where do you stand?

  • some republican views (pro life, for EXAMPLE ONLY but mostly liberal = im ok with)

    Votes: 100 16.6%
  • Mostly republican, but strong hate for trump and did not vote for him=im ok with

    Votes: 71 11.8%
  • just hate trump, dont really care about left/right either way, but fuck trump

    Votes: 63 10.4%
  • hate em all without question doesnt matter who they are in my life

    Votes: 409 67.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 30, 2017
I can still handle some of my Republican/Conservative family and friends but I can never date one again. All the Republican women I've been with have been extremely abusive ,one ran my foot over with a forklift. strangled me at church, and left me a black eye, but said I was a bitch and if I tried to hit her back she would sue, very controlling how I look, talk, and act and shun my being trans.

Liberal/Dem/Independent women have always been so kind, supportive and always there when I need them, as I am to them. You do you, I do me, but let's have fun together. Some I can still count on today if I was broke down somewhere or needed money.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm never going to believe every Republican is as lost as the Trump Cult faction, so.. no.

They're becoming unicorns these days, but not every one is a "piece of shit".


Oct 27, 2017
I could never have a serious relationship with a partner that identified as Republican

Shit even in a one night stand situation only other Ds are getting this D


Mar 11, 2019
My entire family outside my home is Republican. When my wife and brother had posted how horrific yesterday was, they whataboutismed the BLM marches and confederate statues being defaced as being the same. In fact, no one even got arrested in those!

I'm not really speaking to them.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
my oldest male cousin was a guy who i loved and looked up to like a big brother and i found out he was a big trump supporter just a couple days ago. fuck him.


Oct 30, 2017
This is me:



Oct 26, 2017
My family are Republicans. My dad and brother are hardcore MAGA Trump supporters.

I don't talk to them much.
Oct 27, 2017
I have little patience for people that hold conservative viewpoints. I could never be in a platonic or romantic relationship with anyone with such diametrically opposed world views.


Nov 8, 2017
Cutting ties is sometimes the only option, it depends on whether the person can be educated out of the cult (if it's basically just a requirement to be accepted in their regional in-group) or if they're being a nutjob because that is their natural inclination.

Over the last year a lot of older family members I know have totally 180'd on Trump and surprisingly, the Republican Party. It's now up to Democrats to properly message and not let the GOP recapture them.


Dec 19, 2019
They could at least have the decency to claim their libertarian. But honestly I'm just done with all of this shit. If these 4 years of unending bullshit and savagery haven't convinced you that the Republican party is a black hole of suck you're just a shitty person. I'm not so naive to believe that it wasn't a horrible before Trump, or that Democrats don't have their own failings, but once it's all out there, no individual has any excuse to pretend the situation isn't as bad as it seems. The visibility of it all means the depravity of that party can literally not be ignored, and to continue to support it is to endorse that depravity.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Both my parents are trumpers even if my mother is in denial about it calling herself a libertarian, I like them as my parents but I do not like them as people, if the bond wasn't there and if my finances allowed it they would never hear from me again.


Oct 25, 2017
Eventually we are all going to realize that we are all not each others enemies. No matter the difference in faith or political affiliation. The fringe far right need to go fuck off but, as a registered Republican, I am not the enemy. I am a partner and a collaborator and an American.

but it's going to take time and I hope steps are taken so the MAGAS are expunged, right wing media is neutered, and social media is fucking destroyed.

I think we can coexist and be partners in governing. But it's going to take a lot of effort by Republicans and some very trustful conversations by the Dems. Trust that Republicans have in no way earned.

I hope at some point in the future this changes.

I feel I do need to add that I voted for both Hilary and Biden. But I am sure, rightfully so, I will still be viewed as the problem. But I remain a Republican because my voice in my party needs to matter. I cannot sit by and watch other Republicans vote for the very worst. The more Republicans that leave the party only emboldens the far right in picking more far right candidates. So leaving the party is not an option. Improving it from within is the best I can do.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
My wife had been a republican by family assimilation but had gone independent fairly quick after dating me and was becoming very politically active for leftist causes when she passed away. There's definitely Republicans out there that just never thought about it or intellectually engaged with government, though by this point it's a lot harder to give any of them the benefit of doubt.

Just Great

Oct 25, 2017
Eventually we are all going to realize that we are all not each others enemies. No matter the difference in faith or political affiliation. The fringe far right need to go fuck off but, as a registered Republican, I am not the enemy. I am a partner and a collaborator and an American.

but it's going to take time and I hope steps are taken so the MAGAS are expunged, right wing media is neutered, and social media is fucking destroyed.

I think we can coexist and be partners in governing. But it's going to take a lot of effort by Republicans and some very trustful conversations by the Dems. Trust that Republicans have in no way earned.

I hope at some point in the future this changes.

