
Jan 15, 2018
Wait, this forum recently had a giant thread about how the American review system is a broken mess and goes from a scale of 75 - 100 and now all of a sudden I'm wrong and moving goalposts? Go ask any random person what their favorite 8.0 games are and ask them if they thought those games were amazing or just okay.

I mean it's a known fact review scores are a mess and not representative at all. You see games sitting on a high 80 score but reading the actual review it reads like a low 70s game. Then you again have the expectations from fans. Didn't Jim Sterling get death threats since he gave BOTW 7/10?

Deleted member 11421

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
You wouldn't say that if you had to grind 40 to 50 hours of level 50 content in FFXIV to get to the expansion pack content.

In contrast to most other MMO's, you can't just jump to the expansion after it comes out. You must have finished the whole storyline and every single-instance, normal group instance and raid-instance if they were part of the story.

I wasn't in that position, but my buddy, who started new on FF14, could do the 1 to 50 stuff in 2 days and the level 50 stuff in 8 days before he had access to the expansion.
Which was further complicated by all the solo instances where I couldn't help.

I've done it multiple times in XIV with different characters/jobs/etc. and in numerous other MMOs. I was merely responding to someone who implied that a popular RPG (assuming strictly pay to play) selling ways to skip the grind would get shit on.


Oct 28, 2017
Wait, this forum recently had a giant thread about how the American review system is a broken mess and goes from a scale of 75 - 100 and now all of a sudden I'm wrong and moving goalposts? Go ask any random person what their favorite 8.0 games are and ask them if they thought those games were amazing or just okay.
Your initial point was about how it sucked for reviewers to spend so much time on an "okay" game. I said their reviews, generally, don't reflect that it was an okay game. It matters not a jot what people on ResetEra think because that's not what you were talking about. We're talking about 100+ reviews here so obviously some liked it, some didn't but I count 46 out of 99 reviews at 90 or above on OpenCritic and, as mentioned previously, another 21 between 84 and 90.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My question is.. is the game as glitchy as Dunky is making it out to be?

Because the way he presents it is like he's presenting the game is pretty much broken and making fun of it.

The general rule for any dunkey video is "is x really as good/bad as he says it is" the answer is almost always no".

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, how Rockstar treats its employees is well documented. It's notorious. We don't need RDR2 to release to know that.

In that particular instance, I'm sure we had threads about this, at least in the old forum, when Gamasutra posted an open letter by wives employees because of the, conciedentially, afwul crunch for RDR.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
As an open-world stealth game? I HIGHLY doubt that.
Although Origins doesn't have the fine control of MGSV, many of it's gameplay systems are much better realized along with it generally being a much more cohesive experience where several things exist outside of the player's input, for example, the way AI reacts to each other. Say a hippo is gonna became hostile based on it's proximity to humans/other animals and vice versa not in a scripted manner but because those two entities happened to cross paths in this huge open world. Ironically, MGSV as an experience is way more of grind than Origins and Odyssey too. With a ton of tedium and odd design decisions in between the good bits, like the repetitive helicopter rides, and LITERALLY having to do the same mission type over and over so many times that the game grows an iota of self awareness and subtitles the missions with AGAIN!!
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Nov 3, 2017
fuck no. I don't actually believe people are paying others to shit on the game. I just find it really strange that people keep harping on this "MTX issue" when you can literally never pay and have a great time.
Maybe people are growing tired of being asked for money in their premium game.
It was going to happen eventually.
Fans of Starwars Battlefront2 could be similarly pissed because Shadow of War kind of got a pass last year, shit happens.
Turns out it's happening to AC Origin, too bad.


Oct 25, 2017
I never said he hasn't used the word.
Him saying the F-word in 2015 doesn't mean he's a homophobe today. There are a shitton of people who just don't know better and need to be educated on what that word stands for and how it has an actual impact on people in real life instead of using it as a replacement for calling someone dumb or whatever. If you don't have anybody in your firend circles that call you out on that shit then you won't learn to not use it.

