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Oct 25, 2017
No thanks Joe. The last thing we need is another boomer in the White House.

Well not necessarily. I agree with the sentiment, but because Third Way Politicians and Clintonites have ruined Democrats for like 40 years straight every good Democrat is either ancient or too young now. Most of the Boomer Democrats still suck but its not just a field of absolute trash like the middle of the age group

lmao Make America a Corporate Dystopia Again 2020

He did it to Delaware!

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Man what the fuck I'm trying to hide from this

On topic:

MAHA (Make America Honest Again)

That's never been reality, Joe.



Oct 25, 2017
Does anyone have a gif of one of those scenes in a movie or whatever where the crowd is really amped up, then everyone stops and looks around at each other confusedly because something weird or lame happens, but they go back to cheering because they were already excited anyway?

Because I wonder if Biden realizes that was most people's reaction to his selection as VP back in the day


Oct 25, 2017
Obama isn't endorsing Biden because he's actually endorsing Trump. It's this seasons big twist.


Oct 27, 2017
Can people please stop with this narrative that "tearing each other apart" is what cost us 2016? There is no evidence to suggest that. Primaries are always contentious. This isn't a new thing, and 2016 wasn't even that bad relatively speaking.

Also, can people stop trying to play 4th dimension chess by supporting the candidate they think is safe? Support the candidate who excites you. It isn't rocket science, yet Democrats online overthink it way to much. It isn't just about beating Trump. It's also about voting for someone who will take advantage of the blue wave and actually enact some change.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's wild seeing the oscillation between "talking to rural whites about economics is pandering to racists" and "we've got to avoid this lefty stuff because old white people won't like it."
it oscillates at the same frequently as the "bernie can't win because he's an old white guy" and "bernie can't win because he's a jew" dichotomy


Jan 12, 2018
The #2 choice for most Bernie voters is...Biden.

The #2 choice for most Biden voters is...Bernie.

Most Democratic primary voters simply aren't as ideological as Very Online people of all ideologies.

Both the left-wing Bernie or Bust folks and the #Resistance NeverBernie types are both very small parts of the Democratic party.

Your average Democratic primary voter like Bernie, Biden, Beto, Warren, Harris, and Obama.

I mean, I wouldn't expect a "deep political convo" from your average voter either, which is the problem and kind of the point.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Can people please stop with this narrative that "tearing each other apart" is what cost us 2016? There is no evidence to suggest that. Primaries are always contentious. This isn't a new thing, and 2016 wasn't even that bad relatively speaking.

Also, can people stop trying to play 4th dimension chess by supporting the candidate they think is safe. Support the candidate who excites you. It isn't rocket science, yet Democrats online overthink it way to much. It isn't just about beating Trump. It's also about voting for someone who will take advantage of the blue wave and actually enact some change.

I think he'll probably implode on the campaign trail, but the notion that he's the Most Electable Candidate is going to be pushed by a lot of the party elite and sympathetic media, and I'm worried that primary voters may be susceptible to it

Deleted member 283

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Oct 25, 2017
Definitely not a fan of Biden. To quote what I've said before on this subject and explain just one of many reasons why, well, as both a progressive and a progressive Michigander at that, him campaigning for Upton (a Republican) last year and helping him win both really stings and makes me question the man's judgment:

His reasoning didn't even make sense. Did he think that Longjohn, Upton's Democratic opponent last year, wouldn't have been in favor of medical research if elected? Not that he would know I suppose since Longjohn's campaign couldn't even get in touch with Biden apparently, nor did Biden reach out to him.

And of course on top of this, running against the reason Biden praised him to begin with, Upton was one if those Republicans that had voted to try and repeal Obamacare, y'know, the type of thing that improves people's access to medical insurance so they can afford stuff like cancer treatment in the first place. But nevermind that anyway because for whatever reason Biden either didn't know about that or didn't care at all (both being a bad look in their own ways) and helped Upton get reelected regardless.

When instead we could have had a Democrat in his seat who could do good things for medical research while, y'know, not trying to repeal stuff like Obamacare. Thanks Biden. And of course, fortunately Democrats took the House regardless, bit no thanks to Biden there.

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'll vote for him if he is the nominee but I won't donate to his campaign or support him over Warren, Sanders, or Buttigieg.


Oct 25, 2017
The primary field is ridiculously overcrowded.

Posting from a UK perspective here, but yeah, it always strikes me as odd how much of an advantage this process seems to give the incumbent.

They'll spend months attacking each other, with supporters separating into tribal bases, and then everyone has to suddenly come together.

Meanwhile, the incumbent just gets to attack everyone and doesn't have to let up on anyone.

