
Oct 25, 2017
Okay I brought this up in the other thread but I need to know:

Is anyone else experiencing / talking about super inconsistent frame rates when the notes stream down? I'm playing on a PS4 Pro and I've tried with Boost Mode off and on.

It's legit throwing me off. I'm very rhythmically oriented, and I get into a deep groove watching those notes stream down. I kind of blur out my vision and rely on the rate at which they fall down to know when and what notes to hit. When the frames start slowing down and the note prompts start dragging it messes me up, and it's maddening. There really is no excuse for this not being 60 fps 100% of the time, but no one else could corroborate the issue in the other thread.

Regular PS4 here and everything is ok. Try turning off Boost Mode because it doesn't play nice with some games.

Just to be sure, the game chages speed once you hit fever mode. So if you got used to fever and then comes back to normal, it will slow down.
You can also change the speed mid-song so if you hit a button accidentaly, it could throw you off.
Try using the Share feature on the PS4 to record a video and then we may be able to see what's going on.


Oct 25, 2017
So neither of you have noticed any frame rate issues? Are you the type of people who typically notice things like this?

I wonder if it's exclusively a PS4 Pro issue. I also have the game downloaded to an external drive (the official Seagate drive). I wonder if that would make a difference... I've never had an issue with any other games on external drives, though.
Also have a PS4 Pro and haven't noticed any issues. I used to play fighting games, so I'm fairly sensitive to that kind of stuff. As for other details, I have a physical disc, and the game should be installed to my Seagate SSHD.


Oct 30, 2017
Damn it, now I have to try to figure out why it's happening to me and me alone. I did the calibration in settings, and I've tried with boost mode both on and off. I'll need to figure this out soon because I really want to enjoy this game without the weird slowdown.
Try deleting the game and reinstalling?
Yeah, I think I will.
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Oct 25, 2017
Damn it, now I have to try to figure out why it's happening to me and me alone. I did the calibration in settings, and I've tried with boost mode both on and off. I'll need to figure this out soon because I really want to enjoy this game without the weird slowdown.
Try deleting the game and reinstalling?

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
So neither of you have noticed any frame rate issues? Are you the type of people who typically notice things like this?

I wonder if it's exclusively a PS4 Pro issue. I also have the game downloaded to an external drive (the official Seagate drive). I wonder if that would make a difference... I've never had an issue with any other games on external drives, though.
Yes thank you I thought it was just me, I did notice some strange issues I thought it was either screen tearing or the game was dropping, PS4 Pro here. I noticed it in the demo.

I also now see that this game is really not fit for my TV, playing it on fast speeds essientially turns the bars into double/triple layered bars because of how my tv handles motion blur I guess. Also I now know that the dualshock 4 triggers have to be pressed pretty deep in to register a input, something I guess I never noticed but I'm missing notes cause I didn't squeeze it enough, wasn't an issue when I did GH3 on 360.

Also, is there an option in the full game to like...adjust the audio? I've never played a djmax game before but how it handles audio playing from your inputs seems to be backwards. In other games the game just plays the audio and if you miss the key, it just goes quiet skipping the audio cue or it plays a buzzer sound or both. But here it seems like your key presses generate the audio? Every other key press the audio gets like, cut off or something. I feel like I'm missing a lot because the game will play the audio then quickly cut it and play the next one. It's like I'm in a bad karaoke session or something.

Also how do I calibrate it? The demo just has a slider that goes - or + but I have no clue what that means. Guitar hero had me play some test notes and it calibrated off my inputs that way.


Oct 25, 2017
Also how do I calibrate it? The demo just has a slider that goes - or + but I have no clue what that means. Guitar hero had me play some test notes and it calibrated off my inputs that way.
In the main game, it's suppose to be an option on the main menu where you press the touchpad & it's the very first thing that's highlighted, & then when you shift it either way, it gives a prompt to press Square to test it, but I don't know how the demo does it.


Oct 30, 2017
My tv does also have a motion plus kind of setting that is supposed to smooth stuff out, I wonder if turning that off would help. I'm pretty sure it's already off, though... I'll have to tinker with stuff when I get home from work. I play many other 60 fps games though and have never had any issues. Rocket League and Fortnite are two I've played recently, for example, and I haven't had any issues with framerate.

Edit: really sorry for bumping the thread with this. Y'all should be talking about the game and how much fun you're having! I will say I have been enjoying the music very much, and it's been kicking my ass. I'm a musician and I love rhythm games, so I expected to waltz in here and take off. In reality I find that I'm consistently looking for lower star 4-button songs just so I can get by.
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Oct 25, 2017
My tv does also have a motion plus kind of setting that is supposed to smooth stuff out, I wonder if turning that off would help. I'm pretty sure it's already off, though... I'll have to tinker with stuff when I get home from work. I play many other 60 fps games though and have never had any issues. Rocket League and Fortnite are two I've played recently, for example, and I haven't had any issues with framerate.