I've worked with a lot if young people who use homophobic language without intending any ill will towards gay people. You have to make them aware. Dunkey hasn't used the word in quite some time, so as long he doesn't do it again the possibility that he was an idiot that learned the meaning and gravity behind the word and therefore isn't using it anymore exists, and as long that possibility exists I won't call him a homophobe.
The amount of mental gymastics going on here is incredible. This guy is 27. He's not young. Acting like he didn't know any better is ridiculous.


Jun 6, 2018
Eight hours in; I'm enjoying myself but yeah, "middling open world action game" is fair. It's my first Ubisoft game in a long time. While they have made notable improvements, it still feels shallow. For instance, I get excited when I'm ready to go on a base infiltration or tear stuff up in my boat, but when I'm actually doing it, it's not that fun. I'm sure I would have enjoyed this more in a world where BotW, HZD, GoW and Spider-man didn't exist.


Oct 26, 2017
The tweet I linked referenced the N-word, not the F-word.

Edit: Ah never mind your original post referred to the F-word that "he hasn't used since", I mixed that up.
Oh I actually missed that tweet, yeah sorry.
It's still not a good example though since the black dude in question is flat out saying he gave Dunkey permission to call him that.
I don't know, would you call that dude a racism enabler now? Or is he just good friends with him and has nothing against it, hence that joke? I doubt Dunkey thinks he can call everyone that now because a friend told him towards him it's ok. And I think that friends can permit dunkey whatever he wants as long it's between them.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Huh? How is him saying the n word privately any better?

People said using it in a song in 2013 wasn't bad enough. It's not a one off.

dunkey saying the n-word is bad.

But that specific tweet you posted seems to be a joke between him -- a black man -- and dunkey, as friends. Like, he literally said the pass was courtesy of him.

If there is actual video/audience of dunkey saying the word in the past, that's enough to focus on. That tweet isn't really it.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
That's main content though, those are main quest. You aren't required to do any sidequest or any of the side content.

But you are required to do the old mainquests before you can play the new content. There is a shit-ton of level 50 mainquests. You can't skip them normally and finish them later.
Thats like having to finish AC Origins before playing Odyssey

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There's more story content in AC:Odyssey than any other AC game. Arguably no other AC game provides as much lore as it does.

You know what I think of when I think, "we should go away from narrative." I think of a game made with the largest writing team of any iteration in that franchise.

They're going way from linear narrative, not narrative in general.

It's more that they've shifted away from linear, force-fed-to-the-player narrative towards this idea of having a thousand different stories that the player wanders out in the world to experience at their own pace.
A game having story doesn't mean its narrative driven.



The old Assassin's Creed games were narrative driven. The focus of the games was on the story. The new games the focus is on the systems.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
I haven't played the game and I don't really care if it's good or not, but it's hard to take Dunkey seriously when he's trying to legitimately critique a game. He frequently misrepresents games and cherry-picks problematic moments to get his point across, even when he's (apparently) not just trying to joke around. Comes off as dishonest and rubs me the wrong way. I like his funny videos though.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm pretty sure people complained about it.
Nah, people are really glad they can avoid having to do content they don't care to reach the content they want to engage in.
that's why Blizzard sell and offer level passes.
For BFA, maybe you want to roll a new character and you don't really care to have to spent an ungodly amount of hour to reach BFA.
But then again MMOs are a magnitude bigger than your average openworld game.
Seriously an extension is basically going through a full game (they HAVE to be after all), just imagine that to get to AC Odyssey you had to play ALL THE OTHER AC games before.
People would pay to get rid of that.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Him saying the F word once a year ago does not a homophobe make. Unless you can provide other examples?
i'm not trying to defend dunkey here, i'm not a big fan or anything, i've just subscribed recently and find his videos funny, but i just don't feel comfortable calling someone a homophobe cause they said the f word once. i'm gay and i use that word (or rather, its equivalent in my language) often irl, and i have straight friends who i've heard say it but it's the way it is said that matters to me. someone saying it in a hateful manner is obviously horrible, but it's just a word that [to me] can be said with no hate attached to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Although Origins doesn't have the fine control of MGSV, many of it's gameplay systems are much better realized along with it generally being a much more cohesive experience where several things exist outside of the player's input, for example, the way AI reacts to each other. Say a hippo is gonna became hostile based on it's proximity to humans/other animals and vice versa not in a scripted manner but because those two entities happened to cross paths in this huge open world.

