Who is your favourite character?

  • Paul Atreides

    Votes: 336 37.9%
  • Duncan Idaho

    Votes: 246 27.7%
  • Alia Atreides

    Votes: 67 7.6%
  • Leto II

    Votes: 165 18.6%
  • Darwi Odrade

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Miles Teg

    Votes: 16 1.8%
  • Other (specify in thread and why)

    Votes: 47 5.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Have we got details about Alia's depiction? As good as Villeneuve is, I assume we're all a little concerned about that.


Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 25, 2017
Yes we do.
She's never born in the movie. She's inside the womb communicating to them from within. There's one vision of grown up Alia though.

Oh, that's messed up. So it fits! I'm excited to see how the ending of the movie is handled then, considering her role in the book. No need for details though!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really curious about that ending.

DUNE: PART TWO is everything I wanted and more. An ecstatic experience, with a stunning narrative and in-depth story philosophy, striking at religious fanaticism as an object of power. Many scenes will stay with me forever but especially the emotional and terrifying ending.

New tv spot with a few new looks at the characters:

View: https://x.com/SecretsOfDune/status/1759950617009627428?s=20

View: https://x.com/variety/status/1759997554563973187?s=46&t=Z9DqSWZr7M0RkGt-vUPHLQ
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Oct 25, 2017
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Dune: Part Two | Social Media Impressions #2


Oct 25, 2017
More impressions are coming out now. I'll be updating as they come in.

DUNE PART 2 ASTONISHES & TRANSCENDS Sci-Fi cinema. Denis Villeneuve accomplishes the impossible constructing an unforgettable breathtaking experience you have to see to believe. Stunning visual effects, absorbing performances & immersive story craft

DUNE PART TWO is nothing short of MONUMENTAL. Denis Villeneuve masterfully directs one of the GREATEST SEQUELS OF ALL TIME. It's a massive and intricate experience crafted by stunning visuals, immersive score and powerful performances. This is why we go to the movies. #DuneMovie

DUNE PART TWO IS THE BIG SCREEN EPIC YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! A massive leap forward in Sci-Fi storytelling crafted by the talented Denis Villeneuve. Breathtaking visuals that are
BEGGING to be seen in @IMAX.
One of the BEST SEQUELS of all time. #DuneMovie

DUNE: PART TWO is a cinematic spectacle of wonder and spice. The visuals, stunning. The score, spectacular. The performances from Chalamet, Zendaya & Butler, all great. I was riveted. It left me breathless. This is why we go to the movies. Well done Denis. #DunePart2 #DuneMovie

DUNE: PART TWO is a cinematic triumph that I suspect will go down as a hallmark of its genre. A viscerally immersive film that may be one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. Takes several huge swings, hits the vast majority of them.

#Dune Part 2 - Villeneuve amps up the operatic elements in this dense, beautiful, brash second chapter. The messy messianic message is filtered through modern eyes to its benefit, and in the end this game of thrones is as bloody and brilliant as hoped for

DUNE PART TWO: A gigantic and thrilling second act to Denis Villeneuve's sci-fi magnum opus. It's dense, strange, gorgeous, intense (and sometimes funny?). It's absolutely massive in every sense of the word. If you are excited for it, it should live up to the hype and more.

Villeneuve has brought one of the all time great science-fiction stories to the screen. Performances, direction, cinematography, score, and story are all top notch.

#DuneMovie is truly masterful piece of cinema.

DUNE PART TWO on a second watch goes even harder. Can't believe one of the most intense and thoroughly orchestrated hand-to-hand fight sequences I've ever seen put to a studio blockbuster film involves two of Hollywood's IT white boys duking it out.

Denis, your spicy power.

#DunePartTwo continues the epic world-building of its predecessor, but the last hour is the definition of masterful filmmaking! Chalamet steals the show, with impressive turns from Zendaya, Butler, Pugh, Ferguson, Brolin, & Bardem as well. Denis' scope & vision is BREATHTAKING

DUNE: PART TWO is a work of such scale/craft that it's intimidating. A perfect adaptation of the novel that captures the bleak peril of prophecy. Visually unimpeachable. Dread-fueled. Utterly transportive. Movies like this are why cinema exists. People will remember this forever.

I finally got to see #DunePartTwo, a cinematic masterpiece! I wish I had watched it in IMAX to be fully immersed. #DunePart2 has one of the best character arcs I've ever seen and will be remembered as one of the most epic sci-fi films. @dunemovie

DUNE PART 2: Epic filmmaking on a scale that we haven't seen since THE RETURN OF THE KING. I will be seeing this again, many times. I loved Timotheé Chalamet in this, as the reluctant messiah called to challenge the universe. What a movie. Tremendously great.

Alan Cerny (@alancerny.bsky.social)

DUNE PART 2: Epic filmmaking on a scale that we haven’t seen since THE RETURN OF THE KING. I will be seeing this again, many times. I loved Timotheé Chalamet in this, as the reluctant messiah called to challenge the universe. What a movie. Tremendously great.