Edit: really sorry for bumping the thread with this. Y'all should be talking about the game and how much fun you're having! I will say I have been enjoying the music very much, and it's been kicking my ass. I'm a musician and I love rhythm games, so I expected to waltz in here and take off. In reality I find that I'm consistently looking for lower start 4-button songs just so I can get by.
If you have any sort of motion blending turned on with the TV, you really need to disable that for a game like this. I remember trying to play on a Beatmania IIDX cabinet where the display had some function like that turned on and it was a headache-inducing experience.

Have you left the game running for an extended period of time (including putting the PS4 into rest mode)? Apparently the game starts developing framerate issues if it's been running for several hours. If that's happening, closing the game completely and restarting it should fix it.


Oct 25, 2017
oh dear god

playing a mission where the speed is locked to 1x is just frustrating, my timing has gotten so off, but at least you can reach the combo requirement to beat the mission on the first song.

also I need to change the fever button to R1 or something for 4/5/6B, trying to press X or Down just causes me to screw up 25% of the time.

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Oct 25, 2017
As someone who is God awful at this game, how do I improve? Is there more I can be doing besides just playing the songs over and over?

I'm terrible at this and I want to get better . It feels impossible to get higher than a B for me and it's frustrating.


Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
As someone who is God awful at this game, how do I improve? Is there more I can be doing besides just playing the songs over and over?

I'm terrible at this and I want to get better . It feels impossible to get higher than a B for me and it's frustrating.
Other than practice the only thing I can really suggest is going into the options and messing the calibration setting. My first time through arcade when I started it up was all C's and I used to be really good at the PSP games. I then went in and after testing a few calibration settings I've been back to getting S's and A's. Not saying you'll suddenly be getting perfects on songs if you're new and still learning but that could still make a decent difference in your scoring.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who is God awful at this game, how do I improve? Is there more I can be doing besides just playing the songs over and over?

I'm terrible at this and I want to get better . It feels impossible to get higher than a B for me and it's frustrating.

First, adjust your calibration settings. This ameis really tight on timing and small differences in hitting the correct time can pile up really quickly.

Then, start with the 4B setting to get used to the game or jump to the 5 or 6B setup. I played a lot of Portable 3 in 4B setting and now I am having one hell of a time getting used to the 6B setting. You might want to start with 5B to get used to it, instead of suffering later like I am. Remember that the colored notes are always up/triangle, it helps a lot.

Then just practice. Start with the lower level songs and work your way up from there. Muscle memory is a very important thing and eventually you will be able to get better.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
ordered the game and it's on the way from HK, will be here in April. Ebay has a special code going right now, got the game for $45


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
What's the progression of the game? Playing all the songs in arcade mode? What should I be doing?


Oct 27, 2017
Tried the demo last night. Had a good time, especially with the P1 tracks, but damn does it make my forearms burn. :( Maybe it's just all the years that have passed, but I seem to remember being able to play the PSP versions for much longer before experiencing fatigue. I think I'm going to pass for now, but it's a nice looking package overall.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the progression of the game? Playing all the songs in arcade mode? What should I be doing?
The Collection screen shows you how to unlock songs. Most of it is very straightforward and can be done in Arcade mode - Finish X songs on Normal/Hard, Play X songs in 4B/5B/6B, etc.

I think there are a few unlocks tied to Mission/Online but most are Arcade.


Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
The Collection screen shows you how to unlock songs. Most of it is very straightforward and can be done in Arcade mode - Finish X songs on Normal/Hard, Play X songs in 4B/5B/6B, etc.

I think there are a few unlocks tied to Mission/Online but most are Arcade.
And others have pointed out that there seems to be alternate methods to unlock stuff as someone unlocked the first song that unlocks after completing ten songs online despite not playing online. I'm guessing songs at least will have secondary methods so they still get unlocked if you don't play the specific mode, difficulty, or button type.

Not sure how true that is but just basing it off what I've seen others say.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
The Collection screen shows you how to unlock songs. Most of it is very straightforward and can be done in Arcade mode - Finish X songs on Normal/Hard, Play X songs in 4B/5B/6B, etc.

I think there are a few unlocks tied to Mission/Online but most are Arcade.

Thank you!


Oct 25, 2017
And others have pointed out that there seems to be alternate methods to unlock stuff as someone unlocked the first song that unlocks after completing ten songs online despite not playing online. I'm guessing songs at least will have secondary methods so they still get unlocked if you don't play the specific mode, difficulty, or button type.

Not sure how true that is but just basing it off what I've seen others say.
Yeah, I saw that. I guess you'll just auto-unlock songs if you just keep playing, but it's hard to say without the game explicitly laying out alternate unlock methods.

