
Oct 27, 2017
Definitely can hook you up Sasuke!
I'll be around this weekend and can help as well, if no one else is.

Honestly, even Nightmare has been easy now since I'm being pulled into rooms with restrictions set in the high 20ks. Makes having to deal with the hellish Omega slightly less bad.

That would be great - thanks.
Im def. gonna check up the ERA discord channel this weekend.

I was gunning for a new account with Gala Prince....but now im hearing people saying that if i start now i should try to get Gala Cleo.
Dont know exactly why just from looking at her kit - but im gonna see if i can get her instead and meet the Power/Might requirements for the Ex stage.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
edit: at last, Omega Nyx down. Turns out the secret was me actually remembering when the second hellish winds was, cleared that same pull. And deathless too, unlike regular Chronos.

That would be great - thanks.
Im def. gonna check up the ERA discord channel this weekend.

I was gunning for a new account with Gala Prince....but now im hearing people saying that if i start now i should try to get Gala Cleo.
Dont know exactly why just from looking at her kit - but im gonna see if i can get her instead and meet the Power/Might requirements for the Ex stage.

Gala Cleo is tremendously good, yeah. For one, she's pretty much the best buffer. Her first skill charges quickly and lets you place an AOE strength buff- and an extremely strong one at that. One of her passives immediately charges her skills at the start of a quest, so she doesn't even need to wait to get the buffing started. Her second skill, on top of some other neat effects, provides a good enemy defense debuff, further amplifying her support capabilities. Both of her skills also do damage, which pairs incredibly well with Shinobi, arguably the strongest Shadow dragon. All of this is on top of the fact that she's a wand unit, bringing the very valuable skill damage up co-ability, letting her passively buff her teammates even further. As a Gala unit, she has dual status resistances, making her effective in all shadow favored content. And as a shadow unit, she doesn't actually have any elemental weakness, so she's even a safe pick for a lot content intended for other elements. She basically has everything going for her.

Gala Prince is a fantastic unit too who would be great to start with, but Cleo is certainly the meta defining character of the game. Just be careful, as I believe this is the final day of the Gala. Make sure you've got a reroll you're satisfied with before the banner changes. She's a great character who will make your life a lot easier, but people can and do play without her.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
edit: at last, Omega Nyx down. Turns out the secret was me actually remembering when the second hellish winds was, cleared that same pull. And deathless too, unlike regular Chronos.

Gala Cleo is tremendously good, yeah. For one, she's pretty much the best buffer. Her first skill charges quickly and lets you place an AOE strength buff- and an extremely strong one at that. One of her passives immediately charges her skills at the start of a quest, so she doesn't even need to wait to get the buffing started. Her second skill, on top of some other neat effects, provides a good enemy defense debuff, further amplifying her support capabilities. Both of her skills also do damage, which pairs incredibly well with Shinobi, arguably the strongest Shadow dragon. All of this is on top of the fact that she's a wand unit, bringing the very valuable skill damage up co-ability, letting her passively buff her teammates even further. As a Gala unit, she has dual status resistances, making her effective in all shadow favored content. And as a shadow unit, she doesn't actually have any elemental weakness, so she's even a safe pick for a lot content intended for other elements. She basically has everything going for her.

Gala Prince is a fantastic unit too who would be great to start with, but Cleo is certainly the meta defining character of the game. Just be careful, as I believe this is the final day of the Gala. Make sure you've got a reroll you're satisfied with before the banner changes. She's a great character who will make your life a lot easier, but people can and do play without her.

Congratz on the clear!

You know as a more casual player, I do have Gala Cleo and Shinobi with one unbind, would it be worth it spending 3 of my 6 Sunstones on him?


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Congratz on the clear!

You know as a more casual player, I do have Gala Cleo and Shinobi with one unbind, would it be worth it spending 3 of my 6 Sunstones on him?

I stoned my Shinobi and have no regrets, so I'd go for it. If you can stand to wait a few days, maybe hold off in case you get an extra copy from a free roll? Low chance but it could technically happen lol


Oct 25, 2017
Alright yeah I mean hoarding the stones won't do me any good either. But there you say something, I'll definitely wait till the anniversary ends! And on that note, what's a good dragon to stone for Fire/Mym? I have you in dragon-form and Sakuya available.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
You should never use stones on F2P Dragons, and the 90% Skill Damage ones are generally the best right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Got Gala Prince on my free ten roll today, my light team doesn't really need him but I'll take him!


