Jan 11, 2018

Bwahahaha. Seriously, ANE has to be a bigger shitstain than ATB.

Dick Justice

Oct 25, 2017
Luna, your father Regis, and Nyx from Kingsglaive.

Btw, when people datamined the benchmark last month they found unused/cut lines of dialog for that chapter that kinda improve the scene with
Gladio scolding Noctis in the train since it explains a bit better why Gladio is pissed at Noctis not taking his duty seriously especially now that Ignis isn't well.

Source: https://pastebin.com/P0grZHWP
Dumb idea to cut that dialogue out. Gladio's bitch fit would've at least made sense.


Oct 28, 2017
I dunno. I liked the train scene. Felt emotional and was subtle. Acting was excellent. One of the cutscenes in the game that felt "complete". I totally understood what Gladio was doing the first time I saw it. Noctis was moping and maybe deserved a moment but for a King in charge of saving the world there isn't any time for that, nor any time to stop in Tenebrae to pay respects to his beloved's home town.

It was akin to The Fellowship of the Ring losing Glandalf, and Aragorn having to urge them on.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. I would be very disappointed if Ardyn's Episode takes place during the main game, traveling through the same areas and learning his backstory only by some conversation with the same characters. Sadly, i can't see them creating something completely new, so it will probably be that :(

As for Ravus DLC, again it's the same as Ardyn. If it's during the main game ''yawn''. The ideal scenario would be the DLC taking place during his early days in Niflheim, exploring Tenebrae and Gralea, brand new characters etc. Again, can't see this happening.
Honestly, I didn't even consider them doing an Episode Ardyn without showing his past. Anything else would be an absolute waste of time and potential :( I'd rather have one big meaty Ardyn DLC instead of 4 smaller DLCs if they can't do it justice otherwise. They should take their time with it and make it a $15-20 DLC or so.

Let's hope their introducing Somnus aka. The Founder King is a sign that they wanted new lore to lead better into Episode Ardyn...


Oct 27, 2017
I just picked this game up on PC after having completed it already in late 2016/early 2017 and I'm ready for another playthrough.

So I can see a lot of things have changed from the base game and I'm really excited to see that. Did they update a lot of locations or add any new places as well? Is that assassin's festival I remember reading about a while back still a thing you can play in the game?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Becasue the Oracle being alive means the Starscourge could still be held back. He wanted to die AND he wanted to fuck the world over in the process, so he had to kill her to make sure the Scourge would progress as planned, forcing Noctis to merge with the crystal and become the True King.
Are you sure? From what we've seen, Luna was only able to heal people affected by the starscourge one by one. If anything, it was the king and the crystal who managed to do that. Maybe? It was never explicitly stated, as far as I know. But if that's the case, why did the starscourge jumpstart after Leviathan was summoned? Was Luna really the one holding back the darkness? Or was it plot convenience?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Are you sure? From what we've seen, Luna was only able to heal people affected by the starscourge one by one. If anything, it was the king and the crystal who managed to do that. Maybe? It was never explicitly stated, as far as I know. But if that's the case, why did the starscourge jumpstart after Leviathan was summoned? Was Luna really the one holding back the darkness? Or was it plot convenience?

The Oracle, and their bloodline, has enough power to at least partly contain the Scourge while also being able to cure its symptoms on a case by case basis. Once she died (and Ravus shortly after), the line of the Oracle was completely severed and that power was lost to the world. The crystal is the only thing that can completely obliterate the Scourge, but the Oracle is what helped the world resist it.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The Oracle, and their bloodline, has enough power to at least partly contain the Scourge while also being able to cure its symptoms on a case by case basis. Once she died (and Ravus shortly after), the line of the Oracle was completely severed and that power was lost to the world. The crystal is the only thing that can completely obliterate the Scourge, but the Oracle is what helped the world resist it.
Ah, I guess that makes sense, reading the wiki on the Oracle also helps a bit. I guess I'll add that bit of info to my loooong list of "stuff I wish they would've mentioned in-game."


Oct 26, 2017
Do enemies have resistance against each type of status ailment? at least i can't see it when i use libra.
So far,i haven't seen anyone throwing me a "immune" message or something similar when using poison,stop,enervation etc.
Then again,maybe the effect is not hitting them at all! like in every ff game lol.

The power of friendship

Is that with the texture pack? i've never bothered to download it.
Looks really good.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Beat the game this morning. Uhhh. Even post patch Chapter 13 was a total nuisance. I have mixed opinions on this one.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding the Episode Ravus thing:
Mognet's Storm said:
so based on new information from Nox Fleuret, Episode Ravus is implied; the naming scheme of the dlcs in the data goes like this:

"EP1 / EPG is Episode Gladiolus.
EP2 / EPI is Episode Ignis.
EP3 / EPP is Episode Prompto.
EP4 / EPA is Episode Ardyn."

and then theres references for EPR in the files (including audio ones), it could mean either Ep Regis or Ep Ravus but OG currently think its Ravus because his ID was listed; he's searching for more stuff related to this.

i don't know why Ep Ignis is listed as EP2 but if i remember right it was said in an interview that Ep Prompto would originally release after Ignis.


Still waiting on more research from the OG dataminer.


Oct 26, 2017
I just want another big map in Niflheim and Tenebrae,i loved the snowy map from Prompto's dlc.
Ardyn episode is already enough for me,i really like Aranea but i don't think it's worth doing a dlc about her or another character tbh.
Oct 26, 2017
I just got Armiger Unleashed.

Why wasn't this a base combat upgrade? Obviously have a somewhat powered down version of the combos to keep Armiger special.

