How long will Linda Yaccarino last as the new CEO of Twitter/𝕏?

  • She will not make it to her desk

    Votes: 175 13.2%
  • She will be out within a month

    Votes: 100 7.6%
  • She will be out before 9/11

    Votes: 201 15.2%
  • She will not last to "𝕏"-mess - you get it right? 🤣

    Votes: 342 25.9%
  • She will be there for less than a year

    Votes: 306 23.2%
  • She will be there till the end of: The Dark World

    Votes: 197 14.9%

  • Total voters


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
Yeah, if Dorsey wasn't on the white supremacy train before, he is now.


For context -- he's commenting on Chris "Critical Race Theory" Rufo's rag. Over the fabricated NPR/Katherine Maher scandal he orchestrated over old progressive tweets and Wikipedia edits. Which he successfully laundered into the NYT under white grievances for her comments on white privilege. And now Republicans are demanding she come testify over NPR's "left-wing bias."


These techbro CEO morons are all cut from the same goddamn cloth, Christ.


Feb 25, 2018
Everyone who lost someone or is still sick because of Covid should really hate this fool right now


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You know Elon, it is pretty crazy that Obama created covid to hide voter fraud so that Biden could win the election by one of the smallest margins in US history including in several swing states with Republican secretaries of states. Almost unbelievable one might say, but what do I, the man without a serious drug problem, know


Feb 25, 2018
You know Elon, it is pretty crazy that Obama created covid to hide voter fraud so that Biden could win the election by one of the smallest margins in US history including in several swing states with Republican secretaries of states. Almost unbelievable one might say, but what do I, the man without a serious drug problem, know
Obama is President remember?


Nov 6, 2017

Nintendo is done paying Elon Musk for X integration

Nintendo has apparently had enough of X's (Twitter's) API fees. The Mario maker said on Wednesday that starting on June 10, direct integration from the Switch's image album to Elon Musk's Nazi-curious platform will no longer work. With Nintendo's departure, all three major console makers have pulled the plug on native screen-sharing to X.
X's official gaming account posted a bizarre, downright Orwellian response that ignores its central role in the Mario maker's exit. "Our partnership with Nintendo remains strong, and we are working together to ensure a smooth transition for all users," @xGaming posted at the end of its nonchalantly misleading reply to Nintendo's announcement. "We will continue collaborating with partners to bring new and exciting experiences to our global gaming community."
Ironically, X's built-in reader context feature filled in the omitted subtext. "This is in direct response to X changing their API," the user-generated context says. "Specifically, X is charging companies upwards of $40,000 or more per month to access its API. Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox already removed integration with X last year."
Wired first reported last year that access to the cheapest Enterprise API plan for The Dumpster Fire Formerly Known As Twitter starts at $42,000 monthly. Higher tiers can allegedly cost $125,000 and $210,000 per month. Microsoft led the charge when it said the Xbox was abandoning Musk's API plan in April 2023, while Sony held its nose and stuck it out until November.

Nintendo is done paying Elon Musk for X integration

Nintendo has had enough of X’s (Twitter’s) API fees. The Mario maker said on Wednesday that starting on June 10, direct integration from the Switch’s album to Elon Musk’s Nazi-curious platform will no longer work.

Elon Musk Tw𝕏tt𝕏r Dr𝕏m𝕏 |𝕏T| Let’s keep it here. (Parody) 🔵 Official ꕤ

Supreme Court rejects Musk appeal over tweets that must be approved by Tesla


Oct 28, 2017
The API changes were so incredibly dumb. I still don't feel like I know whether he did it more as a panicked cash grab or to cut researchers out of studying radicalization on Twitter. Charging the platform owners an exorbitant amount for gamers to tweet interesting things only helps kill Twitter in the long run.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.

I didn't follow it closely, but this is the one Elon project I was hoping would work out if only for that the alternative that the dude would, uh, probably die. (That and the evident healthcare benefits -- anything under Elon shouldn't be trusted, but I ain't heartless.)


My man is now coming around to the truth that covid wasn't that bad.

