
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Of course, even more then my own death the death of my mom and dad scare me the most. I feel like I spend so much time away from them as an adult that I'm not getting enough time in with them despite the fact they probably have another 30+ years of life.


Oct 28, 2017
Absolutely. What you thought of and felt today is exactly how I've been feeling lately.
Even though I have anxiety/depression, I kind of like beng alive. Its really the fear of the last few weeks, days, moments if I go out slow, knowing this is it. The people I've met and the places I've seen will be gone forever. Bummer!

Deleted member 283

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Oct 25, 2017
I am mostly fine with the stuff you're talking about in the OP. Death is solace to me. It is more the how that bothers me. I just have the feeling it will be through extreme pain with my luck.

Not existing anymore doesn't frighten me... but how I die does.
This is more me. I don't really care about non-existence or the concept of death or anything like that. Those are mere inevitabilities, that I've accepted and become comfortable with. There's no point in being afraid of the concept itself to me. The how, on the other hand, is a completely different story since there are unfortunately plenty of unpleasant ways to go and none of us have control over that if that's what ends up happening. Of course, in the same vein, if that's what ends up happening, and you end up dying of some terrible form of cancer or whatever, that's what ends up happening and there's not much point in worrying about it now, but still can't help but think about the how a lot despite all of that because I can't help but think I'm not going to be lucky in that particular regard.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, as such I'm not going down without a fight and will fight Death himself at my deathbed. Gonna Teddy Roosevelt this.

(I'm deeply afraid of death and have nights without sleep thinking about non-existence.)


Aug 21, 2018
I worry about how I'll die, but not nonexistence. I do have reasonably high hopes that some people alive today will be able to live indefinitely, though.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm more frightened of losing my loved ones permanently than I am my own death. Otherwise I've no reason to fear it. I don't expect some angry, judgemental deity to stare down at me soon after I shuffle off the mortal coil. We all have to croak eventually and come my time, I suspect I won't even be conscious to even be aware or experience nothingness.

But damn, I'm sure on my deathbed my mind will start wandering into weird and bizarre places like: hey, what if after death I become some kind of incorporeal entity, free to wander across the limits of the universe and discovering secrets I would never have been able to as a mortal? That'd be nice. Hopefully that will be what I'll dream about as I peacefully slip away.


Oct 29, 2017
I fear it because the fear of non existence, to me that is frightening, I don't want to "not exist" or no longer to have any sense of self or consciousness.

Life seems rather pointless if you simply live a short time, you understand what life is, the act of being alive and the concept of death, but then there's simply nothing afterwards? What's the bloody point of that? That means that every single evil person who did evil things to improve their own selfish lives while screwing over and harming other people get off scott free in the end, and those that try to do the right things, even at their own sacrifices, get the same ending. If you just live a short time and that's "all" there is to your entire existence in any space or time it seems like a cruel joke to me.

Give me any ending but non existence, let this world be but one step on a journey, one from which you had to have "no memory" of the before in order to complete it and when you die you don't simply blink out into nothingness.


Oct 25, 2017
Death doesn't scare me, at least my own. What scares me is thinking that I'll never live the life I want, do the things I want to do, and all that stuff. But death itself? Nah, as long as it's quick and painless I'll (hopefully) take it with a smile.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont know how an afterlife would validate your existence. Meaning is completely subjective, it is what you bring to it. Not everyone has to be Charles Dickens and leave indelible marks, but love the people that love you and be decent and you'll live on through the memories of those you leave behind.

We're just like everything else in the universe, matter clinging on for dear life but it's a beautiful chaos.


Jan 7, 2018
If I stay up too late theres a 50/50 chance I have a mental breakdown thinking about it, so yeah I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course. I and my perceived universe are gone.

It renders everything pointless since no matter what the same result will occur. Nothing.


Oct 27, 2017
Death itself is nothing to be afraid of- we will all (almost certainly) experience nothing and will be unaware of this. I hate the idea of being dead and the loss of experience that comes with it and will do everything I can to keep that eventuality at bay. But fear of death? Nah.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. Very, very much. It feels like my heart seizes up when consider my end, part of it stems from confusion over my religious beliefs.
Jun 10, 2018
Death doesn't depress me - aging does.

Just knowing that eventually, I will look in a mirror and no longer see the face I once was in old pictures is honestly depressing.


