Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
The digital version is $40 on Amazon.

So, I get bored easily... The Witcher 3 is in my on-hold list since forever after ~70 hours of playing.
Will I enjoy BOTW for hundreds of hours?

Thank you.

Anecdotal, but I got bored of TW3 after less than ten hours (I love the books, the setting and the visuals, but the gameplay is so. freaking. dull), and I have similar stories with pretty much every other open world game, yet BOTW is my favorite game of all time. It's that Nintendo / Zelda magic, being open world is almost secondary.


Oct 27, 2017
The digital version is $40 on Amazon.

So, I get bored easily... The Witcher 3 is in my on-hold list since forever after ~70 hours of playing.
Will I enjoy BOTW for hundreds of hours?

Thank you.
It's an utter slog of a game where you spend far too much time in your inventory instead of playing. Skip it imho, BOTW is a game I really do not understand why people enjoy so much. But tastes do vary.


Aug 27, 2018
Do you prefer to be an shield surfing motorcycle riding elf pretty boy, or old magic man that bangs the chicks?


Oct 25, 2017
Is $40 really much of a gamble when there is a fair possibility it will be one of your favorite games ever, or at worst, good but not great (to a minority of players).


Nov 6, 2019
Do you prefer to be an shield surfing motorcycle riding elf pretty boy, or old magic man that bangs the chicks?


Oct 27, 2017
It's better than any other Zeldas because your weapons are constantly breaking. Also, the world is fun to explore.


Oct 25, 2017
It's the best adventure game I have ever played. The sense of exploration and discovery is really well done.


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Tell us why Nintendo should allow you to play BOTW. What makes you deserve this honor?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd honestly just suggest you see one play the game for an hour or two, going by the trailer can be really misleading. I'm not a fan of open world but since it was a Legend of Zelda game I still played it. While the game is alright it didn't give me that Zelda feel so its not my favorite.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
- A cumbersome durability mechanic behind weapons
- Related to the above, alot of inventory management

These seem like contradictory complaints to me. Because of the weapon durability you're constantly cycling between weapons, when there's one you wanna pick up you just toss the weapon you want to get rid of. Weapons can easily be changed on the fly due to the good controls.

In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, for instance, I'm constantly having to open the menu to see if I want to upgrade to that new weapon I just picked up. When my inventory fills up I have to go sell, store, or break down what I have. It's substantially more cumbersome.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't string you along like The Witcher 3 does. You make your own plan, and the endgame is always within sight, so when you're bored you can go to the boss and be done with it. No need to rush yourself through 20 hours of Skellige because the game doesn't want to get on with it.
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The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
You say you get bored easily...what generally holds your interest?

While BOTW isn't my favorite game this generation I still think it's a top 3 game of the generation and will likely age incredibly well and go on to influence the industry pretty significantly. The gameplay is fun but it's not top tier action combat level obviously, and if you got bored of The Witcher then either narrative isn't as important to you or The Witcher's story didn't appeal - either way BOTW wouldn't hold your attention there.


May 7, 2018
you can get very creative when you get bored



Oct 25, 2017
It's alright. The weapon system is pretty awful, you'll be wishing it had more growth, and all in all it's a pretty bad Zelda game, but it's fun enough all the same.
Exploration is great, and some of the system interactions can be neat. Shame about what it'll do to the series going forward, but there are worse things for it to become I suppose. Solid 8/10 sort of game.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
If you don't mind actively suffering and disliking a game that will make you feel like it hates you for the first 30 hours, and are willing to push through all that, then you'll get to enjoy what is a relatively fun and endearing game otherwise, with amazing worlds, environments, and character designs. It's a charming enough game, but... You really have to push through to get to the good part, I believe.
The good part happens as soon as you start the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Every time someone asks how Breath of the Wild is, you get a gamut of people who are either

A: Fans of previous Zelda games that are upset at the lack of puzzle force-feeding

B: People who didn't click with the game and suffered hype backlash to the point of telling everyone to the high heavens how much they hate each individual flaw


C: People who actually liked the game but refuse to elaborate on why.

