
Oct 25, 2017
So I just reached the 2 hour mark and I have had my game crash on me twice in the same exact location. And it's the only place I can really go...

Fucking christ man...


Oct 25, 2017
This is exactly what's stopping me from carrying on with this fun game

Yep I'm done until this is fixed. It's impossible to stomach - partly because it's like, how is this sort of thing acceptable in 2021 when releasing a game on PC, and partly because it's obnoxious "feeling" what the game is like when it's running smooth, and then that being ripped away from you every time you move your mouse (which is all the time).

Come on man.

Is anyone on PC not having this happen to them, or is it just a case of some people are more tolerant of it than others?


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else constantly crash in the same location in The Complex?

The crash was bad enough that I had to learn how to close a program in Task Manager without a mouse cursor.


May 9, 2019
At this point I just want to play without it crashing my game or PC. Don't care if its at 30fps
Being a DX12 game, ensuring windows is up to date can be very important. Are you on the newest build? And I doubt it needs to be said, but for posterity, make sure graphics drivers are up to date.

You could also check event viewer and see what specifically is causing the crash.


Jan 2, 2018
Fuck it, I'm diving in regardless. I really want to play this game and I only have two days off. If I can't get it to run well I'll just keep it on hold until it's patched. I also do not mind playing a game like this with a gamepad and I just bought a new one.

If there are consistent issues with every game, it could be a system issue that needs resolving. Some kind of conflict in hardware, or software running in the background, etc... I know it is annoying, but it really might be worth trying to do some kind of deep dive troubleshooting if this is happening so much.

Not saying games like this aren't to blame, btw, it's absolutely true that some games have issues that are not the fault of your system. From what you have said though, unless you were super unlucky to play a lot of these games in a row it could be something to do with your system too.

Tbh I have been troubleshooting for the last year Without success. I'm pretty sure it's software as plenty of my games do run well eg crysis remastered, doom eternal, dirt rally 2, fallout, dishonoured 2, metro exodus all run super smooth. There are just quite a few games that also are a real pain. Like no mans sky and assassins creed that I can't get to run smooth for love nor money.

Part of me wonders if the free sync monitor is the issue I.e. gsync compatibility is not quite as good as it could be?

Puts me off buying new games esp at full price. I don't mind taking a pop at 5 pounds or something but not 40.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Yep I'm done until this is fixed. It's impossible to stomach - partly because it's like, how is this sort of thing acceptable in 2021 when releasing a game on PC, and partly because it's obnoxious "feeling" what the game is like when it's running smooth, and then that being ripped away from you every time you move your mouse (which is all the time).

Come on man.

Is anyone on PC not having this happen to them, or is it just a case of some people are more tolerant of it than others?

I actually don't know, as someone who so far hasn't seen any significant issues. I'm going to try on through The Complex tonight just to see if performance gets worse, but I haven't seen any mouse issues so far and I can't tell if I'm just very tolerant or if there really is no jitter issue on my system.

EDIT: Spent about a half hour around the start of The Complex. No major issues, though I did see a bit of stuttering (easy to spot from the frametime graph spiking, but only seems to happen every few seconds at most) and the framerate wasn't as steady as it was earlier, especially when I turned on some of the raytracing options (ambient occlusion and sun shadows). Still, I was getting well above 60fps at nearly all times, probably averaging around 90.

In terms of mouse movement, it seemed fine to me; I could easily track across the screen and make consistent headshots with the mouse without experiencing any sort of stutter or other performance issues. Mouse movement seemed to map to turning the camera consistently, with no jumps or changes in rate of rotation either. The only thing I noticed, and I had to pay pretty close attention to try and describe it, is a vague sense of roughness maybe? Like the mouse input wasn't being smoothed, but I don't want mouse smoothing anyways so that's perfectly fine to me.

I took note of all my settings in case it helps. The only thing I can think of is that I don't use the AMD FSR stuff at all, which seems to also turn off/grey out a bunch of other settings (which might be why, despite having Vsync turned on, my framerate isn't limiting to 60fps?).

