
Oct 27, 2017
I've been away from home for a couple of days, and managed to do it first time after I got back. 😂
Nervous as hell during the Odin fight. As I said, RNG. The Odin fight went almost flawlessly, I managed to stagger him a second time just as he cast spatial distortion so I didn't even have to worry about him capturing one of my characters.

Funnily enough I almost died to the second fight too. Lightning based enemies are such a pain in the ass.

Just one more legendary challenge, and then I can do the final two chapters on hard for the plat.

And done. Beat Odin first time with Sephiroth/Cloud. Although it was a massive clusterfuck of a battle that went completely off plan. Thankfully I managed to do their synergy attack just before Cloud got KOd which gave Sephiroth temporary infinite mp to revive him, cure himself etc.
So damn glad that's done with. The battle system really shines in hard mode, but those challenges were another level of difficult.
Oct 31, 2017
Deep in the combat sim, yes, there are a couple unique bosses and other noteworthy match-ups, and some bosses have expanded or unique attacks/mechanics than when you fought them previously.

Most notably, "Rulers of the Outer World"'s Gilgamesh uses far different attacks than when you fight him in his dojo, and there's a Virtual Sephiroth that has an entirely different moveset and script than the final boss.

Oct 25, 2017
I think the implication is there because Nibelheim didn't seem to ever be particularly wealthy or feature the "grasslands" mentioned in the picnic photos. Its just a small slice of info but it gave me the impression that Tifa's mother's family is not originally from Nibelheim either way.

Could be.
Though the Nibel region is also pretty grassy, and was moreso back then, before the Reactor was built.
A painting of Mt Nibel covered in greenery is seen in the Mansion.

Could be wealthy Wutains too. Wutai is a lot closer to Nibel than Junon.
And the Republic seemed to mostly be housed on the Eastern Continent.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Besides Gilgamesh, are there any other secret bosses to know about? Do we have additional bosses via the combat simulator as we did in Remake? I got the Corsair Compass in Ch. 13 before finishing the game, and I'm going back to 13 to clean up the side quests and check out what I missed in the Golden Saucer, to which I ended up doing a lot of stuff there.

I'm also curious what Johnny has in that chest.
when you beat Gilgamesh, you will unlock the last of the combat sim battles. The hardest ones in the game.

It only doesn't make sense if you are expecting it to adhere to the way the real world is. And even then, the world is currently moving to a place where it wouldn't matter either. Like I live in an area with a lot of diversity. I can go walk down a street and see different businesses owned by people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Does my town make no sense? I'm just not sure what it is you're trying to say here.
Also to add to this, there's literally a conversation in Nibelheim between Yuffie, Cloud and Tifa around the fact that people immigrate to other places, when Yuffie mentions that the Shinra scientist has a Wutaian name lol.


Oct 27, 2017
This is mentioned in Rebirth.
Midgar has a large Wutaian population, because a lot of them immigrated there for work to help build the city, before the war.
I remember the part about Wutai immigrants, but I don't remember if it was said that it was a large number of people. They also used a person with a distinctively Japanese name as an example, and I don't think we meet a lot of characters like that.
It only doesn't make sense if you are expecting it to adhere to the way the real world is.
I mean, the game itself draws parallels between different in game regions and real life cultures. It's not like the game takes place in a heavily fictionalized universe like Middle Earth or The Forgotten Realms, Gaia is meant to somewhat mirror the real world as it existed in 1997.
And even then, the world is currently moving to a place where it wouldn't matter either. Like I live in an area with a lot of diversity. I can go walk down a street and see different businesses owned by people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Does my town make no sense?
Midgar or a bigger metropolis like that being a melting pot I can buy, but every region of the game is pretty much the same.
I'm just not sure what it is you're trying to say here.
I didn't say it's "a problem", let alone one of the biggest ones. But it's the indication of approach to the lore and world building as a whole, it's pointless to ponder whenever or not the mechanics of Lifestream as presented in Rebirth are compatible with FFX, when I'm pretty sure the authors weren't really bothered with it. Yes, the Gi plot line doesn't make sense if the game was supposed to share the universe with FFX, but also Aerith preforms sending dance in the Temple of the Ancients twice. Contradiction is the name of the game here.
My point is that those things (games/movies/shows/books ect) aren't really usually as thought out as some people assume.