I haven't played Odyssey and honestly don't need plan to but I find it extremely hard to believe that it offers the sheer amount of options with the completely freedom and agency while having arguably some of if not the best, and most intuitive stealth mechanics ever that MGSV offers.

Yeah the story sucked but in terms of gameplay, MGSV was stealth nirvana and the only game that I can think of that might match or give more agency than it is BOTW. And even then, MGSVs world adapts to your playstyle, incentivizing you to adapt to it.

AC has always been "sneak behind for an instant kill" or fight them. And nothing I've seen in the decent amount of gameplay I've watched leads me to believe it's much different.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
Ubisoft games are made with 800+ person teams to appeal to the lowest possible common denominator by inundating the game with 'content' and good graphics because theres literally nothing else going on under the hood. I WANT to like these games but when stuff like snapping necks doesnt kill cause the enemy is +1 'stat' higher than you and the stories are monkeys on typewriter level of quality, it's hard for me to understand why there's defenders. Why even defend? These games are the General Mills Cereal of video games where its just to stock the shelves and you know the brand. I don't even care about the MTX, they and EA have been selling cheats since like 2008, people kept buying them to the point where they affect the design now only have themselves to blame for letting it happen.
Obviously you haven't played the game because you absolutely can instantly assassinate people that are higher level than you.


Oct 26, 2017
dunkey saying the n-word is bad.

But that specific tweet you posted seems to be a joke between him -- a black man -- and dunkey, as friends. Like, he literally said the pass was courtesy of him.

If there is actual video/audience of dunkey saying the word in the past, that's enough to focus on. That tweet isn't really it.
Actual video and audio doesn't seem to be enough for people.

And I have to seriously side eye how it ever got to that "joke", or why dunkey would even want to say that word even if a black friend allows it. He's a grown ass man.


Oct 26, 2017
The amount of mental gymastics going on here is incredible. This guy is 27. He's not young. Acting like he didn't know any better is ridiculous.
It doesn't have much to do with being young either. It's about your social circle etc. And even when it's about browsing online, which is a huge part of pretty much everyone's life by now doesn't mean they visit progressive places like Era. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's ok to walk around in ignorance or anything, just that this is the case with a lot more people than you might think it is, and often it's not willful ignorance either.

Thanks for calling my well reasoned statement mental gymnastics though because you couldn't be bothered to think about the matter for more than 5 seconds.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
But you are required to do the old mainquests before you can play the new content. There is a shit-ton of level 50 mainquests. You can't skip them normally and finish them later.
Thats like having to finish AC Origins before playing Odyssey

But those are 2 different games, FFXIV is one game, an MMO game that is almost 6 years old by now. I mean, is not a particular good example at all, is a very specific situation for a very specific genre and game.


Oct 29, 2017
Chicago, IL United States
Your initial point was about how it sucked for reviewers to spend so much time on an "okay" game. I said their reviews, generally, don't reflect that it was an okay game. It matters not a jot what people on ResetEra think because that's not what you were talking about. We're talking about 100+ reviews here so obviously some liked it, some didn't but I count 46 out of 99 reviews at 90 or above on OpenCritic and, as mentioned previously, another 21 between 84 and 90.