As someone who, for context, personally dislikes the exact things that traditional Zelda fans are upset are missing from BotW. . .the big draw for BotW is that it's a systems-based game paired with an incredibly pretty world to play around with those systems in. If you're the kind of person who, like me, attempts to clip up rocks, trees, and buildings in other games because how dare the game set a predetermined path and frankly you want to feel tall, BotW provides actual, legitimate mechanics for climbing up that stuff that most other games can't be arsed with. If you're the kind of person who sees a game mechanic and finds it absolutely fascinating when you poke a thing with another thing and it does a thing, BotW has that kind of stuff everywhere. If pulling out a bow and arrow in the caldera of a volcano and watching the arrow catch on fire is a neat party trick, if solving puzzles in ways that weren't actually intended makes you feel smart, if wearing an icy sword in the middle of the desert and actually having it help cool you down is the best strategy ever for you, BotW is a warm hug in the form of a video game.

If you're looking for, like, a combat system, probably better off looking for another game. Maybe not even an open world game at all. Personally I like Smash Bros, people will get into entirely different arguments about that, though. Story is also very light, but while I haven't played any Witcher games I'd imagine if a franchise based off of a book series isn't for you that story isn't the factor you're missing.

Generally speaking, if you see all the gameplay footage of people messing around and you're enamored, you're likely to get a good playthrough out of it. If not, your money's probably spent on a different title if only to avoid adding another voice to the chorus of people who absolutely cannot shut up about how the game peed in their crops and burned their cereal. Breath of the Wild is very much a catharsis game if you're sick of a certain stiffness in other games. There's a je ne sais quoi about it that can roughly be pinned down as "wanderlust." But it's kind of a tradeoff, it's weak in a lot of ways that most other games are strong, too. So it depends what you're looking for. Personally I loved it, but like, it comes down to what you need out of a game whether it has anything for you or not. If you don't get anything out of systems then you don't get anything out of systems, man.


Aug 10, 2018
I bounced off the Witcher 3 within 10 hours.

BotW peaked for me at around the 40-50 hour area, when I was just about done with the whole beating Ganon part of the game, but kept finding new areas, new puzzles, new callbacks to past games. There is always something to reward your curiosity.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Op maybe you don't like open world games? Maybe stick to stuff you like? There's billion reviews and awards and threads and posts and videos about it. You already know you either want it or not. You just delaying the inevitable


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't like the weapons breaking.

I would have preferred if they became unusable/blunt and you had to go get it fixed before you could use it again.


Oct 25, 2017
You can see everything there is to see in BOTW in 70 hours (maybe with some guide assistance), so you should be fine. Game is very flawed in several specific aspects, and therefore doesn't scratch every Zelda itch, but it's a good game.

$40 is good for the amount of content it has.


Nov 20, 2017
I'm on the same boat, I'm afraid to buy it and then be bored, I'm even more excited to play the recent remake because it looks enticing and vivid.


Oct 28, 2017
If you like passible traversal options, shallow lore, minimal story, non-immersive exploration, and tedium...then it's a skeleton of a must-buy game.

Try it if it goes down to $20.


Oct 26, 2017
No one mention the terrible weapon break system.
Unlike other open world games, BOtW doesn't rely on skilltrees and XP to keep you going. In those games you sell 95% of the shit you find. If BotW didn't have the durability system, there would be jack shit to keep you engaged. There's a reason they implemented it, and it works unless you never use the good weapons to find more of them like an idiot would.
If you like passible traversal options, shallow lore, minimal story, non-immersive exploration, and tedium...then it's a skeleton of a must-buy game.

Try it if it goes down to $20.
Lol ok.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If you don't mind actively suffering and disliking a game that will make you feel like it hates you for the first 30 hours, and are willing to push through all that, then you'll get to enjoy what is a relatively fun and endearing game otherwise, with amazing worlds, environments, and character designs. It's a charming enough game, but... You really have to push through to get to the good part, I believe.