Oct 25, 2017
And done. Beat Odin first time with Sephiroth/Cloud. Although it was a massive clusterfuck of a battle that went completely off plan. Thankfully I managed to do their synergy attack just before Cloud got KOd which gave Sephiroth temporary infinite mp to revive him, cure himself etc.
So damn glad that's done with. The battle system really shines in hard mode, but those challenges were another level of difficult.
Congratulations! The last two chapters are basically a victory lap by comparison. Only major bump I hit was:

He always does Crimson Breath III. You have to manawall+heal through it. It's a mechanic change only for Hard
Oct 25, 2017
I remember the part about Wutai immigrants, but I don't remember if it was said that it was a large number of people. They also used a person with a distinctively Japanese name as an example, and I don't think we meet a lot of characters like that.

I mean, the game itself draws parallels between different in game regions and real life cultures. It's not like the game takes place in a heavily fictionalized universe like Middle Earth or The Forgotten Realms, Gaia is meant to somewhat mirror the real world as it existed in 1997.

Midgar or a bigger metropolis like that being a melting pot I can buy, but every region of the game is pretty much the same.

I think of it as 1997's "near future. 1997 was literally 10 years ago in the game's timeline.
People have been immigrating around the world for probably centuries already by this point.
Wutai specifically seems more isolationist.

The Wutaian immigrants coming to work on Midgar's construction, is a pretty clear parallel to Asian immigrants working on the US Railroads.
They may not have specifically said it was a "large number" but it's inferred.


Oct 27, 2017
The Wutaian immigrants coming to work on Midgar's construction, is a pretty clear parallel to Asian immigrants working on the US Railroads.
They may not have specifically said it was a "large number" but it's inferred.
I see, thanks. I guess this explains Asian influences on The Wall Market.
People have been immigrating around the world for probably centuries already by this point.
I still don't think Gaia being as culturally diverse as it is in the games is, like, deliberate, but I guess this works as an in universe explanation.
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Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I mean, the game itself draws parallels between different in game regions and real life cultures. It's not like the game takes place in a heavily fictionalized universe like Middle Earth or The Forgotten Realms, Gaia is meant to somewhat mirror the real world as it existed in 1997.

Midgar or a bigger metropolis like that being a melting pot I can buy, but every region of the game is pretty much the same.

Well, I think you are wrong. I think you have no evidence to suggest that the culturally diverse world of FFVII is not an intentional world building element. Especially when that very game does HAVE an example of a nation that has mostly kept to itself and has a more singular culture. Like, yes, sometimes world-building elements are done because the writer thinks it's cool. And we both seem to agree that's fine. But I think you're making a pretty big leap to go from that to whatever tangent about the culturally diverse aspects of Midgar proving that the FFVII staff don't think about their world or it proving Nojima can't make realistic worlds or whatever else.


Oct 27, 2017
But I think you're making a pretty big leap to go from that to whatever tangent about the culturally diverse aspects of Midgar proving that the FFVII staff don't think about their world or it proving Nojima can't make realistic worlds or whatever else.
Again, I've said that Midgard and surrounding regions are "a mishmash of various western mythologies and cultures (Nordic, Greek, Celtic, Jewish) being blended together without much rhyme or reason" and that "it's the indication of approach to the lore and world building as a whole". I've never said "FFVII staff don't think about their world" because they clearly do, just not the as great of a detail some people believe, and I didn't say that "Nojima can't make realistic worlds" because he did so in the past.