I will say in general this game feels like it's far more lenient with unlocks than the old DJMAX games were.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure that every song can be unlocked through sheer playcount.
This is true. However, I've been stuck on 299/300 in the gallery (well, n-1 where n equals whatever the current maximum number is in the gallery since all the DLC) since I got the platinum trophy back in September, no idea what happened there and can't see this has happened to anybody else :/


Oct 25, 2017
Tips section at the bottom gave me another useful tidbit that people might appreciate: You can change the brightness between 4 or 5 levels with the touchpad during gameplay. I noticed a few songs were REALLY bad with flashing lights at times.

Meanwhile, I need to try getting online over the weekend.

Edit: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I CAN S-RANK FULL COMBO SECRET DEJAVU 4B MAXIMUM. Good old muscle memory seems to be kicking in.

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Deleted member 8197

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Like other people have said, almost everything unlocks eventually (gears/note skins, plates, gallery items, as well as songs) via playcount.


Oct 25, 2017
More DLC when? I need more songs!
We should have new DLC each week of the month, but the actual order is unknown.

So what's the rule on posting videos of us clearing songs? I know self promoting isn't allowed, but if I posted gameplay that I posted on my Twitter via the PS4 share button & were to link it, is that okay or does that fall under self promotion because it's promoting my Twitter account? Or is the rule more on promoting sites & youtube channels you helped create?


Oct 25, 2017
Now that the game is available in Europe, is there what you could call a "best" version or are they all the same?

The Guilty Gear stuff was exclusive to the Japanese version at first but will be available everywhere else, some missing songs from the first DLC will be available for free at a later time... So is the game exactly the same between regions?

Other than that, are there any songs that definitely won't return because of licensing issues or other issues? I couldn't find a definitive answer to all of those questions, so the info would be much appreciated :^)


Oct 25, 2017
I want to say all versions are pretty much the same, as the US & I'd assume EU release are up to date on firmware (1.11) & the only thing that's missing from the Asian versions is the DLC, which we're getting all 3 available packs this month.


Oct 25, 2017
We should have new DLC each week of the month, but the actual order is unknown.

So what's the rule on posting videos of us clearing songs? I know self promoting isn't allowed, but if I posted gameplay that I posted on my Twitter via the PS4 share button & were to link it, is that okay or does that fall under self promotion because it's promoting my Twitter account? Or is the rule more on promoting sites & youtube channels you helped create?
I've got the Japanese version, so I already have the three DLC packs available there. So I'm waiting for more beyond those ones. I'm looking out for Beyond the Future and the Thor songs in particular; so good.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't seen anything relating to future DLC. I just hope that they'll be released in each region at the same time so we don't have a delay.

Edit: Oh god, "Cleared a pattern from RESPECT category with PERFECT"

So uh, what song would be the easiest to do this on?

...Ah, you can do this on Only For You, a 1 star song on Normal 4B.
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Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
We should have new DLC each week of the month, but the actual order is unknown.

So what's the rule on posting videos of us clearing songs? I know self promoting isn't allowed, but if I posted gameplay that I posted on my Twitter via the PS4 share button & were to link it, is that okay or does that fall under self promotion because it's promoting my Twitter account? Or is the rule more on promoting sites & youtube channels you helped create?
Obviously not a mod, but I believe you'd be completely safe to do so. I think the idea behind the self promotion rule is more towards making a thread that promotes your site/channel and not for content with a thread. You see frequently people link to their reviews in review threads and people sharing gameplay and such in other game threads.


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously not a mod, but I believe you'd be completely safe to do so. I think the idea behind the self promotion rule is more towards making a thread that promotes your site/channel and not for content with a thread. You see frequently people link to their reviews in review threads and people sharing gameplay and such in other game threads.
Ah, okay. I just remember someone posted their own Youtube video about Yakuza 6 impressions or whatever & they were banned for a month for self promoting, but they might've done it numerous times before & that was just the final straw.

Meanwhile, reached dj level 44, hit 100k+ in freestyle (which happened a LOT quicker compared to previous games, it feels like, but there's tons more songs to work with & I probably just was able to jump to harder songs sooner), 50+ S-ranks, 100+ max combos, & 100+ A-ranks. Only played online once & won, then halfway through the 2nd song, I think my opponent disconnected.

Also finally, unlocked Mulch. Had to unlock it via 100,000 combo in freestyle.


Oct 25, 2017
I am so sad.


Oct 25, 2017
One dumb thing I found when trying the online mode: you can select a random song, but then people get assigned random difficulties. So someone could end up playing the Normal chart and the other player could end up on the Maximum chart. (They can still pick if they're playing 4B/5B/6B/8B, though.) Why not just assign both players the same chart?

