's shoes. We get it, he said something wrong but there isn't a need for multiple threads to just rip into the man like he doesn't have any feelings at all. Hot damn, any empathy in your body? Just calm down and disagree in a professional manner, is that so difficult?
A shit ton of people are tired of hearing that they should open their arms and ears to people that want them to die or get shipped out of the US. Pardon them for not wanting to hear one more person ride the fence of both-sides.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom

Boy, this is all i'm seeing now. I'm just feeling bad for Jaffe now reading his Twitter responses to comments

Its just sounding like Jaffe has been like out of the loop or something in what has been happening in gaming/news. Him chiming in now out of nowhere is not helping at all and just making it look bad on himself. lol


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying it's wrong. But the people who separate the art from the creator are free to do that as well and shouldn't be criticized for it (within reason of course).

probably because the people who "don't really give a shit" constantly insert themselves in the conversation and complain whenever those things are discussed.


Nov 22, 2017
Ya, you know I'm right.

No you're not. Jaffe is, and has long been, a clown. He's getting clowned on as clowns are wont to do. He's been getting this clowning for various reasons before he went to bat with a demonstrably literally false argument that white supremacist rat fuckers should be given a platform so... they'll go away.

Comparing the moderation of a damn video game forum to some sort of oppressive government is deeply pathetic. Don't do that.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying it's wrong. But the people who separate the art from the creator are free to do that as well and shouldn't be criticized for it (within reason of course).
Sure, you can still enjoy God of War (the PS2 ones) while still thinking that Jaffe is a dick. There's no problem with that and I think the majority of the forum agrees on this one. We are not discussing the God of War games though, we are discussing (more like dissing, with a reason) Jaffe political views.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Disagreeing is fine but posters here spew hundreds of comments calling Jaffe names. I just imagine what it would be like in someone else's shoes. We get it, he said something wrong but there isn't a need for multiple threads to just rip into the man like he doesn't have any feelings at all. Hot damn, any empathy in your body? Just calm down and disagree in a professional manner, is that so difficult?

Do you know even hear yourself?

We're just expressing our honest-to-god right free speech to call Jaffe mean names. After all, he's okay with Milo spreading hateful rhetoric. So it should be fair if we're hostile towards Jaffe for no reason, right? This MURICA after all!

Oh you're a year old account with only 60 posts defending a bigot. Never mind, I see where this is going.


Oct 29, 2017
This forum won't admit it, but there is definitely something to be said about the way arguments are handled around here. Even the mods strawman lol and anytime there is something remotely controversial people literally get by just using buzz words.

Although, Milo really isn't a hill to die on.
I mean I agree that ERA sucks at having actual nuanced conversations on anything more complicated than a Marvel movie... but that kind of goes for anywhere on the internet. The way forums and message boards are structured isnt really conductive for a back and forth argument.
Tangled Up in Blue
Oct 27, 2017
Gamergate was undoubtedly toxic, but I don't see why this site can't also be toxic albeit in a different way, but still toxic nevertheless. I'm a Black Person with Jewish family members that has been called a Nazi by people on this site multiple times for sticking up for Colin Moriarty or Tim Soret or now David Jaffe. If that isn't toxic to you, then I feel deeply sorry for you.

I know you're gone now, but I just wanted to say this:

At the height of Gamergate, Anita Sarkeesian had to flee her apartment because someone on Twitter threatened to rape and murder her, threatened to kill her parents, and then posted both hers and her parents' addresses. She has had to cancel speaking engagements due to threats, hire personal security when she travels, and has talked about how the entire ordeal has given her pretty debilitating anxiety.

When you say something as absurd as ResetEra is just as toxic as Gamergate, this is what you're comparing us to. Just for perspective.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
"Knee-jerked to hating..."

That basically describes 80% of the discussion on these forums.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a fucking alt account. I am a university student with a full time job, I don't post much. I ask people to be a bit nicer and every toxic person in this place calls me out for not posting every day like I don't have shit to do.
Maybe you are being honest I don't know, but it's super common here for trolls to use alt accounts with a super low post count that only seem to show up in threads like these to defend shitty views, so keep that in mind. Also it's not like posting takes more than a second, so I find it hard to believe there are that many people who regularly use this site for news but barely even comment to say things like they're excited for a piece of news.


Nov 15, 2017
I just listened to Jaffe's whole thing while shaving.