This is an odd take for me. BotW is perhaps one of the most "upfront" games about what it is. Like, what the game is in the first five minutes is exactly what the game is after playing it for 100+ hours. There's no different game that you suddenly get after going through the first 30 hours or whatever.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 21, 2019
Unlike other open world games, BOtW doesn't rely on skilltrees and XP to keep you going. In those games you sell 95% of the shit you find. If BotW didn't have the durability system, there would be jack shit to keep you engaged. There's a reason they implemented it, and it works unless you never use the good weapons to find more of them like an idiot would.

Lol ok.
No matter why it's there it's terrible and unfun. I'm glad you were able to ignore it but it made me stop playing the game keeping me from the first Zelda I had to skip.

And please call me an idiot again.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
There's a reason they implemented it, and it works unless you never use the good weapons to find more of them like an idiot would.
A: Fans of previous Zelda games that are upset at the lack of puzzle force-feeding

B: People who didn't click with the game and suffered hype backlash to the point of telling everyone to the high heavens how much they hate each individual flaw

This got weirdly personal and condescending.


Oct 25, 2017
If you like passible traversal options, shallow lore, minimal story, non-immersive exploration, and tedium...then it's a skeleton of a must-buy game.

Try it if it goes down to $20.
"Passable traversal options and non-immersive exploration"


Honey no

The story's thinner than a communion wafer, but there's only so many rock piles one person can glitch up in a dozen different games before you realize the movement options are well above "passable".

Or at least above par. I suppose it's entirely possible that just nearly every game in existence fails what you consider to be a basic bar for traversal mechanics.

The art direction is also easily one of the strongest suits of the game, and I can only see it being seen as a failing if "immersion" equates to "realistic." The cel-shading doesn't translate to realism, but it's absolutely beautiful and one of the few times that I can actually see the influence of a game's concept art stage manifest tangibly into the world itself. Every town and a good chunk of the other areas manage to distill their own unique feels, and even the most plain grasslands still stand out artistically more than the equivalent in nearly any other game.

Tedium comes down to what the player enjoys, but the traversal options and exploration are the last things to knock about this game.

This got weirdly personal and condescending.
I can assure you there's way, waaaaaaay too many people in those categories for it to possibly be personal.

Weird and condescending. . .ehh, I showed more than a little bad form there. But personal, no.

There's a lot of people who use a lot of blisteringly terrible rhetoric and frankly I take kind of cranky issue with it from any fandom but BotW in particular attracts a mix of an old guard that can't be described as feeling anything other than resentment and a bunch of newcomers who tried a game they turned out to not like and became inexplicably salty about it. Overall it turns into a lot of very exaggerated and often just plain unexplained statements that contribute nothing to conversation on the game but a bunch of people shouting at the walls.


Oct 25, 2017
If you like games with a great sense of exploration and discovery with a fantastic feelign of freedom buy BOTW.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't like the weapons breaking.

I would have preferred if they became unusable/blunt and you had to go get it fixed before you could use it again.

Come on, it's way better to just pick up weapons on the fly than to have to flog back to some hub to get them smithed. It is a welcome antithesis to the compulsive hoard of an Elder Scrolls. Don't get attached to any weapon, just mash through them as and when.


Oct 25, 2017
It's exactly the right direction for the series. It's a fresh, new take on the Zelda franchise and open world games. Worthy of all the hype and accolades. Buy it, play it, get lost in and hopefully fall in love with a true masterpiece.

Deleted member 19767

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
These seem like contradictory complaints to me. Because of the weapon durability you're constantly cycling between weapons, when there's one you wanna pick up you just toss the weapon you want to get rid of. Weapons can easily be changed on the fly due to the good controls.

In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, for instance, I'm constantly having to open the menu to see if I want to upgrade to that new weapon I just picked up. When my inventory fills up I have to go sell, store, or break down what I have. It's substantially more cumbersome.

I found BOTW very frustrating to manage inventory in. A large part of it was weapons, but it also came down to navigating through ingredients and monster parts etc. I don't necessarily think AC:O is any better at inventory management either.

Regardless, the point of my post was not to discuss shortcomings - but rather that the game has some issues, and is not perfect. But even after acknowledging them (and borderline nitpicking), BOTW is an outstanding game that every Switch owner should try.