
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Ace Attorney 7 gets announced and Phoenix Wright subsequently appears in Smash Ultimate's Fighters Pass 2.

Mar 23, 2018
I'd probably swap Onimusha for SFVI & Rival Schools for MMX9. Also, as mentioned earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom fully commits to next-gen sooner than most.

Speaking of which, my dumb ass read it as "one or two medium titles", so I should adjust my prediction accordingly...
  • Major Projects
    • Resident Evil 3 Remake
      • PS4/XB1/PC
    • RE Werewolves Spin-Off
      • PS5/XSX/PC
    • Street Fighter VI
      • PS5/XSX/PC
    • Monster Hunter Switch
      • Switch
  • Mid-Tier Project
    • Mega Man X9
      • PS4/PS5/Switch/XB1/XSX/PC

Oh, Mega Man X9 can be that heavily featured but mid-tier title and much more likely over something like a Rival Schools Revival based on the rumors.

I could see Street Fighter VI being presented along PS5 and announced for Spring 2021 (and probably delayed LOL)

What's going on with Ace Attorney? Is it even a mid-tier title?


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Oh, Mega Man X9 can be that heavily featured but mid-tier title and much more likely over something like a Rival Schools Revival based on the rumors.

I could see Street Fighter VI being presented along PS5 and announced for Spring 2021 (and probably delayed LOL)

What's going on with Ace Attorney? Is it even a mid-tier title?
Given that SFVI is probably gonna be played for the 2021 Capcom Pro Tour, I doubt it'll be delayed if it's coming early next year. Likewise, I'd say Ace Attorney is a mid-tier franchise, but I'm not sure if it'd be the one mid-tier title that Dusk Golem spoke of when a new Mega Man game is likely on the horizon.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
At this point all I hope for from Ace Attorney is a second collection with Apollo Justice and the 3DS mainline games. AA7 feels like a lost cause.


Apr 23, 2018
Because the game sold bad. Like, really bad. Its reported that one week it actually sold a negative number of copies (so more people returned the game than it sold). So yeah, despite it being an amazing game, no one played the damn thing ;(
Or so the rumor goes anyway:

So exactly how badly DID Demon's Crest sell? | Hardcore Gaming 101

I always hear it spouted as common knowledge that Demon's Crest sold terribly and/or was so disappointing to the first batch of American gamers who purchased it that it triggered a massive wave of

Such a shame, the game needs a port so that more people can experience the game, and the two previous Gargoyle Quest games (its seriously one of my favourite Capcom series, maybe even more so than the main GnG series)

Don't crush my dreams like that 😢


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I literally can hear the voice from MVC3 saying this! :')

Today is a good day!

I think it will be both.
MvC2 re-release the day of EVO GF and MvC4 releasing early 2021



Oct 29, 2017
Four major adult masterpieces?!

It'll be interesting to see what Capcom drops I. I do find it funny though that some people think a new Onimusha game would be a major game and a possible MHW Switch would be the medium one :P It would outsell most of Capcoms outings not named Monster Hunter World or a mainline Resident Evil.


Oct 27, 2017
Four major adult masterpieces?!

It'll be interesting to see what Capcom drops I. I do find it funny though that some people think a new Onimusha game would be a major game and a possible MHW Switch would be the medium one :P It would outsell most of Capcoms outings not named Monster Hunter World or a mainline Resident Evil.
I think people think MHW Switch would be the medium game isn't because they think it will sell the least. It's because it would likely have the lower overall budget compared to games being made on PS4/Xbox One/PC and PS5/XSX.


Jun 12, 2019
Why would Capcom release a MH for Switch when they can release it for PC/4/X and sell two/three times more?

Can someone please explain to me?


Oct 29, 2017
I think people think MHW Switch would be the medium game isn't because they think it will sell the least. It's because it would likely have the lower overall budget compared to games being made on PS4/Xbox One/PC and PS5/XSX.

