Oct 26, 2017
I think there's a big difference between Boris and Trump getting covid and cheering that on and somebody being assassinated and cheering that on.

Frankly I care more about the political effect this assasination will have in Japan, unfortunately pushing people further right. You don't win people's hearts by killing someone no matter how evil that person is.

Like if Hitler hadn't killed himself he should absolutely have been tried and imprisoned for his terrible crimes. Killing him would be letting him get off from facing his consequences. It's why I can't cheer Abe's death, he can't hurt anyone but he still got off light in relation to the pain he caused.

Yeah, Trump getting COVID was an extremely funny "fucking around" > "finding out" thing that could encourage people to try to take COVID more seriously.

There appears to be zero possible upside here whatsoever with Abe's assassination.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
His politics included denying Japanese war crimes in WW2. The dude was an ultranationalist and has moved Japan so far into ultranationalism that it may not return.

His 'politics' was racism.

Then we remove people like this from office and keep them out. We don't shrug over an assassination. Yeah maybe it's better he's gone but being murdered on the street is not the way to do it.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Nothing good will come out of this assassination so there's nothing to "cheer" for. Abe will become even bigger in death.

Same for Trump, covid taking him out would be one thing but an assassination would immortalize Trumpism like nothing else.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Mar 4, 2022
He was a despicable monster that didn't deserve a long life or a peaceful end, but it wasn't worth the risk of him getting martyred and having to throw your life away to do it. Really irritating to see people tripping over themselves to honor such a shitty person as a result, ugh.

View: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1545401081542443008

hillary clinton is the funniest person in politics sometimes. just generally, one of the dumbest people in the room

like this. holy shit hilary fuck off.


Dec 3, 2018
gozu I can't quote you because Era on Safari acts weird on pages with Content Warning Tweets

It's one thing to express concern about the future implications of all this, but I really struggle to muster any sympathy for the man himself. Dude was a 10/10 shitbag and it's corny to go softball on him because he's dead now.

View: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1545401081542443008

hillary clinton is the funniest person in politics sometimes. just generally, one of the dumbest people in the room

So true Hillary. Everyone be sure to read up on Shinzo Abe's stance on comfort women to get the run-down on this Woke King's progressive views


Oct 27, 2017
I really had no idea Japan leaned so hard right. Also the weapon used to kill him is straight out of a video game.
Yes, Japan is pretty much a somewhat less authoritarian Singapore, with the right-wing LDP having had power for most of the post-WWII era.

That said, like the GOP, the LDP largely keeps its hold on politics via gerrymandering that favours less-populated rural areas, and the opposition's discord/voting apathy.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
Then we remove people like this from office and keep them out. We don't shrug over an assassination. Yeah maybe it's better he's gone but being murdered on the street is not the way to do it.
i dont think anyone is saying this is how it should have gone down
gozu I can't quote you because Era on Safari acts weird on pages with Content Warning Tweets
oh so its not just me. safari is driving me crazy with this thread


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that people are normalizing a political assassination in this thread shows just how terribly the internet has poisoned political discourse.

Did I agree to any of Abes policies? Hell nah, but that doesn't change the fact that an assassination of a democratically elected PM is just as much of an attack on democracy as January 6th.

It would be one thing if Japan was some authoritarian state with no representation, but this whole attack is completely anti-democratic in nature and should not be rejoiced by anyone who values basic democracy.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
The fact that people are normalizing a political assassination in this thread shows just how terribly the internet has poisoned political discourse.

Did I agree to any of Abes policies? Hell nah, but that doesn't change the fact that an assassination of a democratically elected PM is just as much of an attack on democracy as January 6th.

It would be one thing if Japan was some authoritarian state with no representation, but this whole attack is completely anti-democratic in nature and should not be rejoiced by anyone who values basic democracy (which obviously would not include China or its sympathizers.)
Definitely not racist that you got a shot in at China while asking us to mourn a racist nationalist.
Jun 24, 2019
Some of you all endorsing assassination because of a person's politics is making me side eye this entire forum.

Oh no, I don't endorse assassinations. I just express no sympathy to the situation.

Indifference really.

The Yu-Gi-Oh creator on the other hand, may he rest in peace.

View: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1545401081542443008

hillary clinton is the funniest person in politics sometimes. just generally, one of the dumbest people in the room

Does she know that his journalist friend raped his coworker?

