
Oct 29, 2017
Chicago, IL United States
Given the majority of reviewers that scored the game gave it an 84 or over I'd say they don't feel so bad about it. It's a big game (I doubt many if any spent 100+ hours on it though) so it will have been tough to meet deadlines but their reviews are indicative of the game being more than "okay".

Going by what Alex(from giantbomb) and Austin(from Waypoint) said about the game, 80-90 hours only felt like 2/3 of the game, and considering how you need to do sidequests for xp and how an 80s score in this day and age means not good enough to the masses, I'd consider it an okay game.


Oct 25, 2017
Could we have a clear stance on the whole "Dunkey is homophobic and a racist" nonsense please? Either he gets an Era-wide ban or people should stop derailing every single thread Dunkey is even remotely part of. I personally would find it a shame if he gets banned, but this constant derailing with half truths and over-exaggerations is getting annoying as hell.
Saying he's homophobic (which he is) would be prt of the "legitimate concerns about the content creator".

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 26, 2017


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017


Sep 9, 2018
The jank in AC games is really bad. Why couldnt they pull RDR2 here? Hell, even RDR1 has less jank.


Nov 3, 2017
Ive thought about this but do we really think this is happening?
It has always been a thing, publishers would be stupid to not even try, it's not like it would cost much and couldn't be massively effective.
The fun part is this kind of places breed corporate advocates anyway so...


Oct 29, 2017
It's still a stealth action game if if you play it that way:

Nothing about the game's design resembles an MMO aside from surface level similarities since both genres rely on RPG mechanics.

Erm, that very first kill the guy turns invisible from a skill not unlike any other rogue class in an MMO. Bad example to prove your point haha

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Going by what Alex(from giantbomb) and Austin(from Waypoint) said about the game, 80-90 hours only felt like 2/3 of the game, and considering how you need to do sidequests for xp and how an 80s score in this day and age means not good enough to the masses, I'd consider it an okay game.
The entire point of modern Ubisoft games is their sidequests. There's a reason the entire story progression system in Far Cry 5 is controlled by the player doing random sidequests. Also, "an 80s score in this day and age means not good enough to the masses" is just plain silly.
Hell, even RDR1 has less jank.
What? RDR1 is a technical train wreck. The game is held together with sellotape.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The entire point of modern Ubisoft games is their sidequests. There's a reason the entire story progression system in Far Cry 5 is controlled by the player doing random sidequests. Also, "an 80s score in this day and age means not good enough to the masses" is just plain silly.

If that's the case, the sidequests should be better than they are. Unfortunately, they're really not very good and they don't justify dragging the game out way past its welcome.


Oct 25, 2017
We have documented proof of him lying about previous games and outright faking several bugs, so yes, he's lying.
Who are all the "others" btw? The polygon article that makes claims that have been debunked the day the article came out, or the clickbait Youtuber known as Jim Sterling that claims to have liked Origins (despite the fact that Origins has even more grindy and has the exact same MTX model, mind you).
Here are a few.

Are they lying too?

Game Informer
Despite doing plenty of side quests, I often had to grind or complete a series of barely related tasks to advance the story. That drip-feed pattern over 50-plus hours puts a serious damper on the momentum.

Giant Bomb
But too many of those great moments are stuffed between a seemingly endless parade of samey open-world job lists and copy-pasted side quests that, while to a degree ignorable, still have to be engaged with often enough to make Odyssey's pace feel bloated and awkward.

RPG Site
Eventually, I got exhausted with this and didn't find much motivation to continue these activities except for when the game would force me to grind for experience points to continue the story.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
You can buy a jump potion in the similarly loved (and still subscription based+buy to play) Final Fantasy XIV to jump straight to 50 or 60 and skip entire storylines.

You wouldn't say that if you had to grind 40 to 50 hours of level 50 content in FFXIV to get to the expansion pack content.

In contrast to most other MMO's, you can't just jump to the expansion after it comes out. You must have finished the whole storyline and every single-instance, normal group instance and raid-instance if they were part of the story.

I wasn't in that position, but my buddy, who started new on FF14, could do the 1 to 50 stuff in 2 days and the level 50 stuff in 8 days before he had access to the expansion.
Which was further complicated by all the solo instances where I couldn't help.