What I'm saying is that the world and the story of FF7 is done in mostly broad strokes, and that will lead to some elements clashing with each other, and that in itself doesn't hold any meaning. Those games are about larger than life characters saving the world from galactic menace, it's all very grand and operatic and emotional and not at all focused minute mechanics of the fictional world. More MCU, less A Song of Ice and Fire. Once again, I feel like folks are assuming that I hate the game or the devs for trying to point out that sometimes, a plot hole is just a plot hole, and those ultra complex entertainment products aren't perfectly mapped out in every way, from the start to finish, by their creators.


Mar 19, 2024


This is actually an insane theory that I didn't think about.

The group didn't actually see Sephiroth impale Aerith on the altar. They all arrived after the fact when Cloud was holding her. Most of them rightly assumed (as observed by their behaviour post-Aerith) that it was all Sephiroth's doing, but Tifa's had a very different, personal experience around Cloud in Gongaga, when he lost it and actually tried to kill her because he thought she was being impersonated by Jenova.

What if she's been subdued and very quiet around him at the end because part of her still distrusts him and thinks he might have lost it again and actually killed Aerith? Given the way he was treating her in Chapter 13 at the Temple of the Ancients, it's not like Cloud doesn't have form for treating Aerith like crap.


Mar 8, 2024


This is actually an insane theory that I didn't think about.

The group didn't actually see Sephiroth impale Aerith on the altar. They all arrived after the fact when Cloud was holding her. Most of them rightly assumed (as observed by their behaviour post-Aerith) that it was all Sephiroth's doing, but Tifa's had a very different, personal experience around Cloud in Gongaga, when he lost it and actually tried to kill her because he thought she was being impersonated by Jenova.

What if she's been subdued and very quiet around him at the end because part of her still distrusts him and thinks he might have lost it again and actually killed Aerith? Given the way he was treating her in Chapter 13 at the Temple of the Ancients, it's not like Cloud doesn't have form for treating Aerith like crap.

That could be awesome if they went that way in P3. Gonna have to watch that video.


Oct 27, 2017


This is actually an insane theory that I didn't think about.

The group didn't actually see Sephiroth impale Aerith on the altar. They all arrived after the fact when Cloud was holding her. Most of them rightly assumed (as observed by their behaviour post-Aerith) that it was all Sephiroth's doing, but Tifa's had a very different, personal experience around Cloud in Gongaga, when he lost it and actually tried to kill her because he thought she was being impersonated by Jenova.

What if she's been subdued and very quiet around him at the end because part of her still distrusts him and thinks he might have lost it again and actually killed Aerith? Given the way he was treating her in Chapter 13 at the Temple of the Ancients, it's not like Cloud doesn't have form for treating Aerith like crap.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Aerith Death Scene

Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7MOVIE: GAME: Fantasy 16MOVIE:

Sephiroth is still standing over her body, with the sword in hand, as the rest of the party arrives on the scene. Not to mention, Cloud stabbing her with one of his buster swords would make a much bigger mess.


Oct 25, 2017
I can get to Odin now about 60% of the time (at 8 runs).
But the AI really been unkind on the spatial distortion bit. The way this is designed is really putting a damper on things for me but I'll get it just gotta keep at it.
I've done 14 ultimates and I'm a longterm Souls enjoyer so it's not that I don't like that it's challenging but I don't like that the process is just so annoying.


Mar 19, 2024

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Aerith Death Scene

Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7MOVIE: GAME: Fantasy 16MOVIE:

Sephiroth is still standing over her body, with the sword in hand, as the rest of the party arrives on the scene. Not to mention, Cloud stabbing her with one of his buster swords would make a much bigger mess.

True, the wound that the Buster Sword (or whatever one you had equipped) would have made would have been much larger.


Oct 25, 2017

(I declare this friendship as over!!!!)