If I was talking to him I'd explain the reason hate speech needs to be deplatformed is because it has actual negative consequences and victims. Hate speech doesn't just exist in a vacuum. Not all people can listen to it and just walk away, look at what happened in Germany. It will attract people and there will be victims due to the individuals that feel empowered by this hate speech. this is why it must be resisted, contained, shut down, whatever. Humanity has many dark spots that can easily be exploited.

I'd also ask him why the fuck Twisted Metal on PS3 never got it's online fixed.

The Germany example is very good. In Germany nazi propaganda is banned by law. You go to jail if you defend it. There's no silly 'freedom of speech' debate around it. They know very well what can happen if you allow hate speech. Hell, the US fought in WW2 to end that nightmare. Why are we even discussing this? I just don't get it. It's like we're going back at not understanding what fascism is.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a fucking alt account. I am a university student with a full time job, I don't post much. I ask people to be a bit nicer and every toxic person in this place calls me out for not posting every day like I don't have shit to do.

the good news is that you have more time to focus on your school and work. best of luck to you in your future endeavors


Oct 25, 2017
I just listened to Jaffe's whole thing while shaving.

If I was talking to him I'd explain the reason hate speech needs to be deplatformed is because it has actual negative consequences and victims. Hate speech doesn't just exist in a vacuum. Not all people can listen to it and just walk away, look at what happened in Germany. It will attract people and there will be victims due to the individuals that feel empowered by this hate speech. this is why it must be resisted, contained, shut down, whatever. Humanity has many dark spots that can easily be exploited.

yeah I can totally agree with you here. And honestly, i wish all of era could express themselves just like you did. No need to offend jaffes carreer or anything like that.


Oct 26, 2017
Hey David, I posted that video. Glad to help.

First- I think that yes, Era posters were a bit too reactionary about his views on Milo, etc. The fact is, I held those views too back in the GAF days. I wasnt too popular about it either. The fact is, i DRASTICALLY changed my stance on it when Charlottesville happened. It was the moment that I realized it wasnt just talk anymore. That "marketplace of ideas" you preached about is great -on paper, but that same 'marketplace' also produced a product. A product of hatred, white supremacy, etc. You also stated "the better ideas win in this marketplace". Ok- just like you ask- "who decides what hate speech is?", I'll ask: who decides what "the better ideas" are? Nazis? Authoritarians? Because thats what the 'marketplace' gave us in 2016. A far-fight slide into looneyville where Nazis and Nationalist are coming out like they own the goddamn place.

Im pretty sure most of us agreed in tbat 'marketplace' in the first half of the 1900's thats Nazis are bad. Agressively. I travelled down the Youtube rabbit hole of these fuckwits a while back. All of them. The fact about them is simple. They're grifters plain and simple. They arent bringing a product to that marketplace. They wanna BE the marketplace. And theyve been exposed as thise things already.

The truth is, I agree with you. Fuck it, let em have their platform. Let them get their ideas out there. But with a caveat. Lets all agree that omce weve discovered their "ideas" are cancer, we do with them exactly what we do with said cancer. We fight it aggresively until it goes away, or it destroys us.

If that 'marketplace' always produced "the better ideas" Martin Luther King wouldnt have been deplatformed if you know what I mean. The civil rights era would have concluded with actual civil rights. The wouldnt be slipping into a fascist hellscape, government would function properly and climate change wouldnt even be a conversation. There would be a far lower number of poor and homeless, and we'd be a much happier society. But none of that is true. Because that "MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS" is flawed. Why? Because its filled wall to wall with shoddy salesman, and the marginalized people in that marketplace are goddamn sick of hearing ---IDEAS---.

But yes, I agree that folks throw around the term 'alt right' like its candy at the local parade. Its frustrating because 1)it diminishes the weight of the word, and 2)Its a word for Nazis. They created the word to try and make their shitty "ideas" to go mainstream. People using that work are playing into that scheme.

But overall, being about free speech is just fine. But society also has the freedom to show you the fucking door if you ideas are shit.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Part of the problem with Era is a lot of people are so invested in the personal lives and political stances of industry/gaming press people, while others don't really give a shit. So you have people getting all mad because someone likes X creator/dev that offended them.

