Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Let's Counter intolerance with intolerance. That's surely a good Solution.
And while we are at it, let's presume every strict religious dude is a dick.
How nice of you :)

Well, uh, yeah?



Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
maybe read the text? there's text in that image. I can photoshop churches and crucifixes instead of swastikas and torches, if that makes you more comfortable?
I've been reading every post in this thread and some has been helpful and some have not been helpful. I appreciate everyone's input but please try to stop the argument that's going on in here.


Oct 28, 2017
User Warned: Derogatory Language
maybe read the text? there's text in that image. I can photoshop churches and crucifixes instead of swastikas and torches, if that makes you more comfortable?

The comparison is idiotic and the text does not change it.

You are generalizing christianity as a whole disregarding the people who are not like that, are loving and caring people and do good work in the world.

But yeah every Christian is a fucktard.


Oct 26, 2017
United States
Christians say this every other week then one patron shot later it's wide-open Wednesday. If you choose to stay with her, I'm thinking it's one of three scenarios: 1) She's trying to push you into marriage or another stage of relationship 2) she's just trying to ease her way out of the relationship by making you break up with her 3) she's just saying it because, y'know, that's what the Bible said, but if you walk in wearing grey sweaptants things might change.

Deleted member 5549

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The comparison is idiotic and the text does not change it.

You are generalizing christianity as a whole disregarding the people who are not like that, are loving and caring people and do good work in the world.

But yeah every Christian is a fucktard.
winny posted that picture in regards to fighting intolerance with intolerance, not to compare christianity with nazism.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The comparison is idiotic and the text does not change it.

You are generalizing christianity as a whole disregarding the people who are not like that, are loving and caring people and do good work in the world.

But yeah every Christian is a fucktard.

You're the only person who ever used language like "fucktard".

I don't see how this challenges anything I said. This very thread is about a guy whose girlfriend has become more religious and doesn't want to have sex any more. The first reply to my post referred to a grandparent that danced in gay bars in their youth but, as they became more religious later in life, became opposed to homosexuality.

Religion breeds intolerance. Always has. The more religious you are, the more intolerant you are. This is pretty difficult to dispute considering how nasty orthodox folks usually are and how "religious freedom" is newspeak for homophobia and xenophobia and is used to protect such people when they do horrible things. Let's not even get into all the wars and shit started because of religion and religious differences.

Just 'cause religion itself is evil doesn't mean all religious people are, though. There are indeed loving and caring people who are also religious, but what does believing in God have to do with that? There are plenty of loving and caring people who aren't religious at all, so that's really down to the people themselves and not their beliefs. If anything I'd say they're loving and caring in spite of their beliefs, not because of them.

winny posted that picture in regards to fighting intolerance with intolerance, not to compare christianity with nazism.

Also this. You did complain about fighting intolerance with intolerance, after all.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
So I have been dating my current girlfriend for around a year. From the beginning we both knew that I wasnt religious and that she was Christian. But from the beginning she also mentioned that she has no issue being with someone who doesnt share every same opinion on spirituality. I wouldn't say i am a religious person in any way, I've always just thought "meh, maybe something greater is out there but I'm not going to pursue it. The problems that arise in my life can be solved by analyzing why they exist and working on making logical steps to solving them". Today while she was at church I guess her pastor gave a lecture on how one must "stay pure" and that the only way for jesus to love them wholly is to abstain from sex until marriage. It struck a chord in my girlfriend and she called me and told me that she is no longer going to have sex until marriage.

Soooo as i stated, we've been dating for around a year. And we have had sex regularly during the entire relationship. Religion has never caused any issues or divides in our relationship yet but she is very serious about this now and essentially its either;
a. We continue to date but no longer have sex
B. We break up

Of all of my numerous relationships, I have never felt such a strong foundation built on love and trust as I have with this one. I feel fairly strongly that I could end up marrying her in the future, but due to us both doing graduate school, i highly doubt we would be married within the next couple of years.

I've always believed sexual intimacy to be an important part in a relationship. I dont see sex as just a lustful act, i see it as a pure connection to another person on a highly emotional and physical level. So im contemplating our future. I adore this woman, and am open to supporting her wishes, but it feels like such a step backwards in our relationship after we've already been sexually active for a long time. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Is it do-able in the long run?

decide if it's worth waiting till you get married otherwise breakup

In any event, I do feel for you in this Indian giver kind of situation, it really isn't fair
Oct 27, 2017
If you are serious about her than giving it a few months to see how things pan out is reasonable. I suppose the no intimacy rule includes most things, like kissing, holding hand, cuddling etc?


Oct 27, 2017
Well, one thing to consider if you move forward in the relationship, how will you both approach religion – especially when it comes down to raising kids – or if her beliefs get stronger down the line. We had neighbors who were causal friends of ours split who were in a similar situation, her church got a new pastor and she basically told her husband either he go to church or they are done – he ended up leaving her.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
We can kiss, hold hands, cuddle, and still share the same bed. We just can't really do anything sexual.
That's good at least.
While it's possible that she changes her mind, you should be ready to accept that this is all you are going to get till marriage.
More importnaly, she shouldn't keep important that like that from you in the future. It's still her choices of course, but at least you would have had a chance to talkto her before hand and menally prepare.
I wish you both the best, regardless of your choice. I know I would do a lot more for my gf if nessary, but it's your life
The word religion is a broad brush but you can't deny that there are some faiths where intolerance is quite literally part of the program, top down.
That was kind of my point.
As for your second point, basically all religions can be praticed peacefuly and I think reforming is much more feasible then trying to get rid of them.