Our system isn't perfect, but at least the leader of the opposition party (and therefore the automatic choice for PM - should their party win) has a good few years of relative unity against the government rather than infighting* and a lack of exposure

*Although that's not strictly true at present with Labour lol


Nov 22, 2017
Definitely not a fan of Biden. To quote what I've said before on this subject and explain just one of many reasons why, well, as both a progressive and a progressive Michigander at that, him campaigning for Upton (a Republican) last year and helping him win both really stings and makes me question the man's judgment:

His reasoning didn't even make sense. Did he think that Longjohn, Upton's Democratic opponent last year, wouldn't have been in favor of medical research if elected? Not that he would know I suppose since Longjohn's campaign couldn't even get in touch with Biden apparently, nor did Biden reach out to him.

And of course on top of this, running against the reason Biden praised him to begin with, Upton was one if those Republicans that had voted to try and repeal Obamacare, y'know, the type of thing that improves people's access to medical insurance so they can afford stuff like cancer treatment in the first place. But nevermind that anyway because for whatever reason Biden either didn't know about that or didn't care at all (both being a bad look in their own ways) and helped Upton get reelected regardless.

When instead we could have had a Democrat in his seat who could do good things for medical research while, y'know, not trying to repeal stuff like Obamacare. Thanks Biden. And of course, fortunately Democrats took the House regardless, bit no thanks to Biden there.

It blows my mind that the Upton stuff isn't immediately disqualifying.
Oct 28, 2017
I didn't even know (or forgot) that Trump was the oldest president at start of presidency (70 years), just looked up the list.

This guy would be 77 years old lol


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like some people low key resent Joe for not running in 2016, because they think he would have defeated Trump coming off the Obama presidency momentum


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is beloved here in Delaware, and I'm sure he'll grab lots of votes, but his time has passed. He has overcome so much personally, it really is heartbreaking the amount of sadness he's had to endure within his family. I still think in some sort of alternate timeline he would have made a fine president, but now it is time for new ideas.

If Biden still manages to win the primary, and I don't suspect he will (but you never know), I will still vote for him and hope for the best.


Oct 27, 2017
Biden is trash, stanning for Biden is trash, hand waving Biden's creepiness is trash, this impending 3-way Battle of the Grandpas is trash.

Cancel this man.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017

The scary thing is I think he actually belives this. What a load of shite (source was WaPo instagram).

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It blows my mind that the Upton stuff isn't immediately disqualifying.
Indeed. It's pretty hard for me not to question his entire judgment and thought process and priorities due to it.

Like, if reporting is true and accurate, he didn't even so much as try to get in touch with Longjohn's campaign or find out what he was about or anything. He just put his friendship with Upton, a Republican who among many other things was trying to dismantle Obama's primary legislative accomplishment and hurt millions of people in the process, above even trying there.

How can I not question the judgment and priorities of someone like that? Why didn't he reach out to Longjohn's campaign at all? Why did Biden not seem to care about stuff like Upton voting to repeal the ACA or anything like that at all, and endorse him anyway? Why does Biden, himself a Democrat, not give a fuck about the Democratic candidate in the race and just side with the Republican because of a pre-existing friendship and connections Biden has with him (and how in any way was that fair to the Democratic candidate, who, y'know, despite IN THEORY BEING ON THE SAME TEAM AS HIM, obviously hasn't had the same chances to form those connections with Biden, and how could he possibly even begin to form said connections when the Biden-team just refuse to so much as make contact and just side with their existing friendships instead)?

Like, just what does that say about his priorities and what he does or doesn't care about? Apparently loyalty and friendships and stuff beat out stuff that will actually make a difference and picking the best candidate for the race that will actually do the most good, or even so much as attempting to get all the facts before making such endorsements and not letting personal biases and the like get in the way.

I just can't over it, and for very good reason IMO as I can't think of any sensible reason for Biden's decision there that don't one way or another show his priorities and what does (and does not) factor into his decision process is completely out of whack, and so it's only natural at that point that someone like that would be nowhere close to my top choice and so I hope to dear god he isn't the one who wins the primary, because I just can't be cool with that at all.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Biden is beloved here in Delaware, and I'm sure he'll grab lots of votes, but his time has passed. He has overcome so much personally, it really is heartbreaking the amount of sadness he's had to endure within his family. I still think in some sort of alternate timeline he would have made a fine president, but now it is time for new ideas.

If Biden still manages to win the primary, and I don't suspect he will (but you never know), I will still vote for him and hope for the best.
yes tragic the way he was so distraught about his son's death that he immediately had to use it as a political prop

Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017

The scary thing is I think he actually belives this. What a load of shite (source was WaPo instagram).

he's legit trying to be the Trump of the democratic party

"good people on both sides" = "I miss the days when we could be friends with our republican colleagues"

"make america great again" = "america's coming back like we used to be"

I don't know who on earth thought him putting the word "back" into a message about where america should go was a good idea but whew, how out of touch can you possibly be?