RTX 3080 10GB (Nvidia drivers 471.96)
Ryzen 3700x
32GB DDR4-3600 RAM (I think I'm running slightly underclocked though)
Lenovo Y27q-20 (2560x1440, Gsync, 165Hz max refresh)

Display mode: Borderless fullscreen
FOV: 90
Nvidia Reflex: Off
Low latency: Off
V-Sync: On
Upscaling: Off
These options all showed up as greyed out. When I changed the Upscaling setting to the AMD Fidelity stuff, they ungreyed themselves, so I assume all of these are disabled when Upscaling is off, but just in case they still have an effect:

AMD FSR Mode: Adaptive Resolution
Adaptive Resolution: VSync Based
Adaptive Resolution FPS Target: 60
Adaptive Resolution Mode: Quality
FPS Limiter: 60

Texture Details: Very High
Model Details: Very High
Shadow Details: Very High
Water Details: Very High
Terrain Details: Very High
Decal Details: Very High
Ambient Occlusion: FidelityFX CACAO Quality (later changed to Raytracing)
Sun Shadows: Simple (later changed to Raytracing)
Post-Process Anti-Aliasing: Temporal
TXAA Sharpness: 5
Sharpness Post Process: Standard
Camera Motion Blur: High (later changed to Off, then Low)
Bloom: Yes
Depth of Field: Yes
Lens Flare: Yes
Light Shafts: Yes
Last edited:


Feb 8, 2020
First area in the game was running smooth as butter, 120 FPS all good on my 3080. I've now got to the first main area and my performance is a mess :(

FPS flip flopping between 60 and 90 ish and just not smooth at all. Even if I try to lock at 60.

I guess I better trawl through the thread for tips...

My exact experience.

Entered the Complex and my FPS tanked hard. To almost unplayable levels (high 40s). My gpu was screaming.

The initial areas were a locked 60fps with 60-70% gpu usage.

Something just ain't right with the game


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
Some real RE8 syndrome with this one for me. Things run fairly well on my PC with Medium settings, but I get occasional freezes for a few seconds as I approach enemies. I'm assuming it's related to Denuvo here since we eventually found that was the case with RE8, right?

Things are otherwise acceptable, but I imagine it could be optimized more. I think Arkane has a habit of putting out rough PC ports at launch by this point, but I thought Deathloop might be the exception given the delays. It's not so bad that I'll stop playing or anything, but it's a bit of a bummer that I would probably have had a better experience if I played around Christmas or something.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah I'm putting this game down until they fix the performance issues, the AMD Upscaling works but it just looks ugly and blurry as a result, even at high quality.


Oct 27, 2017
chrominance thanks for the detailed settings post, much appreciated. Also looking at your specs (incl monitor and ram speed) and I'd like you to exit my home please and get off my pc when i'm not there


Oct 27, 2017
Some real RE8 syndrome with this one for me. Things run fairly well on my PC with Medium settings, but I get occasional freezes for a few seconds as I approach enemies. I'm assuming it's related to Denuvo here since we eventually found that was the case with RE8, right?

Things are otherwise acceptable, but I imagine it could be optimized more. I think Arkane has a habit of putting out rough PC ports at launch by this point, but I thought Deathloop might be the exception given the delays. It's not so bad that I'll stop playing or anything, but it's a bit of a bummer that I would probably have had a better experience if I played around Christmas or something.
I have been very anti-Denuvo on this site, based on the performance issues that I've measured in games like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Though it may have a performance impact here, I don't believe it's the primary cause of most people's issues.
Even if they removed it tomorrow, it wouldn't fix either of these problems:
  • Mouse inputs never look smooth.
  • Frame rates in-between 60 and 120 FPS don't look smooth either; whether using VRR or fixed refresh, a mouse or a gamepad. This is more of an engine timing/player movement thing than performance, and is still an issue in Dishonored 2 even though they removed Denuvo a long time ago. You can have a perfect frame-time graph but the movement won't look smooth.
The performance is not great either, with the dynamic resolution pushing things much lower than I'd expect on a 3060 Ti; but that's just the game/engine being demanding rather than anything caused by Denuvo.
Denuvo most commonly impacts things like loading times and your 1% frame-times - so it could be linked to some of the minor stutters that I've seen during world traversal.