DUNE: PART TWO: An impressive second half to Denis Villeneuve's sci-fi epic, continuing the dense story instead of just laying the groundwork. It worms its way through imposing narrative obstacles with some spicy direction. Bardem and Ferguson make meals of their performances.

With astonishing visuals, score & rich storytelling, #DUNE Part II delivers & then some. The performances by all are stellar. This series will undoubtedly be one of the landmarks in film for decades to come.

Absolutely brilliant! Full review tomorrow on my YouTube & TikTok!

The cast, the cinematography, Paul's arc. Whew. That's the best 3rd act I've seen in a blockbuster in years. Even over The Way of Water. Timothee, Austin Butler, and Zendaya the standouts. But Bautista and Javier Bardem are good too. This is just great all around. #DunePartTwo

#DuneMovie Part Two is the best fantasy war epic/sequel since The Two Towers. A visual achievement in sight and sound that will make one's jaw hit the floor. Truly remarkable. There are scenes that are absolutely mind boggling to conceive how they were produced.

#DunePartTwo is genuinely epic in every sense of the word — an absolute masterclass in storytelling, world-building and sci-fi spectacle on a biblical scale. Denis Villeneuve delivers an unparalleled cinematic experience that will resonate with moviegoers for generations to come.

DUNE 2 is so much better than the first film. Story is just much more satisfying. Timmy, Zendaya, and Austin all shine. Full review coming soon to the newsletter…

#Dune2 quite literally had my hair standing on end. It is an EXPERIENCE. It is a movie you feel way more than you watch
#Dune2 is the epitome of a cinematic experience! This is the reason movie theaters exist

Wow that was like one of the most bleak blockbusters I've seen from a major studio in a long time.

I'm really curious how many of general audiences are going to understand that most of these characters are all very bad actually!

#DunePartTwo/ #Dune2 plays just as fantastic, if not more, the second time around. It's a masterpiece. It's just as immersive, impressive and deeply thrilling on repeat viewings. I'm ready for third screening (in IMAX on the 25th).

#DunePart2 is storytelling and filmmaking on a epic scale and the craftsmanship is breathtaking. Not a big fan of the first film, I enjoyed this way more. Chalamet, Zendaya, Butler et al are all in. I wouldn't call myself a fan… but I have wormed up to the franchise. #DuneMovie

As someone who wasn't totally enamored with DUNE, I must say DUNE PART TWO is phenomenal. Truly epic. Impressed by Timothee Chalamet, and Austin Butler is a mad man. A sci-fi movie that feels huge in scale without feeling over-produced. We need more blockbusters like this.

Rather loved DUNE: PART TWO. Denis Villeneuve really understands scope and intimacy and giving both time to breathe. Visually out of this world, so much feels…real. Austin Butler goons the fuck out here, like sexy tube of chapstick. #Dune2 #DuneMovie #DunePart2

DUNE PART TWO is a far superior film than its predecessor because it completes a story, offers more planetary design diversity, and gives characters proper story arcs. Still feels like it could have lost 20-30 minutes, and I will always love Lynch's film best. #DuneMovie

#DunePart2 left me speechless. A powerhouse epic masterpiece that becomes the TWO TOWERS of this decade. A special type of movie that only comes around every so often & will make you believe in what the magic of filmmaking can create. Denis Villeneuve out does himself once again.

Rarely does a sequel deliver on THIS level of hype, but #DunePartTwo surpasses the first in almost every way. It is a technical masterpiece, as expected, but even the writing is a step up. It left me with this beautiful feeling that I had just experienced something truly special.

DUNE: PART TWO, despite reading the novel multiple times and being so wired into all the production details, floored me with how much of a departure it is from PART ONE. The marketing so far does not do justice for the overall energy and style of the film. Two sides of one coin.
This makes for an incredible duology of films (for the time being) and gives Denis Villeneuve, Greig Fraser, Joe Walker and co. so much latitude to play with this world. Some fantastic parallels and callbacks, while blowing your mind with every new element they throw at you.
Unquestionably, yes. I am not someone who expects (or even wants) an adaptation to be 1:1 with source material, but I'd be surprised if most books fans aren't overall happy with this.
DUNE: PART TWO was vindicating. Like, less than five minutes into it, I sunk into my seat and thought "Ok, it's somehow different (and better) than I imagined." It kept that energy the whole film! My mind is scrambled with thoughts, but I'm happy to answer what I can, when I can.
Frank Herbert's Dune inspired some of the most famous science-fiction and fantasy stories ever told. Yet, nigh 60 years after it was published, Denis Villeneuve brings it to life on screen in a way like you never imagined. DUNE: PART TWO is the ultimate jewel in his sci-fi crown.
DUNE: PART TWO is one wonder after another. From the first moments, you are immersed in an entirely different style of film than PART ONE, with Villeneuve evolving as a filmmaker before our eyes. The result is one of the most spectacular, strange and bleak blockbusters ever made.
I simply can't wait to see it again and for everyone else to share this experience. This type of film does not come around often. In fact, despite how many classic films have ripped from Dune, I'm not sure there's ever been a sci-fi epic on the big screen quite like this.

