
Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
Count me in the "bummed out" category.

But I do hope this means they can put more focus on it in Infinity. It was great in the first few games when it had a scope and vision. I liked it well enough in Black Flag. This sounds to me like how it was "used" in Unity and Syndicate, which is to say... not at all.

I know they won't ever fully drop the modern day or Isu plotline but I do hope they return to embracing it and further weaving it back into the story in a stronger way. The Origins trilogy did a good job of expanding on the mythology aspect, but the modern day stuff has stagnated heavily since AC3.


Jan 1, 2022
An AC set in modern day isn't really the design nightmare people think it is.

Make the guns id tagged so the Assassin's guild can't easily get guns so it doesn't just devolve into a third person shooter. Enemies with guns incentives stealth. You can even throw in a watch dogs refrence and have Deadsec get the player a limited use id tag jammer to disable enemy guns.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean yeah it isn't that hard to conceive of how to make a stealth game work with guns

I'm just not sure how many people would want a Splinter Cell game when the context is that they thought they were buying an Assassin's Creed game


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
Thank God. These segments have been awful since AC3, so I'm glad I won't have to see them anymore.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Personally I am quite happy about the change as I liked Origin and Odyssey historical gameplay and couldn't care less about the modern stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
An AC set in modern day isn't really the design nightmare people think it is.

Make the guns id tagged so the Assassin's guild can't easily get guns so it doesn't just devolve into a third person shooter. Enemies with guns incentives stealth. You can even throw in a watch dogs refrence and have Deadsec get the player a limited use id tag jammer to disable enemy guns.
Amazingly, this is almost the game you get if you choose to play Watch Dogs: Legion as Darcy who is a descendant of the Fryes.


I loved it; they put a surprising amount of effort into making her play like a modern Assassin in a world where firearms are commonplace. I'd be up for playing as Darcy again if they were to revisit this concept in a future game.
Oct 27, 2017
Correct me if I am wrong, but in Valhalla isnt it revealed that Basim is Loki? How will that even play out in the future game? Do you play as Basin before that happened?


Oct 27, 2017
United States
This is great news for me personally. I immediately skip all modern day stuff so I wouldn't have a clue what was going on anyways.

Secret Bambino

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Mar 21, 2021
But the abstraction that we want people to have is [Infinity] is your Animus. It is your DNA explorer on your desktop. You are the main story character.

Then, shouldn't "Assassin's Creed Infinity" just be called "Animus" instead?

I think that would clear up a lot of the confusion here, at least for fans of the series.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Apr 28, 2022
Correct me if I am wrong, but in Valhalla isnt it revealed that Basim is Loki? How will that even play out in the future game? Do you play as Basin before that happened?
AC has a running bad habit of constantly wiping the slate clean with every game, abandoning interesting plot threads with cool potential (From Desmond to Juno to Layla, and the less we talk about that one russian kid the better). I'm betting Basim dies off screen or something, probably fell down a flight of stairs and broke his neck on his massive ego.


Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if I am wrong, but in Valhalla isnt it revealed that Basim is Loki? How will that even play out in the future game? Do you play as Basin before that happened?
I was also confused about this because I wasn't sure how that whole deal worked, but I read somewhere that apparently the Loki personality doesn't take over Basim until later. I believe they said that would be happening over the course of this game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This franchise has ruined the potential of the present day segments. We never got to play a campaign as a modern day assassin, and that's clearly what the early games were teasing. 15 years of them half-assing the out-of-Animus experience when we could have gotten some trippy, multiple timeline adventures. Something that probably was impossible on the PS3/360, but would be completely doable now.
Yes I enjoyed seeing Desmond slowly become an assassin in the present day every time he went in the animus, kinda like he was becoming a super hero to eventually fight the templars in the present time, then it all just went away


Oct 30, 2017
I'm interested in how Infinite will handle the modern day tie in stuff but glad it's out of the general games. Never had much if a point to it after Desmond.


Dec 5, 2017
Thank god, I was so sick of them starting plot threads in one game and then dropping them the next, meanwhile moving the overall story at painfully slow increments.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The modern segments is literally why Assassin's Creed is interesting. It was about viewing the past to solve a modern problem.