I kind of wish the online functionality was expanded a bit, either to have mutli-song sets (like the Arena mode they recently announced in Beatmania IIDX) or to just have bigger rooms so you could have 4, 8, 20, 100, however many people competing at once. Every game I've played online has been either against some gdlk Korean or Japanese player where I get roflstomped while they get nearly 100% accuracy on 15-star songs or it's someone who wouldn't fit under that and I just end up bodying them. It's not very interesting either way. :x
Oct 27, 2017
1. Do the songs have actual stories that we know? I've always had your own interpretations but I'd love to see if we had actual stories.

2. The song that plays during the "Thanks For Playing" portion is that an actual song in the game? I've always loved how smooth it is.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I heard that song in one of the PSP games because it sounds so familiar. Or maybe it's that silly "BOW WOW" part that makes me feel like it sounds familiar.

Also is the hidden BGA trophy glitched for anyone else? I KNOW I got all 6 of them but it still hasn't unlocked. I wonder if it's glitched because it thinks it needs the DLC songs as well.

Deleted member 1778

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who is good at rhythm games, I'm lucky to be able to even finish anything with 4* on 4B, and that's after fixing controls. Guess I need dozens more hours of practice!

Zonic pls what even is an S-Rank

Deleted member 8197

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
1. Do the songs have actual stories that we know? I've always had your own interpretations but I'd love to see if we had actual stories.

2. The song that plays during the "Thanks For Playing" portion is that an actual song in the game? I've always loved how smooth it is.
1. Don't think so - although the characters do have names. I think it mostly boils down to 'Hellsing was cool, lets do that!'
2. Yo Max, was apparently playable in Black Square:



Oct 25, 2017
ty to people who suggested doing the calibration: I'm at least getting As instead of Bs now, so that's something.

Is it worth transitioning to 5B before doing 6B or should I just do 6B? I feel like 5B is the black sheep of DJMAX modes since it was added later and some people seem to actually find it harder in spots.
Oct 25, 2017
Well, the tips gave me a hint that i had no idea about.

With the analog stick ones, you can just hold the stick, you dont need to spin it. My god, that makes it so much easier.


Oct 25, 2017
ty to people who suggested doing the calibration: I'm at least getting As instead of Bs now, so that's something.

Is it worth transitioning to 5B before doing 6B or should I just do 6B? I feel like 5B is the black sheep of DJMAX modes since it was added later and some people seem to actually find it harder in spots.
If you plan on doing mission mode, you should probably get at least used to it. I had a bad habit at first pushing Triangle thinking it was for the middle note. Otherwise, if you feel like you can jump straight to 6B, go ahead.

Another tip that's been mentioned before is SPEED THE CHART UP. If you keep it at the normal speed, it'll make it so much harder to read charts for more note heavy songs. Not to mention, slower = more likely to be less accurate since you'll be more focused on hitting the note perfectly when you should just be focusing on hitting the notes at all. When I first started playing this, I actually got a C despite getting a full combo. I tend to put the speed at x2, maybe x1.75 if it's a faster song or x2.25 to x2.5 for slower songs. You absolutely need space between the notes to even read some of the harder charts, especially for slow songs like Beautiful Day on Maximum.

Believe me that I only got so good in a few days is because I think the muscle memory of playing Fever & Portable 3, which I would play for MONTHS when I was in high school, was finally coming back to me, & this was back when the games had avatars & gears to help with stuff like preventing breaks from happening.

Just stick with easier songs & slowly work your way up. It can be a slow process & you'll question how people can even pull off the hardest stuff (I barely touched 8B because I know that's when the difficulty truly) but it's truly a rhythm game that's all about practicing & polishing your skills.


Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I prefer 5B over all the others for some reason. It always takes me a moment to get my brain wired for it but then I'll get through sections and not even know how I did so. Mostly been playing on 4B to finish up those achievement unlocks but then I'll be happy to move to 5B and 6B since those are what I played most on the first couple Portable games.
Oct 27, 2017
1. Don't think so - although the characters do have names. I think it mostly boils down to 'Hellsing was cool, lets do that!'
2. Yo Max, was apparently playable in Black Square:

I already was gonna get the dlc but I'm definitely getting it now.
I prefer 5B over all the others for some reason. It always takes me a moment to get my brain wired for it but then I'll get through sections and not even know how I did so. Mostly been playing on 4B to finish up those achievement unlocks but then I'll be happy to move to 5B and 6B since those are what I played most on the first couple Portable games.
Anyone tips for someone who's only done 4B, has tried 5B but the extra button in the middle is confusing the hell out of them?

I feel like square seems like the easier one to hit but then there's times where square isn't possible I feel. I think I'm one small piece of advice from doing well at 5B, I struggled with 5 buttons during the Guitar Hero/Rock Band days but someone told me to slide down and use my index finger to reach instead of the pinky and it was smooth sailing from there.