Oct 27, 2017
Considering the way the world is going, I am really not afraid of death. Hopefully I won't be much more than 50. That is enough for me.


Oct 30, 2017
But I don't think life has a purpose other than what we make it. Nothing really matters except the things we believe matter to us.
When I die, the elements of my body will return to the universe.
I just try to live anyway because that's what I believe is what life is all about. No purpose but to experience life and all the beautiful moments you can experience. The bad moments just give perspective, wisdom, and awareness.

Honestly right now, death would be a relief. I could finally find true peace. No more troubles, no more ecstasy. But complete peace.

With that said, I still have the fear of pain and such as is our instinct and functionality.


Aug 25, 2018
I'm seriously afraid of "losing" everything that I have. There's something about the idea that everything is impermanent that is relaxing and terrifying simultaneously.


Oct 25, 2017
The thought of dying does somewhat. Not because of what comes after, but because of what I'll miss out on in life.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not worried about my own death, but instead how those close to me would feel and react to me gone. I think if I didn't have anyone close to me I would of ended it by now.

A good friend of mine committed suicide on Valentine's Day this year and I saw how much it affected so many people. He left behind a wife and two little ones. So, I think of those that would be torn because of my death rather than how I'd feel about my own passing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Why bother? I won't have to worry about it after I'm dead. Now the people close to me? Yeah.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
The only thing that frightens me about death is that I might have to suffer in one way or another before I go. I'd rather die in a horrific car crash which mutilates my body but kills me instantly than slowly dying in pain in a hospital bed.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, not really. I like to think dying would be basically like what happens when you pass out: a sudden rush of numbness, maybe a ringing in the ears, and everything snaps to black.

What might come after is what you should be really afraid of.
Oct 26, 2017
I kind of want to be dead most of the time but simultaneously am kind of terrified of the how's and when's of it. It's a cowardly contradiction, depression is dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
If you never ended, life wouldn't be as meaningful

Unless it would be! No one's ever never ended long enough to let us know

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Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to die but I think the older you get the less you care. If you live a fulfilling life you will just reflect and be happy, knowing it was not wasted.


Nov 11, 2017
No, not at all, not in the slightest. I've been ready to go and checked out for years.

What frightens me is getting in some horrific accident and then not dying but I wake up in a hospital bed and the doctor is like "great news, its a miracle, you lived!!! but you have only one limb left with a single toe" or worse I'm in one of those fucking comas where you are awake and alert but can't move at all so I'm forced to sit there as a string of dipshit family members incessantly occupy my time monologuing to their prisoner as I'm just inside begging for the end.


Oct 27, 2017
It's what's after death that frightens me. I fear that I'll end up in Hell, if it exists, even though I try to be a good person, and have spent far too many hours worrying about this.

This life isn't really for me, and I feel like I don't fit in and am often miserable. But not knowing what's after this...


Oct 28, 2017
Nah. I'm not afraid of death. I guess that's the reason why I don't have any fears except seeing my family or wife getting hurt. Get over your fear of death and pretty much every other fear falls by the side. Doesn't mean I want to die or look forward to death though. Too much shit to do and see. When death comes at me, we'll exchange a few words.


Apr 5, 2018
Not existing anymore doesn't frighten me... but how I die does.
This. Almost all people would want to skip past the full spectrum of possible states between full health and death as fast as possible.

I fear that I'll end up in Hell, if it exists, even though I try to be a good person
That would imply that our reality has been set up by one giant cynical asshole of an entity.
Don't give in to that.
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Deleted member 5745

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Oct 25, 2017
It didn't until I tried to off myself. I guess it was some primal survival instinct, the fear of non-existence hit me like a truck before I had cut into my wrist too deeply.

Had plenty of time to reflect on it at the hospital and realized that deep down, I was scared of dying even though I had wanted to so badly. Though, at the time, that realization made me feel like a coward and a failure.
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Deleted member 274

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Oct 25, 2017
I know it is extremely selfish to say this, but while I do care about losing the people around me, I don't really feel anything towards death coming to me, as long as it's not in some horrible way of course.. but yeah, no regrets or anything like that.


Oct 28, 2017

Death don't phase me. Death is death. We all know we will all die at some point. There's no way around it. So you just try to avoid doing so too soon and enjoy life while you can. Worrying about it or what could or not happen after is just a waste of time.