I mean the added air combos and how you can now do more combos by pressing Circle at the right time at certain parts of the combo is the change Noctis really needed imo.

Feels super good to use compared to his normal gameplay.

Are there any accessories that speed up your Armiger gain? This seems like the kind of thing I'm going to want to use as often as possible.
Oct 31, 2017
Outside of the dumb red circle that teleports you back outside with no warning (which was especially annoying before the team implemented QoL changes) I don't see what was so terrible about Costlemark tbh

then again, I do rely on Ignis for Iron Giants
Oct 27, 2017
Finished this off just now. The game has a great emotional core in the boys and their journey, and some of the story beats and world/lore stuff is interesting but whatever problems there were in development lead to them feeling more like the skeleton of a story rather than being fully fleshed out. As someone that is into the series for the characters/story/music moreso than getting deep into the game systems there was a lot I liked in the game but also the constant nagging about what could have been. It's probably never going to top my favourite FFs, but it was a fun mess with a lot of heart.

Now where's my Episode Aranea, Squeenix


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
I'm only on Chapter 4/5 at the moment, I'm like level 50 tho-- so I got to enjoy a lot of them hanging out and having fun. When I got to
Titan, and Gladio just fucking went OFF out of nowhere! Fuck off dude! Where did this come from!?

Gladio goes off because Noctis is whining the entire time on the way to Titan and isn't recognizing that everyone else has also lost people and are on edge. Yet here the rest of the group doing their best for Noctis. He's telling Noctis his own fears and why he wants Noctis to listen to him and calm down. Noctis apologizes and acknowledges his dad's sacrifice for his own father.

That's the one. :D

Yeah, it was just a back and forth between them. She basically said "you'll die" and he goes "no u."

What irked me about that scene was how... random it was. Why did he need to kill her right there and then? Why did he need to kill her at all? Sometimes Ardyn's plans don't make a whole lot of sense.

By the time you reach the end of the game it becomes very clear. There are multiple reasons Ardyn killed Luna:

- It was a mercy killing, as Luna waking up the Gods was slowly killing her.
- She was preventing the Starscourge from spreading as the Oracle. This runs in direct opposition to Ardyn's aims. He needed her long enough to awake the Gods so as to kill them and to fulfill what Noctis has to do as Chosen King. So once Leviathan was woken, he had no use for her and she was still a roadblock for the spread of the Starscourge if left alive.
- He hoped it would motivate Noctis to action and claim the Crystal's power. Killing Luna is key for his Win/Win scenario.
- He's a twisted SOB that wants to cause pain and anguish not only to the Line of Lucis (Noctis), he wants to cause pain to the Oracle lineage (Luna, Ravus) and the world that scorned him, too.

Ah, I guess that makes sense, reading the wiki on the Oracle also helps a bit. I guess I'll add that bit of info to my loooong list of "stuff I wish they would've mentioned in-game."

They did.
Luna as a child explains the Starscourge and how the Oracle line heals people affected with it. She also states that the Oracles assist the Kings of Lucis with protecting Eos from the Starscourge.

There is also a scene that shows Luna healing people affected with the Starscourge.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017

Yep. Made a huge difference.

That car looks like the car Noctis was sitting in in the 2011 versus trailer, that appears to be an old design for Shiva, the car wheels even say "cool crystal ____ siva", looks like it had a turret gun on the back too.

That Astral war mural shows Bahamut in a Dragon form instead of his armour, and Shiva also dressed differently back then than in the present, also used a rod, guess that the Astrals can change forms to whatever?

That centaur looking thing in the Bahamut picture...where do I know that design from? I know I recognize it, but I can't place it.
Parts of it look similar to Omega but it also looks to me like Ultima Weapon or something, looks like Bahamut is fighting that outside the Citadel.

Regarding the Episode Ravus thing:

Still waiting on more research from the OG dataminer.
Interesting. Could it be that the "R" is accidentally romanized the "L" for Luna? Elsewhere in the datamime there was "GRA" referring to Gladio and "COL" referring to Cor, it could be?


Oct 27, 2017
Hey guys, currently playing base game now but I figured the discussion and question here would be appropriate. So I'm on Chapter 14 now but can someone explain to me the proper timeline and events of Ravus? I'm completely confused and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on some things.

So in Kingsglaive, I thought he was a bad guy, working fully for the empire, trying the ring, getting his arm melted off, whoops. Then through the game, he's rocking the Kings Sword as a trophy. So then in Chapter 13 they show flashbacks of when he was talking to Luna and being completely supportive? When did he turn back to being a good guy and realize that Noctis is the one? Also, when he gave up the sword to Ardyn by being tricked, how did Noctis end up with the Sword when you gain control of him if in that scene it was Ardyn in another area? Am I missing a cut scene where Noct ran up afterward and retrieved it?


Oct 28, 2017
Outside of the dumb red circle that teleports you back outside with no warning (which was especially annoying before the team implemented QoL changes) I don't see what was so terrible about Costlemark tbh

then again, I do rely on Ignis for Iron Giants
The post-game Menace dungeon is a lot worse imho. Other than Omega, it was probably the most challenging part of the game simply because the gimmick had to force you to play differently than how you normally do. I found it fun but it probably wouldn't have been before the character swap add-on and the ring of Lucis buff.
Oct 31, 2017
When you startup Comrades it informs you it autosaves.

When you enter Lestellum for the first time the game informs you that when you get new clothes, Dustin (near Iris, in front of tent where you can wash your clothes) will allow you to change clothes.

I haven't ate all day and I have a headache (thanks!!!)

I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. Only complaint is the load times and the obviously sparse story. I feel like this team's next game is really gonna be something special