Shiori Itō - Wikipedia



Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I know it was to be expected, but all the Canadian politicians from across all the parties eulogizing and mourning the guy is so eye-rolling.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Helix Zebesian-X

We don't live in a vacuum so it is more pertinent to react to our collective reality instead, in which this assassination will probably push Japan even further into ultranationalism, which is a terrible thing and an absolute tragedy, even if you don't endorse the "two wrongs don't make a right" creed.

while you maybe right, that is a whole seperate level of concern than the fact of the matter right now. just because he passed doesn't mean I can't say Abe was a shit person with shitty ideals he didn't apologize for.


Oct 25, 2017
They'd all lipservice mourn if Trump was assassinated too, to be honest. There is definitely a column A ("democratically elected" allies of the west) vs column B ("enemies") category of eulogy that happens should any one leader be assassinated when it comes to world leaders and diplomatic reactions.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
They'd all lipservice mourn if Trump was assassinated too, to be honest. There is definitely a column A ("democratically elected" allies of the west) vs column B ("enemies") category of eulogy that happens should any one leader be assassinated.
This is 100% on the money. Leaders in the imperial core get to be "complicated" and people too no matter how monstrous they were. The global south is allowed no such nuance, its leaders are all mustache twirling supervillains.

Also Japan is only really a democracy in name only. But don't let that stop people going on about how evil China is in a thread about a dead racist.
Oct 26, 2017
You don't have to support a person's political stances to be upset that they got murdered. Attacking people for lamenting political violence is the disgusting thing.
They were right to call me out, my post was not clear enough to rule out the possibility of being provocative.
It's important for the health of the forum to separate the trolls from the unaware.


Nov 7, 2017
Fuck this guy. Grandpa was a CIA backed war criminal and Shinzo Abe is a far right nationalist war crimes denier. Japan has effectively been a one party (far right) state for the majority of post WW2. Rest in piss.


Oct 26, 2017
Weapons they're finding in the shooter's home are all just really wild handmade pipeguns.
Stuff looks absolutely bonkers, 9 & 5 barreled shotguns.

I bought it up but some of those almost look like toy guns you see in shows.

I think I already read Japan is possibly going to disallow anything resembling a firearm in public? Apparently it's not unheard of for amateur reporters to craft makeshift camera levers using airsoft gun parts, to the point its possible everyone assumed this dude was just using a homemade camcorder to film this famous guy.
Jun 24, 2019
I think there's a big difference between Boris and Trump getting covid and cheering that on and somebody being assassinated and cheering that on.

My comment was to point out the hypocrisy - the level that people will go to defending corrupt politicians.

I'm not cheering for a politician's death, but I don't blame others for doing it. They have their personal justifications eg. denying atrocities against ethnic groups, not taking pandemic seriously that killed families etc.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not super comfortable with the politisphere going out of its way to paper over Abe's horrible policy decisions and political stances, even if I understand it's basic political decorum. I just wish some of them didn't seem like they were taking so much glee in it. Like you can say what you're basically mandated to say without writing a mini-essay pretending Abe was a great man.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
You want me to pretend to be sad a fascist is dead?

Guarantee if Trump got his spine blown out at a speech, most of the people tut-tutting would be posting .GIFs and memes.
To be honest, if that happened to Trump I would be far, far more concerned about what his supporters would start doing in the aftermath.


Oct 26, 2017
Trump being assassinated would've been absolutely horrible because his fans would've gone nuts...even more nuts.

And people would try and martyr him...uh even moreso.

Plus I hate the idea of innocent bystanders having to witness something horrible like this. Definitely hope they recover from this trauma and can regain their peace of mind.


Aug 1, 2018
The fact that people are normalizing a political assassination in this thread shows just how terribly the internet has poisoned political discourse.

Did I agree to any of Abes policies? Hell nah, but that doesn't change the fact that an assassination of a democratically elected PM is just as much of an attack on democracy as January 6th.

It would be one thing if Japan was some authoritarian state with no representation, but this whole attack is completely anti-democratic in nature and should not be rejoiced by anyone who values basic democracy.

I get what you mean but it's hard to reconcile that it's an attack on democracy as Abe himself was an ultranationalist fascist member of Nippon Kaigi and a monarchist.

Obviously, I don't think this is a good thing to have happened. It's absolutely not.


alt account
Jun 9, 2022
The fact that people are normalizing a political assassination in this thread shows just how terribly the internet has poisoned political discourse.

Did I agree to any of Abes policies? Hell nah, but that doesn't change the fact that an assassination of a democratically elected PM is just as much of an attack on democracy as January 6th.