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I feel like some people low key resent Joe for not running in 2016, because they think he would have defeated Trump coming off the Obama presidency momentum
He would have. I highkey resent him for being a serial creep and having terrible, naive views.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
he's legit trying to be the Trump of the democratic party

"good people on both sides" = "I miss the days when we could be friends with our republican colleagues"

"make america great again" = "america's coming back like we used to be"

I don't know who on earth thought him putting the word "back" into a message about where america should go was a good idea but whew, how out of touch can you possibly be?
/stares in partitioned middle east who's still constantly suffering from United States fuckery, backstabbing and two-faced nature.
Oct 29, 2017
The scary thing is I think he actually belives this. What a load of shite (source was WaPo instagram).

Y'know, we'll go back to the simpler, HONEST times of the Iraq war, the Contra scandal, and countless toppled regimes of other countries with leaders we install!

The fact that nearly every other candidate has recognized that they need to bring something new to the table, and that Biden looked at all this and said "nah fam I'll just say I'm not Trump" says all we need to know about how seriously he's taking this.

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

The scary thing is I think he actually belives this. What a load of shite (source was WaPo instagram).
He almost certainly does. Remember, last month he was apparently saying this:

And as I responded in PoliERA at the time:
"Yeah, indeed. I definitely remember. The time of "unity" that Biden is apparently pining for is when both Democrats and Republicans alike voted to authorize an illegal war in Iraq based on deliberate misinformation from the W administration. And not only that, but said illegal war was absolutely terrible and lead to atrocities being committed such as the torture at Abu Ghraib and many of those ultimately responsible for allowing those atrocities to happen in the first place, those at the top of the food chain, were instead protected because of the same "unity" that Biden speaks of here (warning for people who haven't seen it before: there's some extremely messed up photos of the torture in this link, so if you have any sensitives to sexual abuse of any sort or abuse in general or are at work or anything of the sort, I would not advise clicking. Just a head's up that this stuff is definitely sickening):

Why would anyone pine for those days to be back? What was great about that exactly? Especially when even back then there was no unity, not truly, as just a few years prior the GOP had tried to impeach Bill Clinton and just a few years later they were desperately trying to privatize Social Security of all things."

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
He almost certainly does. Remember, last month he was apparently saying this:

And as I responded in PoliERA at the time:
"Yeah, indeed. I definitely remember. The time of "unity" that Biden is apparently pining for is when both Democrats and Republicans alike voted to authorize an illegal war in Iraq based on deliberate misinformation from the W administration. And not only that, but said illegal war was absolutely terrible and lead to atrocities being committed such as the torture at Abu Ghraib and many of those ultimately responsible for allowing those atrocities to happen in the first place, those at the top of the food chain, were instead protected because of the same "unity" that Biden speaks of here (warning for people who haven't seen it before: there's some extremely messed up photos of the torture in this link, so if you have any sensitives to sexual abuse of any sort or abuse in general or are at work or anything of the sort, I would not advise clicking. Just a head's up that this stuff is definitely sickening):

Why would anyone pine for those days to be back? What was great about that exactly? Especially when even back then there was no unity, not truly, as just a few years prior the GOP had tried to impeach Bill Clinton and just a few years later they were desperately trying to privatize Social Security of all things."

Not to mention the vast demonization of American Muslims and Islam as a whole.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.


Oct 30, 2017
I feel like some people low key resent Joe for not running in 2016, because they think he would have defeated Trump coming off the Obama presidency momentum

His son's death was definitely a pivotal event in American politics. Just having him in the 2016 primary would have changed things. I don't think he's a great choice, but he's still more charismatic than Hillary was.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Ah, the good old days~
We tell the truth and we're ethical. Like how we're standing behind navy seals war criminals at every turn and how we only overthrew Sadam when it was convenient and left out that we helped him identify key targets to use chemical weapons against or how we champion Israel as the only democracy in the region but overthrew an Iranian leader who was democratically elected and support all the gulf monarchies.


Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.
Biden sucks. Hopefully he gets ripped apart by voters too so we don't have 8 years of shit just because he's not Trump.

You're also disingenously acting like everybody here won't vote for the eventual Dem candidate anyway.


Oct 30, 2017
You are ripping this man apart. I see this happen with every candidate here. It looks like Trump hasn't to do much. Just sit back and watch the Democratic voters fight.
You guys are making it Trump so easy.
I am not saying you have to choose one above the other. But if you don't choose somebody that you all can get behind and be happy about and also someone that moderate Republicans or Independent voters can get behind then you are all f*cked.

I'm telling you Bernie Sanders is that choice. He absolutely does well with working class people. The labels aren't sticking, and he has more energy and enthusiasm than anyone running. Including Trump.
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