
Oct 25, 2017
Not even a little bit. I don't expect my great great grandchildren to think of me and more than I do my great great grandparents. Circle of life.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean sure, if you discover a new branch of mathematics or were a civil rights icon or something people will remember you. OK.

But I'm talking about the other 99.999%+ of us out there. Kids generally know and love their parents. Grand kids do as well in many cases. There's not too many people very close to there great grandparents and you can forget about it after that. So in reality 80 years after you die, your hopes, your dreams, your achievements, your grand ideas about the world wouldn't have amounted to shit. You made no impact. Outside of your progeny. (Maybe that's why we (collectively) have such a strong desire to have kids.)

Does that thought ever cross your mind? Does it bother you at all? Don't care?

My wife tells our kids stories about her great great great grandfather all the time, which were told to her by her grandfather. We've discovered a ton of information online/genealogy as well (it also helps that her father's family had some status back in the day)

It doesn't really bother me, but then again I'm not expecting any major accomplishments, the best I'm hoping for is just 'he was a good person, and he loved his children 🤷‍♂️'. But as mentioned, genealogy/family history fascinates me


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What's crazy is that it'll even happen to people now that it would be unfathomable to think about.

1000 years from now, nobody will care about Clinton, Obama, Trump, etc.

There's what? A few dozen non-Biblical figures from antiquity that are household names? Several thousand years of history and people remember maybe 20?
I agree with this overall. I do wonder if certain otherwise likely forgotten names will hang around a little longer due to the fact that so much more stuff in general has been captured/archived/shared publicly over the last 20-30 years with the rise of the internet and camera phones. There has been no other time in human history where it is so easy to keep up with other's lives and be able to reference specific parts of it. It won't make a difference for average people, but it may expand the few dozen non-Biblical people number that people remember by a decent amount.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They would care if you did something to help them. The generations alive today are literally determining the fate of those gens that are yet-to-come.

It's not a question of time. It's a question of how we used our time. That's going to matter a LOT to generations after this one, such as they might be.


Oct 28, 2017
Lausanne, Switzerland
I don't really care about people not knowing who I am in 80 years, I would be just very sad if my own descendants don't know me. But I think it's about to change with social media, we have an access to information we didn't have before.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather not be famous and have historians dig up my embarrassing internet and forum history so I can end up on whatever the future equivalent of Cracked in the "6 Famous Historians Who Were Secretly Huge Weirdos" article

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
No. The world owes me nothing and I owe it nothing in return.
Oct 27, 2017
What's crazy is that it'll even happen to people now that it would be unfathomable to think about.

1000 years from now, nobody will care about Clinton, Obama, Trump, etc.

There's what? A few dozen non-Biblical figures from antiquity that are household names? Several thousand years of history and people remember maybe 20?

Unless humanity is wiped out, I think the archival ability we have now will actully
Make it easier to see your past/heritage.
Nov 27, 2017
I don't know many people now and I work retail so I'm not helpful to society to leave a mark
If I died it'd be like "damn, he died, shame, he was young"
when I'm old and dead I'm sure my kids(if I have any) will miss me but like great grand kids won't give a shit
Like I barely knew my grandparents so it'll just continue


Oct 27, 2017
I know of multiple family members generations before my great grandparents. But I'm not upset thinking no one will remember me that far after my death. Why should I be remembered better than, as you say, 99.999% of people? Unless I do something that deserves that treatment by becoming some historical figure (not going to happen), then it's a silly thing to expect and does not make me sad knowing it won't happen.

Does it sadden you that 99.999% of the world won't know who you are while you're alive?
Oct 27, 2017
I find it extremely comforting. No matter how much I fuck up in life, it probably won't matter in the long run.

I feel bad about saying this, but my great-grandparents (outside of 1 who was pretty cool, even if she never really knew who I was because she suffered from alzheimer's (she thought I was my dad)) are people I never knew, and therefore never truly cared about. I'd love to have kids, and I expect that their kids (or kids kids) would have diminishing returns at some point. At almost 30 and only one relationship in my life, having kids is looking less and less likely.

My brother is 50 and their trying.🤷‍♂️ I had my second when I was 41.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm more about enjoying my time on Earth with those I love. If I could also make a positive impact and be remember for it, great!