Aug 5, 2018
I finally reached 175K Wyrmite on my F2P NOTTE account for another account overview update, and I'll be going into more detail since it's the anniversary. For newer folks who may not be aware, I play on two accounts: a main account and a F2P account where I interact with the gacha as little as possible, not spending Wyrmite or permanent tickets at all. It's nicknamed "NOTTE" for NO (T)ickets or Wyrmi(TE). While I do roll the free single/tenfold summons and that 1 expiring tenfold we got due to a bug, I don't use any of it or take any of the Wyrmite (haven't read a single gacha adventurer/dragon story). I wanted to see how playable DL is when you literally don't play it as a gacha game. It's also a good indicator for seeing how much free currency we get that's relatively accessible (you can acquire it without relying on the gacha). Obviously there's going to be some content that's out of reach (Mercurial Gauntlet later levels being the biggest offender), but overall I'd say 90% of the game can be played without ever utilizing the gacha or needing to get carried, just playing the game as a solid action JRPG.
In total, I have 175K Wyrmite, 35 tenfold vouchers, and 417 single summon vouchers, for a total of 2225 potential summons using the currency/vouchers given to us since launch, along with 3 stacks of 8.5K Eldwater 5* adventurer summon vouchers.
The highest Might I can reach at the moment is 24,335, though it's definitely not an optimal setup. I've 5-star promoted every story/welfare character, along with getting every non-Eldwater node. I've 50 Mana Circle'd Elisanne and Botan since they're legitimately two of the strongest adventurers in the game (Elisanne is the strongest Water adventurer/off-element buffer/Friend Helper while Botan is the 4th strongest dark adventurer), as well as Euden since that was required in order for him to do HMS on a budget at launch (the requirements are much lower nowadays). I've given every DPS adventurer a 5.3 core weapon (including 2 5.3 core Light bows for both Luca and Elias) and have leveled every Story/welfare dragon aside from the Silver/Bronze Fafnirs.
Since I only have 2 smithwyrms, my Facility is relatively low at just 1002. There's a ton of building I have the material to upgrade for but no smithwyrm to build it. However, the Hustle Hammers actually helped a lot in getting a couple of worthwhile upgrades like reaching 31/31 on my lance dojo's. All my story/event dragons are max bond.
Here's what the stash looks like for someone playing DL not using the gacha for about a year. Sunlight Stones are completely worthless for my account so I have about 8 of them just collecting dust. I actually didn't start doing High Dragon Trials until fairly recently because I was working on making 5.3 core weapons for everyone, and the Prelude is one of the best places to get Crimson Cores, which was my biggest bottleneck. That's why I'm pretty low on High Dragon orbs despite technically being able to do it for months now.
For the main story, I've solo'd literally every mission aside from ??? on Hard. I would say the main reason for that is because of how abysmal the Light options are for me. Aside from Alfonse, Luca/Elias aren't great, and my only Light Dragon options are Jupiter and Shishimai. If a couple of my other adventurers/dragons were Light, I would definitely have a better chance of clearing it. At least I can use Mini Mids, and Felicia is okay as a welfare healer. As it stands, I'm just hoping for some better Light welfare DPS adventurers and some actual 30% Strength Light welfare dragons for Year 2. I'm probably gonna just sit on ??? until I can solo it, since it's not like grouping is always possible for a story mission.
While I'm obviously not gonna perform particularly well, I've managed to hit a combine level of 125 so far in MG. It's a fairly good summary of how the best welfare DPS tools were for Fire, Water, and Dark. Fire has two 30% Strength dragons/3 decent DPS adventurers, Water has two of the strongest story/welfare DPS adventurers (Elisanne/S! Estelle) with a Bog-afflicting dragon (Peng Lai), and Dark has one of the strongest story/welfare adventurers (Botan) and 2 good/solid dark adventurers (Alex/Audric) as well as a 30% Strength dragon. While Wind has a 30% Strength dragon, Su Fang is just decent while Ranzal isn't great for DPS, and as I detailed in the story progress, Light has it worst of all. I only managed to clear level 23 by going mostly off-element (Eli/Su Fang/Botan/S! Estelle) for Wind and Alfonse/Botan/Melsa/Eli for Light). Still, 50.6K Eldwater and 5 Twinkling Sands a month isn't bad for an account that hasn't used any gacha content.

In terms of other endgame content, I've consistently cleared HMS with pubs. For Astral Raids, I've consistently cleared Master Hypnos and Shishimai with pubs, and this event has been the first time I can consistently clear Nightmare Raids with pubs. For the past few times we've had it, I've been able to clear Nightmare Challenge battles for Facility events. I can fully clear out every event in terms of emblems/boxes for Raid events, points/Trade Shop for Facility events, Nightmare-level content, and non-Epithet-related Endeavors going forward. However, I'd say to keep in mind that I'm also not super skilled at the game, which means someone better than me could accomplish more.

My personal take on DL's endgame is that as an action game, you need 3 things to clear high end DL content: gear, knowledge, and skill. When content first releases, folks with the best gear go in with very little knowledge and varying amounts of skill to barely scrape by a clear. Then as folks learn the patterns and execute the fight better, the gear requirements lessen. I will always take the person in HMS who barely hits the minimum but knows how to properly bait/DPS/heal over the 7K Might person who literally knows nothing about the fight. Gear doesn't do much if you can't properly perform your role.