I suspect the reason that some people are saying the mouse input is not an issue for them is because they are used to low-resolution mice (or limiting their mouse to low resolutions).
Here's a comparison of that in CS:GO, for example:

The only thing that changed above is the mouse resolution and sensitivity setting. Frame rate is exactly the same.
Rather than 400 CPI with 3 sensitivity, you might use 12,000 CPI with 0.1 sensitivity.
The turning rate is the same, but the movement is much smoother. And recent testing by Optimum Tech on YouTube has shown that higher resolutions may be faster to respond, too.

But Deathloop is much worse than this example - though it does also lack the necessary sensitivity options to support high resolution mice.

Dishonored 2's frame pacing / judder issues were never fixed, correct?
It's the same as Deathloop, where 60/120 are smooth if your system can hold that consistently, but nothing in-between is - whether you're using VRR or not.
Deathloop seems to also be smooth at 30 FPS using half refresh (60Hz) or quarter refresh (120Hz) v-sync, or 40 FPS using 1/3 refresh v-sync (120Hz) while I think Dishonored 2 was only ever smooth at multiples of 60.
Originally though, Dishonored 2 was never smooth - even at 60/120 FPS. That was only fixed in the final patch.

The mouse aiming issue in Deathloop seems to be something new.


Oct 25, 2017
Found out the crash thing and found a way around it.

When you go to The Complex the first time, there is a part where you can use a wheel to get an alarmed item. However, if you take this (or set it off) and then try to leave out the front door, it will straight up freeze crash.


Dec 19, 2019
The animation issue on the mouse isn't the only problem with the camera. Even using a controller, this has got to be one of the worst first person cameras in recent memory. Arkane needs to provide additional acceleration curves, cause the one they're using feels exponential, maybe even cubic. Changing the sensitivity barely adjusts the turn speed at all, except at wide stick angles, so the camera is simultaneously too slow and too fast to turn. I don't know how this isn't a bigger for both players and reviewers, it feels awful to move the camera.


Oct 25, 2017
Yo any work arounds for the trinket crashes? Will I just have to be paranoid to open that menu all game?! Can't equip or upgrade guns in the load-out screen without a full on a crash! Hitting that 12 hour mark having a great time but I feel like even after infusion, I'm missing some fun upgrades!


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I suspect the reason that some people are saying the mouse input is not an issue for them is because they are used to low-resolution mice (or limiting their mouse to low resolutions).

This might explain why I think it's fine; I tend to set my mouse to very high sensitivity (small mouse movement = large in-game movement). I've been doing this for decades, so I'm pretty used to the low-resolution feel. I figured this probably wouldn't be a contributing factor here because I didn't do anything special to mouse settings in this game versus other games, but in the Logitech settings for my mouse I have four DPI settings and I usually sit at the highest setting, 6400 DPI.


Nov 1, 2017
is is possible to max out all the graphics settings including ray-tracing at 1440p and get 60+ fps with an RTX 3080?


May 9, 2019
I didn't bring this up because it was pretty inconsequential compared to the other issues, but is camera motion blur broken for everyone? Per object seems to work, but the camera motion blur as found on PS5 appears totally absent on PC.


Oct 27, 2017
The animation issue on the mouse isn't the only problem with the camera. Even using a controller, this has got to be one of the worst first person cameras in recent memory. Arkane needs to provide additional acceleration curves, cause the one they're using feels exponential, maybe even cubic. Changing the sensitivity barely adjusts the turn speed at all, except at wide stick angles, so the camera is simultaneously too slow and too fast to turn. I don't know how this isn't a bigger for both players and reviewers, it feels awful to move the camera.