And my response to your point was that if the scale is currently broken on 75-100, how can we really know if a game rated in the 80s isn't just okay? This is why reading the review instead of measuring it by scores is important this current gen. If I'm reading and hearing things about this game that make it sounds like an okay game and not too great, just pretty good, then the numbers are fucked up. I still feel bad for the reviewers because while some of them are giving the game a score in the 80s, their actual words are signifying otherwise.

I mean it's a known fact review scores are a mess and not representative at all. You see games sitting on a high 80 score but reading the actual review it reads like a low 70s game. Then you again have the expectations from fans. Didn't Jim Sterling get death threats since he gave BOTW 7/10?

Hit the nail on the head.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Here are some hard facts:

The video was pretty humorous.

There certainly is some Ubi-jank in the game.

Dunkey has a known history of making games look way buggier than they actually are for the sake of entertainment value.

The game is fun AF

Anyone who says they are turned off from buying a game based on a Dunky video was never going to buy it in the first place


Oct 26, 2017
Actual video and audio doesn't seem to be enough for people.

And I have to seriously side eye how it ever got to that "joke", or why dunkey would even want to say that word even if a black friend allows it. He's a grown ass man.
Some black people use that word as an endearing term, even towards people that are white. A lot of PoC don't, but I don't know how his friend jokingly allowing Dunkey to call him that is making Dunkey immature.


Oct 29, 2017
So hold up.

I was listening to Mindless Self Indulgence (I know.) and THAT song popped up. Instead of screaming in terror and throwing my phone across the room, I listened to the whole thing, remembered how weirdly catchy it is, questioned my sanity for still listening to them, and then moved on.

Does that mean I'm a homophobe now?!


Oct 26, 2017
Here are some hard facts:

The video was pretty humorous.

There certainly is some Ubi-jank in the game.

Dunkey has a known history of making games look way bigger than they actually are for the sake of entertainment value.

The game is fun AF

Anyone who says they are turned off from buying a game based on a Dunky video was never going to buy it in the first place
This is a sensible post.


Sep 9, 2018
I hope people arent defending the utterly useless and aggravating bounty quests that consist of going from one place to another to hear a general dialogue and then repeating it till you feel sick of it. Its almost as if Ubisoft decided that for people who cant be bothered to invest another 10$ into the game, lets adopt the bounty system from Destiny for quick XP.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
A game having story doesn't mean its narrative driven.



The old Assassin's Creed games were narrative driven. The focus of the games was on the story. The new games the focus is on the systems.
Again, there's a huge difference between
-We're moving away rom linear design


-We're moving away from story based content

Yes Ubisoft like other devs are making a push towards including systemic elements in the design which is pretty much antithetical to linear cinematic game design in general. But they aren't moving away from narrative entirely. They still fill their games with narratives and lots of cinematics that make good use of their performance capture studios, animation teams, actors/actresses, etc.

hope people arent defending the utterly useless and aggravating bounty quests that consist of going from one place to another to hear a general dialogue and then repeating it till you feel sick of it.
You realize that the vast vast majority of quests aren't that right? They don't even give out the best rewards.


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't have much to do with being young either. It's about your social circle etc. And even when it's about browsing online, which is a huge part of pretty much everyone's life by now doesn't mean they visit progressive places like Era. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's ok to walk around in ignorance or anything, just that this is the case with a lot more people than you might think it is, and often it's not willful ignorance either.

Thanks for calling my well reasoned statement mental gymnastics though because you couldn't be bothered to think about the matter for more than 5 seconds.
You didnt make any well reasoned statement, you just made a bunch of bad excuses. You don't need to visit ERA to know not to say those words. This is shit they tell you in elementary school.


Oct 26, 2017
Some black people use that word as an endearing term, even towards people that are white. A lot of PoC don't, but I don't know how his friend jokingly allowing Dunkey to call him that is making Dunkey immature.
Dunkey isn't black, so that black people use the word doesn't make a difference, I'm well aware they do.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Actual video and audio doesn't seem to be enough for people.

And I have to seriously side eye how it ever got to that "joke", or why dunkey would even want to say that word even if a black friend allows it. He's a grown ass man.