Overall, I'd say the only biggest walls for content, stuff that arguably requires the gacha to competently participate in (not get carried), would be high end Mercurial Gauntlet, some Astral Raids, most likely Expert/Master High Dragon Trials, and possibly Omega Raids. I only say possibly for Omega Raids because the contents still too new to properly judge, and I'm not personally giving it a try until the near the end when I've accrued as many rare boosts as I can with all the strategies discovered.

Everything else, you can eventually do given enough time and progress. The extent of the stuff everyone gets from events, main story, and gifts allows people to tackle most of the game's content. Mini Mids alone lets you do almost all the High Dragon Trials (4/5) just using story adventurers since his buff isn't restricted by element like most stat-boosting dragons. He's an insane asset for any new/casual player, and who knows what else we might get in the future. So far I've been having a pretty good time just playing this as a gacha-less gacha game, and I'm onboard to keep doing this for Year 2.

Here's fan art of the welfare adventurers, which I might just repeatedly post at the end of these kinds of updates.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Decided to spend my tickets and the diamantium I got from the anniversary packs I picked up for a bit of summoning. I got Rena, Nefaria, and Wedding Xania. Now I have all 4* characters and every single character on the 5* ticket.

Looking at the list of characters, I'm only missing 9 characters now. For dragons, I have every dragon in the game except for Pop Star Siren.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I'm looking forward to the encyclopedia being added


Sep 9, 2019
So I don't remember raid boosts being a thing earlier raids. Are the "rares" found going to be carried forward? I've only gotten the ones I could "max out"


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Congratz on the clear!

You know as a more casual player, I do have Gala Cleo and Shinobi with one unbind, would it be worth it spending 3 of my 6 Sunstones on him?

I'm going to disagree with what you've been told, and say: absolutely not, unless you're intending to actively make use of him in content where that difference will matter. Gleo is excellent, but that doesn't mean you need to dump all your resources into her by default.

Are you intending to use her to fight Jupiter soon? Then it's worth it, especially because if you lack Marishiten there's no alternative. Otherwise, that's putting you under number of stones needed to bring 0UB -> MUB for another dragon, which you may need for a different high dragon. And then if you don't do Jupiter second, even, you may end up needing even more for another dragon anyway...

Personally, I've probably been stockpiling stones too much, but I've also definitely pulled more dupes recently that would have been absolutely useless if I'd used them to unbind that dragon for the hell of it. So I'm thankful that I've saved them for when I really need them, and so now can afford to be a little more casual with using them if I want.


Oct 25, 2017
I really want Gala Mym and I have enough left for 9 more ten rolls.

Oct 25, 2017
Well, it took about 160 pulls or so, but I got both Sarisse and Gleo to complete my gala set. I'm all the way down to 24k wyrmite now. Also got Wedding Elly and Xainfried as new 5 star adventurers, both Sirens and Arctos as new dragons, and Summer Luca, Noelle, Wedding Xania, and Odetta as new 4 stars.

Hopefully I can get Cassandra quickly so that I still have a good savings for Halloween.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Whew... had to spend about 60,000 of my 120,000 wyrmite but Gleo is finally mine. Not even mad it took me that much wyrmite because I got lots of dragons and characters I didn't have and enough eldewater to last me through next year.


Oct 24, 2017
So I have 4 Sunlight Stones burning a hole in my pocket, which of these would be best to MUB? My only MUBd dragons so far are Agni and Nidhogg, so I'm thinking it should probably be a Water/Wind/Light dragon?

Siren (2UB)
Poseidon (2UB)

Prometheus (1UB)
Simurgh (1UB)
Leviathan (1UB)
Freyja (1UB)
Pazuzu (1UB)
Garuda (1UB)

Konohanya Sakuya (0UB)
Cerberus (0UB)
Vayu (0UB)
Long Long (0UB)
Pop-Star Siren (0UB)
Liger (0UB)
Cupid (0UB)
Gilgamesh (0UB)
Jeanne D'Arc (0UB)
Shinobi (0UB)
Nyarlathotep (0UB)


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to disagree with what you've been told, and say: absolutely not, unless you're intending to actively make use of him in content where that difference will matter. Gleo is excellent, but that doesn't mean you need to dump all your resources into her by default.

Are you intending to use her to fight Jupiter soon? Then it's worth it, especially because if you lack Marishiten there's no alternative. Otherwise, that's putting you under number of stones needed to bring 0UB -> MUB for another dragon, which you may need for a different high dragon. And then if you don't do Jupiter second, even, you may end up needing even more for another dragon anyway...

Personally, I've probably been stockpiling stones too much, but I've also definitely pulled more dupes recently that would have been absolutely useless if I'd used them to unbind that dragon for the hell of it. So I'm thankful that I've saved them for when I really need them, and so now can afford to be a little more casual with using them if I want.

Hmm well that's my conundrum, I didn't do any high-level content or weapon-crafting yet and still have my fun so I wouldn't need the max-unbind at all. But at the same time this could be a initiative for me to finally get serious and attempt some high level content. From what I understands I have good cards with Gala Cleo, Shinobi, Mym, Sakuya and Apollo right?