#DunePartTwo is a masterpiece of epic proportions. Not only is it already the best movie of 2024, it may be one of the best movies of the centuries, and may be one of the best movies of all time. Denis Villeneuve has delivered a Sci-Fi film that is groundbreaking masterpiece in the vein of Peter Jackson, and George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg.
Also the knife fight in #DunePart2 Paul vs Feyd Rautha is absolute 🔥🔥🔥🔥. One of the best hand to hand knife to knife combat scenes I've seen prolly since The Hunted?? #DuneMovie #Dune2 @Dune @austinbutler @RealChalamet

Dune: Part Two relies heavily on an all-time performance from Timothee Chalamet. Denis Villeneuve found a way to improve on the first in every single way. It might be nearly three hours, but it doesn't feel like it. #Dune2 #DunePartTwo

Rarely does a sequel deliver on THIS level of hype, but #DunePartTwo surpasses the first in almost every way. It is a technical masterpiece, as expected, but even the writing is a step up. It left me with this beautiful feeling that I had just experienced something truly special.

DUNE 2 is fantastic. Absolutely loved the world-building, the cinematography, the sound design, and how hard it goes into its themes. It's a sequel that is every bit as good as the first film. #DuneMovie

#DunePartTwo is pretty damn excellent. I have a few nitpicks, mainly because it's still half a movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The action, cinematography, music, & acting are all great. I'm excited to watch both parts together, and 🤞 for #DuneMessiah. #DuneMovie

#DuneMovie Part Two is an absolute masterpiece, building on the foundation of the first. Full of grandeur and spectacle, boasting impeccable visuals, incredible acting, and a beautiful score. This is and will be the best film of 2024 and is the best sci-fi epic of this generation

I'll be hard-pressed to see a better film this year than DUNE: PART TWO. Bigger in scope and scale than the first. (Didn't think that was possible) At the same time, it feels more intimate as well. Excited for MESSIAH. God willing.
#DunePartTwo #DuneMovie #Dune

#DuneMovie Part 2 is an incredible achievement & stunning storytelling. Denis Villeneuve only makes fantastic films. Rebecca Ferguson is a complete queen! The chemistry & shipping between Timmy and Zendaya is fire.😍Austin Butler had me salivating. Hans Zimmer's score is perfect.

#DuneMovie the record breaking first film set high standards for this much anticipated Part 2 installment of the Saga. Let me reassure you without a ounce of doubt, this film exceeds every expectation that comes to mind!
Oscar worthy performances by #TimothéeChalamet , #Zendaya & #AustinButler was mind blowing!
Family, Love, Strength & Purpose all come full circle.
This is Dune at its best!

Every inch of Dune: Part Two is amazing. The perfect example of a second installment. Denis Villeneuve throws us right back into the world of sand and space politics. The final act is stellar and I'm already amped for part three.
@dunemovie #DuneMovie

After watching #DunePartTwo, there is ZERO QUESTION we're getting #Dune3

While the sequel isn't paced as well as the first, the back half of this film delivers all the PURE CINEMA you could ever hope for with this guy the standout

Warners, you were very wise to invest in him

The last hour of #DunePartTwo is one of the best hours of movie-making of all-time.

DUNE: PART TWO is a colossal action epic. A huge film, rewarding in both the thrilling setpieces and rich allegory.

Villeneuve's eye for action and iconography blends for a nearly flawless blockbuster, and an unforgettable experience.

DUNE: PART TWO is a massive film, as epic as it is entertaining. A darker, more complex film than its predecessor, and ultimately better for it. Zendaya is a star, Chalamet is fantastic and Butler & Bardem are having a ball. Full review tomorrow at 12PM ET.

Sci-Fi fans rejoice, #DunePartTwo is truly remarkable! Denis Villeneuve achieves perfection in this immersive cinematic experience, which includes Zimmer's masterful score and Fraser's best work yet. All performances left a lasting impression impact on me, especially Chalamet

Dune: Part Two is a spectacle among all spectacles. A blockbuster to end all blockbusters. This is a mythical tome of a film that succeeds in every way. It's among the most impressive films I've ever seen. #Dune #DunePartTwo

#DunePartTwo: an epic, fulfilling follow-up to the set up of the first with stunning visuals, phenomenal action sequences, and not a weak performance in the bunch. #TimotheeChalamet and #AustinButler will win that MTV Popcorn for best fight. Mark it. No way Villeneuve sits out 3.

#DunePartTwo is everything it promised to be! It reminded me of The Batman and Avatar; something that is quite silly when you take a step back, but is told with such care and weight that you can't believe you've lived this long without it.

