

Nov 2, 2017
Isn't soy (some non-insignificant portion of which comes from Brazil?) used to feed quite a lot of US cattle? So while you don't import the meat, rainforests are still being burned/hacked away to feed the animals all around the world.

Lowering demand for beef = no longer needing to plant excess amounts of soy to feed said cattle.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
"palm oil in your favorite vegan burger"

neither beyond or impossible use this, nor is it a common ingredient in any vegan burger

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Good gesture but there's some caveats attached:

The problem is not any specific foodstuff, but the entire profit motive around agricultural industry that prioritizes short term profits over long term sustainability, which is the simply end result of free market capitalism. Until we reach the point where our food is literally grown in labs operated on offshore plantations this is unavoidable. What you eat matters less than where it's source from and how it fits into the entire production chain.

Even though it wouldn't help the amazon in this scenario, quitting beef in general is still a good move for the planet.

Several studies have found that 30% of farmable land on the planet is dedicated to growing feed crops for livestock. The largest share of that by far going to beef cattle. Beef cattle farming is so inefficient it's crazy.


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool
If you don't go VEgan, soon the we wil BEgone.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
also pinning palm oil on vegans is getting real tired. the bulk of the palm oil produced isn't going to vegan marketed products, its even becoming less common in vegan products due to activism/awareness. meat eaters consume the most of it.

Palm oil is in nearly everything – it's in close to 50% of the packaged products we find in supermarkets, everything from pizza, doughnuts and chocolate, to deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and lipstick. It's also used in animal feed and as a biofuel in many parts of the world (not in the UK though!).


Oct 25, 2017
good for him, hope he can stick with it because it always looks kinda bad when a celeb goes vegan then quietly drops off


Aug 20, 2018
So is this:

"Eddie Huang announces on instagram that he will do Vegan...."


"Eddie Huang announces he will go vegan on instagram...."

2 different meaning, mate.


Oct 29, 2017
Good for him to use his influence to hopefully get others to change. For me, a heart condition forced me to abandon most meat (only spare amounts of chicken and mostly fish are allowed). I'm coping but it sucks. Five guys is opening near my workplace and it's gonna be a struggle not to go in there one day lol.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
Good gesture but there's some caveats attached:

The problem is not any specific foodstuff, but the entire profit motive around agricultural industry that prioritizes short term profits over long term sustainability, which is the simply end result of free market capitalism. Until we reach the point where our food is literally grown in labs operated on offshore plantations this is unavoidable. What you eat matters less than where it's source from and how it fits into the entire production chain.

Not blaming you for them, to be clear, but these tweets don't understand basic economics or how interconnected the global economy is. If US beef demand plummeted, US beef producers would have to turn to exporting. Exporting to some of the same markets as Brazilian beef. That would end up decreasing Brazilian production.

Huang's gesture is a good one. One person won't have an impact, but hopefully a celeb chef trend that leads to even a 1% reduction would.

Unless totalitarian socialist governments take over the world and ban beef production or make it unattainable for the vast majority of people, our best realistic hope is for fake meats to get good enough to destroy most demand for the real thing. Beyond Meat has made me pretty hopeful, and the products are only going to get better.


Oct 27, 2017

Maybe stop telling people off for wanting to make a difference but instead say "This is a great move and will help a bit, but here's some things you should know and here are other ways to make an impact... it would also be great if you considered also cutting this out, or adding pressure to have it banned."

I swear people getting angry and basically saying "Fuck your stupid uneducated asses" at others wanting to do what little they can about the environment is just gross.
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Oct 28, 2017
"palm oil in your favorite vegan burger"

neither beyond or impossible use this, nor is it a common ingredient in any vegan burger
Plus if they weren't growing palm they'd be growing some other crop with worse yields. Replacing palm oil with other oils generally means more land use is required, so we should be supporting sustainable palm oil.


Oct 26, 2017
Not blaming you for them, to be clear, but these tweets don't understand basic economics or how interconnected the global economy is. If US beef demand plummeted, US beef producers would have to turn to exporting. Exporting to some of the same markets as Brazilian beef. That would end up decreasing Brazilian production.
This is a lot of steps from US consumers eat less beef to Bolsonaro stops clearing the Amazon. You could do this for any number of things. It takes a long time for a consumer choice to go through the world economy and make material changes in the world, and at that point it might be too late. Markets are not instantly self correcting.

Maybe stop telling people off for wanting to make a difference but instead say "This is a great move, but here's something you should know... it would also be great if you considered also cutting this out, or add pressure to have it banned."
That's why I included the second tweet. I'm not telling people to keep eating beef. I'm trying to keep people's perspective in check.

We propose that nudges decrease support for substantive policies by providing false hope that problems can be tackled without imposing considerable costs. Consistent with this account, we show that by minimizing the perceived economic cost of the tax and disclosing the small impact of the nudge, eliminates crowding-out without diminishing support for the nudge.

nel e nel

Oct 27, 2017
Good gesture but there's some caveats attached:

The problem is not any specific foodstuff, but the entire profit motive around agricultural industry that prioritizes short term profits over long term sustainability, which is the simply end result of free market capitalism. Until we reach the point where our food is literally grown in labs operated on offshore plantations this is unavoidable. What you eat matters less than where it's source from and how it fits into the entire production chain.

