
Sep 29, 2021
People seems to think the character creator is truly behind a pay wall, you can't even try to say it's not.

I think Capcom got ahead of themselves with the microtransactions in this game, but this is just not true.


Nov 2, 2017
Just got the game and installing it right now!!

So i guess my main pawn should a Mage if i pick Thief?What are the best combinations for pawns?
I am a Thief with a Mage main pawn and it's working well. At the moment I grabbed a Warrior and Archer pawn from the void just to have the whole set (one of the pawns even commented on the fact we were all different jobs).


Powered by Friendship™
Feb 17, 2022
For a game and now franchise being so infamous for it's dark nights and darkness in general, I am surprised that neither in HDR, but also not SDR it seems to have real true blacks and even the darkest spots have a pretty noticeable raised black level.
That's disappointing, the brightness options are also all over the place and none of the instructions make any sense where the checkerboard pattern only disappear at the very highest brightness and minimum dark setting.
The contrast of this game here is not too great overall.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's a shame it's momentum might have been halted or slowed down by all this negative press of the mtx stuff
Love the game so far, but it's a good thing it's getting such pushback. A big profile release like this they have to at least take note of it. If it does end up affecting it's GOTY votes or whatever then they did it to themselves.

Anyone else finding it weird not having a lock on function in combat?
I like it personally. Took a little bit of getting used to, but it makes positioning and other aspects matter much more. Adds to the diffuclty in a good way imo.


Game Designer at EA
Oct 27, 2017
So you can't sleep at camps? I thought I saw a video of them resting there but it appears it's just for cooking, so far at least.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm seeing a lot of negativity on the stream reviews about the save system. Not sure if it's usual internet making something out of nothing though.

Apparently you can't delete saved data or start a new game? Could anybody explain how this works? So I can't have multiple play through with different builds?

Apparently the change character looks is locked behind paid DlC as well?

Is any of this true?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm seeing a lot of negativity on the stream reviews about the save system. Not sure if it's usual internet making something out of nothing though.

Apparently you can't delete saved data or start a new game? Could anybody explain how this works? So I can't have multiple play through with different builds?

Apparently the change character looks is locked behind paid DlC as well?

Is any of this true?

...but, on PC you can delete save files to start over.

And they just announced they'll be adding a proper New Game option.

You can apparently find items in-game that allow you to change your look, too. You can freely cut your hair/change tattoos and markings already.


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
They look pretty close to the CC
Someone mentioned you can get a metamorphosis item in game relatively early that lets u change appearance.
You can create ur pawn 10-15minutes into the game
Yes you still can still around with the CC after importing the character



Oct 25, 2017
When your character goes up a level their stats automatically increase on their own and you have no control over them?


Oct 27, 2017
I've had no key yet from cdkeys (UK). It just says pending. I guess their support is slammed with tickets given the ballsup with regions there. Still sucks though. I wanted to play after work.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the pawn lines about 'former masters' etc. were cool at first but in the three hours I've played I think I've heard the same lines 10+ times already...

Enjoying my time so far, though. Trying to take my time and always wandering off the main path wherever I can. Came across my first cave right before I stopped playing so I'm excited to see what's in it when I go back on. Started as Mage and it's taking me a while to get used to not being as active as I assume the other classes would be when it comes to combat.

The pawns have a severe lack of reactivity to the environment sometimes, and they will keep spouting the same nonsense whenever they hit triggers in the area. Like, there's one with three boulders you can send rolling down a hill. Initially they announce how with their combined strength, we could probably push them. After having already knocked all three down by myself, they keep mentioning the boulders that are no longer there. Every single time I pass that area.

Also, Mages actually feel worse in this than in the previous game simply because the flamethrower is not a replacement for the firewall and fireball you got in the original. Not only does it eat up 80% of your FOV, it's hard to set up and judge distances on faster moving targets. The magic bolt feels worse to use in this as well. The vocation was actually more "active" in the previous game. By quite a bit.


Oct 27, 2017
This is one of those games where the character creator and "real world" don't match up lol

My main has a weird double chin from side angles and bow legs, need to look up how to change appearance


Feb 18, 2024
Are there any old people voices in the character creator? I made some old looking witch lady, and all the voices are of young, vibrant women. It is super bizarre when my pawn talks. I sort of hate it!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's my point, there's a way to mod it for non 4000 series cards so you can use it. Not sure how though, just know it exists.
Are you sure? Not doubting you per se but the 4xxx cards have specific hardware that assists FG that doesn't exist on 3xxx cards and below.


Jun 2, 2022
Are you sure? Not doubting you per se but the 4xxx cards have specific hardware that assists FG that doesn't exist on 3xxx cards and below.

DLSS framegen doesn't work without a 4000 series cards FSR3 framegen works fine and there are mods to replace DLSS framegen with FSR framegen they usually work fine but in this case the DRM of the game blocks them.


Jul 16, 2019
Performance issues aside, this is pretty damn fun so far. Feels good to play and it has a lot of cool concepts and ideas thrown in there.