#DunePartTwo is monumental filmmaking. i'm blown away by the way denis villeneuve tells a story of religion & politics within a massive blockbuster. it's hard to watch this film without thinking of what is going on in gaza. this film IS political & its themes warrant discussion
austin butler in dune part two confirms he's one of the most exciting actors working today. his feyd-rautha is absolutely insane and he's terrifying, crazy and yes, written to have some sexy energy. he's so so so bonkers in this movie and i love my little freak

#DunePartTwo is a cinematic masterpiece. Timothee Chalamet delivers a powerhouse performance like we've never seen. Speechless.

I couldn't have asked for better payoff for DUNE PART ONE than the absolute epicness we're treated to in DUNE PART TWO. The scale of this movie larger than life, with incredible cinematography and sound design that rocked my world. IMAX strongly recommended. #DunePartTwo

Sand Power! #DunePartTwo is blockbuster filmmaking at its finest. Fully realized worlds, big movie star performances, incredible visuals & music, and action-packed. Hop on a sandworm and enjoy the ride!

#DunePartTwo exceeded all expectations. It is an expertly crafted sequel, directed with incredible precision that adds so many more delicious layers to an already rich, complex, and immersive world. Timothée Chalamet really impressed me. See it on the BIGGEST FUCKING SCREEN!

Without going into too much detail, I'm in love with Chani and I say that as someone who never thought of her as an interesting character. She is the true heart of the film. Her storyline is heartbreaking and full of detail. Without a doubt, this is the best role of her career.

Dune Part 2 was absolutely phenomenal. It takes what the first one did so well and elevates it. Austin Butler was the standout to me and every scene he was in is absolutely captivating. The visuals were obviously amazing. Lots of thrilling action sequences. Beware of spoilers!!

#DunePartTwo was a true Sci-Fi Masterpiece! War, politics, legacy, & sacrifice in a science fiction environment on these levels are shades of light Star Wars always wanted to reach. But these film(s) created it almost effortlessly… A Must Watch! (Review Coming Soon)

It's clear Denis is working with the scraps of Herbert's first novel. And even when occassionally grasping at straws, there's still much to gawk at in #DunePartTwo, visually and emotionally. Compliments the first part very well, comes close to surpassing.

If Dune (2021) tends to hold your hand as it takes you through its journey, Denis Villeneuve completely lets go of the audience in Part Two and delivers a soul shattering blockbuster. An absolute treat to see the craftsmanship from every department be on full display here.
Personally, I'm very overwhelmed by Dune: Part Two. In a good sense. It's a lot of movie to take in – I don't know how I'm supposed to review it (lol) – but happy to confirm, again, Villeneuve GETS Frank Herbert's thematic through-line. Insane a major studio agreed to make this.
Zendaya adds a lot of heart to what is otherwise an incredibly bleak story. Javier Bardem surprised me with how much he got me to care for Stilgar. Timothée Chalamet just proved to me he's going to nail Paul's characterization in Messiah, and Austin Butler chews up the scenery.
There are significant changes regarding a character who has a major role down the line that I don't know how to feel. These changes align with the structure Villeneuve has chosen, yet feels like a missed opportunity because I think he would've nailed that character's plot here.

Found myself looking at my watch not bc I was bored but I was dreading #DunePart2 ending. It's one of the best cinematic experiences I've had in a long time. Rebecca Ferguson's ferocity, Butler's chilling villainous arc, & Zendaya & Chalamet (esp. shipping scenes) are INCREDIBLE!

GRANDER in scale, deeper in character study, and greater in action sequences than the first. The film fires on all cylinders with gorgeous visuals, spectacular visual storytelling, and phenomenal acting. A MUST SEE on the big screen. MASTERPIECE

Dune Part Two is a masterpiece.

Denis Villeneuve smartly adapts the second half of Frank Herbert's novel into a cacophony of voices whispering and shouting to control an artificial messiah.

Arrakis and its tech look so sleek and stunning. This movie rocks.
I think Dune Part Two might be my favorite Javier Bardem performance since No Country for Old Men?

Everyone crushes it in this film, but religious fanatic Stilgar steals the show.
I could watch 10 hours of the Fremen raiding spice harvesters and surfing on sand worms. Every one of these sequences are triumphs of visual storytelling, editing, and sound.

It's seriously up there with Lawrence of Arabia.

#DunePartTwo has a lot in common with Empire Strikes Back, but for now I'll just say that it should be mentioned alongside Empire as one of the best sequels of all time.

#Dune2 is blockbuster/IP filmmaking at its finest. A script that doesn't shy away from character complexities, and does a shockingly solid job of reacquainting viewers with the Dune chessboard while adding more pieces to it.

Many great performances in the mix, but I was especially taken by Zendaya. An exceptionally well calibrated performance that maintains Chani's intensity but lets just enough heart and vulnerability bleed through. Made her more of a story anchor for me than I was expecting.