A Potential MHW Switch game would absolutely have a higher budget than a potential Onimusha game.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
After MHW Iceborne, it will probably take a couple more years for MHW 2 to be ready for next-gen. Capcom's second MH team can release a Monster Hunter game for Switch in the interim to serve the Switch market.
After MHW Iceborne, it will probably take a couple more years for MHW 2 to be ready for next-gen. Capcom's second MH team can release a Monster Hunter game for Switch in the interim to serve the Switch market.
There's still a lot of work they need to do for a sixth gen game that makes it hard to imagine it releasing sooner than 2022. Meanwhile, Ichinose and his team has been hard at work on something for a while now, and with Iceborne continuing to receive updates for at least another year, it's not exactly the hardest math problem to figure out. Will it be a big budget game like World was? Obviously not, but a 3DS remaster is hardly indicative of what the Switch is capable of for the series, and with how well MHGU sold in the west, there's a clear appetite already there for something new.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
There's still a lot of work they need to do for a sixth gen game that makes it hard to imagine it releasing sooner than 2022. Meanwhile, Ichinose and his team has been hard at work on something for a while now, and with Iceborne continuing to receive updates for at least another year, it's not exactly the hardest math problem to figure out. Will it be a big budget game like World was? Obviously not, but a 3DS remaster is hardly indicative of what the Switch is capable of for the series, and with how well MHGU sold in the west, there's a clear appetite already there for something new.
Obviously MH Switch will reuse assets. I just hope the assets they reuse are some MHW assets and not the PS2-era assets they recycled for the 3DS games.


Oct 27, 2017
A Potential MHW Switch game would absolutely have a higher budget than a potential Onimusha game.
I guess it just depends on the scale and scope they would decide to make a modern Onimusha game. Honestly, it's really hard to tell because the last new Onimusha game was from the PS2 generation. I'd imagine if they wanted to make a $60 dollar AAA Onimusha game up to modern standards for PS4/XB1/PC, the game itself would be bigger and longer than other games and the overall production values would have to be brought up where RE2 Remake and RE3 Remake are at. I would not be surprised if Capcom went this route that Onimusha's overall production budget were much higher than a hypothetical MH on Switch. However there are so many factors that could change things that we simply don't know. I was just explaining why people in this thread likely looked at a MH on Switch as a medium game. I think they would look at any new Capcom game on Switch as a medium game compared to PS4/XB1/PC.


Oct 29, 2017
I guess it just depends on the scale and scope they would decide to make a modern Onimusha game. Honestly, it's really hard to tell because the last new Onimusha game was from the PS2 generation. I'd imagine if they wanted to make a $60 dollar AAA Onimusha game up to modern standards for PS4/XB1/PC, the game itself would be bigger and longer than other games and the overall production values would have to be brought up where RE2 Remake and RE3 Remake are at. I would not be surprised if Capcom went this route that Onimusha's overall production budget were much higher than a hypothetical MH on Switch. However there are so many factors that could change things that we simply don't know. I was just explaining why people in this thread likely looked at a MH on Switch as a medium game. I think they would look at any new Capcom game on Switch as a medium game compared to PS4/XB1/PC.

Onimusha is such a small franchise in comparison. With a RE2 budget it would be the biggest bomb for Capcom this gen. It just isnt feasible for that franchise.

It's not a franchise you bring your AAA budgets for.


Oct 27, 2017
Onimusha is such a small franchise in comparison. With a RE2 budget it would be the biggest bomb for Capcom this gen. It just isnt feasible for that franchise.

It's not a franchise you bring your AAA budgets for.
Which is likely the reason a new game is probably never happening. Since their success with their games on RE Engine and MHW, does Capcom even make smaller/AA games anymore?


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Its not really about switch exclusives, its about effort in their output. 90% of what they released are old 360/ps3 games or watered down remastered versions of those from ps4/xb1.

Even the output of Devil may cry is borderline scummy if you ask me, dividing 3 games that where part of a collection on ps3/360 and slice them up and sell them for 30 bucks each.

The Devil May Cry games are $20 each on Switch, and if you buy DMC3 the other two drop to $10 each. They also added co-op and style-switching to 3. It's still not Super Great but I think the situation there ended up pretty alright in the end.


Mar 5, 2018
Yo, I just played Onimusha for the first time last week. That game fucking sucks lol. Imagine: Dragon's Dogma 2, launch on PS5/XSX


Oct 26, 2017
We're finally going to get a Mega Man/Mega Man X crossover game which will bridge two series together.