I do need to figure out how to change my character's appearance, though. His legs are fucked (they didn't look that bad in the editor) and he runs very weird lol


Oct 25, 2017
Are you sure? Not doubting you per se but the 4xxx cards have specific hardware that assists FG that doesn't exist on 3xxx cards and below.
It exists yes. It switches DLSS 3 FG for FSR 3 FG. Not exactly the same, but it works.

It apparently can't be used here because of DRM tho.
Microtransaction Discussions


Oct 25, 2017
For anyone wanting to discuss the current backlash about the game regarding MTX and such please visit this thread:

For my general thoughts and opinions on the system please read the following quote which is from this other thread, it's as much as I will say about the matter in this thread:
Do microtransactions suck?
The small caveat to that is there are some gamers with less time than others who will happily pay for mtx to help speed up their experience so they don't fall behind their peers - this is like fomo manipulation.

Are Dragon's Dogma 2's MTX egregious?
Not really, you can do everything they supply you with in game. You can change how your character looks with in-game currency, you can find and buy fast travel points and stones in-game (Ferrystones and Portcrystals) and you can earn Rift Crystals in-game, they are used to recruit pawns among many other things. But as you progress they are easier and easier but pawns of higher levels cost more and more to recruit (for example) if they're not on your friends list.

Are Rift Crystals a premium currency?
No but Capcom is sort of making them one with the way they're letting you buy them in different quantities on the store. Technically you could spend a lot of money on them IRL and then use them to recruit a higher level Pawn to your team. Rift Crystals are fully earnable in-game.

Can you ignore the MTX?
One million percent yes, you do not need anything they are selling to get the full, enjoyable DD2 exprience.

Are you saying Capcom shouldn't get backlash because of this?
Absolutely not, they should. MTX suck and the way these have been implmented feels like a "oh lets find things in this game's systems we can monietize". I actually think armor sets, weapons...etc if the game had a 'cosmetic transmog' system would have been far less poorly recieved than what they have done with MTX currently. For example imagine a Berserk inspired armor set cosmetic for $10, it changes how your entire character's armor looks to be similar to that of Guts from Berserk - but it doesn't change any of your equipped armors stats...etc.

What MTX are there exactly?
Currently there are 22 pieces of purchasable content on the store, they are (buckle up for a list):
  • 3x 500 Rift Crystals (Currency)
  • 4x 1500 Rift Crystals (Currency)
  • 1x 2500 Rift Crystals (Currency)
  • 4x Wakestones (Revives - Single Use)
  • 1x Portcrystal (Fast Travel Point Creator- Single Use but permanant point when used)
  • 1x Book of Metamorphasis (Character Editor - Single Use)
  • 1x Get out of Jail Key (Single Use)
  • 1x Rift Essense (Change your Pawn's Inclination to a Random One - Single Use)
  • 1x Harpy Lure
  • 1x Gift Pendant
  • 1x Dragon's Dogma 1 Sounds and Music
  • 1x Camping Kit (Single Use)
  • 1x Demo/Character Creator [Free]

A large number of the above are also included in the game's Deluxe Edition.

It looks like you can't just buy the curreny items over and over and over to get tons of them for real world money, so they don't work like most premium currencies in a lot of games.

Why have they done this?
Ask Capcom. But my assumption is they're testing the waters of this style of MTX on larger singleplayer games. To see what the reception to them is and what they need to take away and learn. I doubt they'll not do this again in the future but they may tweak their approach... or double down - who knows.

Wait I can pay to fast travel anywhere?
The article and old title of this thread were inaccurate. "...monetizes the ability to fast travel wherever you want in the game world"
This quote is not accurate and factually incorrect. The item you can purcahse is a Portcrystal, this is a one time use item that creates a permanant point on the map you can fast travel to - but you still need to buy ferrystones in-game and use those to be able to fast travel and one of the points you could choose to fast travel to would be this point you placed down with the 'paid for' Portcrystal. You can also find Portcrystals in the game and not spend a penny of real money on getting those and making your own fast travel points in-game.

Please keep all MTX related discussions to this other thread and not in this OT - just to keep on topic and focus on players experiences with the game and not plague this thread with MTX discussions. Thanks all :)
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Oct 25, 2017
the vignette on the game is so so so bad on ultrawide, its distractingly bad. why is there no option to turn that off?

anyone know of any fix?

game is super fun otherwise and my performance is good. but this vignette sucks :( like 70% of my screen is a strong vignette effect and only 30% in centre is normal, you support ultrawide and then smear on this awful affect that just makes it terrible that cant be disabled
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Oct 25, 2017
For anyone wanting to discuss the current backlash about the game regarding MTX and such please visit this thread:

For my general thoughts and opinions on the system please read the following quote which is from this other thread, it's as much as I will say about the matter in this thread:

Please keep all MTX related discussions to this other thread and not in this OT - just to keep on topic and focus on players experiences with the game and not plague this thread with MTX discussions. Thanks all :)

I think it's fair to disscuss these things in the OT too, personally. It is entirely on topic for the game, and OT is never purely about just the gameplay, all topics regarding the game should be allowed. And I'm pretty sure there is no rule against that.
Oct 4, 2020
The pawns have a severe lack of reactivity to the environment sometimes, and they will keep spouting the same nonsense whenever they hit triggers in the area. Like, there's one with three boulders you can send rolling down a hill. Initially they announce how with their combined strength, we could probably push them. After having already knocked all three down by myself, they keep mentioning the boulders that are no longer there. Every single time I pass that area.