Also, I could not take my eyes off of Austin Butler. Everything he's doing as Feyd-Rautha is just fascinatingly chilling and magnetizing.

Dune: Part Two delivers an epic war drama! elevating the saga with impressive visual effects and masterful direction by Denis Villeneuve. Timothy Chalamet shines as Paul Atreides, with standout performances from the entire cast especially Austin Butler. #DunePartTwo 10/10!
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Nov 2, 2017
Hard to believe I'll be seeing this Sunday



Oct 25, 2017
That would make no sense whatsoever and goes against many of the themes of Dune. It would also make it a lot more generic and typical of this sort of messianic story, rather than going super hard and being DUNE.
Idk maybe Dennis wanted to take it in a different direction if he thought the themes might be too hard for casual audiences.

But since he wants to do Messiah the point is mute.


Oct 25, 2017
Idk maybe Dennis wanted to take it in a different direction if he thought the themes might be too hard for casual audiences.

But since he wants to do Messiah the point is mute.
Have you ever heard Denis Villeneuve talk about about Dune in any of his interviews from the past 5 years? Lol. Dune is an obsession for him. Taking it in a different direction or thinking the themes are too hard would be a heresy to him. :)


Oct 27, 2017
Hey guys,

I have seen the DUNC 2 at the Abu Dhabi Premiere 3 days ago. AMA.

Overall, I think the movie was fantastic, but I prefer the more slow burn visual approach of the first movie and world building. (BR 2049 Is my fav Dennis movie for reference). A lot needs to happen here and it does. I did like the ending a lot tho and Dennis stuck the landing.

While the action sequence were well paced and well shot, it almost felt like this had to be more action packed than perhaps Dennis is comfortable with. IMO of course, but I can see some people prefering this.

Acting wise - Timothy, Austin and Javiar Bardem were personal standouts for me. Others were great.

Craft was classic Dennis. Immaculate photography and production design.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Hey guys,

I have seen the DUNC 2 at the Abu Dhabi Premiere 3 days ago. AMA.

Overall, I think the movie was fantastic, but I prefer the more slow burn visual approach of the first movie and world building. (BR 2049 Is my fav Dennis movie for reference). A lot needs to happen here and it does. I did like the ending a lot tho and Dennis stuck the landing.

While the action sequence were well paced and well shot, it almost felt like this had to be more action packed than perhaps Dennis is comfortable with. IMO of course, but I can see some people prefering this.

Acting wise - Timothy, Austin and Javiar Bardem were personal standouts for me. Others were great.

Craft was classic Dennis. Immaculate photography and production design.

I have a few spoilery questions if that's okay (as someone who has read the book like 18 times lol):

1. Is it revealed that Jessica is the Baron's daughter?
2. Is Alia born during the movie?
3. Is there any time jump?
4. A lot of people talk about a "haunting" ending. Does it show the start of Paul's Holy War?
5. Does the story feel "complete" in the end, or does it clearly need a third movie?
6. Does Jessica get enough screentime? She's my favorite.

Sorry for all the questions haha.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a few spoilery questions if that's okay (as someone who has read the book like 18 times lol):

1. Is it revealed that Jessica is the Baron's daughter?
2. Is Alia born during the movie?
3. Is there any time jump?
4. A lot of people talk about a "haunting" ending. Does it show the start of Paul's Holy War?
5. Does the story feel "complete" in the end, or does it clearly need a third movie?
6. Does Jessica get enough screentime? She's my favorite.

Sorry for all the questions haha.


1. Yes. Jessica drinks the water of life/worm poison to discover this.
2. No. She talks to her mother through the womb but we see a vision of older Alia (Anya Taylor joy) thru Paul
3. No time jumps. But the pacing quickens to show the war expanding across Arrakis
4. Yes! Loved this as Dennis really leaned into the darker side of the books turning Paul into just as brutal messiah figure that the freman are blindly following. The defeated Sardukar bodies are burnt just like the Atreides bodies were in the first film.
5. Paul's revenge arc feels complete. But the holy war is setup as a cliffhanger so yes there will be a third movie hook.
6. Jessica gets a lot of screentime and Rebecca Ferguson is really good. Won't reveal more. :)


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017

1. Yes. Jessica drinks the water of life/worm poison to discover this.
2. No. She talks to her mother through the womb but we see a vision of older Alia (Anya Taylor joy) thru Paul
3. No time jumps. But the pacing quickens to show the war expanding across Arrakis
4. Yes! Loved this as Dennis really leaned into the darker side of the books turning Paul into just as brutal messiah figure that the freman are blindly following. The defeated Sardukar bodies are burnt just like the Atreides bodies were in the first film.
5. Paul's revenge arc feels complete. But the holy war is setup as a cliffhanger so yes there will be a third movie hook.
6. Jessica gets a lot of screentime and Rebecca Ferguson is really good. Won't reveal more. :)

Thanks! Appreciate the answers. Makes me even more excited to see it :) Glad you liked it! I'll be really intrigued to see how well the movies play back-to-back.