Plat achieved. The Odin kill was real goddamn close too landing a last square attack on Zack to kill him(cloud was dead and Zack was 1 hit away from dying).
I'm free had a lot of fun with this game. Despite the experience for me personally being uneven between some really bad minigames and well these last few challenges overall it's probably for now still my Goty. Combat was just that enjoyable.
Last edited:


Nov 13, 2019

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Aerith Death Scene

Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy 7MOVIE: GAME: Fantasy 16MOVIE:

Sephiroth is still standing over her body, with the sword in hand, as the rest of the party arrives on the scene. Not to mention, Cloud stabbing her with one of his buster swords would make a much bigger mess.
Not to mention Barret screams in that exact same scene 'i'll kill you'

Unless that is meant for Cloud, which, we never get any follow up on so I guess not. This is a VERY loose theory imo :p


What is a tag? A miserable pile of words.
May 13, 2021
Not to mention Barret screams in that exact same scene 'i'll kill you'

Unless that is meant for Cloud, which, we never get any follow up on so I guess not. This is a VERY loose theory imo :p
I'd say it clearly shows his shocked face, then we cut to his POV of seeing Cloud and Aerith, then he looks over at Seph, then yells "I'll kill you!"
Tifa could be doubtful but Barret absolutely knew who he was going after lol


Jun 20, 2022
I mean the whole point was that Tifa could have a different take, because she's the only one who actually knows that Cloud nearly killed her. (Even though the rest of the party really should've figured it out, but I think ignorance is what the writers intended to convey.) And Tifa is the only one who doesn't talk to Cloud at all after that scene. It could be a great wedge for Sephiroth to further tear the two apart so he can have his very own puppet.


Mar 19, 2024
I mean the whole point was that Tifa could have a different take, because she's the only one who actually knows that Cloud nearly killed her. (Even though the rest of the party really should've figured it out, but I think ignorance is what the writers intended to convey.) And Tifa is the only one who doesn't talk to Cloud at all after that scene. It could be a great wedge for Sephiroth to further tear the two apart so he can have his very own puppet.

Exactly this.

The rest of the party assuming Sephiroth killed Aerith is logical, and they'd be right.

However, from Tifa's POV, she is the only one that actually knows that Cloud is capable of being manipulated into killing the people he cares about, because he WOULD have killed her had she not dodged his sword in Gongaga. For her to have at least a little doubt , further driving a wedge of distrust between them, is understandable.


Oct 27, 2017
Congratulations! The last two chapters are basically a victory lap by comparison. Only major bump I hit was:

He always does Crimson Breath III. You have to manawall+heal through it. It's a mechanic change only for Hard
Haha, I totally cheesed that boss and he didn't even get the chance to do that problematic attack. I just stacked Cloud with ice materia paired with Magic focus x2, swiftcast, magic efficiency and HP absorb. Equipped the Genji gloves, and used prime mode to get him into Fury and spammed ice LVL 3. Tifa cast faith on cloud, and Barret cast haste and manawall on everyone.
After the boss starts flying I took out both wings with ice which pressured it, and then one more ice attack staggered it.
The online guides for the challenges taught me a few things. 👍
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Oct 27, 2017
I mean the whole point was that Tifa could have a different take, because she's the only one who actually knows that Cloud nearly killed her. (Even though the rest of the party really should've figured it out, but I think ignorance is what the writers intended to convey.) And Tifa is the only one who doesn't talk to Cloud at all after that scene. It could be a great wedge for Sephiroth to further tear the two apart so he can have his very own puppet.
The idea that Tifa even tangentially would blame Cloud for Aerith's death completely flies in the face of the character as we know. She's hopelessly in love in Cloud, she immediately forgives him for trying to murder her, and will even smooch with him after that if you chase that relationship. The rest of the party could have sentenced Cloud to firing squad, and Tifa would jump in front of the bullets to protect him.

And Tifa not only doesn't talk with Cloud at the end, she doesn't talk to anyone, because she is devastated by Aerith's death and Cloud seemingly losing his mind, it's all there is to it. The writers are also pretty clearly against having any friction between party members, they turned Tifa and Aerith into a couple of their own, and rewrote Cid into essentially a different character.


