
Oct 25, 2017
Why do people keep mentioning Cronus and XIM in here as if it's comparable? You can use KB/M in Warzone by default on any platform if you like, just like you can use controller on PC

Cronus will let you use a mouse/keyboard, yes, but it can also run scripts that can allow you to do god-like stuff with a controller that you wouldn't normally be able to do. The two get conflated too much, I agree.


Dec 19, 2019
Didn't Modern Warfare matchmake based on input device? That always seemed like the correct way to do things, seems weird to have not carried that over to Warzone.
Oct 25, 2017
In the last few days there are literally MW2 era hacked lobbies ranking people up to 1000 and giving every unlock.
Raven needs to do something already because I'm not playing anymore starting today because I don't want to risk my account


Oct 25, 2017
Cronus will let you use a mouse/keyboard, yes, but it can also run scripts that can allow you to do god-like stuff with a controller that you wouldn't normally be able to do. The two get conflated too much, I agree.
Ah, OK. I only remember hearing about it as a device to let you use KB/M. Thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
Really? I remember it from the beta, was it a lie or something?
There was reporting that it'd work that way before the game came out, but in practice, the game mixed input devices within lobbies.

It did seem to try and bring as many kbm players together as possible when doing matchmaking, but my guess it wasn't strict to avoid long matchmaking times for kbm players.


Oct 29, 2017
The 10 CoD support studios should be focusing on integrating anti-cheat in the next release. Since WWII/Vanguard or whatever nonsense is based on the MW engine I wouldn't be surprised if Warzone was migrated as well. Perfect opportunity for them to do the necessary work. It's pretty clear whatever the hell Activision is doing isn't working.


Nov 1, 2017
Cronus's have been on back order for months now. Go look it up yourself. They've been heavily used since the late 360 days. Don't be so precious about your "pure" console playspace, because it hasn't been that way for a long time, and its much more easy to just install a script to the thing, plug it in and begin playing. On PC you have to worry about malware and all the rest of it.
Uh....that doesn't change what he's saying which is cheating is significantly easier and more common on pc. Like you said, some piece of cheating hardware has been backordered for months. That's not a problem on pc where cheats are always readily available for download and can also presumably be acquired for free.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
From my experience, cheating on console =/= cheating on PC.

I don't care whether someone wants to use Chronus. I do care whether someone has the ability to see my character through walls.

Console-PC crossplay should always be opt-in.

Posters underplaying PC cheating are being purposefully obtuse.


Oct 31, 2017
Activision shouldn't even let mouse/keyboard players play against controller players, but they do anyways. That's enough like cheating as-is.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
People on cheat consoles since as early as I can remember. Pretty much go to any cod that isn't the current one and you'll hack lobbies every five seconds. The problem has very little to do with who's doing them but rather the lack of moderation and anti cheat by Raven/Activision. Of course the majority hackers are on pc but they've already found way to get walls and aim assist on consoles.
This isnt PS3/360 era CoDs. They is no such thing as hacked lobbies with console only.


Oct 25, 2017
Activision shouldn't even let mouse/keyboard players play against controller players, but they do anyways. That's enough like cheating as-is.
lol.... this can't be a real opinion.

Player skill outweighs input method. There are countless people who use controllers and beat countless M&KB users. Honestly cannot believe people still push this idea.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Activision shouldn't even let mouse/keyboard players play against controller players, but they do anyways. That's enough like cheating as-is.
Not in Warzone, it's not. Back when I was playing it, I was on a controller while playing on PC. Many top players bounce back and forth between M+KB and controller to keep the experience fresh. Warzone, for all of its faults, has a good balance between the two inputs.
Jun 17, 2018
I've stopped playing Warzone and call of duty in general until they talk about the cheating issues. I appreciate that there are so many people out there who are better at the game than me, but I have come across some extremely blatent cheating and it's often enough to put me off of playing.


Oct 27, 2017
One of the guys I watch a few times a week has had at least one cheater in almost every match for like the past 2 weeks. And the killcam just shows the person aiming and tracking through a freaking wall or boulder for the kill.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem is a lack of proper anti-cheat. There are plenty of PC games that have successfully minimised cheating.


Oct 25, 2017
Activision shouldn't even let mouse/keyboard players play against controller players, but they do anyways. That's enough like cheating as-is.
Debatable. Both have their strengths. Controller aim assist is a hell of a thing.

Hell, Destiny has far crazier movement abilities than CoD and there are still crackshot PC streamers carrying scrubs to the lighthouse every weekend on controller. Usually sniping.