Ya if the controller on PS5 feels anywhere near as horrible as it does on PC then I cant imagine playing this game on a console.

Also why are load times so freaking long.


May 9, 2019
I suspect the reason that some people are saying the mouse input is not an issue for them is because they are used to low-resolution mice (or limiting their mouse to low resolutions).
Here's a comparison of that in CS:GO, for example:

The only thing that changed above is the mouse resolution and sensitivity setting. Frame rate is exactly the same.
Rather than 400 CPI with 3 sensitivity, you might use 12,000 CPI with 0.1 sensitivity.
The turning rate is the same, but the movement is much smoother. And recent testing by Optimum Tech on YouTube has shown that higher resolutions may be faster to respond, too.
You know, I always assumed this to be the case, but the many years of seeing everyone collectively shout that it didn't matter made me think it wouldn't be so measurable, so I never really looked into it. Thanks for posting this (though I typically play at 1200 dpi anyway, so at least I'm not doing the 400 dpi meme).


Oct 27, 2017
This might explain why I think it's fine; I tend to set my mouse to very high sensitivity (small mouse movement = large in-game movement). I've been doing this for decades, so I'm pretty used to the low-resolution feel. I figured this probably wouldn't be a contributing factor here because I didn't do anything special to mouse settings in this game versus other games, but in the Logitech settings for my mouse I have four DPI settings and I usually sit at the highest setting, 6400 DPI.
That explains it.
I think people that use high sensitivity, or low resolutions, are used to "snapping" their view rather than smooth turning (which is perfectly valid).
I use a combination of high resolution and low sensitivity because I prefer smooth camera movement instead of 'snappy' movement.

In Deathloop, the highest I can use is 1800 CPI, with sensitivity set to 0 in-game (and +100 ADS).
But that doesn't turn the view smoothly, it still judders when I circle-strafe a target for example.

To use 12,000 CPI - and that's not even the highest resolution mouse, just a basic G305 - would require significantly lower sensitivity setting. I really prefer it when games let you enter decimal sensitivity values (or fractional).
Another general issue with many games which can support decimal sensitivity values though, is that they lack any kind of option for scaling the cursor speed. So even if 12,000 CPI is usable in-game, it's a nightmare in menus/inventory.

You know, I always assumed this to be the case, but the many years of seeing everyone collectively shout that it didn't matter made me think it wouldn't be so measurable, so I never really looked into it. Thanks for posting this (though I typically play at 1200 dpi anyway, so at least I'm not doing the 400 dpi meme).
It does depend on the game and settings you use, but yeah, it can make a noticeable difference to smoothness. Polling rate is another factor as well.
I don't see the point of high frame rates if the camera isn't smooth; but Deathloop is particularly bad. It's a general issue with how it handles mouse input, rather than only affecting low resolution mice.

The animation issue on the mouse isn't the only problem with the camera. Even using a controller, this has got to be one of the worst first person cameras in recent memory. Arkane needs to provide additional acceleration curves, cause the one they're using feels exponential, maybe even cubic. Changing the sensitivity barely adjusts the turn speed at all, except at wide stick angles, so the camera is simultaneously too slow and too fast to turn. I don't know how this isn't a bigger for both players and reviewers, it feels awful to move the camera.
Oh yeah, it's horrible.
Gamepads may have smooth camera movement, but the sensitivity/acceleration is horrendous. I could never play it like this.

