
Dec 28, 2017
Btw there was an update:

"The source that stated Leon would be the protagonist of the prologue has rectified himself and now claims that he will be the protagonist for the whole game, not just the prologue. Whether he'll be the only protagonist or not isn't clear."

Personally I will be surprised if Rose isn't playable.

Yeah no way. This game isn't gonna be set 17 years after RE8. A 60+ y/o Leon ain't happening.


Dec 25, 2017
Sounds awesome! Give me third-person design like the recent REmakes. If Leon is going to be one protag then hopefully Jill is the other protag since they've yet to team up in the games. Hope to see this at the Sony Showcase thing if that happens soon.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
The mainline story is a mess and all the tension gets thrown out the window if we're back to the main cast. It's even more lame if it takes place in 20 years in the future and has you playing as an X-men with mutant powers. Would it even be Resident Evil at that point? Just spin something like that into a new series. Resident Evil works best when it's set in a normal mundane environments where you play as a normal person with no special abilities or combat training.

The only way it's interesting with the main cast is if Capcom course corrects and just reboots the entire timeline like something akin to MK9. I think everyone would win in that scenario. We would essentially get a new story that hits some of the bullet points that combines RE0 and RE1 and does its own thing. A new Spencer Mansion, more time with Bravo Team, new BOW's, Raccoon Forrest and surrounding areas, different survivors etc and don't go crazy with the power scaling for everyone.

Maybe in the new timeline we can wrap up the Umbrella saga in two games or a trilogy and actually be apart of their downfall. There shouldn't be like 10 branches of Umbrella, just keep them in Raccoon city.

Also, I couldn't give two shits about the BSAA. So boring.

I have no issues if the game is FP or TP, the most important aspect of an RE game to me are atmosphere, environments, enemy designs and survival/exploration. Throw in some puzzles
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Apr 5, 2022
Rebecca will never be in another game, will she

Just like Claire (Lets be real, Revelations 2 wasn't really a Claire game, it was Barry and Natalia), Rebecca got kicked down the totem pole from fighter to rescuer as they said for Claire in Resident Evil Degeneration. Rebecca was treated like a damn Damsel in distress in RE Vendetta then Claire/Rebecca had a moment in RE Death Island together like "Yeah! we did something like the main heroes! *Highfive.*" It's really sucky treatment Capcom gives to Claire and Rebecca these days. It's always Leon this and that with ball tickling from Ada or Chris Redfield (although I like him more than Leon) Simply put, I do not know if we're ever going to see Rebecca/Claire in a main character spotlight EVER again but I'd love it if they did

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Oct 26, 2017


May 8, 2020
Just like Claire (Lets be real, Revelations 2 wasn't really a Claire game, it was Barry and Natalia), Rebecca got kicked down the totem pole from fighter to rescuer as they said for Claire in Resident Evil Degeneration. Rebecca was treated like a damn Damsel in distress in RE Vendetta then Claire/Rebecca had a moment in RE Death Island together like "Yeah! we did something like the main heroes! *Highfive.*" It's really sucky treatment Capcom gives to Claire and Rebecca these days. It's always Leon this and that with ball tickling from Ada or Chris Redfield (although I like him more than Leon) Simply put, I do not know if we're ever going to see Rebecca/Claire in a main character spotlight EVER again but I'd love it if they did

Yeah that's kinda how I feel now:( sometimes idk know why I even hype myself up fin who might show up when it's most likely Chris and Leon


Oct 27, 2017
Jill deserves better than RE3 Remake, make it happen Capcom. I'm sure we'll get a RE1 Remake Remake at some point and that'll be something, but can Jill get a brand new game please?


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
If Leon is protag and old ... if they dont start by him playing Bingo what are you even doing.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Jul 24, 2018
I mean I hate the first person RE titles and the remakes are outselling the new numbered series so, pretty sure there is basis to go back to games that are actually fun mechanically.
So I don't think they should stop doing third person games, I just don't think the mainline games needs to go back to that type of game. RE7 was a great breath of fresh air which despite som hardcore fans grievances was really well loved same as RE4 was at the time. I think relapsing back into RE6 type of over the top action is a step back.

The remake games fullfill the action quota of Resident Evil and I think that's fine so that those of use who prefer slower and more horror focused games get our fill too. Outside of the wrestling loves in RE4 I didn't really see much difference between the games except the movement speed and perspective. I want them to reiterate more on the formula.
Jul 24, 2018

Resident Evil Village's Shadows of Rose DLC Will 'Conclude the Winters Family Saga' - IGN

Resident Evil Village's story DLC arrives on October 28, and we're now learning that Shadows of Rose's roughly four-hour campaign will wrap up the Winters family's major role in the Resident Evil series.

Rose is definitely not going to be a protagonist and will likely just be a supporting character at most in the future
That's good because the whole Rose thing was essentially a superhero story at that point, and I'm okay if we don't move further down that path.
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Oct 25, 2017
Is the Leon talk even reliable? Leon means Capcom wants maximum sales, he is pretty much the poster boy for the series now.


Oct 27, 2017
Osaka, Japan
Dusk Golem's records of "leaks" at this point have been more false than accurate. More than half of the shit he says backtracks on or puts some "something changed!" spin on it, so can we please stop taking his words as fact...

Nothing personal on him, I'm sure he's a great a guy and his games look cool, but nothing he says is credible or reliable anymore (or ever was?)

Half of the stuff he says is fake, and the other half is so ambiguously phrased or so obvious that it shouldn't even count.

His stuff is not threadworthy.


Oct 25, 2017
So I don't think they should stop doing third person games, I just don't think the mainline games needs to go back to that type of game. RE7 was a great breath of fresh air which despite som hardcore fans grievances was really well loved same as RE4 was at the time. I think relapsing back into RE6 type of over the top action is a step back.

