
Oct 25, 2017
It could have scaled well for lower resolutions since some engines are terrible at 4K but still pretty good at 720p. But it seems like this is not the case here.

yeah seems like modern setups have a problem maintaining 60 at 1080, but I guess never count out the ingenuity of modders lol, a more pixelated version of the game could def be something a lot of ppl want.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmmmm, reading the reviews, the real question becomes: do I bother playing the original or just wait until this game is patched a bit? I already paid like $6 for the printed on my Switch, but I don't have time to play both.


Dec 29, 2023
"lack of plot" is worrisome. Most people probably won't care if the plot's good but I can't just go off great gameplay alone in an RPG like this. Need a serviceable plot that gives me that feeling of wanting to know what happens next. Any other comments on the plot besides that Metro review?
Dragon's Dogma 1 was much like this. You develop the gaps in the narrative through your explorations and the setting tends to tell a larger story.

It ended up having a killer ending and an even better DLC story.


Feb 22, 2018
Ouch. 5700x / 4070 and if I can't get 60fps at 1080p at least this is a dealbreaker for me.

COnsidering grabbing it on Steam and testing it before I use my bought key, but yeh I might even skip this entirely until I can ugrapde my CPU if it's that bad.
yeah if it's as CPU-bound as the benchmarks are showing, I really don't see it being an enjoyable experience for many. I still had fun, but I kinda had to force myself to live with it. It's an action game, framerate matters.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Those performance reports are yikes. This game clearly needed more time in the oven, what a shame. Glad to hear the actual game is fantastic though.


Oct 25, 2017
yea pcgamer article says 1440p 4070 Ti + 14700k has average 89 fps in open world but the biggest city can have dips to mid 30s.

i can deal with lower framerate in cities, as long as framerate is good on pc during combat and exploration im happy enough at release

i have 13700 and a 4090 so expecting gameplay to be just fine
the problem here is that there is a very REAL possibility of bringing a fight into towns. In fact, one of the previews showed that was a valid tactic for very hard fights.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
So it's worthy of a 90+ but is getting cut down because of the stuff like the camera, Framerate, or the climbing. Stuff that will get fixed eventually.

We might be looking at GOTY.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So bizarre that Capcom didn't just cap the fps at 30 on consoles, I don't get it.


Oct 29, 2017
I dont understand capcoms logic. Why not have a locked 30 fps mode on consoles?
Also, apparently RT is forced on for consoles? Even though it mainly taxes the GPU, RT is actually a big hog on CPU as well. So, what figures?


Oct 10, 2018
I think there needs to be a sticky post somewhere that just says "IT'S CPU-BOUND, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GRAPHICS" for everyone going "it doesn't even look that good, this makes no sense".


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still playing the game for review. I got my copy last Thursday. From what I heard reviewers in the US got it on Tuesday, not a lot of time to deep dive into this massive game imo.

Personally I'm a huge fan of the original. I played through it twice and was addicted to Bitterblack Isle. Dragon's Dogma 2 is not a huge evolution of anything the original did. Don't expect sweeping changes or innovations. This is, for better and worse, the same esoteric and incredibly Dragon's Dogma we've known since 2012. Having said all that, it's an incredible experience. I'm 32 hours in and I've visited both continents, but have yet to beat the story or see what the endgame looks like. Honestly, I'm a little scared of progressing things too far in case I miss a bunch op optional stuff like in the original.

I'm having a blast exploring the full map, looking seeker tokens (220 hidden in the world) and triggering the many optional quests. The story of this world is not nearly as thin as it might come across if you mainline the story quests. This is a pretty rich world full of lore and interconnected elements. Small towns change and evolve as you do sidequests and your relationships with characters change. There is a lot to discover here and the sense of adventure you get from it is amazing and currently unlike anything else in this genre. The combat has held up wonderfully and taking down the big monsters is as entertaining as ever.

