where do you stand?

  • some republican views (pro life, for EXAMPLE ONLY but mostly liberal = im ok with)

    Votes: 100 16.6%
  • Mostly republican, but strong hate for trump and did not vote for him=im ok with

    Votes: 71 11.8%
  • just hate trump, dont really care about left/right either way, but fuck trump

    Votes: 63 10.4%
  • hate em all without question doesnt matter who they are in my life

    Votes: 409 67.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Not American, but I'd find it incredibly difficult to be involved closely with someone who still supported Trump.

I'd also have an issue with anyone who was happy to spout bigotry openly and they wouldn't be in my circle regardless of political affiliation.

Outside of that, I think I'd probably base it on how they were as an individual and my own interactions with them.
Oct 28, 2017
Eventually we are all going to realize that we are all not each others enemies. No matter the difference in faith or political affiliation. The fringe far right need to go fuck off but, as a registered Republican, I am not the enemy. I am a partner and a collaborator and an American.

but it's going to take time and I hope steps are taken so the MAGAS are expunged, right wing media is neutered, and social media is fucking destroyed.

I think we can coexist and be partners in governing. But it's going to take a lot of effort by Republicans and some very trustful conversations by the Dems. Trust that Republicans have in no way earned.

I hope at some point in the future this changes.

I feel I do need to add that I voted for both Hilary and Biden. But I am sure, rightfully so, I will still be viewed as the problem. But I remain a Republican because my voice in my party needs to matter. I cannot sit by and watch other Republicans vote for the very worst. The more Republicans that leave the party only emboldens the far right in picking more far right candidates. So leaving the party is not an option. Improving it from within is the best I can do.
You didn't have a problem with the Republican party running on the Southern strategy for the last 50 years?
Oct 29, 2017
Some, I assume, are good people.

In all seriousness, it depends. Supporting Trump would be an instant non-starter for me though.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty much right down the middle as is my wife (were both to the left). So we get along . My brothers are trumpers, so we just don't talk politics.


Oct 26, 2017
it's slowly come to light that the GOP and their voters really want what Trump wants, they only push back when they think he wont get away with it, and then every time he does (and he has oh, so many times now), they discard the illusion that they ever disagreed (because it was only theater, just in case he failed).

Ive seen this happen too many times now, and yesterday just cemented it. I now believe that most republicans. deep down, want a dictatorship and are hoping Trump can give it to them.


Oct 25, 2017
Center with a not pro-life and no bigotry is about as far as i'm willing to go. And at the point, they're not really a republican lmao.

If you can't pass this test where the bar is on the floor essentially, I'm breaking up with you and I'm probably calling you some mean-ass names on the way out too. If you don't want to be a part of a shared society, may as well drop the pretense for a personal relationship.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I don't like anyone who supports Trump, or anyone who rationalized voting for Trump in 2020, or anyone who latched themselves to the Trumpism for whatever personal gain.

Most people have one or more conservative leaning beliefs that doesn't necessarily make them deplorable, but if you fit into one of the above categories, you need to fuck off forever.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
My parents are hardcore conservatives, but I can't bring myself to cut themselves out of my life, especially with their first granddaughter on the way in a few months.

I don't believe that republicans & conservatives are terrible people by default, because I also feel like so many of them have been fed lies and falsehoods for so long that they're practically brainwashed at this point.

But there are definitely those that understand fully what they are and what they believe in, and those individuals are absolutely shit heels.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I the only one having trouble parsing the poll options?
Basically if you support trump, or anything that is rooted in hatred, I can't fucks with you.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
trump supporters are batshit insane, even being around them is a danger to physical and mental health

the GOP tied that noose around their own necks voluntarily


Dec 16, 2020
The number of users who say they have that one coworker/friend/parent who chimed in with "it was secretly an antifa inside job" makes me far more pessimistic for this country. It would scare me to know I had a neo-Nazi in my immediate circle.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
Hate them? Not all of them, just most of them. About half of them though looked at the mess yesterday and supported it. They are driven by fear and hate. This country is going to be dragged down by them because they no longer have the ability to recognize reality from the make believe world they built up over the past few decades. The other half is more than fine with it as long as they get their tax breaks.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Good to see the correct poll option winning.

Every Republican is a complicit fuckwit who can eat shit.
Nov 2, 2017
Anyone who aligns with the conservative agenda, which has been an evil festering wound on America for decades that led directly to Trump, is an enemy to me.

I wouldn't have a loved one who supported Trump or Republicans, because the moral rot that is conservative ideology is so pervasive that they wouldn't demonstrate the sorts of traits that would bring me to love that person in the first place.

And before someone tries to pipe up with something like "but what about family?", while I absolutely have relatives who are Trump supporters, I do not have loved ones who are Trump supporters.