Nov 13, 2019
And Tifa not only doesn't talk with Cloud at the end, she doesn't talk to anyone, because she is devastated by Aerith's death and Cloud seemingly losing his mind, it's all there is to it. The writers are also pretty clearly against having any friction between party members, they turned Tifa and Aerith into a couple of their own, and rewrote Cid into essentially a different character.
? The cait sith betrayal is right there. I don't think the writers are clearly against friction at all..

Cid is a different character cause he is now just payed to do a job and puts up a screen imo

And Tifa and Aerith being a couple of besties makes so much sense given they spend time together and Aerith didn't have that many friends like Tifa


Aug 2, 2022
SW Virginia
The writers are also pretty clearly against having any friction between party members, they turned Tifa and Aerith into a couple of their own
This part is funny because there's a Nojima interview from last month about this.
Kazushige Nojima said:
Around the time that we finished making the original FINAL FANTASY VII, a senior Programmer turned to me and said, "It sure seems like Aerith and Tifa don't like each other, don't you think?".

I was shocked to hear this, as they had obviously been on an amazing journey together and formed a close friendship because of it. But once I asked myself if I had really conveyed that part of their relationship, I found that I wasn't too confident. Not only were there not enough specific scenes to convey this, but there also wasn't enough dialogue that hinted at their friendship. I regretted this for a long time.

When the remake project first began, one of the challenges that I set for myself was to properly portray Aerith and Tifa's friendship. At the same time, I also made an effort to convey the various relationships between the other characters, through their choices of words and various different scenes.
So that friction there you're thinking of for Tifa and Aerith? Didn't really exist.


Oct 30, 2017
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard


Oct 27, 2017
? The cait sith betrayal is right there. I don't think the writers are clearly against friction at all..
Cait Sith does his betrayal, then bounces, then returns for the heroic sacrifice and is immediately forgiven (and that same happened in OG). By "friction" I mean people not getting along, and the closes thing we got to this was Cloud and Barrett in the first act of the Remake.

And I want to underline that THIS IS NOT A CRITICISM, but this just isn't the kind of game that's interested in party members clashing with each other.
So that friction there you're thinking of for Tifa and Aerith? Didn't really exist.
Not only it did exist, it was even more pronounced in the cut content.




Oct 25, 2017
The safest thing they could have possibly done was outright save Aerith - even people who wanted a straight on remake (like me) probably wouldn't be too upset. While I think they tried to do something more with the ending of Rebirth, it just highlights their fear of upsetting people who either want the original experience or to change things with how convoluted everything was presented. In the end I think neither camp will be totally satisfied. Most people eating are the ones that love mystery boxes and endless theory-crafting.

As for Japanese reception... I think its been largely the same split as the West on how the ending should have gone. The younger streamers I've watched wanted change while the older ones (that played the OG) were just really confused or just quiet and saying it was "interesting".


Oct 30, 2017
Its a hard no from me.
But why think people posting on Japanese forums are actually representative? Just like how many vocal opinions on Era express a minority view?
Sure, I'm not saying every japanese person thinks like that, but there is definitely a discourse in Japanese SM by many users I at least do not see it here.
I haven't seen many people here, or on Twitter or content creators on youtube saying they wanted Aerith to live,even people who wanted more changes, that's what I'm saying.


Oct 27, 2017
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
I would be fine if they killed her off like in OG, I would be even more fine if she would survive, (Remake Aerith has grown to be one of my favorite VG characters, If she's truly gone then her presence will be missed in Part 3)

I'm not fine with the middle ground the landed on, I don't like the idea of using Aerith death as a bait for the next game, and I really don't like the execution. And no amount of theories will change the fact that the ending sucks IMO.