That was a fucking cool concept.

They absolutely ruined it after 3.

Same. After they killed off Desmond and basically upheaved their entire modern day story I entirely fell off of the franchise. Getting bits of one story every game while having a whole other story from a past character was a really cool concept. If they lose that its just any other open world game to me and then I lose all interest.


Mar 28, 2018
I really want to know what/how they gonna solve Brotherhood and Templar conflict in modern times.

Since 3, It starts to point out that neither side is good/bad. just a war of people who have different ideas.

new factions that fuck both groups??


Oct 27, 2017
Played Origins last month and it was basically an afterthought; not sure how the rest of the series is but I was surprised that they even took the time given what I saw.


Oct 25, 2017
I never hated the modern day stuff but I won't miss it, either. It's definitely not the draw for me.


Oct 8, 2019
I never cared about the overarching story nor the modern day nonsense. All I ever cared about in AC was exploring and doing parkour in historically accurate, (relatively speaking) settings with some political tension of that time. This is great news going forward I guess as it was a long time coming with the games pretty much writing that shit off already since Black Flag anyway.

Not super keen on what Infinity's content will end up being but if Mirage proves to be a sizeable experience and they extrapolate that to their WRPG bloatware shit, Red and Hexes might benefit from the reduced bloat. The metaverse shit can jump the shark though.

Ronnie Poncho

Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe there's anyone who cares about the modern stuff. It's so annoying and perfectly timed to pull you out every time the story gets exciting. Good riddance.

I would play a modern AC though, but the half arsed interruptions are a nightmare.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Terrible news for me personally with Mirage. I was enjoying the modern day story, but Basim ruined it. I hoped they'd just give him a little arc and then go away.


Oct 27, 2017
First they turn it into an rpg over an assassin game, now they're doing this.

I'm starting to hate this franchise.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
This is super disappointing to anyone who has finished Valhalla because fuck now I'm more interested in present day than anything else.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I'm still shocked we never got an full AC set in the modern day. Even just once. Like it was set up in AC3 and I actually really liked those segments... And then it just never happened again. I feel like if done right, it could be done incredibly well.

Narrative-wise, it's clear that's what was being built to, but the series rocketed to success way more than Ubi dreamed and once they got to that therehold they both didn't know how to get there from a design perspective and financially it was more benefiting to continue the series indefinitely instead of coming to its natural conclusion. I agree it's a shame.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't been interested in the modern segments since assassin's creed 3. I just recently beat origins and couldn't stand them. I literally sped run those sections.


Feb 17, 2022
So Mirage is Codename Rift or was that something different

Also sounds like the Infinity Hub won't be 3D navigable, just desktop UI like a Game Menu. I wanted a 3D Avatar in a navigable immersive world with its own separate characters and storyline.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
So Mirage is Codename Rift or was that something different

Also sounds like the Infinity Hub won't be 3D navigable, just desktop UI like a Game Menu. I wanted a 3D Avatar in a navigable immersive world with its own separate characters and storyline.
Mirage is Rift, yeah.

And agreed. That said, we don't really know what form the modern stuff will take in Infinite, just that it won't be part of the individual games. It could be playable content, or it could just be cutscenes and text logs and such. Hopefully Ubisoft clarifies before it launches, though that's a long ways off.


Oct 27, 2017
Modern day AC always seemed batshit insane, so I can see why it had fans. I loved AC2 but going back and reading about the sixth apple of eden, the vault, Isu(if you must click on a link read this one) and everything else that makes jrpgs seem grounded. You have to be actively invested or lurk to find out how crazy the story is. Tbh I wouldn't mind some kind of sci-fi setting in the past(the super advanced past) but i have a hard feeling most people just did not care enough about the switch to the current day minor jumps.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Sep 18, 2019
They probably got the player data and saw how little people actually spent with the present day stuff.
Jun 25, 2022
Good. I have literally never cared for the modern day stuff in any game except maybe AC3 or ACIV which showed a cityscape in one of the missions and thought it was cool and that's it.