They also routinely post utterly asinine cheater clips to YouTube…

Yes, Valorant has god tier anticheat.
It's not 100% (nothing is…) but yeah, it's pretty great. But then everyone flipped their shit about it due to the system process requirement. Like, do you want cheaters or not? I feel like scorched earth is the only way.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
For the record, I'm for PC and console cross-play. Both have their advantages and I think they are balanced pretty well (PC with a controller, however...). But PC is the main source for all the hacks and the game is literally unplayable because of it. At least cut that part of as a temporary fix so that the console people can continue to enjoy the game while Activision hopefully finally works on an anti-cheat.
Nov 27, 2017
Boggles my mind how only playstation has a "turn cross play off" option while Xbox doesn't, I'd like it if there were console only cross play
I'll say it, I only play the rebirth map because of PC players cheating like crazy on the main map :/


Feb 16, 2019
Apparently one of those subscription cheat services had a free weekend . A friend of mine who still plays said it was an absolute nightmare and every game was infested with them ..

People can complain till their tongues fall out their mouths but nothing will change until people actually stop playing the game .


Oct 29, 2017
Coming from mainly a pc game that has consoles as much as some of you want to say "cheating isn't only on pc"'obviously that's not the case but let's be clear it's majority PC. Example load up a regular tdm game and you'll see it's almost unplayable if you match with only pc players. The cheating is absolutely out of hand and it's the reason I've stopped playing. The Cronus devices are not nearly that popular so yes it's a big problem and always has been on pc gaming. Hell even destiny is a train wreck on pc. Idk if you guys remember that game called division? You literally couldn't even enter the dark zone on pc you would get instant killed through walls or people flying across the map above you and griefing you.
Dec 12, 2017
90% of my Warzone play is on console because of this. I just got back to PC gaming after a long break and forgot about the disaster that is hacking.


Oct 25, 2017
lol.... this can't be a real opinion.

Player skill outweighs input method. There are countless people who use controllers and beat countless M&KB users. Honestly cannot believe people still push this idea.
On console you get aim assist as well as M+K, let's not pretend a PS player with a xim is the same as a PC player with their M+K. It is VERY strong.

It's not easy to just put in a mouse and play like Shroud or whatever, but it *IS* very easy to hit crazy shots when the game is magnetizing your aim to people's heads when you only have to aim vaguely in the right spot.

EDIT: To be clear, aim assist with M+K is actually NOT all that different from a low sensitivity aimbot on PC, which is what most hackers would be using if they're using one (since you're presumably trying to dodge bans).
Oct 27, 2017
Let me google that for you…jokes aside I play and watch much too much CoD anyway so here you go:

This is a list of the Warzone Top Earners:
WZ Top Earners

Nr 1 is Huskers who plays on M&K
Nr 2 is Aydan who plays with a controller

If you scroll through the rest of the list you'll find M&K players and Controller gamers.

The CoD-stats god himself JGOD made a video about it:

JGOD also regulary watches top players on his channel (Controller and M&K players)

Looking at the top 20, controllers have it 15-5 when looking at what those streamers use in WarZone. That's 75% of the top 20.
Looking at the top 25, controllers have it 18-7. 72% of the top 25.
Top 30, controllers have it 21-9. 70% of the top 30.

When I said the best players, I didn't mean every single top player. Sorry for not being more specific for you.

The majority of the best players use Controller.


Jun 10, 2018
Suchhhh a coincidence. I play Warzone with a lot of console players who are friends in real life. I JUST PLAYED quads with my friend. 2 people on my team were no question absolutely without a doubt cheating. Auto aim quick shot with the sniper dropping everything in two secs. He got 40 kills. It was fucking nuts. It's the first time I've seen hacks with my own eyes in WZ. I accepted it didn't even trying to shoot. They were dropping everything in a second. I ended up reporting.

They really need to frequently update this game with updates that counter the latest hacks. Like when a a hack is patched, then another hack is out, they have to patch it IN ONE DAY. And keep playing update tag but QUICKLY. It was fucking crazy. Just made me not even want to play anymore.
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Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately, yes.

The alternative is 'fuck console players' and there are a LOT more console players than PC players.

NO console game should have forced cross play with an open platform that has a widespread cheating problem. Most developers know this, no idea why Warzone would force console players to play with PC players.

Given what we know about COD PC player numbers while the game was still on Steam (and I doubt the move off of Steam has helped with the visibility/player numbers for the game on PC) I doubt the PC has the player base to support constant full Warzone matches, which is probably why they push crossplay so much.


Oct 28, 2017
The uptick in cheaters has been nuts. Grantee I've been watching way more than playing lately, but it seems like 1 out of every 2 or 3 lobbies there is a blatant hacker on any of the streamers' games I'm watching, when a month or two ago it was like 1 in 10.

I only played a handful of games last night and in every single one the lobby was dying out incredibly fast, and I ran into a level ~30 dude with a generic name running the most blatant aimbot I've seen in my time playing lmao.