(Covid was that bad. It killed more people than most wars do.)

The party of Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings, everybody! Mike Johnson was parroting the same shit the other day, too.

The API changes were so incredibly dumb. I still don't feel like I know whether he did it more as a panicked cash grab or to cut researchers out of studying radicalization on Twitter. Charging the platform owners an exorbitant amount for gamers to tweet interesting things only helps kill Twitter in the long run.

Eeeeyup. I'll repeat what I said in the Gaming thread:

It's been less than two years and Elon Musk has successfully destroyed gaming multimedia sharing because, uh, free API bad. Way to go.

I mean, I guess I'm happy Nintendo isn't servicing his Nazi corporation anymore, but just like every last one of this pissbaby's disastrous impulses, it didn't have to be this way! Funny how not long ago this pea-brained faux-genius was moaning about how the non-sequitur Sweetbaby nonsense was "ruining games" and he's done far more damage to the community's engagement/outreach with this one move alone! Who's going to bother with the hassle of a USB cable in this day and age?

Elon is such a liar. California has allowed vote by mail since the 1980s.

I can hear the apologists now: "Oh, oh! He meant widespread fraud! Checkmate, liberals!"
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Nov 6, 2017

Tesla executive says he's resigned as recent layoffs hurt morale and throw the company 'out of balance'

Rich Otto, the former head of product launches at Tesla, said on Wednesday that he'd made the decision to resign last week amid the mass layoffs at the company.
Otto worked at Tesla for over six years, according to his LinkedIn profile. He said in the post that there are many things he'll miss about Tesla and he plans to take a break for a while before jumping into another project.
It's a company I love and that has given me so much, but has also taken its pound of flesh," Otto wrote on LinkedIn. "Great companies are made up of equal parts great people and great products, and the latter are only possible when its people are thriving. The recent layoffs that are rocking the company and its morale have thrown this harmony out of balance and it's hard to see the long-game. It was time for a change."

Tesla executive says he's resigned as recent layoffs hurt morale and throw the company 'out of balance'

Tesla's former head of product launches, Rich Otto, said layoffs are "rocking the company and its morale."


Nov 6, 2017

Australian regulator says Musk's X should not set limits of internet law

X, formerly Twitter, is fighting an order by the eSafety Commissioner to remove 65 posts showing video of an Assyrian Christian bishop being knifed mid-sermon in Sydney last month, in what authorities called a terrorist attack.
Other platforms, such as Meta (META.O), took down the content quickly when asked, he said, adding that X had policies to remove very harmful content,
The company Musk bought in 2022, with a declared mission to save free speech, says it has blocked Australia from seeing the posts but refuses to remove them globally on the grounds that one country's rules should not control the internet.
While the matter has been in court, Federal Court Judge Geoffrey Kennett has issued a temporary takedown order of the posts. On Friday he extended the temporary order to June 10 when he will give a final decision.



Oct 25, 2017

When things are going well. The original community note literally pointed out how other gaming companies were bailing on twitter.


Oct 28, 2017
didn't some other companies hike their API rates because they followed Elon's lead? Whatever happened to that?


Dec 31, 2018
That was such a "We at EA value our partnership with Nintendo" message from when EA pulled support during the Wii U era. lol

Atleast there is/was a real partnership between Nintendo and EA,
i believe X makes this partnership just up.

X needs to learn if someone buys their product it doesn't mean they are in an partnership.


Nov 6, 2017

Lawsuit dismissed: Elon Musk's X corp loses case against Israeli data-scraping company

A US judge dismissed a lawsuit in which Elon Musk's X Corp accused an Israeli data-scraping company of illegally copying and selling content, and selling tools that let others copy and sell content, from the social media platform
US District Judge William Alsup in San Francisco ruled on Thursday that X, formerly Twitter, failed to plausibly allege that Bright Data Ltd violated its user agreement by allowing the scraping and evading X's own anti-scraping technology
Alsup said using scraping tools is not inherently fraudulent, and giving social media companies free rein to decide how public data are used "risks the possible creation of information monopolies that would disserve the public interest
The judge also said X was not entitled to "de facto copyright ownership" in copyrighted content that X's users made available to the public.
in March, another San Francisco judge dismissed X's lawsuit against the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate, which published articles based on scraped data that faulted a rise in hate speech on the platform.