Oct 25, 2017
Plenty have conservative views and silently vote with their wallets. Then spend the rest of the year down playing the extra bullshit.

Fuck these people


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Why is it only she in the title? I wouldn't date a republican anyway.

I haven't talked to my brother in years. Arguably we didn't have a good relationship before but what a Trump presidency revealed? It wasn't worth dealing with. Both of us child of immigrants and minorities, it fucking confuses the hell out of me and we grew up in NYC, a melting pot of cultures. I don't get it.
Hating a friend over something like this is one thing but having family being racist pos is another.

My cousin's husband is a Trumper and she is an immigrant like myself. I hate being around that fool and don't understand it one bit. Glad I never see them.

Cygnus X-1

Oct 28, 2017
It's always bad to grossly generalise...so I would say no: I don't hate all republicans.

Also, it's not good to "hate" people as a rule - I prefer it to be the exception. I prefer to use the word "disagree".

Said this, I am very liberal, so there is little I share with GOP policies. And yes: I hate the individual named Donald Trump.


Oct 28, 2017
It's so weird, I'm an atheist and have my strong opinions on religion yet I empathize with pro life. I am pro choice but can almost understand why someone would need to vote republican with pro life opinions.
Don't get me wrong, the rape, incest etcetera pro life laws they try and pass are disgusting and not what I'm talking about.
Again I'm pro choice but some stupid part of me gives the ok to reasonable pro life Republicans. Sorry? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Just Great

Oct 25, 2017
It's always bad to grossly generalise...so I would say no: I don't hate all republicans.

Also, it's not good to "hate" people as a rule - I prefer it to be the exception. I prefer to use the word "disagree".

Said this, I am very liberal, so there is little I share with GOP policies. And yes: I hate the individual named Donald Trump.

The root of conservative policy actively works to make me and my family and anyone who looks like me (more) marginalized or dead.

Nah, I'm fine with hate.

Deleted member 40853

User requested account closure
Mar 9, 2018
The only Republican I tolerate is my dad who voted for Trump in 2016 but Biden in 2020. I talk to him about politics and it always comes down to "but my taxes". My wife and I are very vocal and express our views around him all the time so it is what it is, Im not going to cut my dad out of my life over it.

On one hand I get the impulse of fuck all Trump supporters forever. On the other hand I'm not sure how we have a functioning society where 40% of the country is permanently irredeemable no matter how deplorable they are.
Oct 25, 2017
Y'all just going to have these threads twice a week or what? This stuff only makes sense if you ignore the the endless amount of racial hate that the Republican party has trafficked in for literal decades. At which point you're basically saying "well I was okay with the racism and the sexism and the homophobia until you shoved it in my face!" Which like that's real weird dog.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Hyper-partisan polarization is a helluva drug.

These threads are a waste of bandwidth.

Deleted member 76797

Aug 1, 2020
I think an absolute ton of Americans don't really care about politics beyond a surface level and are heavily influenced by their parents politics. I don't think every repub is a bad person, although I haven't known an awful lot of republicans in my life. One of my old bosses was a super libertarian gadsden flag bumper sticker type of guy and he was a really cool guy (at work). He just got wrapped up in some debt free lifestyle podcast that made him have some fringe views on personal finance.


Oct 25, 2017
My parents are hardcore conservatives, but I can't bring myself to cut themselves out of my life, especially with their first granddaughter on the way in a few months.

I don't believe that republicans & conservatives are terrible people by default, because I also feel like so many of them have been fed lies and falsehoods for so long that they're practically brainwashed at this point.

But there are definitely those that understand fully what they are and what they believe in, and those individuals are absolutely shit heels.

My in-laws and my mom are too (dad was as well before he passed away). That was a major condition of them being around our kids. No politics at all. If they decided to breach that agreement that would be another discussion. I know I'll get heat for that decision but we still love our parents. I don't get how they can support Trump but at the same time be good people in other aspects of life.
Oct 30, 2017
For your second comment, not asking for details but wondering if you guys discussed that a lot? Because I have in laws that constantly talk about it and I'm so sick of seeing it. I don't currently go to therapy but it's kinda bothering me. I have just been reading and listening to it ans I'm trying hard to ignore it.
My struggle is actually withholding and not wanting to lash out. I have not had contact with my family for approximately 9 years because of other issues which caused me to seek therapy to begin with. So my wife's family is all I have.

When talking with my wife, I am able to vent but I have had to realize that if i attempt to ostracize my in laws, I am in effect causing strife between my wife and her parents. And that is unfair to her.