For example, take Colin Moriarty. I listened to this dude on the PS I Love You podcast and enjoyed his takes on games the most of the crew. Also thought he was super well spoken and brought a lot of interesting stuff to the podcast. I didn't and still don't give a fuck about his political views, not even enough to know what they are because that's not the content I'm looking for from Colin Moriarty.

Apparently that's not okay to some people. You have to be awre of and agree with a person's political/social views before you can enjoy their work/content.
There's a difference between calling out someone for their views and only passively being aware (or unaware of it). If you like Jaffe's thoughts on gaming, ok, whatever. Others take issue with his political stance and whether there's any sort of influence on gaming as a whole or if it may color his opinions of things.

If you don't care about his political stances or something, then ok. But posting in a thread that's entirely about that is like being a Nintendo fan and posting in a thread about some game that's only on PS4/XB1 and the differences between it and going "i don't care, why on earth do you care?"


Nov 22, 2017
Even Breitbart booted Milo out ... fucking BREITBART. But nooooo, it's those mean lefty bullies who are destroying free speech by de-platforming him. LMAO.

Yeah, this is a point that is so bizarrely lost on so many. So much of the right-wing media complex is entirely based around the "trigger the libs" mantra. Milo goes farrrrr beyond that to the point that people on the freaking far right won't go to bat for him.


Dec 30, 2017
Jaffe is out there high fiving 1984 comments. So honestly I don't feel bad for him that people are making nazi comments. It's clear he doesn't want to engage in any reasonable manner so why should people respond to him in a reasonable manner.

Jaffe is also not some random ass internet poster and using a position of influence so There would naturally have a higher bar of posting for him. Your basically pulling a Fox News and both sides bullshit argument with "see see look at that sucky random person". Both sides are bad!
And if I was condoning his behavior n feeling bad for him you might have something resembling a point. But I haven't been, the opposite in fact.

I'm not putting equal blame on both sides I acknowledge jaffe is worse in this convo. I however it's short sighted, ignorant, and stupid to blindly act like he is even in the same league as Alex Jones. As there is a huge gap in scumbaggery between idiot and the double stuffed bigot shit barrel that is someone like Alex Jones.

I'm not going to capitulate to your stupid view where I have to be okay giving a license to dumb because you think so long as one side does something worse it absolved the other. Spare me the "both sidesing it meme", I mean fucking Christ instead of actually addressing my point your go to was "hur dur you are fox newsing it". Get a clue pls if this is how you are going to argue.


Oct 25, 2017
I continue to be bewildered by this current phase of Jaffe's career.

Also the whole free speech thing is soooo tired and played out by now. If you still don't get that it only applies to protection from action by the government then there's really no point discussing it.


Dec 4, 2018
It's clear the best way to go with these guys is call them out in their bullshit but also stop paying them attention at some point.


Oct 27, 2017
looks like he is too afraid to leave his echo chamber
Do you not consider Era an echo chamber? I identify with the politics of the forum, but even I get weirded out by how fast the hammer gets dropped on people who end up being considered the enemy way too easily. I know it's absolutely the right of a private forum, but it's liable to breed sanctimony and loss of perspective.


Oct 27, 2017
It isn't. At all. Free speech involves your right to not be censored by the government. The ability to kick someone off your private property because they broke your rules strongly resonates with "American values".

The ability to ban speech that's deemed racist or hateful by the Singaporean government is exactly what's happening here. Now Singapore is the safest country in the world and all that, but not everyone agrees with how they govern.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
I don't have a fucking alt account. I am a university student with a full time job, I don't post much. I ask people to be a bit nicer and every toxic person in this place calls me out for not posting every day like I don't have shit to do.

That's nice, so am I.

Anyway, it wasn't an unreasonable assumption to make considering every single thread that deals with a socially contentious topic (including this one) has people with extremely low post counts saying extremely suspect things. And guess what? The vast majority of times they end up being alt accounts (or troll accounts of people from other sites). If you're the exception here, well fair enough, but let's not act like its an uncommon occurrence.

And my second point in my last post still stands. Jaffe brought this on himself. Funnily enough, it seems like Jaffe is the one who doesn't have shit to do if he's going to try to start some feud with an internet video game message board. But hey, who am I to judge, right?


Oct 25, 2017
Resetera is very much governed like Singapore. I think this is very much a clash with the American values of free speech. I have no problem with how a person or community govern themselves, but it's totally disappointing when we judge someone and treat them as a bad person with just one comment of their entire live.

Is this a meme?
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