Oct 27, 2017
Chandler, AZ
I'm very early on but so far I'm enjoying it. I can't speak to the end game comment, however I'm playing it in "exploration mode" and just wandering around doing quests as I find them. I actually find it kind of relaxing to just explore the world at my own pace. If this becomes a thing in games I'm all for it. I plan on playing rdr 2 the same way.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it's a bit ridiculous how people accuse others of being company shills and ignoring the problem that are MTX but then proceed to gush over RDR2, a game made by Rockstar, a company with one of the worst track records in the industry when it comes to treatment of it's employees. Which is on a whole another level of being ignored.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017


Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Erm, that very first kill the guy turns invisible from a skill not unlike any other rogue class in an MMO. Bad example to prove your point haha
MMOs invented the rogue class now? Like, did you really blatantly ignore the part where I specified, "aside from surface level similarities due to RPG mechanics"

How do I stealth those Athens vs Sparta battles my friend?
By using the assassin moves that let you do assassin damage while in open combat my good ol pal. Some of the most useful abilities in the game.

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
In 3 threads out of 4? Oh, I'm sorry, I got you figured COMPLETELY wrong.
Also, you're not shitting on the game, just spreading and supporting FUD fabricated by scandal-mongers and people who haven't played the game (such as yourself) who somehow feel qualified to lecture those with actual first-hand experience on how terribly grindy and greedy it is?
Yes, that's not crazy or biased at all. It seems I owe you my most sincere apology.

You are clearly far to invested in this video game to think rationally if you think I've done any of that. I don't think I've even mentioned the 'grind' one way or another, nevermind lecture anyone on it.


Oct 26, 2017
Saying he's homophobic (which he is) would be prt of the "legitimate concerns about the content creator".
He might be a homophobe, he also might be an uneducated moron who simply doesn't know better. Since he doesn't seem to have used the word since that instance the possibility of the latter being the case is something I won't handwave away just because you made up your mind already. I don't think it's a case as clear cut as you make it out to be.

And I wouldn't have suggested the mods to take a clear stance if I wouldn't have taken into account that he might get an Era-wide content ban. I don't think it would be right but that's up to the mods.


Oct 28, 2017
Going by what Alex(from giantbomb) and Austin(from Waypoint) said about the game, 80-90 hours only felt like 2/3 of the game, and considering how you need to do sidequests for xp and how an 80s score in this day and age means not good enough to the masses, I'd consider it an okay game.
That's completely irrelevant and quite frankly absurd. A reviewer doesn't give it high 8s or 9s if they didn't enjoy the game but it's completely pointless discussing whether Odyssey is a good game or not with somebody who hasn't played it so I'll leave it there.

I think it's a bit ridiculous how people accuse others of being company shills and ignoring the problem that are MTX but then proceed to gush over RDR2, a game made by Rockstar, a company with one of the worst track records in the industry when it comes to treatment of it's employees. Which is on a whole another level of being ignored.
It's even funnier when you consider the game isn't even out yet. I'm certainly expecting it to be better than Odyssey but how anyone can genuinely make comparisons to something that isn't released yet is insane.
Last edited:

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
If that's the case, the sidequests should be better than they are. Unfortunately, they're really not very good and they don't justify dragging the game out way past its welcome.
I have to disagree with the premise that the sidequests are "really not very good", respectfully. I can't speak for all the sidequests in AC: Odyssey because I haven't played enough of the game, but in Far Cry 5's case they're overall excellent. The ones I have played so far in Odyssey have been great.

I do dislike RPG level gating, all things considered. I dislike it in Bethesda games, too. I'm old school. I'm a STALKER fan. I think a weapon should do just as much damage regardless of whom is holding it.


Oct 26, 2017
He might be a homophobe, he also might be an uneducated moron who simply doesn't know better. Since he doesn't seem to have used the word since that instance the possibility of the latter being the case is something I won't handwave away just because you made up your mind already. I don't think it's a case as clear cut as you make it out to be.

And I wouldn't have suggested the mods to take a clear stance if I wouldn't have taken into account that he might get an Era-wide content ban. I don't think it would be right but that's up to the mods.
Hasn't used the word? Have you missed the tweet I linked? He apparently like to use it in private, at least in 2015 it seems.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a bit ridiculous how people accuse others of being company shills and ignoring the problem that are MTX but then proceed to gush over RDR2, a game made by Rockstar, a company with one of the worst track records in the industry when it comes to treatment of it's employees. Which is on a whole another level of being ignored.