Oct 27, 2017
I finally starting reading the first book a few days ago, wanting to devour it before seeing Part 2 soon. I just finished "Book 1", and I am absolutely loving it. I don't really know how to describe it but the prose is extremely dialogue and discussion heavy and I did not expect that. While I was reading the first few chapters I was like huh, this is like all dialogue and internal thought, but I loved it and continue to love it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm starting to get the hang of Dune: Imperium, the basics at least. I think I got all the symbols down in my head. Gonna try to complete the last tutorial today. And next week, after seeing Part Two, I'll try get into the Classic Dune board game in Tabletop Simulator. Will read up on the rules and watch some games being played on YouTube.

New tv spot with some new footage:

View: https://youtu.be/aFu4uKhR5IE?si=z5P42xmeWUlyQ2LU


Nov 2, 2017
Reminder to self to reply to this post again, once Armond White's review is up...
"Villeneuve struggles with the material and fails to live up to the achievements of Michael Bay, who may be modern cinema's least "sensitive" auteur—never sadistic like Haneke or Tarantino and yet not pious for a second. As a millennial master, Bay's hype machine is a funhouse mirror."


Oct 25, 2017
The review embargo is up!


Dune: Part Two | Review Thread (RT: 98%) Entertainment

https://www.empireonline.com/movies/reviews/dune-part-two/ https://www.ign.com/articles/dune-part-two-review-timothee-chalamet-zendaya-denis-villeneuve https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-reviews/dune-part-two-review-timothee-chalamet-zendaya-1235830061/...

I like this description of the ending from Variety's review:
The morality of "Dune" isn't nearly so binary, and many will miss — or else misinterpret — the deeply ambivalent tone of the movie's final minutes. What looks like triumph could well be a turn for the worse.

And another review confirmed Anya's role:
She's Alia. My favorite Dune character, so that's hype.
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▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
I was expecting good reviews. I was not expecting a high 90's on RT lmao. The wait for Sunday is excruciating.


Oct 25, 2017
My son and I are so pumped for Sunday. We saw Dune rerelease, watched Lynch's Dune on Sunday, and rereading the book rn

Mar Tuuk

Oct 31, 2017
Currently reading the book to finish before next week. I watched the first film when it came out. Anyone know a specific page number for where the first film ends in the book?

I'm at page 160 now.


Oct 25, 2017
Currently reading the book to finish before next week. I watched the first film when it came out. Anyone know a specific page number for where the first film ends in the book?

I'm at page 160 now.
If you want the exact spot where the first movie ends with Paul walking off with the Fremen, thats at the chapter 53% through the book that starts with the princess Irulan quote "The Fremen were supreme in that quality the ancients called 'spannungsbogen'"

There will be a little overlap with the first movie in that chapter because Denis condensed a couple moments into that final scene of the first movie.
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Oct 25, 2017
The soundtrack for Part Two is out in Australia. Comes out elsewhere tomorrow.

Dune: Part Two doing twice as good as Dune: Part One in pre-sales:

View: https://x.com/ErikDavis/status/1760706706395287889?s=20

A new faction teased for Dune: Spice Wars, coming Feb 29. Likely the Ixians:

View: https://x.com/DuneSpiceWars/status/1760695873342706145?s=20

And the Hamilton x Dune watch is up for pre-order:


Ventura XXL Bright Dune Limited Edition | H24614330

The Ventura XXL Bright Dune limited edition is inspired by the wrist device created by Hamilton for the film “Dune: Part Two”
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Oct 30, 2017
Hey guys,

I have seen the DUNC 2 at the Abu Dhabi Premiere 3 days ago. AMA.

Overall, I think the movie was fantastic, but I prefer the more slow burn visual approach of the first movie and world building. (BR 2049 Is my fav Dennis movie for reference). A lot needs to happen here and it does. I did like the ending a lot tho and Dennis stuck the landing.

While the action sequence were well paced and well shot, it almost felt like this had to be more action packed than perhaps Dennis is comfortable with. IMO of course, but I can see some people prefering this.

Acting wise - Timothy, Austin and Javiar Bardem were personal standouts for me. Others were great.

Craft was classic Dennis. Immaculate photography and production design.
How is the sound design and OST? I really enjoyed that aspect in part 1 especially with scenes like the Salusa Secundus sardaukar intro and the quake of worm sign. Is part 2 just as rich?

Also how do they play
Stilgar's look of awe and Paul's uncomfortability at the end? Or perhaps, is the ending pretty similar to the book or is it extended past the confrontation with Feyd?


Oct 27, 2017
How is the sound design and OST? I really enjoyed that aspect in part 1 especially with scenes like the Salusa Secundus sardaukar intro and the quake of worm sign. Is part 2 just as rich?