Nov 13, 2019
Cait Sith does his betrayal, then bounces, then returns for the heroic sacrifice and is immediately forgiven (and that same happened in OG). By "friction" I mean people not getting along, and the closes thing we got to this was Cloud and Barrett in the first act of the Remake.
Cloud says to Cait he didn't fully forgive him but there are more important tasks at hand, which is kinda true they need each other. Cait actually betrays Cloud his judgement as he said before he fully trusts him, so there is that

The friction part you are looking for will certainly happen in part 3 I think


Oct 27, 2017
The friction part you are looking for will certainly happen in part 3 I think
I didn't say I'm looking for it, lol. Everyone in OG was getting along pretty well, and they are getting along even better in remakes. I really don't see how devs would want to start interpersonal drama now, they have too much story to juggle already to add potential conflict between Cloud and Tifa to the pile.


Oct 27, 2017
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard
When I first saw Cloud blocking Sephiroth's attack I was saying 'no, please no!'. Not because I'm a purist, but because I thought it would've been a weak copout.
Whilst I've come to really like the ending, my first experience of it was pretty bad. I firstly thought she was alive which I've already said my thoughts on that, then 3/4 of the way during the boss battles after dying I hit the wrong 'retry' option and had to start all over again. Just a bit of a sour first experience.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Just cleared the Sephiroth VR fight. Feels so good! Only the one on one challenges left and a hard mode playthrough and the platinum is mine.

Before I started the minigames etc seemed to be so impossible but having done them all, it's not too bad. Honestly think this might be the best game I've ever played.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard
I would have been controversial and killed Sephiroth off so he doesn't get the chance, you have the end of the world in Zack's dimension and possibly a greater enemy through the crack like let's say the source, Jenova Hive is hiding beyond. I disliked that 5 stage final battle because you know Sephiroth will fly away after it. I think the tension suffered.


Mar 8, 2024
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard

I personally went in with the expectation to keep an open mind about the ending since both scenarios could be interesting. I leaned a bit more towards dying overall. Of course I didn't anticipate the third hidden option, lol which took me off guard.

When I first saw Cloud block the Masamune I was super hyped though and was rooting for her to live for that moment.

The actual ending certainly wasn't what I expected and a not so confusing ending certainly would have been recieved better overall.

After rewatching , reading more etc. I like this ending as well for the potential it has for the third game. If you approach it from the perspectice that Cloud actually thinks he saved her while she actually died the ending is kinda cool but that is not something you would easily guess from the first watch so there is definitely some emotional impact lost.


Oct 30, 2017
I would have been controversial and killed Sephiroth off so he doesn't get the chance, you have the end of the world in Zack's dimension and possibly a greater enemy through the crack like let's say the source, Jenova Hive is hiding beyond. I disliked that 5 stage final battle because you know Sephiroth will fly away after it. I think the tension suffered.
There is still the possibility of Sephiroth completely dying in Part3, that's part of the speculation/theories I've heard but we'll see.
I think it was also Max's perspective but just speculations though, nothing more.


Nov 13, 2019


May 30, 2022
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?

No. The heart of the story is not that Aerith dies, but how we (the characters as well as the audience) deal with the trauma. This was the case in 1997 and it will still be so in 2027.

And they're doubling down on that theme by taking away the two most impactful visual moments from her death -- the impalement and the water burial -- and shifting them to the third game so they can use them to frame Cloud's breakdown and eventual healing, respectively.

For the same reason, this is why some version of Aerith isn't going to be returned or somehow functionally alive to the rest of the party at the end of the trilogy. Doesn't make sense to put this much work into an examination of the grieving process only to say afterward, "Whoops, nevermind, everything's fine!"


Apr 22, 2024
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard

Personally I would have preferred to have saved Aerith, I've wanted to find a way for her to live since playing the OG all those many years ago. After Remake and all the change fate, unknown journey etc. that was definitely the first thing that came to mind, and if as I thought at the time (and still sort of do) this was a sequel then she had already died and this was still following after that.

Then there was things in Rebirth, outright allusions with Marlene and Zak, and lines about future being changed etc.

