
Feb 8, 2024
I'm almost done the game, I have two quests left and i think I'm like done at this point. I don't really feel the need to complete it, it was a great game for sure but such a dissapointment after being a HUGE dragons dogma fan for so many years. I feel like DLC will have to change so much, and add so much that i can't at this point even imagine what they can add for me to go back to completing it.

The new vocations are okay, I wish they added more instead of taking some away. It just feels like a chore at this point :(

Also am I missing something or are there only like two quests involving sacred arbor? The game feels unfinished, and it really bums me out.


Oct 30, 2017
Seems like a modding discord figured out the real reason why the game runs so poorly and it's uh real dumb.

What exactly does this mean? They havent bothered creating lower detail assets? If that is the case, then I believe there is no chance they will officially fix performance. Seems like a ton of work to do.


Oct 25, 2017
What exactly does this mean? They havent bothered creating lower detail assets? If that is the case, then I believe there is no chance they will officially fix performance. Seems like a ton of work to do.

No it means that assets that were created with multiple Levels of Detail are all rendering in the highest Level of Detail versions, even at that distance. It means the Griffon that you see flying from a few miles away has all the feather details that you can't actually notice unless you're practically climbing it. Normally, you've got rules set up to determine which LoD to render based on distance and/or line of sight/and or other optimizations (too much stuff on screen use lower LoDs). Usually this is strictly a rendering thing, though depending on how characters are implemented, such as if movement is driven by animation, it can have impacts on how the asset actually behaves rather than just how it looks. I dunno their engine, so maybe there's Reasons for such a massive circle of highest LoD, but they'd probably be the kinds of Reasons that are "game development is hard, and you make decisions with the info you got, and then a few years later those decisions bite you in the ass" kinda Reasons.


Oct 25, 2017
No it means that assets that were created with multiple Levels of Detail are all rendering in the highest Level of Detail versions, even at that distance. It means the Griffon that you see flying from a few miles away has all the feather details that you can't actually notice unless you're practically climbing it. Normally, you've got rules set up to determine which LoD to render based on distance and/or line of sight/and or other optimizations (too much stuff on screen use lower LoDs). Usually this is strictly a rendering thing, though depending on how characters are implemented, such as if movement is driven by animation, it can have impacts on how the asset actually behaves rather than just how it looks. I dunno their engine, so maybe there's Reasons for such a massive circle of highest LoD, but they'd probably be the kinds of Reasons that are "game development is hard, and you make decisions with the info you got, and then a few years later those decisions bite you in the ass" kinda Reasons.


Dennie Dee

Oct 26, 2017
Bruges, Belgium
Yesterday I straight up murdered 4 NPC's in the Vermund Gaol out of pure frustration. Third time I had to be there in a short time, didn't want to run back to the Inn AGAIN to withdraw the correct outfit because I just sorted my inventory for the millionth time aaaaand of course they started attacking me.

Am I in trouble?


Oct 25, 2017
Yesterday I straight up murdered 4 NPC's in the Vermund Gaol out of pure frustration. Third time I had to be there in a short time, didn't want to run back to the Inn AGAIN to withdraw the correct outfit because I just sorted my inventory for the millionth time aaaaand of course they started attacking me.

Am I in trouble?

Doubt it. On my first playthrough some shit went bad in the Battahl jail and a lot of guards died but it had no lasting impact


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Just wrapped this yesterday. I really enjoyed it overall, but I feel it needs a Bitterblack Isle like area to make the post-game grinding to upgrade your equipment feel worth it. I ended up just ending it after I finished all the quests. I suppose it's something for an expansion.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm at about 35 hours cumulative. I have a habit with these kinds of games of restarting multiple times over -- happens with me and every single Souls game, happened in Baldur's Gate III, etc -- open world RPG? J_ToSaveTheDay will restart several times over as he learns the ropes of the game and continuously desires to recustomize his character.

That said, I am on my current committed character and am about 20 hours deep. I really, really, really love this game -- and I have owned DD1 on Xbox 360 and on Steam but have actually never played it. It was an impulse pickup on Xbox 360 way back when it first launched that I only ever ended up playing for like 2 hours; then it was gifted to me by a close friend on Steam when it went on sale for like $5 (which it does frequently) some years ago -- he had grown to become a huge DD1 fan and performed the gesture of gifting it to me to encourage me to finally play it, but I never did.