Oct 27, 2017
Man, I feel like my wind team is way weaker then it actually should be. Might need to start throwing gleo on it until I can figure out who I need to swap out to make it work. I think the main issue is Sylas is not good.
Oct 25, 2017
So I just started to play this for the anniversary after playing when the game first launched for about a week and then dropping it. Holy shit I feel overwhelmed is there any form of starter guide out there?


Oct 27, 2017
So I have 4 Sunlight Stones burning a hole in my pocket, which of these would be best to MUB? My only MUBd dragons so far are Agni and Nidhogg, so I'm thinking it should probably be a Water/Wind/Light dragon?

Siren (2UB)
Poseidon (2UB)

Prometheus (1UB)
Simurgh (1UB)
Leviathan (1UB)
Freyja (1UB)
Pazuzu (1UB)
Garuda (1UB)

Konohanya Sakuya (0UB)
Cerberus (0UB)
Vayu (0UB)
Long Long (0UB)
Pop-Star Siren (0UB)
Liger (0UB)
Cupid (0UB)
Gilgamesh (0UB)
Jeanne D'Arc (0UB)
Shinobi (0UB)
Nyarlathotep (0UB)
It's difficult for me to max unbind a dragon because Sunlight Stones are so rare. You have great options like Leviathan, Konohanya, Cupid, and Shinobi, but I would personally use the stones on something you already unbound once or twice so you wouldn't have to use all your stones at once. However, I'd also consider only doing so if you really need a boost to a specific quest you are trying to beat. Maybe a more seasoned player can give you better advice though!

Anyway, I lucked out big time. I had about 24K Wyrmite when the Gala changed. I was missing Sarisse and Mym, so I spent about 12K Wyrmite, two 10-shot vouchers, and about 22 single shot vouchers to get them. I only got Sarisse, but I was okay with that. I wanted Shinobi (got baited hard by the dragon banner just before anniversary) and Mym, but the rates for getting such specific units didn't justify spending the rest of my Wyrmite, especially with Mega Man coming. This morning I did my free daily and got both Mym and Shinobi!


Oct 28, 2017
Despite a bad spell of pulling today (60 pulls until pity break), I had extremely good luck this Gala, so I can't complain. Managed to get G!Euden after about 80 rolls on Friday (making me 5/5 on Gala characters), and was greeted with three 5* swords in the animation O.o... (G!Euden x 2 and S!Celleria)

All in all, including the 6 free 10 pulls, I pulled about 300 times in total over the Gala, with a mix of single tickets (rate boost), 10-pull tickets, and wyrmite, and came away with the following good pulls (leaving me with 33410 wyrmite + 32 single tickets), which I will likely horde for the upcoming Halloween and Megaman limited banners):

G!Euden (+1 dupe)
Lily (dupe)
Lin You (dupe)

Prometheus (now MUB without stones!)
Arctos (new)
Long Long (now 2UB)
Cupid x 2 (already had one MUB with stones, so building second)
Zephyr (already had one MUB with stones, also building second)
Jeanne (now 2UB)
Siren (new, the only consolation of today's 60 pull pity break)

Also managed to clear both Omega Solo raids with my team of Ieyasu, G!Cleo, S!Verica, and G!Euden. I had 5 of the rare boosts at the time of the clears yesterday, but today managed to somehow get a 6th one (are there 7-8 total? I don't have skill haste). At least I shouldn't be shooed away from the Omega raid rooms this weekend with this setup! I feel like I somehow cheated the system and really lucked out, and I really feel for all those who haven't even gotten one, especially if they are working hard to clear Omega. It's an interesting idea, but it needs a pity system (maybe a guarantee to get one after so many raid clears?), rather than just random drops after clears.


