
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
When The Rock got Covid, didn't he indirectly call out trump and failed leadership?

This is confusing.
Yup. He voted for Biden. I don't know about confusing.
I think the Dude wants to fit in everywhere with the least amount of controversial statements possible.
He's not gonna go full Aaron Rodgers


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
One thumb to the other.

Edit: two thumbs down!

Who has two thumbs and bad takes? Vax misinfo folks


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Well if you clicked the daily wire link you are now forever going to be getting right wing news sources in your Google/Apple story recommendations. Algorithms are on that like flies to shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Man what the fuck.. wasn't he advocating for Vaccines just last year? Why... please tell me this is some dumb ass social media manager.


Jun 9, 2018
Dave Batista the true wrestling actor GOAT

maybe Cena too

Cena got flack for the China incident but I can't really blame him given the circumstances. It wasn't like he went out of his way to do some Jackie Chan style Communist Party bootlicking.

It was either "do a forced apology video" or "refuse to apologize and torpedo a chunk of the production along with his mainstream career".


Oct 25, 2017
Look. If the Rock gets negative press he will just 180 or "clarify" the whole thing.

He's got a shit ton of stuff to sell.....brother


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
Does the rock have any independent thoughts? He just seems like a walking/talking advertisement. Nothing about him seems genuine. I get that he's looking to always get paid, but damn. Bro needs to take a step back.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
It has to be exhausting to schill as much as The Rock does. That guy is constantly posting about his tequila.


Oct 25, 2017
Moderate does Moderate thing, Era is confused why he isn't one side or the other. Amusing.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't understand how Steroid users are so against vaccines. Rogan, Lebron, Hogan and now the Rock? Is there some Joe Wieder "literature" out there saying that this offsets Deca?


Oct 29, 2017
I knew something was off with this try-hard. Was never a fan so I don't mind skipping his one-note movies.


Oct 25, 2017
When The Rock got Covid, didn't he indirectly call out trump and failed leadership?

This is confusing.

People here want to fit everyone into very narrow/specific views but that's not at all how the world works or actually is. There are conservatives who don't like Trump. There are Trumpers who are pro vaccine. There are liberals who are anti vax. There are lots of libertarians who support Rogan on some "People should have the freedom to say what they want" shit. Joe Rogan is a shit heelmeathead whose biggest appeal to most of his audience is that he's "Just asking questions", plays both sides, isn't afraid to platform "controversial" views, gets to hide behind the "I'm a comedian" shield when called out for stupid/racist shit he's said in the past, yet claimed he would have supported Bernie for President.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
People here want to fit everyone into very narrow/specific views but that's not at all how the world works or actually is. There are conservatives who don't like Trump. There are Trumpers who are pro vaccine. There are liberals who are anti vax. There are lots of libertarians who support Rogan on some "People should have the freedom to say what they want" shit. Joe Rogan is a shit heelmeathead whose biggest appeal to most of his audience is that he's "Just asking questions", plays both sides, isn't afraid to platform "controversial" views, gets to hide behind the "I'm a comedian" shield when called out for stupid/racist shit he's said in the past, yet claimed he would have supported Bernie for President.
No lies detected. That's really just how it is.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
He's also friends with Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Rock just seems like one of those free speech dudes who thinks you should be able to say whatever you want without repercussions. He seems mostly left leaning on on social issues.


Oct 31, 2017
His entire public facing everything is a brand. He's the biggest fence sitting, widest net, lowest common denom mother fucker out there.

This is 0% surprising. He'll go on Trevor Noah or Ellen something next and talk about how he just wants to have a drink (a Tequilla drink, that is!) with everyone. He's fuckin lame.
Dec 22, 2017
This is going down exactly like Joe Rogan wants it to, and his ratings are undoubtedly gonna get higher from all this. He makes his living as a provocateur, and knows that his controversial guests will create a controversy. He probably popped a fresh bottle of HGH like champagne when the Neil Young news broke out.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I should post this here. I'm guessing Rock isn't aware.


The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I, for one, am shocked that a roidy action sports celebrity would support the false contrition of another roidy action sports celebrity in an instagram ad for tequila. I don't have any confidence that the Rock even understands why people would be calling out Joe Rogan and be critical of Spotify for promoting a message that's dangerous public health.

It's not that "The Rock is pro-vaccine" (he did a PSA on social media after getting vaccinated), or "is anti-vaccine," or "is liberal, moderate, or conservative." He's a celebrity who is not engaged with issues, doesn't understand them, and wants to publicly spread his brand in the most profitable, effective, and least divisive way. He's literally shilling his stupid tequila in this reply, it's basically an ad. And the right wing culture war peddlers know what they're doing when they promote this "event" (which, btw, the updated Yahoo News post is no better or worse than the original source of Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire; Yahoo News regularly peddles utter bull shit, it's not a news organization), they're trying to drum up passion and division for something that is utterly meaningless. A celebrity promoter like The Rock, a celebrity like Joe Rogan, they love that shit, it's more eyes on The Rock's tequila, and Rogan is millions of die hard fans who will probably be exposed to The Rock's tequila because of it.

Also the "updated article in the OP" is a Fox News article reprinted by Yahoo. Yahoo News is generally not a news organization, they largely don't do reporting. Yahoo did hire a few veteran news people ~2-3 years ago, but they very rarely do original reporting, they largely just republish content from other organizations because Yahoo is an advertising company. In this case it's a direct copy paste of a Fox News piece, based on a Daily Wire piece, based on an ad for The Rock's tequila.

So we went from The Daily Wire to Fox News.


There's are reasons why The Daily Wire, Fox News, and other advertising companies publish bull shit like this. One, to make money through stupid stories that they know people are addicted to and will engage with. Two, to drum up a narrative and promote these stupid stories that will subtly undermine public health, normalize anti-vaccination opinion, and hurt government efforts to get people vaccinated. The way you think it works is that people will read the headline "The Rock supports Joe Rogan's video," and people will think "oh, I guess the Rock is a shithead too?" But the way it actually works -- and why this is published on The Daily Wire and Fox News -- is that most people exposed to this garbage will read "The Rock supports Joe Rogan's video" and think, "aaaah, even Dwayne, the liberal pro-vax anti-Trump, Johnson thinks that the looney left is wrong and Joe Rogan is right." Or, more often than not, it's just a way to goose algorithms. Reading the stupid article my brain actually got dumber because it's like "Joe Rogan says something controversial," "these irrelevant celebrities who conservatives hate [Joy Bayhar, Joni Mitchel, Meghan Markle (and yes, one of my faves, but equally irrelevant) Neil Young] criticized him for it," BUT LOOK [dun, dun doo doo doo doo The Rock Says ... THAT'S THE ROCK'S MUSIC, KING!] THE ROCK SUPPORTS ROGAN!"

We all need more media literacy, it's bad, and it's going to get worse.

OP has been updated to a Yahoo News article.

*OP has been updated to a Fox News article reprinted by Yahoo News.

"Great stuff here brother," Johnson wrote. "Perfectly articulated. Look forward to coming on one day and breaking out the tequila with you."

Representatives for Johnson did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The Rock is corpo as fuck. All he wants to do is sell his alcohol.

He's so "on brand" all the time and it seems like all he cares about are his business ventures. I mean, fair play, but it's annoying. Not a fan.


Oct 25, 2017
The Rock is a businessman, of course he'd love to get on that "show" and do some PR for himself, lol.

Money >>> everything else.