There are some big cons that I think Capcom should have done more with. For one, there are not enough basic enemies. Plenty of variety in the big monsters, but for the smaller ones you'll get pretty sick of fighting goblins, harpies, wolfs and saurians. The game definitely needed a couple more. The caves you find in this game are also not nearly good enough. You expect fun mini-dungeons, but what you get are basic caves with predictable and mostly linear level design. I also think the game could have used a couple more bespoke areas or distinctive biomes to make the world feel a little more varied. I'm playing on PS5 and 30fps will always feel sluggish, but I haven't experienced the huge drops I was fearing.

I'm still gathering my overall thoughts on the game, but even taking the lesser aspects into account I believe this game is really special. I really hope it becomes a huge hit so Capcom can perhaps fully realize the true potential this IP has. Happy to answer any questions you guys might have.


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL

Dragon's Dogma 2 review - endless discoveries paired with limitless potential

Our review of Dragon's Dogma 2 - a quirky sequel that improves on the original.

Judging by Eurogamer's review, this game's emergent storytelling sounds incredible.

During my travels, I ran into a merchant on the road who asked me to escort her to a camp near Melve. Naturally, I agreed. I don't remember the merchant's name, because, less than three minutes into our walk, an ogre proceeded to use its club to rocket her into the nearest body of water. Fighting the ogre itself wasn't too tough, but, just before I killed it, a griffin swooped down from above and crushed the ogre to death. My subsequent battle with the griffin was a little more challenging, mostly because my party was underleveled and we didn't have access to any appropriate magic attacks or buffs that could have weakened it. Still, we managed to get the better of it, as a flurry of blows dealt by my main pawn Rose (as she clung to its back in midair) caused it to come crashing to the ground.
My party took advantage of its downed state and whittled it away to its final health bar. We were poised to come out of our fight victorious - until a roaming oxcart turned the corner at an alarmingly fast speed, running over and killing both myself and the griffin. I begrudgingly used my only wakestone to revive myself. The griffin wasn't so fortunate. The oxcart that had just murdered me had come to a stop in the middle of the road, presumably so they could get my insurance details. Now that my maximum health had been greatly reduced and I was out of wakestones, I once again chose to hop on the oxcart and fast travelled to Melve. Once the screen faded in and out to black, I could suddenly hear the ominous sound of boss music. The driver of the oxcart and the singular soldier that had carpooled his way there with me jumped to action, sprinting towards Melve's centre. A dragon was attempting to raise the city. Luckily, I was assisted by Melve's small battalion of troops - and, of course, one random oxcart driver.
Everyone survived the battle, except the oxcart driver, which I initially believed was some form of karmic retribution for his hit and run attempt on my life - until I realised I would be walking back to Vernworth. This is the entire game in microcosm.


Oct 25, 2017
"lack of plot" is worrisome. Most people probably won't care if the plot's good but I can't just go off great gameplay alone in an RPG like this. Need a serviceable plot that gives me that feeling of wanting to know what happens next. Any other comments on the plot besides that Metro review?

Did you play Dragon's Dogma 1? I remember the plot was hilariously bad but I don't remember much except a talking dragon, or someone turned into a dragon. I remember it was a bad plot, but a great game.

Celestial Descend

Corrupted by Vengeance
Aug 15, 2022
Has any review mentioned diverse environment? Is there anything more to this game other than hillside and cave?


Oct 25, 2017
Excited to play this on Medium at 1080p on my laptop for that smooth 30FPS.
Bad news: laptops are notorious for having very weak versions of desktop cpus :'c They throttle A LOT and this game is CPU heavy. Your laptop will turn into a melted piece of plastic trying to run this.

Try capping at 15 fps. LOL
Worth noting that enemies can invade towns randomly; I even had a Drake invade Vernworth once.
welp. I hope my 7800x3d wont die trying this game :'c
Oct 29, 2017
I'm suddenly okay with not finishing Rebirth in time for this. Hopefully they can get a patch out that helps with the CPU load soon. I'm still crazy excited to play DD2, but I can stomach not playing on day 1 if it means having a better initial experience.

Soap NickTavish

Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Not shocked by any of the framerate/performance complaints, seemed rather obvious in every preview, but looks like the gameplay itself outweighs all those gripes. Excited to dive in tomorrow, first time getting into this series.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm just going to wait for a sale. Sounds like a great game but both my PS5 and aging PC just won't be a good experience atm.