Also why are load times so freaking long.
The main reason is that loading times are tied to frame rate.
I posted a table with some results a few pages back (incomplete, because I didn't think to start measuring it until I had already tested a few).
Frame RateSyncResultLoading Time
25 FPSV-Sync (100Hz, 1/4 Refresh)Judder02:30
33 FPSV-Sync (100Hz, 1/3 Refresh)Judder02:05
50 FPSV-Sync (100Hz, 1/2 Refresh)Judder01:35
100 FPSV-Sync (100Hz, NVIDIA)Judder01:05
30 FPSV-Sync (120Hz, 1/4 Refresh)Smooth
40 FPSV-Sync (120Hz, 1/3 Refresh)Smooth01:55
60 FPSV-Sync (120Hz, 1/2 Refresh)Smooth
120 FPSV-Sync (120Hz, NVIDIA)Smooth
30 FPSG-SyncJudder00:35
45 FPSG-SyncJudder00:35
60 FPSG-SyncSmooth00:35
75 FPSG-SyncJudder00:35
90 FPSG-SyncJudder00:35
105 FPSG-SyncJudder00:35
120 FPSG-SyncSmooth00:35
The reason G-Sync has the fastest loading is because I am not using any external tools to limit the frame rate (v-sync, or a limiter).
If you use the in-game v-sync or frame rate limiter, rather than forcing it via an external tool, load times should drop to the same level because the game disables them on the loading screens - so they can run at several-hundred FPS (400+ here).
I suspect that they'd be even shorter without Denuvo though. It has a tendency to slow things down.
Last edited:


Nov 23, 2017
Reading the framerate actually gets worse further in makes me not able to play this.

I find it smooth at 120 fps, but even quite turned down its hard to maintain with my 2080, and even a frame dropped equals massive stutter. At 60 fps capped via RTSS I still have stutters, and my frametime graph looks awful, so it's definitely that. Others seem to manage this fine.. I am running 120hz but also tried 60hz and it was similar. I thought I was just unused to 60 fps/hz but no, graph looks awful, it's frametime issues again. Any tips?


Oct 25, 2017
So seems to be running pretty good for me fps wise, about to go into the 3rd "real" area of the game. Followed the optimized settings and all the tips regarding VRR displays. Seems to be running solidly at a capped 60 on a RTX2070 and a 9600K at 1080p with no stutter other than the rare dropped frame here or there.

Mouse judder is present as others have described so using a controller right now and who knows if crashing/performance will get worse, but game is perfectly playable for me personally which I'm happy about.

Will say game is using 88% of my VRAM (8GB) according to the Xbox overlay (however accurate that is) which is definitely the highest I've seen in a game yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Why would load times be tied to framerate?
That's insane and makes no sense to me.
I've no idea, but it's not the only game to do it.
Off the top of my head, Control is another game which had the same problem.

Reading the framerate actually gets worse further in makes me not able to play this.
I find it smooth at 120 fps, but even quite turned down its hard to maintain with my 2080, and even a frame dropped equals massive stutter. At 60 fps capped via RTSS I still have stutters, and my frametime graph looks awful, so it's definitely that. Others seem to manage this fine.. I am running 120hz but also tried 60hz and it was similar. I thought I was just unused to 60 fps/hz but no, graph looks awful, it's frametime issues again. Any tips?
  • If it's a fixed 120Hz display, disable any frame rate limiters, and set v-sync in the game to "Half (60Hz)". Do not enable the reflex or low latency options. Enable the resolution scaler in performance mode, with the target set to "Manual" at 60 FPS.
  • If it's a 120Hz G-Sync/VRR display, disable the in-game v-sync and set the game's frame rate limiter to 60 FPS. Do not enable the reflex or low latency options. Enable the resolution scaler in performance mode, with the target set to "Manual" at 60 FPS.
You might also want to set power management mode to "maximum performance" in the game's profile, in the NVIDIA Control Panel.
I don't generally recommend that, but as you say: even a single dropped frame stutters noticeably.

The Reflex boost mode setting in the game should do the same thing, but I'm not sure if having Reflex enabled does other things as well, which may interfere with trying to get smooth performance.
I haven't been able to get the game running 100% smoothly here, though. Even with the resolution scaler set to performance mode, I still get the occasional dropped frame/stutter.


Oct 27, 2017
I've no idea, but it's not the only game to do it.
Off the top of my head, Control is another game which had the same problem.