Lawsuit dismissed: Elon Musk's X corp loses case against Israeli data-scraping company

A US judge dismisses X Corp's lawsuit against Bright Data, ruling that scraping public web information isn't inherently fraudulent and upholding data access rights.
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Oct 25, 2017
Twitter on a real lawsuit losing streak.

It's okay.

They surely have a lot of money coming in from all their great advertisers.


Nov 6, 2017

Elon Musk may be compelled to testify again in SEC's Twitter takeover probe

A federal judge on Thursday indicated a willingness to compel Elon Musk to testify again in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's investigation into his $44 billion takeover of Twitter.
"I don't think that the deposition subpoena is unreasonable. What I don't know is why does the deposition have to be at an SEC office?" Corley said at a hearing at the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.
Musk's lawyer, Rachel Frank, an associate with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, on Thursday told the judge the additional testimony would be a "burden" for Musk and take him away from obligations to shareholders.
The judge asked whether Musk should be exempt from securities laws and further investigations just because he is a "very busy person" who is running multiple companies.



Nov 6, 2017

Elon Musk's doomerist hobby is falling to sleep at night listening to podcasts on the end of civilization

Listening to Elon Musk can be depressing at times. In his mind, human civilization is a tiny flickering candle surrounded by a vast expanse of darkness that hasn't even built a colony on Mars yet. He constantly ruminates about plummeting birth rates—he's even warned that the odds of World War III erupting between East and West are increasing. Now, we might know why.
I listen to podcasts about the fall of civilizations to go to sleep, that might be part of the problem here," reflected the self-described history buff, right after urging everyone in the audience to go forth and procreate at least three times.
SpaceX with the Starlink constellation has roughly 6,000 satellites and not once have we had to maneuver around a UFO," he said. "Never."
SpaceX with the StarlinWith the entrepreneur in his element, the talk revolved around all his favorite topics, like the importance of meritocracy and how stifling and repressive California's government bureaucracy had become (the free speech advocate recently posted how "honored" he was to meet China's second-highest-ranking official on a platform banned in the country).

Elon Musk’s doomerist hobby is falling to sleep at night listening to podcasts on the end of civilization

“There are many long dead civilizations. At some point our civilization will come to an end, too.”
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Oct 30, 2017
Musk's lawyer, Rachel Frank, an associate with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, on Thursday told the judge the additional testimony would be a "burden" for Musk and take him away from obligations to shareholders.

Fucking lol.

It's always the people who very visibly do fuck-all that whine about being burdened by the slightest thing that basically everyone else has to do in addition to their job.


Cranky Ghost Pokemon
Oct 26, 2017
Why is this asshole so obsessed with fucking birth rates. The actual people who study this and know what they're talking about expect the population to level off and maintain itself at around 10 billion, not to fall to collapse levels, and they've been pretty close in their predictions for a long time.

I mean, I know the answer is some combination of him having to be the smartest person in any room and white supremacy with his Great Replacement bullshit but fuck. Shut up about this non-problem. We have actual problems to worry about, like how you offered the UN a few billion dollars to solve world hunger and then reneged when they came up with an action plan for it. You would think someone obsessed with birth rates would be interested in keeping people alive but noooooo. Like any conspiracy-minded asshole, half the point is to not solve the problem so they can continue lording their insight over everyone else.

(Also I'm sure good old-fashioned racism re which countries struggle with food insecurity plus his stupid impulsivity to just spout stuff with no intention to actually commit contributed no small amount too).


Oct 25, 2017
Why is this asshole so obsessed with fucking birth rates. The actual people who study this and know what they're talking about expect the population to level off and maintain itself at around 10 billion, not to fall to collapse levels, and they've been pretty close in their predictions for a long time.