The remake games fullfill the action quota of Resident Evil and I think that's fine so that those of use who prefer slower and more horror focused games get our fill too. Outside of the wrestling loves in RE4 I didn't really see much difference between the games except the movement speed and perspective. I want them to reiterate more on the formula.
Why does third person automatically equate to RE6 shlock? The remakes prove we can have our cake and eat it too, or whatever.

And IDK if you noticed but there is a ton of action in RE8 so it's not like the first person games are immune to that, either.


Aug 2, 2020
The old Leon is of course sounds badass.

But It seemed a little strange to me to go back to the classic protagonists when this whole new RE scenario was shaped around Ethan and Rose.

I'm looking forward to what writers will do.
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Jan 4, 2018
VR RE is best RE so I hope Sony or whoever pays for a VR mode/option.

I dont't care who the main character is but the RE 7 and 8 formula of having a new, non soldier, character being backed up by a legacy character worked wonders for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Is it still going to be first person? Even after the success of the remakes? I'm bored already.

Did not buy the DLC for Village and did not buy RE4R. At this point in time I think RE as a franchise is dropping more and more off my radar. The story is now bonkers (bad bonkers), the first person perspective never did anything for me, we've strayed so horrendously far from the visceral fear inducing shenanigans of the older games and... it all feels meh. There is a reason why RE2R now is the game in the franchise that has sold the most ever and it's not just nostalgia.

Also, Capcom still hasn't remade Code Veronica and I will remain bitter about it for a very long time.
Jul 24, 2018
Why does third person automatically equate to RE6 shlock? The remakes prove we can have our cake and eat it too, or whatever.

And IDK if you noticed but there is a ton of action in RE8 so it's not like the first person games are immune to that, either.
RE3 Remake and RE4 Remake are definitely RE5 & RE6 shlock, lots of scripted action movie set pieces, QTEs, bullet time dodges, supplexes, roundhouse kicks, the protagonists are all action movie stars and extremely capable. And that's fine, they are step above 6 and beginning with RE3 is where the series started to go down the hardboiled action movie path. I like those games including RE2 Remake but I don't think they are particularly good horror games the way RE7 felt like, and I want Resident Evil to be horror too especially post RE7 because they proved that first person works.

And I did not appreciate that in Village either, the point is I dont want the series to regress back to full action at the expense of the horror. RE7 felt like Resident Evil had found its way back.
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Oct 25, 2017
As much as my soul yearns for an RE-branded Parasite Eve game with Rose set in the future Capcom's never gonna commit to it

Leon's a good pick. Maybe we'll see Ashley again and this time she'll be suplexing BOWs.


Oct 27, 2017
It has to be at least in how it'll play out, right? Leon is a superhuman. Chris is also. So is Ethan. Most of them are. Can't go back to RE 4 and a mundane setting at the start like RE 7 did. This has the biggest budget for a RE game. Let's go all camp again!




The one thing I'll give RE6 is that it gifs exceptionally well.


Jul 27, 2018
It has to be at least in how it'll play out, right? Leon is a superhuman. Chris is also. So is Ethan. Most of them are. Can't go back to RE 4 and a mundane setting at the start like RE 7 did. This has the biggest budget for a RE game. Let's go all camp again!




The best re combat ever


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017

Resident Evil Village's Shadows of Rose DLC Will 'Conclude the Winters Family Saga' - IGN

Resident Evil Village's story DLC arrives on October 28, and we're now learning that Shadows of Rose's roughly four-hour campaign will wrap up the Winters family's major role in the Resident Evil series.

Rose is definitely not going to be a protagonist and will likely just be a supporting character at most in the future

Of course. RE will never have a woman as the lead of an RE sequel again. RE4-8 made that clear.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Have been convinced 9 will go further into no1 can be trusted in terms of government bsaa etc.

RE10 serves as a finale to the whole OG group of Chris, Rebecca, Jill, Claire, Leon, Barry. their story is complete.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Is it still going to be first person? Even after the success of the remakes? I'm bored already.

Did not buy the DLC for Village and did not buy RE4R. At this point in time I think RE as a franchise is dropping more and more off my radar. The story is now bonkers (bad bonkers), the first person perspective never did anything for me, we've strayed so horrendously far from the visceral fear inducing shenanigans of the older games and... it all feels meh. There is a reason why RE2R now is the game in the franchise that has sold the most ever and it's not just nostalgia.

Also, Capcom still hasn't remade Code Veronica and I will remain bitter about it for a very long time.

Yes, they in fact are not going to arbitrarily drop the almost equally successful first person perspective when they've made it quite evident they're plenty capable of developing both first and third person games in tandem.

Why do they need to arbitrarily throw away half of a good thing?


Nov 6, 2017
Yes, they in fact are not going to arbitrarily drop the almost equally successful first person perspective when they've made it quite evident they're plenty capable of developing both first and third person games in tandem.

Why do they need to arbitrarily throw away half of a good thing?
Third person Resident Evil is more popular and people with motion sickness (Japanese players are also quite susceptible to that) have less problems. I think it was no accident they added a third person perspective to Village and even made the DLC third person only.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I continue to be puzzled by the interest that some people have in Ethan Winters and his story. The dude wasn't even given a face, because he was intended to be like 85% a player avatar for a VR game.


Oct 25, 2017
i remember hearing 7-9 is like a trilogy but if it's Leon and Ethan is not involved makes me curious if I'll be more stand alone than


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
I continue to be puzzled by the interest that some people have in Ethan Winters and his story. The dude wasn't even given a face, because he was intended to be like 85% a player avatar for a VR game.
I just tried third person in Village and you can't even see his face if you rotate the camara lmao.

Worse of all is that you can't even do that for Chris. Even after he died, he continues to ruin things for me.