You are totally free to make the thread about RDR2, you have my sword. But we should wait for the game to come out and see the full extent of the damage.


Oct 29, 2017
Chicago, IL United States
The entire point of modern Ubisoft games is their sidequests. There's a reason the entire story progression system in Far Cry 5 is controlled by the player doing random sidequests. Also, "an 80s score in this day and age means not good enough to the masses" is just plain silly.

What? RDR1 is a technical train wreck. The game is held together with sellotape.

That's an interesting way to move the goalposts.

That's completely irrelevant and quite frankly absurd. A reviewer doesn't give it high 8s or 9s if they didn't enjoy the game but it's completely pointless discussing whether Odyssey is a good game or not with somebody who hasn't played it so I'll leave it there.

Wait, this forum recently had a giant thread about how the American review system is a broken mess and goes from a scale of 75 - 100 and now all of a sudden I'm wrong and moving goalposts? Go ask any random person what their favorite 8.0 games are and ask them if they thought those games were amazing or just okay.
Oct 29, 2017
"If your willing to look past all these bugs and repetitive missions and microtransactions there is a middling open world underneath."
God dam not pulling any punches I see.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
These games just smack of having too much ambition and not enough time to properly pull it off. I swear they would be better making the games more focused and shorter instead of tryin to cram every single part of a huge map with stuff to do. Similar with Far Cry. I'm sure there's plenty of people who get tens of hours of enjoyment but to me the games are just too bloated and try to do too many things instead of doing a core set of things really well. The systems are all serviceable but none of them are best in class.


Oct 26, 2017
Is it just Assassin's Creed Odessey that has brought it out in people? There's been at least four topics on Resetera this past week that I see the same people come out and attack anybody who has any criticism for the game. It's wild. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but does Ubisoft pay people to post on forums and do damage control? That's the extent that I'm bewildered by it.

Maybe I'm oblivious to this extreme defense force in other topics but I haven't seen anything to this level on the old days of gaf or anything else on resetera. I just don't get it.

It's mostly just two people. And it's a bit out of control.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Because they've shifted from narrative driven games to monetization driven games. They want games that monopolize your time and your wallet.
There's more story content in AC:Odyssey than any other AC game. Arguably no other AC game provides as much lore as it does.

You know what I think of when I think, "we should go away from narrative." I think of a game made with the largest writing team of any iteration in that franchise.

They're going way from linear narrative, not narrative in general.


Oct 26, 2017
Hasn't used the word? Have you missed the tweet I linked? He apparently like to use it in private, at least in 2015 it seems.
I never said he hasn't used the word.
Him saying the F-word in 2015 doesn't mean he's a homophobe today. There are a shitton of people who just don't know better and need to be educated on what that word stands for and how it has an actual impact on people in real life instead of using it as a replacement for calling someone dumb or whatever. If you don't have anybody in your firend circles that call you out on that shit then you won't learn to not use it.

I've worked with a lot if young people who use homophobic language without intending any ill will towards gay people. You have to make them aware. Dunkey hasn't used the word in quite some time, so as long he doesn't do it again the possibility that he was an idiot that learned the meaning and gravity behind the word and therefore isn't using it anymore exists, and as long that possibility exists I won't call him a homophobe.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
Because they've shifted from narrative driven games to monetization driven games. They want games that monopolize your time and your wallet.
It's more that they've shifted away from linear, force-fed-to-the-player narrative towards this idea of having a thousand different stories that the player wanders out in the world to experience at their own pace.


Oct 26, 2017
Him saying the F-word in 2015 doesn't mean he's a homophobe today. There are a shitton of people who just don't know better and need to be educated on what that word stands for and how it has an actual impact on people in real life instead of using it as a replacement for calling someone dumb or whatever. If you don't have anybody in your firend circles that call you out on that shit then you won't learn to not use it.

I've worked with a lot if young people who use homophobic language without intending any ill will towards gay people. You have to make them aware. Dunkey hasn't used the word in quite some time, so as long he doesn't do it again the possibility that he was an idiot that learned the meaning and gravity behind the word and therefore isn't using it anymore exists, and as long that possibility exists I won't call him a homophobe.
The tweet I linked referenced the N-word, not the F-word.

Edit: Ah never mind your original post referred to the F-word that "he hasn't used since", I mixed that up.