I feel I do need to add that I voted for both Hilary and Biden. But I am sure, rightfully so, I will still be viewed as the problem. But I remain a Republican because my voice in my party needs to matter. I cannot sit by and watch other Republicans vote for the very worst. The more Republicans that leave the party only emboldens the far right in picking more far right candidates. So leaving the party is not an option. Improving it from within is the best I can do.

The problems with the Republican party are foundational. They predate and will outlast Donald Trump.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I've tried in the past to be friends with people that were right leaning but even that didn't last. It just doesn't work for me. If you're not progressive I don't want to be around you.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd rather not go too deep in my associations with people who would deny my basic human rights as a black man in America.

Unfortunately, the pervasiveness of religion means that my social circle is tightly wound with Anti-Trump but still clinging to certain GOP talking points people, even if they don't necessarily recognize it.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I don't think I'd ever enter a relationship where the other person was a Republican. It wouldn't be a secret or a surprise that popped up later.


Oct 25, 2017
All Republicans?

Where do you people live and how old are you that you can just say you hate all Republicans?

I have been liberal and a Dem for a long ass time but Republicans are part of what America is. Not a good part, but its hard to live your life without having to deal with them. Most doctors I know are Republicans. Hard to take them out of your life. Same with anyone that lives in a more rural area. I have family members that are Republican. They vote for tax breaks and I give them shit when Trump is president but I think thats going too far.

I am fine taking racists and traitors out of my life but all Republicans is kind of a crazy statement to make. Thats literally what I see R crazies on social media say about all liberals, like its a disease.


Nov 11, 2017
I went on a date once with a gal, nice gal, very attractive. Eventually she said sideways stuff about protests, dropped all lives matter, then got really passionate about that lion the Dentist killed. That was the end. How could you possibly slide into "oh shit you're republican?"

*years ago*

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
I had a whole "Well it's complicated they're not all...." post ready to go and realized that anyone willingly self-identifying as a Republican at this point is either a total moron or a willing participant; neither of which I want any part of.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't cut off my blood relatives.

I wouldn't choose to marry or be with someone who supported Trump or was a Republican.


Oct 27, 2017
my in-laws are all staunch republicans. my FIL is in denial of currently having COVID and recently showed me his 30-something gun collection while stating he needed to make sure he was prepared in case shit went bad because of the election.

i've had to have multiple discussions about it with my wife and it's even brought up during my therapy sessions. cause i got to find a way to swallow the bullshit and not cause drama.

For your second comment, not asking for details but wondering if you guys discussed that a lot? Because I have in laws that constantly talk about it and I'm so sick of seeing it. I don't currently go to therapy but it's kinda bothering me. I have just been reading and listening to it ans I'm trying hard to ignore it.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a whole "Well it's complicated they're not all...." post ready to go and realized that anyone willingly self-identifying as a Republican at this point is either a total moron or a willing participant; neither of which I want any part of.
Ok. Then what can I do to help to even begin to change your mind? Are there things I can say so that we can at least begin having conversations again? Are there things I can do?

part of the healing must be how we can begin to trust. So what are the steps that need to be taken.

here's the thing. The Dems have the senate but they don't have the Committees in the senate. Those will be split 50/50. So we will have to work together. But Republicans can't just be roadblocks. But sadly that may be the result anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
They all suck.

Most moderate Democrats annoy the hell out of me, so Republicans are an absolute no go.


Nov 18, 2018
Eventually we are all going to realize that we are all not each others enemies. No matter the difference in faith or political affiliation. The fringe far right need to go fuck off but, as a registered Republican, I am not the enemy. I am a partner and a collaborator and an American.

but it's going to take time and I hope steps are taken so the MAGAS are expunged, right wing media is neutered, and social media is fucking destroyed.

I think we can coexist and be partners in governing. But it's going to take a lot of effort by Republicans and some very trustful conversations by the Dems. Trust that Republicans have in no way earned.

I hope at some point in the future this changes.

I feel I do need to add that I voted for both Hilary and Biden. But I am sure, rightfully so, I will still be viewed as the problem. But I remain a Republican because my voice in my party needs to matter. I cannot sit by and watch other Republicans vote for the very worst. The more Republicans that leave the party only emboldens the far right in picking more far right candidates. So leaving the party is not an option. Improving it from within is the best I can do.

The "fringe" has been the heart of the party since the late 70s. Republicans have had decades to right the track, but they've willingly chosen this destination every single time.

The party is beyond saving.


Oct 25, 2017
The "fringe" has been the heart of the party since the late 70s. Republicans have had decades to right the track, but they've willingly chosen this destination every single time.

The party is beyond saving.
Maybe. But I think leadership plays a huge part. Leaders like Brian Sandoval are the republicans who should be the leaders of the party. But those types are just too few and rarely make it out of primaries these days.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Ok. Then what can I do to help to even begin to change your mind? Are there things I can say so that we can at least begin having conversations again? Are there things I can do?

part of the healing must be how we can begin to trust. So what are the steps that need to be taken.

here's the thing. The Dems have the senate but they don't have the Committees in the senate. Those will be split 50/50. So we will have to work together. But Republicans can't just be roadblocks. But sadly that may be the result anyway.
What am I healing exactly? What injurious wounds have I caused? Also you're talking about the function of Congress, I'm talking about people. I don't need to waste my time trying to "heal the divide" with people who starting digging and have only gone deeper and further away.