I definitely missed out, I think -- if DD1 is even remotely close in feel to DD2.

This is going to be a GOTY contender for me. There's something about the way even just aimless wandering feels continuously rewarding to me, a feeling that only a handful of other open world games have managed to achieve. I love the way Pawns operate. I like the very restrained style of storytelling that doesn't seem to overwhelm me with immediate urgency and stakes and kinda liberates me to take in this world the way that I want to. I think its more subdued art style is pretty great, too -- but I've already been enjoying the kind of unifying artistic approach that Capcom's RE Engine games typically feature to begin with, and this game definitely kinda falls into that realm for me -- it's just this one being a bit more Western fantasy inspired is giving it a bit of a unique edge.

I just unlocked the first few additional vocations (Warrior, Sorceror, and Mystic Spearhand) and they all seem to have come at just the right time in terms of pacing for me -- it felt like getting to this point in itself was a bit of a journey and this feels like just that PERFECT kind of milestone/reward for making it this far.

What a game. I wish I hadn't ignored the first one and had been prepared for this one at launch, but I'm glad to be discovering it slightly late than never.


Oct 25, 2017
How often do you guys change your vocations ?

Did you stick to the same one throughout your whole play through?


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
How often do you guys change your vocations ?

Did you stick to the same one throughout your whole play through?

I've stuck with Fighter the vast majority of the time since I started, and at around 20 hours on my current character, it's at level 8 of 9. I did switch to Archer for a few in-game days and got it to lv5 of 9 in that time.

Once Fighter finally hits lv9, it is my plan to switch to Mystic Spearhand... I haven't even dabbled in it so I have no idea how it plays, it's going to be a purely experimental swap for me. If I like it, I could see myself sticking with it to the end. I'd still like to cap off Archer and try out Thief and Warrior by the end of this playthrough too.

Magick Archer actually seems most my jam but it unlocks a bit late in the game to my understanding so I might not get to it for a good long time. I will probably switch to it the moment that I have it unlocked, though.

I am keeping every piece of equipment that I find in the wilds to be able to have as many options for vocation swaps as possible -- I've only been selling duplicate gear so far.

I guess I haven't switched very often yet but I do plan to switch a few times throughout the remainder of this playthrough. I'm letting my Pawn max out each vocation before moving him onto something else too -- he is still lv8 of 9 on Mage, and I think I'm gonna move him to Sorcerer next. I let my two recruited pawns fill out the vocation gaps in my party as I swap.


Oct 26, 2017
I think I am done with this game after 12 hours. I wasn't big on the first one and I don't think this game is for me either. I am honestly shocked it reviewed this well because it doesn't seem much different from the first.

Among The main reasons I don't like is definitely the performance. I just can't deal with it. It runs like shit. Fights that I am already not super into because I think the combat is kinda janky quickly turn into slide shows. Especially in dark places with all kinds of effects popping off. IMO the performance here is unacceptable.

The story is super uninteresting, like I said the combat is janky and fast travel in this game fucking sucks. No I don't enjoy wandering boring routes with the same enemies over and over again.


Oct 25, 2017
The main reason of the frame rate drops is due to high CPU usage( NPCs) walking around in the capital. But they fade in and out all the time, how is this contributing to the performance drop?

Maybe it's something like the modded suggested.


Feb 18, 2024
I really, really wish you could have multiple characters. The Character Creator is so good, that I feel it encourages role playing straight out the gate. Sure, I could buy the thing in-game that lets me change stuff, but that is not the same at all to me.


Oct 25, 2017

Out of Capcom's financials. 2.6m units sold in the quarter, along with Dark Arisen pulling in a crazy near 1.7m sales in the same timeframe. Dragon's Dogma also listed as a key brand alongside RE, MonHun, and Street Fighter.

Well done, Arisen.


Oct 27, 2017

Out of Capcom's financials. 2.6m units sold in the quarter, along with Dark Arisen pulling in a crazy near 1.7m sales in the same timeframe. Dragon's Dogma also listed as a key brand alongside RE, MonHun, and Street Fighter.

Well done, Arisen.