  • If it's a fixed 120Hz display, disable any frame rate limiters, and set v-sync in the game to "Half (60Hz)". Do not enable the reflex or low latency options. Enable the resolution scaler in performance mode, with the target set to "Manual" at 60 FPS.
  • If it's a 120Hz G-Sync/VRR display, disable the in-game v-sync and set the game's frame rate limiter to 60 FPS. Do not enable the reflex or low latency options. Enable the resolution scaler in performance mode, with the target set to "Manual" at 60 FPS.
You might also want to set power management mode to "maximum performance" in the game's profile, in the NVIDIA Control Panel.
I don't generally recommend that, but as you say: even a single dropped frame stutters noticeably.

The Reflex boost mode setting in the game should do the same thing, but I'm not sure if having Reflex enabled does other things as well, which may interfere with trying to get smooth performance.
I haven't been able to get the game running 100% smoothly here, though. Even with the resolution scaler set to performance mode, I still get the occasional dropped frame/stutter.

Dude a HUGE thanks for this.

After all this time, finally got it running smoothly based on your advice.


Mar 8, 2018
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (21H1)
Nvidia Driver: 471.96
Display: Acer Predator XB271HU (27" 165Hz G-Sync @1440p)
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 750W G2
CPU: i7-8700k @4.3GHz (Hyper-Threaded: 6 cores/12 threads)
Heatsink: Noctua NH-D15
Sound: Sound BlasterX Katana
RAM: 32GB G.SKILL TridentZ DDR4 @3200MHz (Dual Channel: 14-14-14-34, 2T)
SSD (OS): 1TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus M.2 NVMe
HDD (Games): 5TB Western Digital Black 7200 RPM w/128MB Cache

Running the game maxed (RT on, Reflex off, Low Latency on, motion blur off) at 2460x1440 on my 970 EVO, no upscaling, and G-SYNC + in-game V-SYNC + 60 FPS RTSS limit (I tried G-SYNC + NVCP V-SYNC + 60 FPS in-game limiter, and that works fine for me as well, the RTSS limiter is just a hair smoother than in-game with G-SYNC), and short of occasional, minor asset load stutter and notable, but relatively subtle mouse jitter (I am using a Viper Ultimate wireless at 400 DPI/1000Hz), it's quite playable, for what it's worth.

Load times are around 35s or under, even with the RTSS limit, and GPU usage maxes out around 70% (and yes, I've played on most of the maps at most ToDs by now).

Definitely a step above the PS5 in this configuration (in any of its modes).

Shame a stable 120 FPS isn't reachable without pretty drastic sacrifices compared to just playing at a locked 60 FPS at 1440p native with everything maxed, at least on my system. Not even going to even attempt running this on my 4k OLED, at least until after a few patches.

I remember Dishonored 2 had similar problems and I settled on a 60 FPS cap then as well. I recall the expansion was better where performance and frame pacing was concerned though.

I can only assume they opted for the Void Engine again due to familiarity and previous investment. UE4 might have been a decent alternative to consider, not that it isn't without it's shader caching and asset streaming stutter issues for psuedo/open-world titles as well (Psychonauts 2 and Jedi Fallen Order come to mind), though UE4 undoubtedly doesn't have the inherit frame pacing issues Void does.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
idk what changed but my performance is a lot worse today than it was yesterday. It's all over the place, so I've just capped it at 60 for now. Using a mix of high and very high settings without any raytracing @1440p on my Ryzen 3700x/3080. so bummed oof


Oct 27, 2017
not sure this is much better, but still interesting that what looks like stutter is infact camera issues at anything that isnt a locked 60.


Oct 27, 2017
idk what changed but my performance is a lot worse today than it was yesterday. It's all over the place, so I've just capped it at 60 for now. Using a mix of high and very high settings without any raytracing @1440p on my Ryzen 3700x/3080. so bummed oof

I have the same setup. Try the advice from Pargon a few posts above. Solved 100% of my issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Just throwing my hat in the ring here:

I'm on an RTX 3070, Ryzen 3800x, 32GB 3600mhz/CL16 RAM, NVME Gen 3. Gsync 144hz monitor too.