It would be one thing if Japan was some authoritarian state with no representation, but this whole attack is completely anti-democratic in nature and should not be rejoiced by anyone who values basic democracy.
I mean, at the end Abe is a murderer with a much higher body count, so the amounts of shits I give are remarkably little.


Oct 31, 2017
DemocracyNow has a good interview on the assassination up with a university professor who previously wrote an NYT op-ed (correctly imo) comparing Abe to Trump.


Shinzo Abe Assassination: Will Killing Push Japan Further to the Right?

Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has died at the age of 67 after being fatally shot while delivering a speech Friday in the western city of Nara. Abe, the longest-serving prime minister in Japan’s history, was campaigning for a parliamentary election Friday and had a security detail...

Some notable bits:
AMY GOODMAN: And the significance of what Abe was trying to do, what he never succeeded in doing? Ultimately, he stepped down both times he was prime minister because of, what, health reasons, right? He has ulcerative colitis, some kind of — or something like that.


AMY GOODMAN: But he attempted to do this. Now, this is the U.S.-written Japanese Constitution after World War II, but it was, I think, with some officials in the U.S. government's attempt also, supporting Abe in removing that from the Constitution?

KOICHI NAKANO: Right. And, in fact, Mr. Abe tried to sort of overcome what he saw as the constraint, unreasonable constraint, in his view, of Article 9 on Japan's self-defense capabilities by taking two different routes. One was, of course, to seek to formally revise the Constitution, which he never got around to do. And, in fact, it is somewhat ironic that he was at the heart of the LDP ruling party's campaign to try to sort of secure a two-third majority in these upper house elections so that the parties in favor of revising Article 9 will have enough seats to instigate a national referendum to that effect. And a central sort of pillar of the proposal was to include the term "Self-Defense Force" into Article 9, as Mr. Abe claimed that in the absence of such stipulation, Self-Defense Force was suffering from the lack of legitimacy — an argument that many people in Japan were not quite convinced, because a lot of people in Japan accept the existence of a Self-Defense Force as long as it's within the boundaries of Article 9, concentrating on narrow individual self-defense and spending most of the time in efforts to rebuild and rescue at the time of disasters.

But having failed to do that, Mr. Abe has — even more controversially, has taken a shortcut, and instead of formally revising Article 9, he has resorted to government offering a reinterpretation of the same text of the article. And so, this happened in July 2014, exactly around the time when Amy had a chance to visit Tokyo at the time — well, and Japan at the time — and subsequently also passing legislation that enabled the government to exercise collective self-defense. So, in that sense, I guess he left somewhat frustrated, but at the same time he has pushed through a fundamental change in Japanese national security posture of the postwar.
AMY GOODMAN: Finally, the implications of Abe's assassination, are you concerned that this will push Japan to the right?

KOICHI NAKANO: Yes. In fact, that would be something that I think many of us on the liberal left of the political spectrum are worried about at this moment. Of course, you know, this has been an attack — this is an attack on democracy, not so much because Mr. Abe was a champion of democracy in Japan in itself, but rather because this struck at the heart of the democratic process when the election campaign was at its fullest operation. And the voting day is only — there are only one day left. It's going to be on Sunday, so tomorrow, Saturday, would be the last day of campaigning.

The stuff about the government offering a "reinterpretation" of the constitution that happens to align with his political views as a way to get around not having the majority to pass law changes the normal way definitely sounds familiar.

The original article:

Opinion | The Leader Who Was ‘Trump Before Trump’ (Published 2019)

Under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan has taken a decidedly authoritarian turn.
Civil liberties and press freedom have taken a hit under the Abe administration. The state secrets law, which gives bureaucrats virtually unchecked discretion to decide what is a state secret, was enacted in 2013; in 2017, it was an anti-conspiracy law that gives the authorities sweeping surveillance powers over suspected criminals. Yoshihide Suga, the chief cabinet secretary and government spokesman, has singled out and bullied a particularly inquisitive female reporter. Japan's ranking in the World Press Freedom Index fell from 11th place in 2010 to 67th this year.

Even as it tries to silence its critics, the government has displayed great tolerance for extremist and bigoted views in its midst. Taro Aso, Mr. Abe's deputy prime minister and finance minister, drew criticism in 2008 (when he was the secretary-general of the L.D.P.), by likening the Democratic Party of Japan, then the main opposition group, to the Nazis, who had brought disaster to Germany. But then in 2013, he cited Nazi "techniques" as a model for how to revise Japan's pacifist Constitution. ("Germany's Weimar Constitution was changed before anyone knew. It was changed before anyone else noticed. Why don't we learn from that method?") Also in 2013, Shigeru Ishiba, then the secretary-general of the L.D.P., said that public protests against the state secrets bill were "an act of terrorism." Mr. Abe kept both men in their posts long after they made those comments.