What the hell, DDDA getting that big of a bump is wild. We big time now bois and girls.


Oct 30, 2019

Out of Capcom's financials. 2.6m units sold in the quarter, along with Dark Arisen pulling in a crazy near 1.7m sales in the same timeframe. Dragon's Dogma also listed as a key brand alongside RE, MonHun, and Street Fighter.

Well done, Arisen.
Maybe DD3 will finally be the entry where they give it the budget and time it deserves. Until then I hope theyre cooking with the DLC


Dec 3, 2017

Out of Capcom's financials. 2.6m units sold in the quarter, along with Dark Arisen pulling in a crazy near 1.7m sales in the same timeframe. Dragon's Dogma also listed as a key brand alongside RE, MonHun, and Street Fighter.

Well done, Arisen.
Great news, I'm not as down on the game as others but am still making my way through it. Hopefully they can build off DD2 and not have to restart everything from scratch like they had too for the sequel.


Aug 6, 2023
I wish there was more love/detail put into how some of these quests work. I love the idea of how quests have timers or are interconnected in some events. Capcom has been good at this in older games like Dead Rising.

But here I just have quest that have a specific 'best outcome' that I have never been clued into (Sphink statue quest) or there have been multiple quest now that have just glitched because an NPC disappeared or something happened to break the line.

The game also being very weak in story vs how fun the gameplay is affects this as I feel discouraged from the questing since so much of it is broken, but then after a while I feel I get burned out on just pure gameplay.

I just wish there was more love or attention to "glue" these things together in a better way, but even in the og this was an issue.


Oct 28, 2017
I really, really wish you could have multiple characters. The Character Creator is so good, that I feel it encourages role playing straight out the gate. Sure, I could buy the thing in-game that lets me change stuff, but that is not the same at all to me.
If you're on PC you can with the save manager


Oct 28, 2017
The main reason of the frame rate drops is due to high CPU usage( NPCs) walking around in the capital. But they fade in and out all the time, how is this contributing to the performance drop?

Maybe it's something like the modded suggested.
Most likely the game is processing data on the NPCs even when you cant see their physical model.


Dec 23, 2017
I really, really wish you could have multiple characters. The Character Creator is so good, that I feel it encourages role playing straight out the gate. Sure, I could buy the thing in-game that lets me change stuff, but that is not the same at all to me.
if on ps5, just make multiple psn accounts
now you have an entire party of your own pawns
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Oct 27, 2017
I just got the platinum for this on PS5. I actually think it's better than DD1 overall and has a more substantial story than the first game but it does kinda lose the wow factor for not being as novel. I enjoyed it but I was really done with it by the time I wrapped it up. Had about 110 hours.

I was actually hoping this game had less obtuse quest design than the first game but it's just as bad. I wouldn't recommend doing any quests without a guide as there are a lot of sensitive outcomes and cutoffs. Some of the quests are cool in their solutions but a lot of them you would probably never think of on your own.

Between FF7Rebirth being super long and this game being long and requiring a guide practically, I'm really craving playing something way more straightforward and shorter.


Oct 26, 2017
I took quite a break of the game but I've been slowly getting back into it the past week(s), I've just beaten Talos and I assume I'm near the endgame. Is there anything I should know before proceeding with the main quest (going to moonlight tower)? I have some quests left to do and some areas to do before I continue with that but I wanted to make sure I don't skip anything major. I solved the riddles for the Sphinx on the first location though.
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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Finally booted the game back up after sorting my PC's RAM issues and...the performance still isn't fixed in the cities, huh? I'm getting pretty consistent 48fps in town just like before.


Oct 25, 2017
I just got the platinum for this on PS5. I actually think it's better than DD1 overall and has a more substantial story than the first game but it does kinda lose the wow factor for not being as novel. I enjoyed it but I was really done with it by the time I wrapped it up. Had about 110 hours.

I was actually hoping this game had less obtuse quest design than the first game but it's just as bad. I wouldn't recommend doing any quests without a guide as there are a lot of sensitive outcomes and cutoffs. Some of the quests are cool in their solutions but a lot of them you would probably never think of on your own.

Between FF7Rebirth being super long and this game being long and requiring a guide practically, I'm really craving playing something way more straightforward and shorter.