Oct 27, 2017
Limbus Patrum
I have no issue with just conservatives. It's the GOP I take issue with. I've worked for state and federal government agencies and I've personally known and talked to several Congressmen (state and fed). Likewise, I also have family that interacted with them on a daily base for over a decade in the course of their jobs. Based on my own and their experiences, I have no issue saying if you're a member of the GOP you aren't a good person.


Nov 18, 2018
Maybe. But I think leadership plays a huge part. Leaders like Brian Sandoval are the republicans who should be the leaders of the party. But those types are just too few and rarely make it out of primaries these days.

If it's almost impossible for a Republican to be voted in at a high level without appeasing the extremists in the base, then maybe that means the extremists are the base?

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
I can't fuck with a Trump supporter at all outside of work (don't really have a choice).

I know some people who voted Repub before Trump solely on the abortion issue which I understand even if I disagree.

Most Republicans are Trump supporters though and/or believe some very abhorrent things so none are in my close circle.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's almost impossible for a Republican to be voted in at a high level without appeasing the extremists in the base, then maybe that means the extremists are the base?
I'm not disagreeing with you. But that's my fight every election. It's why I remain a Republican, to vote for the most moderate Republican in the race.

I don't want to get banned so if my posts seem like trolling or picking a fight (not my intention) that a mod will let me know and I will bow out of this thread. I'm not trying to cause trouble.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I hate all Trump supporters period, as for conservatives who don't support in any way, I can respect their choices but I don't agree with the overwhelming majority of them and for the most part prefer to stay away.

I have had conservative republican friends before, they hated Trump but even disregarding Trump every conversion remotely political ended up in a heated discussion. Kinda tiring.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
My Dad is one of those old-timey Republicans. I keep telling him that the Republican Party he grew up with no longer exists, but he doesn't really believe me.

That said, I did manage to convince him to not vote Trump last year, and thank goodness for that because I don't want anyone in my immediate family even tangentially associated with what happened in DC yesterday.


Sep 29, 2018
Every person I've ever met who says they vote right purely as an "economic conservative" eventually shows their arse on the topic of race


Jun 13, 2018
Ok. Then what can I do to help to even begin to change your mind? Are there things I can say so that we can at least begin having conversations again? Are there things I can do?

part of the healing must be how we can begin to trust. So what are the steps that need to be taken.

here's the thing. The Dems have the senate but they don't have the Committees in the senate. Those will be split 50/50. So we will have to work together. But Republicans can't just be roadblocks. But sadly that may be the result anyway.

Nothing. There is nothing you can do because the problem has nothing to do with leadership. The leaders are awful, but the policies are worse. Republican social policies are reprehensible. Their financial policies are reprehensible. There is nothing good in the Republican party. I almost asked what about the beliefs of the Republican party appeals to you, but there's no point. If you believe even a moderate version of almost anything the Republican party stands for, then you have huge flaws in your belief systems. If you believe enough of them that you would willingly identify with that party then I have no time for you at all.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Aren't they all basically nazis, so no redeeming qualities on any of the 75 million who voted for trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing. There is nothing you can do because the problem has nothing to do with leadership. The leaders are awful, but the policies are worse. Republican social policies are reprehensible. Their financial policies are reprehensible. There is nothing good in the Republican party. I almost asked what about the beliefs of the Republican party appeals to you, but there's no point. If you believe even a moderate version of almost anything the Republican party stands for, then you have huge flaws in your belief systems. If you believe enough of them that you would willingly identify with that party then I have no time for you at all.
fair enough. Appreciate the honesty


Oct 25, 2017
I've always said if you are a republican you are either ignorant or evil.

You either don't understand how they're destroying America and hurting millions of people intentionally (ignorant) or you do and you're okay with it (evil).

I'd like to think you can educate the ignorant, but one of the problems is that right wing media actually turns them into the latter and at that point there isn't a lot that education or appealing to reason can do. It's a large conspiracy theory where they can write off any evidence contradictory to their world view (which wasn't based on evidence in the first place so as if they ever cared about it) and drive everyone around them away until they have nothing left but the conspiracy, so they go all in on that.


Oct 27, 2017
The only ones I have sympathy for are the young ones who have shitty parents feeding them garbage.


Aug 1, 2018
No Trump supporters or Republicans in my circle of friends. I don't hate them, per se. I just don't like them and won't associate with them if I can help it. I don't agree on any of their beliefs, really.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a rural, conservative area. I'd say 80% of the people I interact with on a daily basis are Republicans. If I said "fuck them all," I'd be left talking to like three people in my life. I don't care for their views and they don't care for my views, but I'm able to get along with them.