Also how do they play
Stilgar's look of awe and Paul's uncomfortability at the end? Or perhaps, is the ending pretty similar to the book or is it extended past the confrontation with Feyd?

Sound Design and OST remain incredible. The craft is just so god damn good that there really isn't anything to complaint. The new romantic theme for Chani/Paul is the standout.

Being a bit more action heavy there are less sfx that do the 'world building' like the first one, but the best stuff from the first movie (worm signs) are still there.

Stilgar is sort of like 'comic relief' in parts with his awe and zeal for Paul as his prophet which surpirsingly worked and got a laugh from the audience. Dennis's films are often quite self serious so Javiar Bardem/Stilgar providing the laughs was kinda cute.

Paul is shown in a more sinister light in how he treats Chani, and prepares for the Holy War with the houses after defeating Feyd. This is the part everyone is hyping as the movie deliberately indulges in the darker themes of the book about people blindly following messiahs.


Oct 25, 2017
I rewatched Dune Pt1 on 4K UHD and I feel I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS. The HDR in it is unbelievably good and better than what I've seen in any other film and most games. How is this possible?! Blade Runner 2049 looked really good in 4K but was still pretty much the same movie. Dune on the other, while it's disappointing that it's missing the IMAX ratio scenes, looks phenomenal. The contrast, lighting, everything. Even the subtle lensflares in Paul's visions look so different. Everything is elevated to a sense of hyper-reality with a real sense of glare, blinding brightness, or dimness and darkness as needed.

Never seen anything like this before. Am I high on spice????


Oct 25, 2017
I rewatched Dune Pt1 on 4K UHD and I feel I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS. The HDR in it is unbelievably good and better than what I've seen in any other film and most games. How is this possible?! Blade Runner 2049 looked really good in 4K but was still pretty much the same movie. Dune on the other, while it's disappointing that it's missing the IMAX ratio scenes, looks phenomenal. The contrast, lighting, everything. Even the subtle lensflares in Paul's visions look so different. Everything is elevated to a sense of hyper-reality with a real sense of glare, blinding brightness, or dimness and darkness as needed.

Never seen anything like this before. Am I high on spice????

Roger Deakins, cinematographer on BR2049, doesn't really like HDR so it doesn't really use the higher brightness ceiling of HDR at all. It's basically SDR in an HDR container. It looks great, but it's not really using the full spectrum available to the medium. Dune was shot by Greig Fraser, so you're getting a pretty different approach that happily dips into big bold highlights.

Thing with Dune though, is the whole look is largely restrained and measured a lot of the time, which probably makes the highlights stand out more when they do. Like Fraser isn't afraid to have entire scenes play out well under exposed like the Gom Jabbar scene or the worm confrontation towards the end. Your eyes are forced to adjust to these incredibly dim scenes, and then moments later you'll be bombarded with the piercing lights of the Bene Gesserit spacecraft taking off. It is quite dazzling. And the decision to have the whole film processed onto a 35mm negative provides some grainy tactility to the whole look that ties things together. It looks both incredibly sharp/modern and also timeless/antiquated, just like the world of Dune! It's really one of my favourite 4k discs for these reasons.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
Sound Design and OST remain incredible. The craft is just so god damn good that there really isn't anything to complaint. The new romantic theme for Chani/Paul is the standout.

Being a bit more action heavy there are less sfx that do the 'world building' like the first one, but the best stuff from the first movie (worm signs) are still there.

Stilgar is sort of like 'comic relief' in parts with his awe and zeal for Paul as his prophet which surpirsingly worked and got a laugh from the audience. Dennis's films are often quite self serious so Javiar Bardem/Stilgar providing the laughs was kinda cute.

Paul is shown in a more sinister light in how he treats Chani, and prepares for the Holy War with the houses after defeating Feyd. This is the part everyone is hyping as the movie deliberately indulges in the darker themes of the book about people blindly following messiahs.
omg I'm so excited haha


Oct 25, 2017
And the decision to have the whole film processed onto a 35mm negative provides some grainy tactility to the whole look that ties things together.
Really? Was this done in post-production for the film in general, or only for the home video release? That's a really strange choice to take a digitally shot film and put it on 35mm before mastering again.


Oct 25, 2017
Really? Was this done in post-production for the film in general, or only for the home video release? That's a really strange choice to take a digitally shot film and put it on 35mm before mastering again.

It was done for the film in general, yeah. It's definitely a strange choice - the only other example of this as far as I know is The Batman, also shot by Fraser. These days we're starting to get a lot of cinematographers who want the ease and control that digital photography provides but want to avoid the overly clinical and sterile feel it can sometimes have, and there are a few ways to go about achieving this. Sometimes it's as simple as using less precise lenses with some more character (Moonlight, for example).

