
Oct 28, 2017
I recall the old Twitch, or JustinTV, show The In Blast show hinting at many big figures in the FGC having some big skeletons in the closet.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Sweet Christ, this hole just keeps getting deeper and it's about to penetrate Earth's core.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure what to really comment beyond not being terribly surprised and just sadness.


Jan 21, 2018
This is all just so fucked up. The amount of stories like this popping up is just depressing me


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
I'm glad the FGC is being blown open like this; these scum absolutely deserve to be outed.

It's depressing to know that there are a lot more stories ready to be unearthed.


Oct 27, 2017
What an absolutely sickening read. No wonder Mr Wizard's been so negligent in dealing with abusers and predators over the years.

ResetEra, please learn how to use the word "literally" properly, especially if you're going to use it as often as you do..

Maybe throw in a "figuratively" once in awhile?

Deleted member 11796

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad the FGC is being blown open like this; these scum absolutely deserve to be outed.

It's depressing to know that there are a lot more stories ready to be unearthed.

I think we've all been under the assumption that sexual abuse is uncommon or extraordinarily rare because people don't want to talk about what happened to them and/or because predators get protected.

We're about to get a wake-up call, I fear.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Goddamn. By next Evo it's just gonna be the CPU playing against themselves. What the fuck is wrong with people?

i hope every single victim gets justice.

Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think of this as damage to the FGC, but the illness that was already there coming out. It might be a temporary setback, but I think that if problem actors in the community are recognized rather than ignored, if they can be removed, and if the community can restructure itself away from presenting itself as totally informal and grassroots and instead take seriously everything it needs to in order to actually take care of the members of that community - than you can draw in people you otherwise wouldn't and add vitality to the community in that way.

Even if EVO itself dies, it isn't the end of the world. Other people can figure out how to offer same while running things better. Numerous big names can be removed; there's no shortage of people with the interest or skills.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

In the twitlonger -

None of this really registered to me until many many years later. People were talking about bets they've won and things they did, so I told this story. Viscant laughed and I remember the exact words he said. "You got $20 to give Wizard a night of jerk off material". I was like "Huh?" Viscant goes "You didn't know? Joey's gay."

EDIT: Of course, me getting mad at these people "staying mum" about this one specific story is unfair - it would be shitty for one of them to retell the story without the victim. But joking about it...Shit.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Even if EVO itself dies, it isn't the end of the world. Other people can figure out how to offer same while running things better.

Evo dying is not the end of the world or the FGC, but make no mistake it's a huge setback. It's not only the largest open bracket tournament series in fighting games, I'm pretty sure it's the largest in all competitive gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
ResetEra, please learn how to use the word "literally" properly, especially if you're going to use it as often as you do..

Maybe throw in a "figuratively" once in awhile?
What does it say about you that you are more focused on the semantics of using the term "literally" in a thread about probable wide spread pedophilia in the FGC

ResetEra nothing. You're a clown.


Nov 7, 2017
Hong Kong SAR
What does it say about you that you are more focused on the semantics of using the term "literally" in a thread about probable wide spread pedophilia in the the FGC

ResetEra nothing. You're a clown.

a slight misunderstanding. I'm not a clown if you met me IRL, I promise. xD
Thought the poster was stating that EVERYONE in the FGC was a pedo. Upon further reading, I was mistaken and apologize.


Oct 25, 2017
Evo dying is not the end of the world or the FGC, but make no mistake it's a huge setback. It's not only the largest open bracket tournament series in fighting games, I'm pretty sure it's the largest in all competitive gaming.
If Evo goes, which tbh I wouldn't expect it to as it's not strictly just the MrWizard show, it going away would be felt for years and there's no event that's going to just outright replace it.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Evo dying is not the end of the world or the FGC, but make no mistake it's a huge setback. It's not only the largest open bracket tournament series in fighting games, I'm pretty sure it's the largest in all competitive gaming.
Isn't its viewership dwarfed by, say, Overwatch League?


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
If Evo goes, which tbh I wouldn't expect it to as it's not strictly just the MrWizard show, it going away would be felt for years and there's no event that's going to just outright replace it.
FGC deserves better than this. I am hopeful that the people passionate in that community would form something new and better.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
If Evo goes, which tbh I wouldn't expect it to as it's not strictly just the MrWizard show, it going away would be felt for years and there's no event that's going to just outright replace it.

I agree. ComboBreaker and CEO are big and will continue to grow, but even combined they don't replace a single Evo.

Isn't its viewership dwarfed by, say, Overwatch League?

I said open bracket. I know OWL has open tryouts and open online divisions, but that's not the same as a tournament where anybody and everybody can compete with the pros.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If the FGC dies without Mr Wizard then let it die. Nothing is worth sweeping this under the rug.


Oct 25, 2017
FGC deserves better than this. I am hopeful that the people passionate in that community would form something new and better.
It can be different, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm hopeful the community would do its best, it still wouldn't patch the hole in my heart from Evo dying. It just is what it is, spent so much of my life looking at videos from early Evos up to attending 3 separate times as I got older. It's all just depressing, both the abuse and the tainting of something you loved.


Oct 26, 2017
ResetEra, please learn how to use the word "literally" properly, especially if you're going to use it as often as you do..

Maybe throw in a "figuratively" once in awhile?

There's a time and a place, and this ain't it...

In regards to the topic, I definitely expected some vile shit to come out about Wizard in all of this since it's damn near an open secret that he's been a bit of an asshole for a long time.

I gotta say though, I didn't quite expect it to take this kind of turn, and I shudder to think of how deep this rabbit hole might go.


Nov 27, 2017
Somebody would take over EVO, or another event would spring up to fill that role (that summer, west coast, big event thing).

ComboBreaker is awesome of course. It's vibe is different than EVO though and I liked having different kind of tournaments that way. Or ComboBreaker could morph into something different/bigger.

Wiz going away will not crumble the FGC, something/somebody else will rise up.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
This is all reminding me of another forum, many years ago. Any time someone brought up criticism of weird behavior in the FGC, the FGC crowd on the site usually formed a defense brigade and trumpeted the same talking points to the point it was just a question of when someone would post the "I love the FGC" YouTube video they always used as irrefutable evidence that, no, there's no shit to be had in the FGC.


Nov 27, 2017
I always heard that Watts hates Wiz. I think he is doing this to destroy Wiz, not be the "good guy". But the results are the same, expose this kind of behavior.


Nov 26, 2017
I can tell you right now, that he's no fucking saint. And what you're hearing from him on twitter these past couple days is just as fucked up as what Wiz did.

Being a salty old fart on twitter is not even on the same planet compared to what Mr. Wizard did. Watson may be a bitter guy and he probably doesn't have noble motives for doing this, but focusing on that is taking away focus from what's really important here


Oct 26, 2017
For the record, because I'm unsure if you're misunderstanding or not, Watson is not the one making the accusation directly, he's signal boosting Mikey/Crackpr0n's allegations. He seems, however, to have been aware of this for a VERY long time.

Watson spoke up about it years ago in one of his wild ass rants on stream. People just weren't buying it at the time I guess since, you know, Watson is kind of an asshole himself.