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Deleted member 19702

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Oct 27, 2017
... No games, were much easier to develop back in the past.

Metroid Prime had 30 people working on it for two years, Anthem has 750 people working on it and has been in development for 6 years. Red Dead 2 has >1000 people and has been in development for 5 years.

Yes, games are harder and more expensive to make nowadays but you're showing two of this gen's most ambitious efforts, so of course they'll take time to be made. But still, like I said, games might have been easier to develop back in the day but N64 hardware had many drawbacks which made dev cycle longer and more difficult. There were many games for the system which took 2/3 yrs dev cycle because of it, like OOT, Perfect Dark, Superman (lol), etc..


Oct 27, 2017
If this sells well, I wonder if Nintendo will consider porting Star Fox 0 to the Switch (reworked a bit) down the line.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
*Looks at Mario Kart*

I love Mario Kart, but it is not an ambitious game. They add neat little things each game, but ultimately it's still a standard karting game. Sonic Racing Transformed was much more ambitious than Mario Kart, if you wanted a good example.
I wanted them to do an original IP, or do a 3D Donkey Kong, or even adapt a new Nintendo IP in a proper modern way. I would have been fine with a big Star Fox game proper, maybe even taking elements from the Rare game, but done well, but a Star Fox racing spinoff sounds like something Nintendo would throw at a random dev.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think people are forgetting the Diddy Kong Racing was CRAZY AMBITIOUS for it's time. Like, three completely different vehicle types that tracks had to be designed around, all balanced against each other, themed worlds with boss battles, multiplayer games including Mario Kart style battle, but also the egg collecting game and banana game, Hub world with secrets.

Man that game was good.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Is anyone really that attached to the FZero license itself? Or do you just want really fast racing? Because I feel like this will offer that.

Yar, F-Zero GX put a lot of effort to make all of it's characters unique. Bios, Post-Match Interview questions with unique answers for everyone (The evil characters even scare the interviewer), they even had unique videos and even theme songs for each character in that game (And there's like, 41 of them).
Jan 10, 2018
Beyond hopeful comcern trolling, I don't see how this could diminish F-Zeros chances. This affects the Star Fox franchise and nothing else.

Deleted member 2791

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Oct 25, 2017
I really don't get how you can think that this :

isn't a much more likeable universe and way more marketable in the modern age than this :


Oct 30, 2017
Imagine if some of y'all were in your 20s and 30s during the N64 era. Shit would've been exactly the same.

"Rare are making a fucking Diddy Kong racing spin-off? Where's DK Country? Waste of talent!"

Their output was extremely high on the N64.

Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Blast Corps, Banjo and Banjo Tooie, Jet Force Gemini...

I think that's all, but that's an insanely large library from one studio...large, varied, and great quality.

Retro, since 2010 has released 2 games. Both Donkey Kong 2D platformers. After establishing themselves as the most technically proficient devs in Nintendo's stable when they made the last Nintendo game that was at the forefront of tech in gaming (Metroid Prime), expectations are high because they have failed to continue that. Two games in 8 years is terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
Samurai Goroh, Black Shadow, Bio Rex, Jody Summer, Octoman, and so on.

literally who, who, who ,who and who?

its hilarious that fzero stans are bigging up their flop fave like they even mattered in the first place

even the annoying frog in star fox is more iconic than any fzero-sales character


Nov 27, 2017
I feel like many developers could have taken this idea on - why does Retro have to be the one to have spent multiple years on it?? Disappointing if true (not the idea of the game itself, but that Retro is making it).


Oct 27, 2017
I'm choosing to think of this as a mix between WipeOut and Sonic Racing Transformed, with Arwing transformations to go between hover and flying.

That could be pretty excellent, if done right.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017

I only buy like 1 racing game every 4-5 years, so unless it's a remaster of Burnout 3 or Blur then I've already got Mario Kart, and that'll last me until the next Mario Kart
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Oct 27, 2017
By who? Old rumors said they were working on something they pitched to Nintendo themselves. I think it's also been said they have the capacity for multiple projects so this could be just 1
It would be 1 or 2 high-level managers and Kimishima himself for this one. The parameters should have been set that Retro is to make a marquee new IP for the Switch that will be critically acclaimed and can turn heads and sell systems, and Retro can pitch their ideas narrowly to satisfy those parameters.


Oct 25, 2017
This site and its ridiculous overreactions. Idk why I'd expect anything else.

Retro trying to do something new with the racing genre, considering their talent for level design and set pieces, makes sense. It's a genre that's stagnated in recent years and could do with a fresh, ambitious take on it.
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Deleted member 4093

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Oct 25, 2017
I feel like many developers could have taken this idea on - why does Retro have to be the one to have spent multiple years on it?? Disappointing if true (not the idea of the game itself, but that Retro is making it).
Who's gonna do better than retro? Thats like saying anyone can do Mario Kart. Yet there are obvious differences in quality and polish between Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart GP DX


Oct 29, 2017
The game will be good, there's little doubt it won't be.

DKR/F-Zero is an interesting idea. Just the initial reaction isn't what ppl are going to immediately like.

Most wanted an original IP that's more akin to Prime than another Nintendo IP.


Oct 26, 2017
I was one of those disappointed by the Tropical Freeze anouncement and boy, was I ignorant. Tropical Freeze is my GOAT 2D platformer and I think that DKCReturns is a masterpiece as well. After the Prime and DKC series I have complete faith in Retro, they have demonstrated they are able to pick a new genre and make something absolutely memorable. A racing game with good single player content, in space, mixing FZero and Star Fox with Retro at the wheel sounds awesome to me, can´t wait to see how they surprise us if the rumor is true.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't get how you can think that this :

isn't a much more likeable universe and way more marketable in the modern age than this :
My biggest problem with FZero is all the characters look like they are hodgepodged from twenty different games into this insane cast. At least there's some thematic consistency with Star Fox.


Oct 27, 2017
Beyond hopeful comcern trolling, I don't see how this could diminish F-Zeros chances. This affects the Star Fox franchise and nothing else.
Beyond hopeful comcern trolling, I don't see how this could diminish F-Zeros chances. This affects the Star Fox franchise and nothing else.
Really? You don't see how Nintendo adding another sci fi racing game to their stable diminishes FZero's chances?

Deleted member 3017

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Oct 25, 2017
The GX boys are hyped af for this

If this doesn't get you excited for the possibilities of this project, nothing will (until Retro blows everyone away with the reveal itself, of course).


Oct 25, 2017
But we have mariokart already. I bet it will be awesome but not really excited for that type of game right now. Dissapointed if true


Nov 27, 2017
Who's gonna do better than retro? Thats like saying anyone can do Mario Kart. Yet there are obvious differences in quality and polish between Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart GP DX
Well that's kind of the point - the absolute best Star Fox racing game there could be is most likely not going to be nearly as good as a game from Retro in another genre. In other words, I'd rather a very talented studio spend time making a non-Star Fox racing game. But whatever I guess - if this is for real, I'm sure it will be a damn good racer...
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