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
Im nervous as shit right now. I thought things were going well after i told her I'd work with her and agree to avoid sex. I hadnt heard from her all day and she wasn't answering my texts or snapchats. A few minutes ago i got a text "i have a lot on my mind and we need to talk after work". I responded by asking if she wanted me to drive over to see her after work and she said "no. Please don't"

I don't know whats going on anymore, between this and my graduate projects this week has been one of the most stressful of my life.

Deleted member 12028

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sorry to hear man as you really seem to love her, but honestly seems to me this would be better in the long run. I think if you break us you are probably dodging a major bullet down the line.

Good luck man


Oct 27, 2017
Im nervous as shit right now. I thought things were going well after i told her I'd work with her and agree to avoid sex. I hadnt heard from her all day and she wasn't answering my texts or snapchats. A few minutes ago i got a text "i have a lot on my mind and we need to talk after work". I responded by asking if she wanted me to drive over to see her after work and she said "no. Please don't"

I don't know whats going on anymore, between this and my graduate projects this week has been one of the most stressful of my life.

The abrupt end to sex should have been your first warning.

Since she wants to talk after work wait for her to reach out. Back off and focus on your projects.


Oct 25, 2017
Im nervous as shit right now. I thought things were going well after i told her I'd work with her and agree to avoid sex. I hadnt heard from her all day and she wasn't answering my texts or snapchats. A few minutes ago i got a text "i have a lot on my mind and we need to talk after work". I responded by asking if she wanted me to drive over to see her after work and she said "no. Please don't"

I don't know whats going on anymore, between this and my graduate projects this week has been one of the most stressful of my life.

I've never understood the "let's talk sometime later, but for now just worry" thing.

Just hold on to that thought until such time that you CAN talk or it's needlessly cruel.


Oct 25, 2017
Im nervous as shit right now. I thought things were going well after i told her I'd work with her and agree to avoid sex. I hadnt heard from her all day and she wasn't answering my texts or snapchats. A few minutes ago i got a text "i have a lot on my mind and we need to talk after work". I responded by asking if she wanted me to drive over to see her after work and she said "no. Please don't"

I don't know whats going on anymore, between this and my graduate projects this week has been one of the most stressful of my life.
This now reads to me like she actually wants to break up, and hoped by making that ultimatum it would cause you to break up with her rather than the other way around. But now she is being forced to do it since you "called her bluff".


Oct 30, 2017
This now reads to me like she actually wants to break up, and hoped by making that ultimatum it would cause you to break up with her rather than the other way around. But now she is being forced to do it since you "called her bluff".

this is getting interesting

and seriously fuck any religious text that try to coerce people with the threat of eternal hellfire if they don't follow the opinions of 2000 year old shit sweepers


Oct 25, 2017
This is probably the talk where she says the sex was just the tip of the iceberg and it's revealed to her how complicated it'll be going forward with differing religious beliefs.

And that may or may not be the actual underlying reason for her actions.


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
She didnt even say why. "Look I don't need to explain myself. This is what I want , and being alone will make me happy. I don't want to come see you and please don't come here. I tried to do it over the phone "


Oct 30, 2017
jesus OP thats rough

im starting to think cutting off sex was an attempt to get you to break up with her

could she be doing this because she thinks there are religious incompatibilities now?

its frustrating to know we might not ever hear her side of it because i want the details now more than ever
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Nov 13, 2017
That sucks to hear, OP, but it is probably for the best. Plenty of fish in the sea.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to hear OP. Her not offering any sort of explanation is particularly rough.

I guess if you are able to disregard the other person's well being then you don't need to explain yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry OP, sounds like she's been wanting to break up :(

It may be tough now but ultimately I think you'll look back and see that you dodged a bullet - cutting off sex and breaking up over text are not the actions of an emotionally mature person


Oct 27, 2017
You don't want to be with someone that ends it like this OP. Sorry for the breakup.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hit the lawyer, hire a gym.

But seriously though. That's super rough op. All I can say is to concentrate on getting your graduate shit done and try the best to process things gradually as to not impact your studies now. I say from experience.


Nov 15, 2017
As shitty as it sounds, be thankful it happened now and not several months from now where you likely would have frustrated/bored due to the lack of intimacy, but compelled to keep things going because you want her to be the one.

Regardless though, i'm sorry mate. Breakup's always suck, but life has a way of surprising you if you continue to be open to meeting new people and taking on new experiences. You'll meet the one who's the right fit for you when you least expect it, but until then - keep working on yourself.
Oct 27, 2017
Jesus, a text break-up.

And zero explanation other than a "I don't need to explain myself to you..." message? Awful. You gave her a year of your life, and you clearly thought she was the one. I think as a decent human being she DOES owe you an explanation.