Oct 27, 2017
Lightning for Smash
I finally reached 175K Wyrmite on my F2P NOTTE account for another account overview update, and I'll be going into more detail since it's the anniversary. For newer folks who may not be aware, I play on two accounts: a main account and a F2P account where I interact with the gacha as little as possible, not spending Wyrmite or permanent tickets at all. It's nicknamed "NOTTE" for NO (T)ickets or Wyrmi(TE). While I do roll the free single/tenfold summons and that 1 expiring tenfold we got due to a bug, I don't use any of it or take any of the Wyrmite (haven't read a single gacha adventurer/dragon story). I wanted to see how playable DL is when you literally don't play it as a gacha game. It's also a good indicator for seeing how much free currency we get that's relatively accessible (you can acquire it without relying on the gacha). Obviously there's going to be some content that's out of reach (Mercurial Gauntlet later levels being the biggest offender), but overall I'd say 90% of the game can be played without ever utilizing the gacha or needing to get carried, just playing the game as a solid action JRPG.
In total, I have 175K Wyrmite, 35 tenfold vouchers, and 417 single summon vouchers, for a total of 2225 potential summons using the currency/vouchers given to us since launch, along with 3 stacks of 8.5K Eldwater 5* adventurer summon vouchers.
The highest Might I can reach at the moment is 24,335, though it's definitely not an optimal setup. I've 5-star promoted every story/welfare character, along with getting every non-Eldwater node. I've 50 Mana Circle'd Elisanne and Botan since they're legitimately two of the strongest adventurers in the game (Elisanne is the strongest Water adventurer/off-element buffer/Friend Helper while Botan is the 4th strongest dark adventurer), as well as Euden since that was required in order for him to do HMS on a budget at launch (the requirements are much lower nowadays). I've given every DPS adventurer a 5.3 core weapon (including 2 5.3 core Light bows for both Luca and Elias) and have leveled every Story/welfare dragon aside from the Silver/Bronze Fafnirs.
Since I only have 2 smithwyrms, my Facility is relatively low at just 1002. There's a ton of building I have the material to upgrade for but no smithwyrm to build it. However, the Hustle Hammers actually helped a lot in getting a couple of worthwhile upgrades like reaching 31/31 on my lance dojo's. All my story/event dragons are max bond.
Here's what the stash looks like for someone playing DL not using the gacha for about a year. Sunlight Stones are completely worthless for my account so I have about 8 of them just collecting dust. I actually didn't start doing High Dragon Trials until fairly recently because I was working on making 5.3 core weapons for everyone, and the Prelude is one of the best places to get Crimson Cores, which was my biggest bottleneck. That's why I'm pretty low on High Dragon orbs despite technically being able to do it for months now.
For the main story, I've solo'd literally every mission aside from ??? on Hard. I would say the main reason for that is because of how abysmal the Light options are for me. Aside from Alfonse, Luca/Elias aren't great, and my only Light Dragon options are Jupiter and Shishimai. If a couple of my other adventurers/dragons were Light, I would definitely have a better chance of clearing it. At least I can use Mini Mids, and Felicia is okay as a welfare healer. As it stands, I'm just hoping for some better Light welfare DPS adventurers and some actual 30% Strength Light welfare dragons for Year 2. I'm probably gonna just sit on ??? until I can solo it, since it's not like grouping is always possible for a story mission.
While I'm obviously not gonna perform particularly well, I've managed to hit a combine level of 125 so far in MG. It's a fairly good summary of how the best welfare DPS tools were for Fire, Water, and Dark. Fire has two 30% Strength dragons/3 decent DPS adventurers, Water has two of the strongest story/welfare DPS adventurers (Elisanne/S! Estelle) with a Bog-afflicting dragon (Peng Lai), and Dark has one of the strongest story/welfare adventurers (Botan) and 2 good/solid dark adventurers (Alex/Audric) as well as a 30% Strength dragon. While Wind has a 30% Strength dragon, Su Fang is just decent while Ranzal isn't great for DPS, and as I detailed in the story progress, Light has it worst of all. I only managed to clear level 23 by going mostly off-element (Eli/Su Fang/Botan/S! Estelle) for Wind and Alfonse/Botan/Melsa/Eli for Light). Still, 50.6K Eldwater and 5 Twinkling Sands a month isn't bad for an account that hasn't used any gacha content.

In terms of other endgame content, I've consistently cleared HMS with pubs. For Astral Raids, I've consistently cleared Master Hypnos and Shishimai with pubs, and this event has been the first time I can consistently clear Nightmare Raids with pubs. For the past few times we've had it, I've been able to clear Nightmare Challenge battles for Facility events. I can fully clear out every event in terms of emblems/boxes for Raid events, points/Trade Shop for Facility events, Nightmare-level content, and non-Epithet-related Endeavors going forward. However, I'd say to keep in mind that I'm also not super skilled at the game, which means someone better than me could accomplish more.

My personal take on DL's endgame is that as an action game, you need 3 things to clear high end DL content: gear, knowledge, and skill. When content first releases, folks with the best gear go in with very little knowledge and varying amounts of skill to barely scrape by a clear. Then as folks learn the patterns and execute the fight better, the gear requirements lessen. I will always take the person in HMS who barely hits the minimum but knows how to properly bait/DPS/heal over the 7K Might person who literally knows nothing about the fight. Gear doesn't do much if you can't properly perform your role.

Overall, I'd say the only biggest walls for content, stuff that arguably requires the gacha to competently participate in (not get carried), would be high end Mercurial Gauntlet, some Astral Raids, most likely Expert/Master High Dragon Trials, and possibly Omega Raids. I only say possibly for Omega Raids because the contents still too new to properly judge, and I'm not personally giving it a try until the near the end when I've accrued as many rare boosts as I can with all the strategies discovered.

Everything else, you can eventually do given enough time and progress. The extent of the stuff everyone gets from events, main story, and gifts allows people to tackle most of the game's content. Mini Mids alone lets you do almost all the High Dragon Trials (4/5) just using story adventurers since his buff isn't restricted by element like most stat-boosting dragons. He's an insane asset for any new/casual player, and who knows what else we might get in the future. So far I've been having a pretty good time just playing this as a gacha-less gacha game, and I'm onboard to keep doing this for Year 2.