Also, Mages actually feel worse in this than in the previous game simply because the flamethrower is not a replacement for the firewall and fireball you got in the original. Not only does it eat up 80% of your FOV, it's hard to set up and judge distances on faster moving targets. The magic bolt feels worse to use in this as well. The vocation was actually more "active" in the previous game. By quite a bit.
Same with smaller things like ladders - constantly going on about a ladder I've used ages ago every single time we get near it, enough!

Interesting to hear that about how it was in the first game. I think I'm going to stick with it for a while, but next town I get to I'm considering just essentially swapping vocations with my pawn and see how I get on (she's a fighter).


Oct 26, 2017
Bought the game, but avoided any press. Just saw all these tokens for sale on the Steam page. Are there microtransactions for a game this expensive or is it P2W? Very weird.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
DLSS framegen doesn't work without a 4000 series cards FSR3 framegen works fine and there are mods to replace DLSS framegen with FSR framegen they usually work fine but in this case the DRM of the game blocks them.
It exists yes. It switches DLSS 3 FG for FSR 3 FG. Not exactly the same, but it works.

It apparently can't be used here because of DRM tho.
Ah gotcha. I was a little curious since I'd love framegen on 3xxx cards lol. The ideal middle ground I guess would be AMD FSR's framegen equivalent mixed with DLSS as the FSR upscaler is not ideal. The DRM block is lame though. Tbh I grabbed it on PS5 anyway since I was looking for another couch game but figured I'd check in case I ever grab it for PC. I already wish I had lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's fair to disscuss these things in the OT too, personally. It is entirely on topic for the game, and OT is never purely about just the gameplay, all topics regarding the game should be allowed. And I'm pretty sure there is no rule against that.
I mean if mods disagree with me then they can veto my call here but I'd rather not have that discussion take place here and bog down the OT, it makes more sense if that discussion is kept to the other thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Bought the game, but avoided any press. Just saw all these tokens for sale on the Steam page. Are there microtransactions for a game this expensive or is it P2W? Very weird.
Thankfully, you can just ignore them entirely. They can all be found in-game. Doesn't change them being shitty though.

I mean if mods disagree with me then they can veto my call here but I'd rather not have that discussion take place here and bog down the OT, it makes more sense if that discussion is kept to the other thread.
You made the OT mate, I'm not sure it's fair to try to dictate the conversation though. If mods think otherwise se they can say.


Oct 25, 2017
DLSS framegen doesn't work without a 4000 series cards FSR3 framegen works fine and there are mods to replace DLSS framegen with FSR framegen they usually work fine but in this case the DRM of the game blocks them.
that's balls, didn't they announce DLSS 3.5 before release?

was wondering why my framerate was hovering around 60fps everywhere even with DLSS turned on.


Jun 2, 2022
The ideal middle ground I guess would be AMD FSR's framegen equivalent mixed with DLSS as the FSR upscaler is not ideal.

That's exactly what these mods do not only do they replace DLSS framegen they also make FSR3 framegen independent from the upscaler and it can be used with DLSS and XeSS upscaling, FSR 3.1 which will be out soon will also make it possible by default to use any upscaler with FSR framegen.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's exactly what these mods do not only do they replace DLSS framegen they also make FSR3 framegen independent from the upscaler and it can be used with DLSS and XeSS upscaling, FSR3.1 which will be out soon will also make it possible by default to use any upscaler with FSR framegen.
Oh that's pretty neat. Tbh I'm thinking I may just grab it on PC too eventually then. The game itself seems really fun but man the performance on console is really holding it back for me


Dec 11, 2017
refunded the game.

Its not bad, but my expectations might have been a bit too high. And the surprise-microtransactions annoyed me more than they should have, i guess thats just part of the business now.

Will get it later at discount and after a few updates.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Got this sort of last minute with all the videos coming out and goddamn, I'm glad I did. Also glad I got it on PC, no way would I be able to cope with the PS5 performance.


Oct 27, 2017
Played for a tiny bit last night but I think I need to start over, somehow made my character way too short without realizing it, at least compared to every other character I've encountered, haha.

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
Didn't get my code last night till 1:30 A M.

Now I'm at work.



Oct 25, 2017
I also want to clarify here that pawn inclinations are not randomized like the MXT article states and if you do want to change it to a specific one that's totally possible. There is an option that costs less rift crystals that randomizes your inclination, but you can also buy specific inclination changes from the same shop.

Also important to know is that the game has at least 4 portcrystals. That's how many I've found 2/3 in and playing fully blind. There are likely more. Not justifying the fact Capcom is selling stuff they shouldn't be selling, but as iFirez pointed out it's a far cry from 'selling fast travel'.