The ending as it stands muddies things, and certainly from what they said in the Ulitmania they don't intend it to be clear as to what actually happened, but I have to say that if the end result is that next game they say "Oh no, she still died the same way" I'm going to bit annoyed that they didn't just play it straight. I had thought Rebirth would settle it one way or another, but now that thread is still hanging for another 3-4 years.


Jun 20, 2022
And Tifa and Aerith being a couple of besties makes so much sense given they spend time together and Aerith didn't have that many friends like Tifa

Aerith expresses jealousy several times in her conversations, like giving Cloud crap for handing her flower to Tifa (really surprised by that, I thought that was her plan all along), or about Cloud watching Tifa from the water tower as a child. Somehow she only appears to pseudo-blame Cloud for this situation, not Tifa. What Nojima wanted (besties fighting for the same guy) was kind of weird from the start.

Can you even say Aerith actually died if she can switch between timelines?

Sephiroth seems to be actually dead (or at least, not alive, according to Aerith), so that's worth putting into perspective what "dead" even means.


Oct 30, 2017
Can you even say Aerith actually died if she can switch between timelines?
If you mean physically, then yes I would have to agree but spiritually or through other means is a different case.
After Ultimania came out though devs gave hints that this is not the case but we can't be 100% sure until Part3 comes out.
To me at least and after what we know it seems that the "worlds" in Rebirth do not work like regular MCU timelines

We'll see how the trilogy concludes but in general I think the intention is to show both Aerith and Sephiroth as those 2 omni-beings
that transcend the physical realm through the lifestream


Oct 27, 2017
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard

Mostly I'm just disappointed that, at the end of Remake, they talked a big game about how they were fighting against Fate itself and carving their own story, but Rebirth didn't deliver on that promise, and Aerith's death was the big event that was begging to be changed in some tangible way.

Instead of actually changing the timeline, we're just getting some more "Cloud is crazy" sprinkles on top of the old one, and that's quickly becoming my least favorite part of the story. Plus some multiverse stuff that also didn't really feel satisfying: like, the times you get to team up with Zack at the very end were kind of cute (mostly because of the synergy attacks), but having his plot thread running throughout the game to have him show up for a fight and then leave again was disappointing.

There are ways that part 3 could bring it all home, and I don't need Aerith to live or die to be happy. I just want the story to go somewhere new and interesting instead of retreading the same ground.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
So the more japanese reactions to the ending I watch and read online the more clear is to me that the reasons they dislike the ending is because Aerith is dead again and they hoped to change that, or at least that's what they think of it in order not to complicate the conversation with all the existing theories.
So I have to ask what does everyone here think about this?
With the direction the reTrilogy went, would you have preferred if Cloud just straight up saved Aerith at the end?
Because...oh boy, do a lot of japanese people think like that, it kinda caught me off guard
It seems like it was very intentional that Rebirth was trying to make you think you had a chance to save Aerith, and that there is meaning in the fact that despite feeling that way, you were not able to. Some people don't get that, and some people that do get that are not going to be as on board with it until we see that meaning more explicitly communicated in Part 3.


Oct 30, 2017
It seems like it was very intentional that Rebirth was trying to make you think you had a chance to save Aerith, and that there is meaning in the fact that despite feeling that way, you were not able to. Some people don't get that, and some people that do get that are not going to be as on board with it until we see that meaning more explicitly communicated in Part 3.
Well let me add also option C to this which is me, who at least now gets it completely and I am on board with the idea but I still feel the execution was quite sloppy in Rebirth and my opinion is not gonna change even if Part3 nails it with the story.
I've said this before but one of the reasons I think is because they try to explain everything at the end and that does not help the flow of the story and the emotional moments which need room to breath.
If part3 does not improve on that front unfortunately I feel we're gonna have the same issues again.
Like In Rebirth there were these small moments with Zack that the game could have used to explain some of the concepts it tries to establish but ultimately up until chapter 14 they all felt more like teases than anything else.
Part3 is the final game, there is not gonna be another one after that so further teases will be pointless, they need to be more focused
on how to tell the story