Do you play Bethesda games in 1st or 3rd person view?

  • Exclusively 1st person

    Votes: 284 47.7%
  • Mostly 1st person

    Votes: 161 27.0%
  • Half and half

    Votes: 72 12.1%
  • Mostly 3rd person

    Votes: 50 8.4%
  • Exclusively 3rd person

    Votes: 29 4.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I am asking this because of the people who come out of the woodwork in every Cyberpunk thread who apparently swear by 3rd person view in Skyrim and the like. I did not even know people used this view, outside of maybe checking your character's outfit for 5 seconds, so let's make a poll and see how people here play.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
First. Mostly because I play them as a shooter. I'll go 3rd when walking around until combat happens though.


Oct 25, 2017
I would like to play them in third person but the camera, controls and animation never feels right so I stick to first person.


Oct 25, 2017
1st person all the time and 3rd person to look at my characters armour when I get new stuff, that's literally it. As much as people hated it, I loved how your character spoke in Fallout 4 because I actually got to see the character I made for once.
Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes when I get a new armor set or something I'll switch to third for a second just to check it out. Other than that all first person


For the Snark was a Boojum, you see
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the outrage over Cyberpunk being a first-person game has been weirding me out for a while.

Bethesda games are probably not the best reference point here though, because third person is always super wonky in them.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
I only use third person when I'm checking out my armor/equipment. Otherwise, all first person all the time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
1st, I feel I have better spatial awareness for the type of gameplay their games have in first person.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Mostly 1st person, going third person from time to time to admire my gear more than anything.

Deleted member 42686

User requested account closure
Apr 26, 2018
In Skyrim I really try to play in 3rd person, but its not good and I might hurt friendly npcs. So I'm forced to play on first person instead.


Feb 5, 2018
Depends. Mostly 1st person. But I no longer play the Vanilla games so...

1st person, with mods :

Or 3rd person.... with mods :


One Winged Slayer
May 15, 2018
Toulouse, France
First person because they are designed to be played like that. Action in those games just doesn't work in third person.
But third person is cool when you want to see your character.


Oct 27, 2017
I played as a Mage in skyrim and altered the camera so it was 3rd person offset over the right shoulder. Essentially turning it into a 3rd person shooter. Was really fun.

Also with barbarian style 2h builds I'll go 3rd person on easy fights because it's fun.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Almost exclusively first person, occasionally switching to third person when traveling or in towns.

Third person view is really badly implemented and combat is almost unplayable for me.


Oct 27, 2017
In Skyrim I use a mod that allows me to play 3rd person for exploration and automatically switch to 1st person when I draw my sword or aim with my bow. Combined with another mod that allows the character to walk towards the camera in 3rd person (instead of walking backwards), it's pretty cool.


Oct 27, 2017
I only play their Fallout games so...
1st for combat and building exploration
3rd person with almost max zoomed-in view (kinda over the shoulder) in towns


Oct 25, 2017
For the studio's internal RPG's, mostly first person. I will enter third just to check out a new piece of armour, and I suppose the kill cam's they've added in the more recent games would count a little as well. I think most of us would agree that the third person is never that well implemented though.


Oct 27, 2017
3rd because I like when Video games don't act like real life, including the perspective. I'm refrerring to the people who say they play 1st as thats how they see from their own eyess.

Seriously though Especially since I get sickness, I have to Switch between both

Camonna Tong

Mar 2, 2018
Both, it really just depends though. Combat I do in FP, but exploring I do more in TP.

If Enhanced Camera came out for the Special Edition, then it would be FP all the way.

For Skyrim and with Customizable Camera, TP isn't bad when you adjust it right.

Fallout 4 feels similar to Mass Effect in ways with the TP, so I don't mind it that much.


Oct 26, 2017
Earlier games I only would play in 1st person due to 3rd person animations being jank.

Exclusively 3rd person with fallout 4. I definitely don't dislike 1st person. But I've always preferred 3rd when done well.


Oct 27, 2017
Always switch to third-person just to see how they implemented it, and then always switch back to first in less than five minutes. They have yet to do third-person in such a way that it doesn't feel like a camera hack. I prefer third, but when it's not done well, I won't bother with the perspective.

Depends. Mostly 1st person. But I no longer play the Vanilla games so...

Or 3rd person.... with mods :

Wow with those leg animations. LMAO. Looks janky as hell, but the combat itself looks like a significant improvement. Not sure which I would rather use honestly.

Combat was always my biggest peeve with the TES games after Morrowind. With that game at least it was somewhat forgivable. What wasn't forgivable was improving upon it at not only a glacial pace, but in such small increments (in some cases regressing). While Skyrim's combat is technically much better than Morrowind's due to it being less about die rolls, it still feels almost as terrible.

Secondly is the world itself. I absolutely loved exploring the overworld of Skyrim, but at the same time that led to the second most egregious flaw in my mind. The overworld is so good, and compels you so well to move forward, seeking out that "next mountain in the distance", that you can't help but to anticipate the big payoff once you reach your destination. And there never is one. The games are always about the journey to the destination, but not the destination itself. I also both like and dislike their dungeon implementation. I like the fact that they actually have dungeons at all, and sometimes they can be atmospheric, but despite the "no more copy/paste" claims of Skyrim, the dungeons still largely felt pretty similar.

Speaking of dungeons and combat: how on earth would the camera and combat mod work in some of the more claustrophobic areas?
Last edited:
Jan 4, 2018
I don't play Bethesda Games. :))
This is like going to the McDonald's drive thru and telling them you're a vegan before driving off, lmao (I'm assuming this is a joke post though)

On Topic, I play mostly in first person for combat and tighter corridors but switch to third person for wandering open spaces or just getting a look at my character. I'd say I spend 3/4 of my time in first person.

Camonna Tong

Mar 2, 2018
Always switch to third-person just to see how they implemented it, and then always switch back to first in less than five minutes. They have yet to do third-person in such a way that it doesn't feel like a camera hack. I prefer third, but when it's not done well, I won't bother with the perspective.
It's weird because they spend much more resources and time on third person than first person, even though it should be the opposite really. Hopefully they get more animators because I hated being forced into third person when doing certain actions. Oddly enough, with Enhanced Camera, the third person animations that are used look perfectly fine in first person. Mining, Vampire Lord, Werewolf, horseback riding, and so on look just fine.


Feb 14, 2018
1st person 95% of the time. I will walk around town in 3rd person occasionally so that I can see how cool I look.


Nov 27, 2017
For Skyrim, first person in dungeons and houses, third person in the outside world. It's actually really nice that way.


Oct 25, 2017
I vastly, VASTLY prefer 3rd person in my games, but Bethesda's 3rd person is so janky weird even I can't do that. First person pretty much all the time.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I love having options for people who need them but I play any game that gives me the option between both in first person, the only time I go into third person in a BGS game is to see my clothes when I get a cool armor


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I play in 1st person. I prefer 3rd person but Bethesda games look like ass in 3rd person.
I play exclusively in third-person. First-person isn't fun at all. It's hell on my learning disability. Third-person is a lot more versatile. You have behind-the-back (where you can see anything from the back to the full body of who you control) and over-the-shoulder (See Vanquish).

Every first-person game should have the option to play in third-person. It takes nothing away from those who don't wish to use it, and it makes games a lot more accessible. EA also has it for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Anything less is a deal-breaker at this point. (Exclusively) First-person modes are among the worst form of gameplay design. It was the worst thing ever to happen to the Metroid Series, and it isn't fun in Bethesda titles.