And just last year, Mio Sugita, an L.D.P. lawmaker and protégée of Mr. Abe's, said that same-sex couples "don't produce children," adding, "they lack productivity and, therefore, do not contribute to the prosperity of the nation."

The Abe government's penchant for historical revisionism — for glorifying Japan's wartime past, for denying that the Japanese military committed atrocities — is well documented. Several photos have emerged showing the L.D.P.'s policy chief and two members of Mr. Abe's cabinet with neo-Nazis and far-right hate groups. In 2016, the minister in charge of Okinawa affairs refused to denounce a police officer's pejorative and racist slurs ("natives," "Chinamen") against protesters opposing the presence of United States military bases in the prefecture. Again, Mr. Abe did not dismiss any of these ministers.
The Abe administration is, in other words, rejecting the rules of the democratic game, denying the legitimacy of its opponents, curtailing the civil liberties of dissenters and tolerating or encouraging some forms of hate speech — all precisely the indicators of budding authoritarianism that the political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt warn about in their 2018 book "How Democracies Die."
A true "champion of democracy" right there.

I'm sure it's not just Chinese, Koreans and plenty of other Asian countries won't be all that upset over his death.
Absolutely, I was only speaking for the people I had personally spoken to about the incident at the time.
Last edited:


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
I'm not super comfortable with the politisphere going out of its way to paper over Abe's horrible policy decisions and political stances, even if I understand it's basic political decorum. I just wish some of them didn't seem like they were taking so much glee in it. Like you can say what you're basically mandated to say without writing a mini-essay pretending Abe was a great man.
Yeah I'm not happy about it either even NPR glossed over the WW2 stuff


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not super comfortable with the politisphere going out of its way to paper over Abe's horrible policy decisions and political stances, even if I understand it's basic political decorum. I just wish some of them didn't seem like they were taking so much glee in it. Like you can say what you're basically mandated to say without writing a mini-essay pretending Abe was a great man.
this is well-put.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing good will come out of this assassination so there's nothing to "cheer" for. Abe will become even bigger in death.

Same for Trump, covid taking him out would be one thing but an assassination would immortalize Trumpism like nothing else.
If Trump had died of covid I'm 100% sure a conspiracy about how covid was made up and "they" are just trying to cover the "assassination" up.


Oct 25, 2017
His death won't help the political climate in japan which was already bad.
I'm not super comfortable with the politisphere going out of its way to paper over Abe's horrible policy decisions and political stances, even if I understand it's basic political decorum. I just wish some of them didn't seem like they were taking so much glee in it. Like you can say what you're basically mandated to say without writing a mini-essay pretending Abe was a great man.
The only thing one can hope for is that people will keep bringing up the bad points, japan will very likley just default to valorizing him like Mother Teresa. Who knows what a bit of distance will do, but right now it's the "gotta be civil and nice" part of things.


Oct 25, 2017
If Trump had died of covid I'm 100% sure a conspiracy about how covid was made up and "they" are just trying to cover the "assassination" up.

Trump will be "immortalized" no matter how he dies. The fucker could keel over from a heart attack on the toilet after shitting too hard and his base will still think it was an assassination.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Then we remove people like this from office and keep them out. We don't shrug over an assassination. Yeah maybe it's better he's gone but being murdered on the street is not the way to do it.

Nobody is say that policians should be assassinated. Some of us just don't find the need to go " rip" and pretend like his legacy is a clean one.

It's practically impossible to vote out people like Shinzo Abe, when he comes from political royalty. His grand father was also Prime minister once. And his party has held majority power for decades.


Apr 20, 2022
The thing I'm wondering most of all right now is...

...what does Hideo Kojima think about all this?

Especially after being shown that Greek news report.


Oct 27, 2017
Politically motivated cold blooded murder like this is terrible and damaging to democracy. I am sorry to hear this.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
You don't have to support a person's political stances to be upset that they got murdered. Attacking people for lamenting political violence is the disgusting thing.

Please point out in my post where I advocated for people to be shotgunned to death?

I pointed out that Abe isn't some great loss to the world because he's a disgusting person. The person we quoted was also nice enough to realize the mistake and gave an apology. It's all the more transparent when you jumped to accuse others of advocating murder.