I mean, I know the answer is some combination of him having to be the smartest person in any room and white supremacy with his Great Replacement bullshit but fuck. Shut up about this non-problem. We have actual problems to worry about, like how you offered the UN a few billion dollars to solve world hunger and then reneged when they came up with an action plan for it. You would think someone obsessed with birth rates would be interested in keeping people alive but noooooo. Like any conspiracy-minded asshole, half the point is to not solve the problem so they can continue lording their insight over everyone else.

(Also I'm sure good old-fashioned racism re which countries struggle with food insecurity plus his stupid impulsivity to just spout stuff with no intention to actually commit contributed no small amount too).
it's 1000% just worrying that Western countries won't have majority white populations. Musk couldn't give a fuck about the entire world, it's just about good old white supremacy. I mean, nothing surprising from the scion of a white South African emerald miner.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok I'm curious. The comments under every viral post now are just posting unrelated memes and videos.

I never saw this before the Musk takeover. Were those kinds of comments just moderated back then?


Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand
Ok I'm curious. The comments under every viral post now are just posting unrelated memes and videos.

I never saw this before the Musk takeover. Were those kinds of comments just moderated back then?
I've be assuming this is an attempt to jump on the coattails of other users and posts to build and monetize traffic.

Same thing with any political post being inundated with replies that are trying to sell political tshirts.


Oct 28, 2017
I've be assuming this is an attempt to jump on the coattails of other users and posts to build and monetize traffic.
Way before Elon bought Twitter, a bunch of social media dorks rose by relentlessly being first in the replies to Trump and maybe a couple of other prominent accounts.. People like the Krassenstein brothers or Jacob Wohl.


Nov 6, 2017

In the battle of Telegram vs Signal, Elon Musk casts doubt on the security of the app he once championed


Musk, who previously championed Signal for its user privacy protections, now appears to have changed his tune, amplifying criticisms of the app and its leadership and saying there are unspecified "known vulnerabilities" within Signal that have gone unaddressed by the company's leadership.

Given his influence in the tech sphere, Musk's remarkable reversal on Signal has become central to the current conversation on encryption — and, according to one cryptography expert, is pushing users toward less secure alternatives.
In recent weeks, Signal has come under fire from Pavel Durov, the CEO of rival app Telegram, who lambasted Signal's encryption capabilities in a public post on his own platform, saying, "the US government spent $3M to build Signal's encryption," and accusing Signal of being an insecure choice for private messaging.

Notably, messaging on Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default, as it is on Signal.
In his post, Durov cited an article written by conservative activist Christopher Rufo — known in part for his crusade against DEI initiatives — that took aim at the Signal Foundation's current chairman of the board, Katherine Maher.

In his article, Rufo described Maher as "a US-backed agent of regime change" and alleged she worked with the government to censor conservative viewpoints during her tenure at Wikipedia. Maher's ideology, Rufo argued, means users of Signal should be cautious of its trustworthiness, though he provided no evidence that Maher has altered any of Signal's encryption technology nor changed the organization's mission since joining the board.
"Telegram has launched a pretty intense campaign to malign Signal as insecure, with assistance from Elon Musk," Johns Hopkins cryptography professor Matthew Green wrote in response to the unfolding commentary about the apps: "The goal seems to be to get activists to switch away from encrypted Signal to mostly-unencrypted Telegram."
He added that promoting Telegram as more secure than Signal, as Durov has done, "is like promoting ketchup as better for your car than synthetic motor oil. Telegram isn't a secure messenger, full stop."

In the battle of Telegram vs Signal, Elon Musk casts doubt on the security of the app he once championed

Elon Musk, once a champion of the encrypted messenger Signal, now says the app's leadership has not handled "known vulnerabilities."

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes, well-known... "regime change operative" .... Katherine Maher.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
Of course Jack is boosting this.

Stop using BlueSky.
I haven't signed up for BlueSky. Once I got over my initial Twitter withdrawal I realized that I no longer needed that kind of site in my life. But hasn't Jack officially left BlueSky now? I thought it was crystal clear what type of person he is when he supported Musk's takeover in the first place.