I took the joke as he says it a lot himself so that to hang out with him, he's giving dunkey the "pass" to say it too. There is a reply to the tweet that implies that as well.

But again, I think that specific tweet was a joke by someone who isn't even dunkey. So like, let's just focus on what's here.

What's the end goal of what you're saying though when you claim that it's "not enough for people." Are you hoping people boycott him and stop watching his videos? Seriously asking.


Oct 26, 2017
I took the joke as he says it a lot himself so that to hang out with him, he's giving dunkey the "pass" to say it too. There is a reply to the tweet that implies that as well.

But again, I think that specific tweet was a joke by someone who isn't even dunkey. So like, let's just focus on what's here.

What's the end goal of what you're saying though when you claim that it's "not enough for people." Are you hoping people boycott him and stop watching his videos? Seriously asking.
No, I just want to set the record straight. People were making fun of the first poster here saying Dunkey is homophobic and racist. He has a history of using slurs in both categories, as well as sexist ones, or using "retarded".

What people do with that is up to them.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, people are really glad they can avoid having to do content they don't care to reach the content they want to engage in.
that's why Blizzard sell and offer level passes.
For BFA, maybe you want to roll a new character and you don't really care to have to spent an ungodly amount of hour to reach BFA.
But then again MMOs are a magnitude bigger than your average openworld game.
Seriously an extension is basically going through a full game (they HAVE to be after all), just imagine that to get to AC Odyssey you had to play ALL THE OTHER AC games before.
People would pay to get rid of that.

I'm pretty sure it was received with skipticism from a lot of players and with that price specially. But then again is an MMO and a very particular case, the game story is vast and continuous throught all these years.


Oct 25, 2017
Could we have a clear stance on the whole "Dunkey is homophobic and a racist" nonsense please? Either he gets an Era-wide ban or people should stop derailing every single thread Dunkey is even remotely part of. I personally would find it a shame if he gets banned, but this constant derailing with half truths and over-exaggerations is getting annoying as hell.
It's weird that bothers you, given that this seems like Dunkey's MO.


Oct 29, 2017
No, I just want to set the record straight. People were making fun of the first poster here saying Dunkey is homophobic and racist. He has a history of using slurs in both categories, as well as sexist ones, or using "retarded".

What people do with that is up to them.

Again, making a funny/dumb video with the N word in it, and using the F word over a year ago doesn't make it a "history". Should he KEEP saying them and get a clean pass? Absofuckinglutely not! But, its not a "history".


Oct 25, 2017
Why did assassin's creed have to go from stealth action game to mmo lite anyhow?

In some ways it was always like that. The past games were map icon fests that were full of things to collect and do but none of it was very interesting or deep. It's the same in Origins and Odyssey only now it takes place in a world instead of 1 city.

Honestly I kind of miss the cities because they were incredibly detailed and designed. Villages and cities in this game feel pointless.


Oct 26, 2017
You didnt make any well reasoned statement, you just made a bunch of bad excuses. You don't need to visit ERA to know not to say those words. This is shit they tell you in elementary school.
Yeah no. I wish that was the case, but no. Maybe today, but certainly not when Dunkey was in elementary school.
What excuses did I make? It would be really nice if you could argue any of my points instead of going down this bullshit route. If you really think we live in some woke society where everyone knows it's bad to use that word then you are not paying attention.

Dunkey isn't black, so that black people use the word doesn't make a difference, I'm well aware they do.
So you are saying that black friend of Dunkey shouldn't be allowed to tell Dunkey that towards him it's ok because Dunkey is white? What are you even arguing here?


Oct 25, 2017
Him saying the F word once a year ago does not a homophobe make. Unless you can provide other examples?

this is from 2017 -> F word

From 2013 -> N word from a song

from 2013 -> Shouting Kill that N twice

From 2012 -> Another F word

That 2017 one is recent, so it means through the years he has not change at all