Among the biggest problems the game has- I feel like for a game that is really at its best when you're just out exploring, maybe literally in the dark, it's not great to have quest design that basically encourages players to use a guide (and surely spoil aspects of the game because of that) to avoid really stepping in it.

There are so many negative things I could say about this mess of a game, and yet I love it and think it's really fantastic overall. Really hope Capcom prioritizes a sequel (I'll take some quality patches/DLC for this one if that's on the table too) sooner as it is a series that really deserves the time and care to shine.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think I consulted guides for any of the quests. I failed some, but I just considered it part of the story. It's not like the game punishes you too harshly for messing up and there's always another playthrough.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think I consulted guides for any of the quests. I failed some, but I just considered it part of the story. It's not like the game punishes you too harshly for messing up and there's always another playthrough.

When there are things like vocations unlocked via quests, and knowing that quest failure is a thing, I don't blame anyone for reaching for the guides not knowing if you're going to miss something important or not.

Much prefer playing games blind but I was looking up quite a bit with this game (even if I agree that ultimately, most of it just doesn't matter- which you have no way of knowing until you're on the other end of things).


Oct 27, 2017
Among the biggest problems the game has- I feel like for a game that is really at its best when you're just out exploring, maybe literally in the dark, it's not great to have quest design that basically encourages players to use a guide (and surely spoil aspects of the game because of that) to avoid really stepping in it.

There are so many negative things I could say about this mess of a game, and yet I love it and think it's really fantastic overall. Really hope Capcom prioritizes a sequel (I'll take some quality patches/DLC for this one if that's on the table too) sooner as it is a series that really deserves the time and care to shine.

I agree with you that the game is at its best when you're just exploring. Some of my favorite parts is when I was exploring new areas or trekking far away because I didn't want to use a ferrystone. I still like the game quite a bit despite its BS. Particularly asking the player to remember where their first seeker token is that they picked up, lol.

It is true that the consequences aren't as dire as DD1 for missing quests, but you may miss out an something vaguely related to an achievement if you failed or didn't do a certain quest. The quest "A game of wits" in particular.

More importantly, while I was having fun playing it, the encounter rate for monsters is a lot higher than DD1 and the idea of even doing a second play through right away was not something I would want to do.

I still thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was real enduring at times.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I've maxed Fighter, Archer, Thief, and have rank 5 on both Magick Archer and Mystic Spearhand. I have Trickster unlocked but haven't played it just yet. I'm now playing Mage, and then Sorcerer -- trying to max them out so I can use their abilities while playing Magick Archer.

Of the ones I have touched, not a single one isn't fun. Thief is by far the most powerful in my experience. At this rate, I seem as if I'm going to just happily max them all out eventually.

This game is really, really speaking to me.


Dec 23, 2017
With the abundance of allheal, I decided to do a mageless semi new run and it went great. It actually got me to pay attention to crafting and item pickups, something that could be ignored with a mage. Most surprisingly allheal actually wast even needed majority of the time. And the slot mage opened up allowed for some fun setups. Encumbrance ultimately became the balance check on the play through. It reminded me a lot of how DDDA was played.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick noob question:

My character has lost some health, let's say half of it, why am I not able to use a potion for example to heal me? The "use" button is greyed out. The only thing I could do to restore to full health is to set up camp and wait.


Jul 31, 2020
Quick noob question:

My character has lost some health, let's say half of it, why am I not able to use a potion for example to heal me? The "use" button is greyed out. The only thing I could do to restore to full health is to set up camp and wait.
This is a system called the Loss Gauge. You can check out the tutorial on it via the menu if you want more info. The health bar is split into recoverable and non-recoverable portions as you take damage. Eventually attrition is inevitable, and you restore to full health via camping (for the most part).


Oct 25, 2017
Makati City
Just praying the ps5 pro version is 60 fps. Tried the current version on the ps5 and I got severe motion sickness.

cant prioritize a PC upgrade after buying a brand new golf set rip
May 21, 2018
Then... doesnt that sound like an "easy" thing to fix? Simply set that circle's radius to a smaller number? It sounds too "easy"... if you get my meaning. Something else must also be the reason, no?