Oct 28, 2017
Most of us probably don't even know who our great-great-great grandparents were
However with social media, Youtube and smartphones things might stick around long after we're dead


Oct 25, 2017
I dont give a shit. I dont live to be remembered. I live to do the best I can with the time I have.


Unshakable Resolve
Jun 30, 2019
i try hard enough as it is to NOT think about stuff like this.

that's enough internet for one day.

Deleted member 41502

User requested account closure
Mar 28, 2018
This kinda bothers me from time to time. I wish my life had more impact. :(
That's what I thought. But after I faked my own death (long story), I found that I wasn't entirely correct. My nephew still posts RIP on his Facebook every year on the anniversary of my apparent demise.

Of course, his mom (aka my sister) doesn't give a shit. Still, she raised a good kid. Somehow.

It was my mom's birthday a few days ago. She died about a decade ago. We have some old family friends who always post "I miss you" messages on FB around then, or around the day she died. I kinda hate it. Like, its not a nice "oh the great memories" day for me. Just makes me sad.

I worry no one will come to my funeral besides my wife and kids. For some reason I think it'll be embarrassing. Weird.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless humanity is wiped out, I think the archival ability we have now will actully
Make it easier to see your past/heritage.

I've always thought it's kinda funny to think that future generations will possibly have absolutely undeniable proof via carefully preserved digital records that their great great great grandfather was a complete dumbass.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018

when you're dead, you're dead


Oct 27, 2017
I sincerely don't care. As long as i was of positive influence on the people i lived with (rather than a negative influence). In the end we'll all be gone and nothing will be remembered. Don't torture yourself with vanity that can't be met. Realize you're insignificant in de grand scheme of things and realize you only have one relatively short life. Afterlife is most likely a lie.
Make it worthwhile. You're significant to the people nearby. Treat them well (like you want to be treated), have fun.
Don't waste your life on negativity. Meet people. See beautiful places. And remember; always wear sunscreen.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I find it intriguing that my descendants will be able to still watch me hundreds of years from now as long as all of the youtube videos remain around in an archive somewhere.

Which reminds me that the other year I discovered that my great great great grandfather had written a book. It's so old I haven't been able to find a copy though.


Oct 25, 2017
It's honestly a huge relief! Another century or so and I can finally rest in peace knowing no one remembers that time in 4th grade I accidentally called my teacher "mom"


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't bother me. I'm happy right now. Better to live in the moment than worry about the what ifs.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. I stopped being existential about this shit sometime after high school, when I realized it's more important to live a good life for myself and those around me.
Oct 25, 2017
I was talking with my dad a few weeks ago about my great grandfather who lived in the 19th century. We found his obituary and some pieces written about him. He was very active in his community and apparently a good dude.

That man has dozens more great grandchildren that know his name and some, like me, have taken an interest in him.

Does that mean it matters? Not really. He would have had no idea and lasting memory was not why he did those things or had a big family like he did (so far as I know). But I do want to counter the narrative that everyone is forgotten immediately. The Conan quote is telling: he's clearly thinking about being remembered by history, not his family. His great grandchildren will absolutely know about him and maybe even watch footage of him doing the string dance. But for him that's probably not enough. And for anyone here that's all we could really ever hope for

Ok I'm rambling now


Oct 29, 2017
Not really. I have an ego but not that big of one.

I just want to nudge those I can as much in the right direction as possible.


Oct 27, 2017
It's comforting. No need to worry so much about what you do or what impact you're gonna make; it's not really gonna matter anyway. That's not a defeatist attitude either, it's just what it is. Takes the pressure off you know?
Oct 27, 2017
I'll be glad to be forgotten, won't be the source of cringes and yikes anymore. Though once I'm dead I won't even be able to be glad. Wont be shit. Or actually maybe I will be. Worm shit. Maybe a tree.

Ask a tree if they care that their past life is forgotten and get back to me.


Oct 27, 2017
That's what I thought. But after I faked my own death (long story), I found that I wasn't entirely correct. My nephew still posts RIP on his Facebook every year on the anniversary of my apparent demise.

Of course, his mom (aka my sister) doesn't give a shit. Still, she raised a good kid. Somehow.

Bro, what?

Bro... what??


Oct 25, 2017
That's what I thought. But after I faked my own death (long story), I found that I wasn't entirely correct. My nephew still posts RIP on his Facebook every year on the anniversary of my apparent demise.

Of course, his mom (aka my sister) doesn't give a shit. Still, she raised a good kid. Somehow.