Here's fan art of the welfare adventurers, which I might just repeatedly post at the end of these kinds of updates.

This was pretty awesome and amusing to read as a new player. Thanks!


Oct 26, 2017
So next time we get a surprise ticket will Summer Celery be available in it? I'm not playing as much as I use to but just want to keep that in mind to be on the look out for when I pop in to check on what's going on.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
So next time we get a surprise ticket will Summer Celery be available in it? I'm not playing as much as I use to but just want to keep that in mind to be on the look out for when I pop in to check on what's going on.

I can't say with 100% certainty, but it's pretty likely she'd be available. She's not a limited unit and she'll have been out for a decent amount of time.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
Delphi shall be a worthy successor to my Vice. May even try maining him for the remainder of my HJP runs


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
GamePress is iffy. They're a good start but I would dig further before blindly trusting any info they give. Maybe some of that is the Reddit Discord's elitism rubbing off on me still (despite not being there much at all lately), but there's things in this game that can look good at face value while not being great in practice.

I have 4 Sunlight Stones burning a hole in my pocket
Hmm well that's my conundrum, I didn't do any high-level content or weapon-crafting yet and still have my fun so I wouldn't need the max-unbind at all. But at the same time this could be a initiative for me to finally get serious and attempt some high level content. From what I understands I have good cards with Gala Cleo, Shinobi, Mym, Sakuya and Apollo right?

Why are you folks rushing to use these stones? I have like, what, 10 worth of ore right now and have used stones... twice? 1 on Prometheus to make him viable for Sinoa in HMS, 4 on Marishiten to MUB her for use in Jupiter.

You really need to consider that a 5* that is not MUB is actually going to be worse than a MUB 4* the majority of the time (maybe at ~3UB this can change), and MUB 4*s have become plentiful for me even before using the... 24, apparently, moonlight stones I have. I know I'm stingy as hell with my resources, so it's absolutely fair to disregard this as a result (I'm certainly not saying anyone else should stockpile this much!), but personally if I'm not going to immediately need to use the 5* dragon at MUB it would feel wasteful. Especially when the dragon isn't limited.

Like... I almost sunstoned Levi to use for Gauntlet since he's just that good, but decided against it. But I got a dupe or two recently, and then 2 more dupes just during this Gala. Now he's MUB. If I'd sunstoned him when I thought about doing it, I'd have a 1UB or 2UB Levi collecting dust while everyone actually used MUB Vody. I think wanting at least one MUB 5* in every element is a reasonable thing to aim for, but I personally wanted to first make sure I could cover fighting every high dragon. It's only now that I'm at the point where that's easily within my reach (I'll need 2 stones to MUB Cupid or Gil for Zodiark) that I'm considering spending 3 extra stones to get Zephyr to MUB so I have wind covered too.

Obviously, if you're not doing high dragons you're going to be considering different things, but I think you should still think through whether it's actually going to make a difference now or if you're likely to need them later! Cause if you think going all in on one dragon is what will be fun for you, that's certainly not a bad thing; don't let my worrying stand in the way of enjoying things your own way! But if you're going into this thinking it'll be a game changer and then it ends up being that you still can't clear Gauntlet level 26 or whatever, that'd still be disappointing, right? Or even if you do see a difference, but end up finding that you can't do something else later that you may care more about doing as a result? You can't know what's coming in the future, but you should try to think about what might be ahead and what you care about doing. It's just that thinking through that doesn't have to mean stockpiling forever like me, cause it can mean deciding to just have fun in the moment too! Just try to keep that kind of thing in mind, is all.

and so ends the preaching of hoarding resources forever

...anyway, Skyfire, regarding how good those are- Shinobi has a very good dragon form, a potentially extremely useful skill (energize everyone!), and his only real competition is limited (Marishiten). The fire ones have more competition, though Sakuya is indeed technically best for the majority of fire adventurers, IIRC.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Durham, NC
I don't stockpile anything

Just balls to the wall resource spending

Admittedly that made me sell my elegant escorts, but I'll not make the same mistake twice


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
So next time we get a surprise ticket will Summer Celery be available in it? I'm not playing as much as I use to but just want to keep that in mind to be on the look out for when I pop in to check on what's going on.

This should be the case. IIRC only the latest banner isn't included in dream summons so far, and it's now been a few since hers, so you should be set.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I used my stones on unbinding Prometheus for my Mym for use in high Midgar.
Next time I gather some I'll probably use them to unbind Shinobi because I'm still lacking Marishiten and I hate it


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
For something less serious, last night I finally saw the last of the new stickers for the first time and went "oh, that's good, I should actually switch that in for Jupiter".

literally right afterwards:

so it's gonna get some use


Nov 8, 2017
remember that we get a 5* dragon ticket in a few days... at least wait to use those sunstones untill checking what you got! XD


Oct 24, 2017
GamePress is iffy. They're a good start but I would dig further before blindly trusting any info they give. Maybe some of that is the Reddit Discord's elitism rubbing off on me still (despite not being there much at all lately), but there's things in this game that can look good at face value while not being great in practice.