Hang in there OP. It hurts now, but you clearly dodged a bullet.
This now reads to me like she actually wants to break up, and hoped by making that ultimatum it would cause you to break up with her rather than the other way around. But now she is being forced to do it since you "called her bluff".
This was so on the money.

Fucking wack that it had to end this way. I'm sorry OP.


Oct 27, 2017
OP I'm sorry bro

But I think you will look back one day and be glad this happened

She did not treat you well at all and tried to unilaterally force abstinence on you a year in, and now she does not even have the basic respect to hear you out after dumping you

You deserve way better. Block her on everything


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, that's fucking bullshit. Sorry that happened to you, OP.

Breaking up over text and avoiding an explanation after you tried so hard to respect her views is such bullshit. You deserve better than that.


Dec 17, 2018
She didnt even say why. "Look I don't need to explain myself. This is what I want , and being alone will make me happy. I don't want to come see you and please don't come here. I tried to do it over the phone "

You'll be ok OP! I still think you've been doing everything right, if that's any consolation. Breakups suck a lot, but you seem like a good person and I'm sure you'll get through it.


Oct 25, 2017
She just broke up over text. Im having a breakdown. She wont see me
She didnt even say why. "Look I don't need to explain myself. This is what I want , and being alone will make me happy. I don't want to come see you and please don't come here. I tried to do it over the phone "
You seem like a really nice dude. I'm so so sorry that this happened. You didn't deserve to be treat like that at all.

I mean this gif sincerely.


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
I appreciate everyone in here a lot right now. I dont really have many people to take to in person since i just moved down here in september. So it means a lot.

Im just so lost right now. She wouldnt even see me in person to try and talk. She told me that she doesnt need to explain why shes breaking up with me and that makes me feel like lower than I've ever felt. How can you do that to someone and not have the respect or heart to at least explain why or in person? This is not how I saw this going. Even this morning she texted and said how excited she was to see me tomorrow. 5 hours later i got the breakup text.


Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate everyone in here a lot right now. I dont really have many people to take to in person since i just moved down here in september. So it means a lot.

Im just so lost right now. She wouldnt even see me in person to try and talk. She told me that she doesnt need to explain why shes breaking up with me and that makes me feel like lower than I've ever felt. How can you do that to someone and not have the respect or heart to at least explain why or in person? This is not how I saw this going. Even this morning she texted and said how excited she was to see me tomorrow. 5 hours later i got the breakup text.

As painful as it is, you need to find comfort in the FACT that you're far better off dodging this bullet now. These things aren't right man. There's some human decency being skipped here.
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Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
you dodged a crazy bullet OP.
Can't believe I agree with Subpar, but it's true.

You dated this girl for over a year, and she 1. breaks up with you via text, 2. doesn't give you an explanation, and 3. possibly lied to you about the whole no-sex rule to force you to break up with her.

It is extremely shitty, and you are better off without her. I know you feel like shit right now and would like an explanation for closure, but she's not budging right now. There's nothing you can do except let go. Maybe you can contact her in a month to ask for an explanation, and making sure you mention that you need it for closure, but don't tell yourself that it's going to happen.

I'm sorry, TC.

edit: like, just to make it clear, "breaking up" via text is something that's only acceptable when you've had like, five dates or less. After one year, you are in a real relationship, and you 100% owe your partner a reason for breaking up with them.


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
Can't believe I agree with Subpar, but it's true.

You dated this girl for over a year, and she 1. breaks up with you via text, 2. doesn't give you an explanation, and 3. possibly lied to you about the whole no-sex rule to force you to break up with her.

It is extremely shitty, and you are better off without her. I know you feel like shit right now and would like an explanation for closure, but she's not budging right now. There's nothing you can do except let go. Maybe you can contact her in a month to ask for an explanation, and making sure you mention that you need it for closure, but don't tell yourself that it's going to happen.

I'm sorry, TC.

Thank you. I just wish shit worked differently. I know im not very old (almost 26) but ive been in a few relationships (4). It never gets and easier and every time I feel like I lose a piece of myself. One od my biggest flaws is being to emotionally driven.

I appreciate everyone's support, if anyone wants to play any xbox with me sometime, my gamertag is Toler Supreme. Sorry for this rollercoaster of a thread.


Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate everyone in here a lot right now. I dont really have many people to take to in person since i just moved down here in september. So it means a lot.

Im just so lost right now. She wouldnt even see me in person to try and talk. She told me that she doesnt need to explain why shes breaking up with me and that makes me feel like lower than I've ever felt. How can you do that to someone and not have the respect or heart to at least explain why or in person? This is not how I saw this going. Even this morning she texted and said how excited she was to see me tomorrow. 5 hours later i got the breakup text.

This person did you a massive favor and you will have the life experience to understand that in 5 or 10 years time. For now, it will hurt. But frame it as a positive; now you can go on to find someone who truly appreciates you and that you can have an even better bond with. All of the stress from this crazy ass situation is now over and done with, and you can start a new chapter in your life. That's exciting.

Every relationship you learn a bit more about yourself, what you want in a partner, and how to handle things. It might feel bad but you leveled up.