Jun 4, 2018
For help considering what major/medium titles might be, their franchises above 5 million units sold are:

1) Resident Evil (95 million)
2) Monster Hunter (60 million)
3) Street Fighter (44 million)
4) Megaman (35 million)
5) Devil May Cry (21 million)
6) Dead Rising (13 million)
7) Marvel vs Capcom (9.3 million)
8) Onimusha (8.3 million)
9) Ace Attorney (7.3 million)
10) Lost Planet (6.2 million)

I'm personally hoping for a Dead Rising reboot, but given the recent glut of RE games they may not really be inclined to do another zombie game, so the other two major items are possibly a Street Fighter and a Monster Hunter game, though there were rumors late last year that SF6 won't be coming until 2021, so maybe not. It's probably too soon for another Devil May Cry.
lol, really? Deep Down?
Capcom put more tangible effort into Xbox One early on. Deep Down became vaporware at world record pacing.

Up until SFV, which certainly came with a shitload of caveats in the state it launched in, their PS4 support was no better than their Switch support has been up until now. The inevitability of mainline RE or a new DMC appearing on PS4 didn't change the fact that it took a long time to get there.


Oct 27, 2017
Pump that MH Switch news into my veins. I don't care if it's a legacy style game or a World style game, I just want MH Switch again (although I do personally prefer legacy style).


Oct 27, 2017
Basically the people at the Resident Evil Database site did some sleuthing after receiving a couple emails about a supposed RE8 game. Capcom back when Resident Evil Resistance was announced (but before RE3 was) held a beta for Resident Evil Ambassadors (think of it like a newsletter with a few more benefits to it) to test their new early RE game. It was poised as an Resistance beta, but in reality they showed a new RE game behind closed doors to the fans that were selected and attended which was in first-person, starred Ethan from RE7 in a snowy mountain village with a castle, and the sequence they played was a RE4 style village sequence but with zombies, werewolf type creatures and a strange stalker monster that laughs a lot called the Witch who can't die. Ethan fights his way up the mountain to the castle where he meets Chris, a twist happens and it appears like Chris is the villain and backstabs Ethan.

For the record, I can confirm these rumors are 100% true, but the development and stuff around it is a little weird. I'll talk more about it and some other RE stuff after RE3 is out.
That sounds rather interesting. Definitely can't wait to hear more about it and other RE stuff after RE3 is out. I still need to beat RE 2 Remake. LOL


Oct 29, 2017
Which is likely the reason a new game is probably never happening. Since their success with their games on RE Engine and MHW, does Capcom even make smaller/AA games anymore?

As for new games.. Mega Man 11 was the latest in the mid size category.. otherwise it's just been re-releases and remasters.
So they're pretty much focusing everything they have on AAA games with the occasional smaller one :P As it looks like Mega Man 11 was succesful I think that's the new AA game could be MMX9 or similar.


Oct 28, 2017
You tried to be funny but it didn't work and it didn't even make sense.
English is not my native language so while in 99% of the cases it may not be noticeable (at least to me...), this might be one of those times it got back to me.
First, a caveat: there may not be any MH Switch in existence, and if there is, it may very well not be exclusive (or, as likely given Capcom's Switch attitude, it may be MH mobile or MH Stories).
Anyway, what I meant was that this argument that some people keep repeating, "why should Capcom bother with MH Switch when MH on PS4/PC/XB sells so much more" doesn't make any business sense - MH Switch (a proper one, not a port/mobile version/stories) will probably sell 4-5 million copies (most of it from Japan) while costing less than many other games (due to reuse of assets, something Capcom loves to do with the series). 4-5 million is more than most Capcom franchises not called MHW or mainline RE sell, so if one uses the same logic some people apply to MH Switch, then moving forward Capcom shouldn't bother with anything besides MHW and mainline RE (since everything else will sell same or less than a MH Switch). And I say this as a company owner that has a very similar situation, albeit in a very different industry,
Last edited:
Feb 5, 2018
Obviously MH Switch will reuse assets. I just hope the assets they reuse are some MHW assets and not the PS2-era assets they recycled for the 3DS games.
Itll likely be a downscaled "world" engine, but they'll stuff way more content than Iceborn has, knowing them.

Im one of those people who believe MH Next will start to include Frontier monsters and some oldies we havent seen in a while.