Unfortunately the repeal of the Country of Origin Labeling act mucks the waters up;

Beef that's raised in Mexico or Brazil can be processed in the US and then labeled a product of the US.

"If meat comes from another country direct to retail it must be labeled from that country," says Eric Mittenthal of the North American Meat Institute. "That has long been the law. Otherwise if it's processed in a U.S. facility under (Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service) inspection it is marked as such. If companies decide to offer more detail they may, but we believe that should be voluntary so that consumers may be the ultimate judge of what they value."

Still, from what I found only about 5% of our imported beef comes from Brazil, and in 2017 was decreased due to health concerns.


Oct 27, 2017
That's why I included the second tweet. I'm not telling people to keep eating beef. I'm trying to keep people's perspective in check.
I understand you weren't trying to be like that (hence I only quoted the tweets and not the rest of your post) but especially the last tweet is so confrontational. This sort of hostile reaction is just so typical of the dipolar opinions on the internet - no room for discussion, only polarised reactions.


Feb 7, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Welcome to the club Eddie. I don't think you'll be with us very long but I've been surprised before. Also this forum is the fucking worst when it comes to anything vegan related lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Hows about we all continue to eat what we want and not burn the Amazon at the same time, you know like last year when I ate a burger and the Amazon wasn't on fire.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Veganism isn't protest, capitalism is the fucking problem.

Liberals thinking they can solve shit by eating less meat are delusional.


Soy beans from Brasil in his Tofu, but good thing he stopped eating corned beef from juniors
While are right about the first part, attacking vegans over stuff like soy is incredibly stupid for reasony already mentioned in this thread.
Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's hell of a lot better.
Vegan meat isn't meat lol
Lab meat requires no animal exploitation, so many vegans would have no problems with it.
Hows about we all continue to eat what we want and not burn the Amazon at the same time, you know like last year when I ate a burger and the Amazon wasn't on fire.
Just because you weren't looking or it wasn't as bad, doesn't mean it wasn't happening.


Dec 14, 2017
He should 1st actually look for more info and real stuff, because I live there and it's far from what's on TV with all these old vĂ­deos and pictures... Even France's president used old photos and vĂ­deos from fire in US forests saying that it was here... Give me a break ffs.

Although, it's always good to go Vegan! it's healthier and the animals thank you!
Congrats minion


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Hows about we all continue to eat what we want and not burn the Amazon at the same time, you know like last year when I ate a burger and the Amazon wasn't on fire.

It has been on fire for a long time, the fires this year are being reported as being upto around twice as bad as the same time last year though indicating a particularly bad year and escalation.

The majority of the land cleared is used for livestock (mostly beef) related elements including growing crops to feed livestock around the world. Brazil is I believe the number one beef exporter on the planet.

These are just facts, do with them what you want, there are plenty of things I do that I know aren't good but I do them anyway, just don't pretend there aren't consequences to our choices.


Oct 27, 2017
While are right about the first part, attacking vegans over stuff like soy is incredibly stupid for reasony already mentioned in this thread.
Yeah, it's not perfect, but it's hell of a lot better.

Lab meat requires no animal exploitation, so many vegans would have no problems with it.

Just because you weren't looking or it wasn't as bad, doesn't mean it wasn't happening.

Well ambassador of vegans you may want to check with your peeps cause a 5sec Google search has more than a few vegans saying the opposite.


Oct 28, 2017
Noice ✊ 🌏

Let's see if he takes a break during another Taiwan visit though lol.


Oct 25, 2017
The cynical "you've saved us" messages are pretty awful tbh. Using a platform to make a statement like this will inspire others, and the more people take this step the more likely change will occur. This is a VERY good thing that this person did.

Kinda need a little more than that but ok thanks?
Yes, we do need more people to go vegan.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
This is a lot of steps from US consumers eat less beef to Bolsonaro stops clearing the Amazon. You could do this for any number of things. It takes a long time for a consumer choice to go through the world economy and make material changes in the world, and at that point it might be too late. Markets are not instantly self correcting.
Instantly, no. But they can be extremely fast. For example, check out this article on Brazilian soybean production: https://www.reuters.com/article/bra...to-china-fall-13-in-2019-report-idUSL5N22R87Y

Brazil's soybean production increased extremely quickly as China decreased imports from the US, and then dropped quickly as well when Chinese swine fever hit. Point is, changes in demand are transmitted through the system quickly. If US consumers stopped eating beef overnight, the Amazon would start recovering quickly. The faster people switch to beef alternatives, the better off we'll be.


Oct 25, 2017
Hint: You don't feed cattle soy beans.
It's ok to eat beef in moderation as long as it's produced locally and in a sustainable manner.
That's not true.

All meat demand cannot be met via local or sustainable means. The met industry exists because it HAS to exist to to meet the demand.

All demand for meat contributes to the meat industry's existence.

You can't exist outside of this if you choose to eat meat.

Of course, choosing to eat less and only using sustainable/local sources is much better... but there isn't room for everyone to do this.
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