I have the game maxed out, with the two RT settings on, at 1440p. All AMD dynamic res/CAS/etc settings are off. Gsync + Vsync are on in Nvidia control panel and Vsync is off in game.

Indeed, unlocked framerate feels horrrrible in this game. stuttery as hell, controls feel awful. Worth controlling unlocked framerate I've every experienced honestly. 3070 is putting in work in the opening section though, averaging like 100 FPS @ 1440p with everything maxed.

Locking the game to 60 in-game leads to inconsistent frametimes despite a constant 60 FPS. Not as bad as unlocked but not good either. Constant bouncing from 16ms to 17ms ish.

Once I lock the game down to 60 FPS with RTSS on top of that....perfect 16.6ms frametimes at 60 FPS. Feels mostly fine. I'd say mouse and keyboard still feels off though, but not in a stuttery way at all like with the unlocked framerate...just off and somewhat imprecise. Controller feels good, pretty much what I'd expect from an FPS with a controller for the most part (But I'd rather play with a mouse if it worked well...)

Worth noting this is all just based on like the first 10 minutes of the game though.


Oct 27, 2017
not sure this is much better, but still interesting that what looks like stutter is infact camera issues at anything that isnt a locked 60.

Even at 60 FPS, the mouse doesn't feel right to me; it's just not as bad. It's nowhere near as smooth as a gamepad, or mouse movement in other games.
I'm glad that Alex is taking an in-depth look into the problem, though - hopefully whatever his findings are will help Arkane actually fix it.

I will say that it's not just mouse movement that is the problem for me, though.
Even strafing with a gamepad or keyboard - without involving the mouse - doesn't look right at anything other than 60.
120 did seem okay in my limited testing, but my setup can't really hold a consistent 120 in most areas.

Ideally, if the source of whatever is causing the bad motion at anything other than 60 FPS is found, it will get ported back into Dishonored 2/Death of the Outsider, but maybe that's hoping for too much.

Dude a HUGE thanks for this.
After all this time, finally got it running smoothly based on your advice.
I'm always glad to hear feedback like this.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm posting too much in performance threads like these - especially when a lot of it is repeating the same advice (to new people).


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Even at 60 FPS, the mouse doesn't feel right to me; it's just not as bad. It's nowhere near as smooth as a gamepad, or mouse movement in other games.
I'm glad that Alex is taking an in-depth look into the problem, though - hopefully whatever his findings are will help Arkane actually fix it.

I will say that it's not just mouse movement that is the problem for me, though.
Even strafing with a gamepad or keyboard - without involving the mouse - doesn't look right at anything other than 60.
120 did seem okay in my limited testing, but my setup can't really hold a consistent 120 in most areas.

Ideally, if the source of whatever is causing the bad motion at anything other than 60 FPS is found, it will get ported back into Dishonored 2/Death of the Outsider, but maybe that's hoping for too much.

I'm always glad to hear feedback like this.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm posting too much in performance threads like these - especially when a lot of it is repeating the same advice (to new people).
fwiw Pargon, I always enjoy seeing your posts in the PC performance threads


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
Yep I'm done until this is fixed. It's impossible to stomach - partly because it's like, how is this sort of thing acceptable in 2021 when releasing a game on PC, and partly because it's obnoxious "feeling" what the game is like when it's running smooth, and then that being ripped away from you every time you move your mouse (which is all the time).

Come on man.

Is anyone on PC not having this happen to them, or is it just a case of some people are more tolerant of it than others?