Therapy is helping me to not internalize so much and to not allow external stressors dictate my mood or exacerbate my depression. I will say that i deleted my social media accounts before I started therapy. And that itself has been a huge change in terms of how I perceive the world on a daily basis. I was getting to the point where all I was doing was obsessing over every bit of negativity in my life. Getting angry at my wife's family just made things worse for me and no one else.

I hope things get better for you. Self care is so important and limiting negativity where you can is a good first step.
Oct 25, 2017
This is probably a controversial stance for some of the people on the website, but for the most part I don't believe removing people from your lives is the correct thing to in this current climate.

At the end of the day, these people aren't going anywhere, and it will be impossible to rehabilitate them if we continue to push them towards isolation where their only community are the extreme ones found online. It's not an easy conversation to have, but we do have to start to figure out how to help these people and pull them away from the extreme communities.

I stand firmly by the stance that there are a lot of Trump supporters who have simply been victims of the poor education systems, stagnant wages, the lack of mental health care, and unregulated social media platforms.

I am not trying to excuse racism/extremism, and obviously this description won't always apply, but it just simply isn't feasible to ignore 70+ million people. Something has to be done, and I don't think further isolating them is the solution.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate Trump and every single fucking piece of shit Republican who enabled and supported him the past 4 years.

So, I guess I hate 96% of Republicans? Too high? Too low?

I've been blasting people on my FB feed who openly support Trump, and some who closet-support him.

They've been dead silent, aside from posting bullshit religious "tolerance and peace" shit.

They used to do the both sides nonsense, but they went totally silent yesterday.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, you can't choose your family, but I can't imagine myself being friends with Republicans and definitely would never date or marry one.


Oct 25, 2017

You can't be a republican and have even a shred of good. They support active racists, bigots, homophones who get off on hurting minorities and the poor (even those that are poor themselves). They hate education and love ignorance, they hate democracy and love their totalitarianism, they hate equality and love division.

Fuck every single republican.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
The thing about Trump supporting Republicans is that Trump is just incredibly bigoted and unhinged, so anyone supporting him is either a fucking idiot or a shitty person. I'm yet to really see any sort of middle ground or exception. Sure part of it is the news they follow but they really should know better.

That being said, I don't mind a few conservative views but if you still vote Republican I'm definitely going to distance myself from you because I don't want that in my life. When I have friends that are poc or LGBT+ I don't want to be associated with a possible (hell, likely at this point) bigot because what kind of message does that send to my minority friends?

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I despise all those extol the virtues of status quo of toxic and corrosive inequity born of classism, xenophobia and all kinds of bigotries. From my experience that attitude is espoused by Conservatives the most.

So whatever additional label they may don, like "Republican", I simply despise Conservatives.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a relative that has voted democrat and republican, he's 68yrs old. He said as long as he lives, he will never support republican again.
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
I'm a Brit and I have a couple of conservative voting friends and colleagues and they are pretty nice people, we have different political opinions but to be fair we don't talk about politics 24/7 as we are not really that political to begin with.


Oct 27, 2017
The "good" Republicans are racist, homophobic, and transphobic They oppose universal healthcare and seek to deny or even accelerate climate change. Many of them are covid deniers and anti maskers. They dutifully voted for fascists and will continue to do so.

Fuck every one of them.


Oct 28, 2017
Not American here, but the question reminds me of a great scene in a satirical show from a few years ago here in Italy: they built up a love interest between two great characters for a couple of seasons and when they were finally on the verge of getting laid, she was revealed to be a rabid Berlusconi supporter and the boy couldn't bring himself to carry on, to the great frustration of the audience.

Berlusconi was (in hindsight) a mild preview of Trump so I can partially relate. Political views are one thing but to be able to support one of these buffoons and to trust them with the politics of a nation is a big red flag to me. But the way our societies are getting more and more polarized is scary. People are people an terrible people are terrible people. We don't need to rely on some broad labels to distinguish one from the other.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't want to be a dick or to pile on, but I'm genuinely curious, how do you reconcile that with your party affiliation?
I can't. But we have a two party system. I'd probably have left tbh if my area wasn't a red district. Voting democrat at the local level is a waste of my vote because a democrat is never going to win. So I caucus with the republicans and vote for the most moderate one in the primary. I go door to door for them. I volunteer for them. And they win. While I can't take credit for it I have helped beat back some of the worst my party has to offer. It's how I sleep at night (politically)


Oct 15, 2020
20 years ago i could have been fine with a republican.

these days no. the divide is not longer about ideology but morality. republicans no longer believe in democracy or decency or freedom or even non-violence. they are filled with hate after 20 years on incendiary conservative media dehumanizing the left.

i gave up on my parents this year. was an easy decision though,.. they were terrible people.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It is a pretty big IF to me that there are any possible Republican views one can hold and still be a good person.