Why are you folks rushing to use these stones? I have like, what, 10 worth of ore right now and have used stones... twice? 1 on Prometheus to make him viable for Sinoa in HMS, 4 on Marishiten to MUB her for use in Jupiter.

You really need to consider that a 5* that is not MUB is actually going to be worse than a MUB 4* the majority of the time (maybe at ~3UB this can change), and MUB 4*s have become plentiful for me even before using the... 24, apparently, moonlight stones I have. I know I'm stingy as hell with my resources, so it's absolutely fair to disregard this as a result (I'm certainly not saying anyone else should stockpile this much!), but personally if I'm not going to immediately need to use the 5* dragon at MUB it would feel wasteful. Especially when the dragon isn't limited.

Like... I almost sunstoned Levi to use for Gauntlet since he's just that good, but decided against it. But I got a dupe or two recently, and then 2 more dupes just during this Gala. Now he's MUB. If I'd sunstoned him when I thought about doing it, I'd have a 1UB or 2UB Levi collecting dust while everyone actually used MUB Vody. I think wanting at least one MUB 5* in every element is a reasonable thing to aim for, but I personally wanted to first make sure I could cover fighting every high dragon. It's only now that I'm at the point where that's easily within my reach (I'll need 2 stones to MUB Cupid or Gil for Zodiark) that I'm considering spending 3 extra stones to get Zephyr to MUB so I have wind covered too.

Obviously, if you're not doing high dragons you're going to be considering different things, but I think you should still think through whether it's actually going to make a difference now or if you're likely to need them later! Cause if you think going all in on one dragon is what will be fun for you, that's certainly not a bad thing; don't let my worrying stand in the way of enjoying things your own way! But if you're going into this thinking it'll be a game changer and then it ends up being that you still can't clear Gauntlet level 26 or whatever, that'd still be disappointing, right? Or even if you do see a difference, but end up finding that you can't do something else later that you may care more about doing as a result? You can't know what's coming in the future, but you should try to think about what might be ahead and what you care about doing. It's just that thinking through that doesn't have to mean stockpiling forever like me, cause it can mean deciding to just have fun in the moment too! Just try to keep that kind of thing in mind, is all.

and so ends the preaching of hoarding resources forever

...anyway, Skyfire, regarding how good those are- Shinobi has a very good dragon form, a potentially extremely useful skill (energize everyone!), and his only real competition is limited (Marishiten). The fire ones have more competition, though Sakuya is indeed technically best for the majority of fire adventurers, IIRC.

Essentially my goal is to do high dragons right now, most other content is a breeze for me with my current setup, but I've only completed HMS of the five. I have 2 MUB copies of every 4* dragon so it's a case of pushing my might higher so I'm able to contend alongside people who've done that content. It may be the wrong thing and I could be saving for future hypotheticals, but really High Dragons are my only goal currently so anything that serves that seems worth the effort.

EDIT: These are my current teams, Ramona/Xander/Lin You/Annelie are all a bit lower as I only pulled them yesterday.
Last edited:


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Essentially my goal is to do high dragons right now, most other content is a breeze for me with my current setup, but I've only completed HMS of the five. I have 2 MUB copies of every 4* dragon so it's a case of pushing my might higher so I'm able to contend alongside people who've done that content. It may be the wrong thing and I could be saving for future hypotheticals, but really High Dragons are my only goal currently so anything that serves that seems worth the effort.

Well, that's a little different than 4 stones burning a hole in your pocket, haha.

What dragon (or which dragons, I guess) do you want to fight next, and which adventurers were you planning to use?


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm really hoping the dragon ticket makes my current choice easier. Flame is the only element I don't have a MUB gacha dragon for and I have to choose between using 4 stones on Arctos (BIS for Yue and Serena, the flame characters I'll primarily be using) or spending 2 stones on Sakuya, letting me save the other stones. I'd really like one mubbed for the new HDT difficulties.


Oct 24, 2017
Well, that's a little different than 4 stones burning a hole in your pocket, haha.

What dragon (or which dragons, I guess) do you want to fight next, and which adventurers were you planning to use?
This is my current High Dragons team, I wasn't so sure on order but it sounds like HMC is easiest of the four so perhaps that first, then HBH, and then the other two in whichever order? Although Natalie has highest HP of my units so...


Current might values are:

Fjorm - 5805 (HP 2118, STR 1878)
Maribelle - 5749 (HP 2034, STR 2400)
Natalie - 6016 (HP 2798, STR 2320)
G!Euden - 5736 (HP 2021, STR 2386)


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Is it better to run a 2UB Shinobi for the skill up % increase or a MUB marshitin for the Bleed and +60% strength on Gleo.