Havent noticed any issues at all (high fps, smooth camera with mouse or joypad): i9-9900k, 2080ti, 32gb ram, 3440x1440p@144hz monitor, nvidia driver 466.77 (didnt upgrade to latest driver yet), and Game installed on SSD - edit. All default settings atm

Back when I was having problems with Control, I got rid of my stutter using this trick (note, havent tried it with this game yet but I will if I get any issues):
To anyone experiencing the DX12 stutter I recommend you to try the following:

1.In Windows Settings search and open Exploit Protection
2.Click On the Program Settings Tab
3.Click On The + Add Programs To Customise
4.Click On Choose Exact File Path
5.Find Control_DX12.exe Click Open
6.Programs Settings For Game Opened ,Scroll Down To Control Flow Guard
7.Put Check Mark In Override System Settings And Turn From On To Off And Apply

After following those instructions my stutter is 100% gone and the game runs flawless, just thought I would share in case it helps others.

Here's the source where I found it: Possible Solution For DX12 Stutter

I think I got this tip from the resetera Control PC Performance thread.

Disclaimer: I'm also at beginning of the game. But from the videos of seen of this issue- that shouldn't matter. Just spin in one place and you notice stutter right? I can try making a YT video maybe.
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May 9, 2019
Sometimes I wonder if I'm posting too much in performance threads like these - especially when a lot of it is repeating the same advice (to new people).
I don't think advice/recommendations are overbearing or anything if you have good testing and reasoning behind it, which you do. Try not to worry about it too much. I'm not terribly active on here but you're a person I've always enjoyed engaging with.


Dec 19, 2019
Even at 60 FPS, the mouse doesn't feel right to me; it's just not as bad. It's nowhere near as smooth as a gamepad, or mouse movement in other games.

I'll echo this. Mouse looks and feels demonstrably worse at 75 fps, which is what I was targeting, than 60, but 60 still doesn't feel quite right. There's the issue of a lack of smoothness, but I also find it weird how the camera's velocity appears to just zero out the second you stop moving the mouse. It could do with a tiny amount of "coming to a stop", for lack of a better term. Right now the mouse feels quite digital and unnatural.


Attempting to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Austin, Texas
Why would load times be tied to framerate?
That's insane and makes no sense to me.

Disk I/O ops are very expensive (much slower than RAM) so when the game dynamically streams in content and there's I/O hitches it can affect framerate. I always try to install games on my SSD. Some games try to mask streaming so it doesnt effect framerate like having long elevator sequences.

All that said- I'd think only open world games would struggle the most with this. Because they cant easily mask streaming like a linear game (that uses elevators and such)

But with the huge amount of memory available to the CPU (one reason I'm at 32gb)- it should be easier for games to asynchronously stream content. It's a lot more of a struggle for smaller RAM because there's less extra memory the game can utilize for streaming.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
In that situation, it was better to enable v-sync and limit to 97 FPS, than keep v-sync disabled and limit to 75 FPS. Both ensure there will be no tearing and low latency, but one runs a lot smoother than the other.
Why not just keep v-sync off and limit to 75 fps to begin with? What does the first step do to create a different effect?

Also, any difference between Full Screen and Borderless? I use borderless for 99% of gaming so I can alt tab without my computer having a heart attack. In games where I can't do that I use the Borderless gaming tool


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really bummed that I got a key from Fanatical instead of just buying on Steam. I'd have refunded it already.

Between the anti-cheat/pirate shit and the lackluster effort on some games, might just quit on PC gaming. Heck not to mention GPU,woes.
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Nov 12, 2017
Seems to be a new version of RTSS that may fix some of the issues with it and the overlay for Deathloop and a few other titles here: RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server Download 7.3.2 Beta 3

• Added hooking profile for Deathloop. The profile disables "High" application detection level setting for this game, which is incompatible with its protective system implementation. Please take a note that application detection level settings in RivaTuner Statistics Server are application compatibility options, which are intended to be used at profiles level only for games dynamically loading DirectX runtimes. It is recommended to use it only for applications, which cannot be hooked with default "Low" application detection level. It is strongly not recommended to enable "High" level globally for all processes running in the system
• Added hooking profile for Fallout 76. Similar to Deathloop profile, it also disables "High" application detection level setting for this game, which is incompatible with its protective system implementation