For Knives Out, Steve Yedlin + team opted to artificially recreate all the characteristics of film using meticulous post-processing effects, while Fraser opted to just scan the whole final edit of Dune onto 35mm and then back out. Both are quite effective I think.


Oct 25, 2017
It was done for the film in general, yeah. It's definitely a strange choice - the only other example of this as far as I know is The Batman, also shot by Fraser. These days we're starting to get a lot of cinematographers who want the ease and control that digital photography provides but want to avoid the overly clinical and sterile feel it can sometimes have, and there are a few ways to go about achieving this. Sometimes it's as simple as using less precise lenses with some more character (Moonlight, for example).

For Knives Out, Steve Yedlin + team opted to artificially recreate all the characteristics of film using meticulous post-processing effects, while Fraser opted to just scan the whole final edit of Dune onto 35mm and then back out. Both are quite effective I think.
How would that work for the IMAX scenes though? If it's been passed through 35mm wouldn't that be a downgrade?


Oct 25, 2017
How would that work for the IMAX scenes though? If it's been passed through 35mm wouldn't that be a downgrade?

Yes, well sort of, it's a fascinating one - this is why I've been sceptical about the push for Dune Part 2 to be shown in true 15/70mm IMAX film like it's Oppenheimer.

Like mostly every other film not directed by Nolan, Dune Part 1, when screened at IMAX, was only ever shown on 4K Laser digital. This was fine because the film was shot digitally (seems like it was shot natively at 4.5K), scanned on 35mm, then mastered in 4K. So it wouldn't seem like there'd be much value in screening it beyond 4K Laser digital.

Dune Part 2, however, coming off the success of Oppenheimer, is being screened on 15/70mm IMAX, which seems like it could be a bit of a gimmick, given it was still shot digitally. Although it was shot at 6.5K this time, so there's a bit more resolution to be mined there. Beyond that, it seems like it's not super clear as to whether they did the scanning to film again this time? Perhaps instead of scanning to 35mm, it was scanned to 1570mm IMAX instead (given they had to do this anyway), then scanned back to 4K for the digital master, although then, because of how clean and fine IMAX film is, you're not getting the same grainy tactility that was the whole point last time.

So I'm not sure what to make of it. I don't know if the 15/70mm will actually resolve more detail than the 4K digital transfer, and I'm not sure if it'll maintain the grainy characteristics of the first film. Regardless of any of this, I doubt it'll ever look quite as sharp as a film truly shot and presented in 15/70mm IMAX, but what do I know! I'm actually seeing the film on 4K Laser digital IMAX first, then a couple weeks later will catch it again on 15/70mm, so hopefully I'll get some clearer answers then!


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, well sort of, it's a fascinating one - this is why I've been sceptical about the push for Dune Part 2 to be shown in true 15/70mm IMAX film like it's Oppenheimer.

Like mostly every other film not directed by Nolan, Dune Part 1, when screened at IMAX, was only ever shown on 4K Laser digital. This was fine because the film was shot digitally (seems like it was shot natively at 4.5K), scanned on 35mm, then mastered in 4K. So it wouldn't seem like there'd be much value in screening it beyond 4K Laser digital.

Dune Part 2, however, coming off the success of Oppenheimer, is being screened on 15/70mm IMAX, which seems like it could be a bit of a gimmick, given it was still shot digitally. Although it was shot at 6.5K this time, so there's a bit more resolution to be mined there. Beyond that, it seems like it's not super clear as to whether they did the scanning to film again this time? Perhaps instead of scanning to 35mm, it was scanned to 1570mm IMAX instead (given they had to do this anyway), then scanned back to 4K for the digital master, although then, because of how clean and fine IMAX film is, you're not getting the same grainy tactility that was the whole point last time.

So I'm not sure what to make of it. I don't know if the 15/70mm will actually resolve more detail than the 4K digital transfer, and I'm not sure if it'll maintain the grainy characteristics of the first film. Regardless of any of this, I doubt it'll ever look quite as sharp as a film truly shot and presented in 15/70mm IMAX, but what do I know! I'm actually seeing the film on 4K Laser digital IMAX first, then a couple weeks later will catch it again on 15/70mm, so hopefully I'll get some clearer answers then!
That's fascinating. Thanks for all the details. Glad to see someone has been following the production in terms of the photography and mastering. It's also a reminder to me that Dune Pt1 was never actually ever screened in 15/70mm IMAX. I myself have only seen it in the 1.9:1 ratio IMAX Laser presentation as those are the only IMAX screens here.

Given how they've been pushing that more of Pt2 is in "IMAX format" and how it was shot in 6.5K instead, maybe their post-production will have been different too. Will be fascinating to hear about it after the fact.
Nov 21, 2017
People say it's one of the best blockbusters since Mad Max Fury Road that will win a lot of Oscars (I guess you can put Top Gun Maverick on this). I can't wait to see it!

Also question Denis Villeneuve says there are scripts for Dune 3. So Dune Part 2 does not finish Paul's story?