The other would go on a Natalie, so they both can reap benefits of skill damage up, though I think shinobi on Gleo and Marshitin on Natalie might be more optimal.


Oct 25, 2017
Decided to start sacrificing Adventurer Story Wyrmite for one last 5* and last ditch effort for Mym.

No Mym; but I pulled my 5th copy of Apollo. I can't even be mad; this is the first time I've MUB a 5* Dragon with just pulls.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Is it better to run a 2UB Shinobi for the skill up % increase or a MUB marshitin for the Bleed and +60% strength on Gleo.

The other would go on a Natalie, so they both can reap benefits of skill damage up, though I think shinobi on Gleo and Marshitin on Natalie might be more optimal.

Is this for in general? Or doing stuff like Omega?

In general, I think I'd lean towards using the MUB dragon on who you control. I know the skill damage dragons do make the comparison a bit iffier, so maybe I'm wrong, but I do think that's a safe assumption here? Though for the Omega battles, I think it may be better to go with Shinobi on who you're controlling since Shinobi's skill will probably be more useful. You'll benefit a lot from it even if it doesn't actually hit when you're using it to dodge, since it energizes everyone regardless, while meanwhile Marishiten's obviously needs to hit to do anything (and you may not want the big dash that comes with it!).


Oct 25, 2017
GamePress is iffy. They're a good start but I would dig further before blindly trusting any info they give. Maybe some of that is the Reddit Discord's elitism rubbing off on me still (despite not being there much at all lately), but there's things in this game that can look good at face value while not being great in practice.

Why are you folks rushing to use these stones? I have like, what, 10 worth of ore right now and have used stones... twice? 1 on Prometheus to make him viable for Sinoa in HMS, 4 on Marishiten to MUB her for use in Jupiter.

You really need to consider that a 5* that is not MUB is actually going to be worse than a MUB 4* the majority of the time (maybe at ~3UB this can change), and MUB 4*s have become plentiful for me even before using the... 24, apparently, moonlight stones I have. I know I'm stingy as hell with my resources, so it's absolutely fair to disregard this as a result (I'm certainly not saying anyone else should stockpile this much!), but personally if I'm not going to immediately need to use the 5* dragon at MUB it would feel wasteful. Especially when the dragon isn't limited.

Like... I almost sunstoned Levi to use for Gauntlet since he's just that good, but decided against it. But I got a dupe or two recently, and then 2 more dupes just during this Gala. Now he's MUB. If I'd sunstoned him when I thought about doing it, I'd have a 1UB or 2UB Levi collecting dust while everyone actually used MUB Vody. I think wanting at least one MUB 5* in every element is a reasonable thing to aim for, but I personally wanted to first make sure I could cover fighting every high dragon. It's only now that I'm at the point where that's easily within my reach (I'll need 2 stones to MUB Cupid or Gil for Zodiark) that I'm considering spending 3 extra stones to get Zephyr to MUB so I have wind covered too.

Obviously, if you're not doing high dragons you're going to be considering different things, but I think you should still think through whether it's actually going to make a difference now or if you're likely to need them later! Cause if you think going all in on one dragon is what will be fun for you, that's certainly not a bad thing; don't let my worrying stand in the way of enjoying things your own way! But if you're going into this thinking it'll be a game changer and then it ends up being that you still can't clear Gauntlet level 26 or whatever, that'd still be disappointing, right? Or even if you do see a difference, but end up finding that you can't do something else later that you may care more about doing as a result? You can't know what's coming in the future, but you should try to think about what might be ahead and what you care about doing. It's just that thinking through that doesn't have to mean stockpiling forever like me, cause it can mean deciding to just have fun in the moment too! Just try to keep that kind of thing in mind, is all.

and so ends the preaching of hoarding resources forever

...anyway, Skyfire, regarding how good those are- Shinobi has a very good dragon form, a potentially extremely useful skill (energize everyone!), and his only real competition is limited (Marishiten). The fire ones have more competition, though Sakuya is indeed technically best for the majority of fire adventurers, IIRC.

Thanks for the valuable insight, I don't think your way is wrong at all, sounds reasonable and makes sense, for me personally I'm just afraid that I develop Final Fantasy syndrome with these rare items and never end up using them in fear of missing a better opportunity.

And alright, I have Marishiten too but sounds like if I will use the stones it will be for Shinobi and Sakuya!


Oct 25, 2017
I have:

Nurse Aeleen
Summer Julietta

I still need:
Summer Estelle
Summer Celliera

Should I keep spending Wyrmite on 10-folds while the Gala lasts or should I save it for next event?

Edit: In other news:


Oct 25, 2017
This Gala event has been kind to me, and I haven't had to use much Wyrmite (only about 10K). I have managed to acquire:

Gala Euden
Gala Cleo
Gala Ranzal

So that's all the Gala characters collected. There are really only two units I would have wanted outside of those, which are the Dragon Shinobi and Sylas. Not sure if I should try to spend more Wyrmite for the small chance to get those.