And the people complaining about the inherent advantage of m+k over controller in this thread are clearly not ones who follow Warzone whatsoever

Post your CoD Tracker bruh


Oct 31, 2020
Its funny because Sony gets a lot of hate for Cross-play stuff, but in a way they did "care" in making turning cross play off mandatory on all PS Consoles. Although it feels like Activision found a way around that in just not matching you into a lobby. I turned cross play off recently to play Solos (I literally never play Solos) and for literally 30 mins I couldn't find a match. It was the dumbest shit ever, there are "60M" Warzone players and you can't find me an all PS lobby? So stupid lol


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah Warzone it's pretty bad. I heard about a cheater during a twitch rivals match which is pretty bad in itself.

Apex also sucks for cheating. At least they have an anti cheat. However, there is only 1 person at Respawn taking care of the issue. Which isn't enough.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Last week I found 1 blatant cheater every day of the week.

They stopped doing ban waves and suddenly we got an uptick in the number of cheaters... I guess july is also vacation in some countries... so maybe we're getting an influx of cheaters because of that.

This game needs a 2.0 version with an kernel level anti-cheat, no matter if some people are bothered by this.

Chippewa Barr

Powered by Friendship™
Aug 8, 2020
Anyone downplaying the amount of cheating on the PC side in Warzone has clearly not booted the game in like 6 months.

It is INSANE now. Like I'm taking 3 or 4 BLATANT walls/aimbot per night when we go on. Since the new season we've played so much less (haven't even hit 30 in the battle pass for this season, that's how much it's killed it for me...I've completed every other one since it came out).

And to the people equating it to things like Cronus or Strike Packs...I would take them on over wallers/aimbotters any day of the week as you can at least outplay them. They piss me off too, but they can be potatoes.

No chance against aimbot from top of Summit lol


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
The thing about cheating on PC is that people only tend to notice the obvious cases in which people blatantly use cheats like aim bots.

The cheaters who only use few subtle cheats to detect the other players earlier, or gain other types of smaller advantages, are almost impossible to detect if they are smart about what they are doing. Another player might know exactly where you are, but it would not be obvious when spectating them.


Oct 31, 2017
Every MP games should have 3 options
1. No crossplay
2. Crossplay excluding PC players
3. Crossplay

I would play #2 most of the time if given the option

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Why does it feel like so many people in this thread are saying fuck PC players, let them suffer and play on their own?
When clearly the vast majority of PC players do not cheat, but fuck them anyway?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
The thing about cheating on PC is that people only tend to notice the obvious cases in which people blatantly use cheats like aim bots.

The cheaters who only use few subtle cheats to detect the other players earlier, or gain other types of smaller advantages, are almost impossible to detect if they are smart about what they are doing. Another player might know exactly where you are, but it would not be obvious when spectating them.
IF they aren't noticeable, there's no way people would be complaining about them. How people would complain about something they don't know if people are using or not?

Why does it feel like so many people in this thread are saying fuck PC players, let them suffer and play on their own?
When clearly the vast majority of PC players do not cheat, but fuck them anyway?
Because they only care about not having the problem. Fuck legitimate users.


Jul 16, 2020
The only logical solution for crossplay in competitive shooters is for it to be console-only by default, with PC being opt-in or invite-only. Apex Legends and Destiny 2 (pvp) already have/will have this system in place.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Annecdotal for sure but I know a huge bunch of folks who see 'cross play' as a dirty word now because of Call of Duty's bundling of different inputs + cheaters. The lack of options / choice is really frustrating.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
IF they aren't noticeable, there's no way people would be complaining about them. How people would complain about something they don't know if people are using or not?

You are missing my point. Which is, regardless of whether you think the cheating is or is not a problem in Warzone, there are a lot more cheaters in Warzone than you can see.

The blatant and obvious cheaters are just the tip of the iceberg.
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Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised at the prevailing notion that PC is not the only platform with cheaters, as if console cheats can compare.

PC cheating is fundamentally different to console cheating. It's sofware assisted, aimbots, wallhacks and the like. The worst you get on console is Cronus scripts for anti-recoil and slightly more sticky aim assist.

It's not even in the same universe as far as cheat complexity goes. PC owns cheats.

Warzone is a super popular, free-to-play game on PC. It has the maximum amounts of cheaters. No question.


Oct 27, 2017
Isolating the PC players will not resolve the problem. The honest PC players will be abandoned with cheaters and a shrinking community. The question is, is there a way to implement a good anti-cheat system? Or every pvp PC game out there is plagued with cheaters? There is a single popular game that has a robust and reliable anti cheat?

I mean... it wil solve the problem for console players. It seems some people don't really care if PC gets left behind. The excuse given is that it should be temporary, until they implement anti-cheat, but I'm not fooled.
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Oct 27, 2017
It took 2-3 posts for "consoles have cheating too" as if Cronus and that shitty AI tool is even comparable (or 1% as frequent as) to wall hacking, aim botting, shooting through walls, and the plethora of over bullshit on PC. Even advantages like FOV aren't available for console players. No, make it console-only crossplay please.

Yeah, this really bothered me about this thread. Let's stop pretending like the two are even remotely comparable, please?