I think if it was that easy this would've been fixed early in development. It's probably some problem buried under a mass of spaghetti code that the team decided to just forget about and try to work around it.


Oct 30, 2017
What is so hard about fixing the frame pacing issue with the 30 fps lock mode?

I mean it is really hard for me to swallow. There must be a technical reason. I just cant possibly think of one. Same thing happens with From Software games.

Why are they doing this? How hard is it to have evenly paced frames like 90% of the games out there? I mean what is the point of the 30 fps lock mode in Dragon's Dogma 2 when it feels so much choppier than the unlocked mode? It just doesnt make sense. It feels like a bad joke.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
What is so hard about fixing the frame pacing issue with the 30 fps lock mode?

I mean it is really hard for me to swallow. There must be a technical reason. I just cant possibly think of one. Same thing happens with From Software games.

Why are they doing this? How hard is it to have evenly paced frames like 90% of the games out there? I mean what is the point of the 30 fps lock mode in Dragon's Dogma 2 when it feels so much choppier than the unlocked mode? It just doesnt make sense. It feels like a bad joke.

It can be disappointing to see keep happening, but it also keeps happening in games that I really really love and can usually just kinda get over it in the long haul myself. I'm not saying that you should get over it, and I'd rather see it improved than see it continue.

I used to wonder why 30fps locks in PC games tended to look so bad and I think it may have been because of frame pacing issues. I don't think many displays/graphics drivers/game engines really think too hard about the relationship between the actual framerate and the refresh rate, and frame pacing issues kinda result from that. A lot of devs or a lot of available options will just purely lock to 30fps without also making sure the refresh rate matches in-sync to prevent frame pacing. Refresh rate doesn't need to necessarily be exactly the same as the framerate -- it can be divided evenly into a higher refresh rate (which can have some input latency benefits as well) but I just don't think there's a lot of thought put into it.


Oct 30, 2017
It can be disappointing to see keep happening, but it also keeps happening in games that I really really love and can usually just kinda get over it in the long haul myself. I'm not saying that you should get over it, and I'd rather see it improved than see it continue.

I used to wonder why 30fps locks in PC games tended to look so bad and I think it may have been because of frame pacing issues. I don't think many displays/graphics drivers/game engines really think too hard about the relationship between the actual framerate and the refresh rate, and frame pacing issues kinda result from that. A lot of devs or a lot of available options will just purely lock to 30fps without also making sure the refresh rate matches in-sync to prevent frame pacing. Refresh rate doesn't need to necessarily be exactly the same as the framerate -- it can be divided evenly into a higher refresh rate (which can have some input latency benefits as well) but I just don't think there's a lot of thought put into it.

I mean i would think so myself, but then again From Software has been doing it consistently for more than a decade now. Regardless of hardware. They even managed to do it for PS5/XSX.

I cant accept that they havent dealt with this. They surely have heard the complaints after all these years. It doesnt sound like a monumental task to solve. Or maybe it is? I kind of hope it is, so that it makes sense to me. At this point all I want is for it to make sense. Because the only reason I can think of at the moment is that these devs just dont give a fuck about it. Which, if true, is really annoying me.

Other devs struggle to hit a lock 30 fps on their games and here we have a very technically advanced game like DD2 that is 95% LOCKED and yet ruined by that god awful frame pacing.

To me this is the very definition of shame and pity in a 1st world problem like this one.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I mean i would think so myself, but then again From Software has been doing it consistently for more than a decade now. Regardless of hardware. They even managed to do it for PS5/XSX.

I cant accept that they havent dealt with this. They surely have heard the complaints. It doesnt sound like a monumental task to solve. Or maybe it is? I kind of hope it is, so that it makes sense to me. At this point all I want is for it to make sense.

Other devs struggle to hit a lock 30 fps on their games and here we have a very technically advanced game like DD2 that is LOCKED and yet ruined by that god awful frame pacing.

To me this is the very definition of shame and pity in a 1st world problem like this one.

Maybe this is placebo and I'm completely wrong -- I don't have instruments to match.

I may have just been getting used to it visually but it feels like tonight's brand new patch maybe has less frame pacing microstutter on PS5? I've only been playing for about 10 minutes (started right after submitting my previous response to you) and it seems good now? With the exception of the areas where the framerate still dips below 30 that is.