These valuable resources are better spent elsewhere.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
They probably got the player data and saw how little people actually spent with the present day stuff.
Conversely, it's difficult to spend time with something that's barely there. Ubisoft has had next to no confidence in this aspect of the series since Assassin's Creed III (or maybe Black Flag and Rogue, I suppose) and it shows. I would love to do more in the modern segments... if there were more to them than just reading emails and occasionally doing a little bit of parkour. (Which I do do-- I love this part of the series and eat up as much of it as they put out. But they put out so little, and usually what is there feels like breadcrumbs rather than anything substantial. It's no wonder so many people want it eliminated when they don't put the work in to make it engaging for most people.)


Oct 27, 2017
Why is Ubi doubling down on the trash people have been complaining about for 15 years? Next they're going to announce a spin-off that's nothing but instant-fail tailing missions.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Why is Ubi doubling down on the trash people have been complaining about for 15 years?
The fact that there's a decent number of people in this thread who like the "trash" and want it to remain should tell you why they aren't getting rid of it.

They're splitting it out into its own thing so that anyone who doesn't like the modern stuff doesn't have to engage with it at all. If you don't like it, then simply don't play it. You won't have to once Infinity releases.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
It's a shame. I love the modern day stuff when it's done well. That feeling of exiting the Animus as the modern day protagonist, in whatever geographical location ties into the subject, and knowing that everything you just experienced is long over and done with- friends, enemies, everybody long dead. That what you just experienced was immutable history. That context is important to the DNA of the series imo.
Oct 25, 2017
AC should have did a full modern entry focused on Desmond and did a proper finale to it. They wrote themselves into a corner with 3's ending and the modern segments completely lost their appeal.

I absolutely adored the modern story and its conspiracy thriller vibe. The modern levels in 3 genuinely had me thinking they were setting up to a full blown modern story AC which would have been really cool! But oh well I guess you cant expect much with Ubisoft.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 9, 2020
That's fucking lame. The modern day stuff was a great way to frame the series, that made it stand out. It had its problems, but the series was better for having it. This sounds like what Unity and Syndicate did, which was lame. And Valhalla's ending was pointing toward some interesting shit happening.

Hope Infinity does bad enough and that there are enough complaints that they go back again.


Oct 31, 2017
It's a shame because the ties between the past and present were a big part of why I liked the series, but at the same time it was clear they had no idea what they were doing it and it was constantly disappointing me with how interesting plot threads were dropped as soon as they got interesting


Nov 2, 2017
My problem with this is that the modern storyline will remain unsatisfying and will continue on forever without resolution.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still shocked we never got an full AC set in the modern day. Even just once. Like it was set up in AC3 and I actually really liked those segments... And then it just never happened again. I feel like if done right, it could be done incredibly well.
I definitely felt that they were aiming toward this in the first few games - Id assumed 3 or 4 would be one where it'd tackle the modern day plot head on. It just sorta... ended. Then it felt the modern day side of things got more irrelevant with each game after that. Id still like them to tackle a modern game on of these days... with the tech we have now, a big modern day AC game could be amazing (in theory at least). But I do love the historic settings in the AC games (probably my favourite part of each game), so Im in no hurry.


Jul 11, 2019
The modern segments is literally why Assassin's Creed is interesting. It was about viewing the past to solve a modern problem.

That was a fucking cool concept.

They absolutely ruined it after 3.
My first game was Black Flag so I always wondered what the hype about the modern day segments was all about, lol


Jun 30, 2022
That's disappointing to hear.
I get why people don't like the modern day parts. They are usually pretty weak. But I still think the concept itself is pretty cool.
A modern day protagonist going back in time to figure out some mystery from the past to help with current issues? It's like a time travel story without actually time traveling.
The whole "you as a the player are experiencing it with your personal animus game" never really worked in the past. I, as a player am not involved in any Assassins vs Templar business.
I wish they had just put more effort in the modern day parts. Made them better and more interesting to change people's perception of them, rather than giving up and cutting them even more that already.
Having those parts outside the game in the Infinity platform is at least something. Not sure how good that'll work.


Nov 10, 2019
Yay, one of the few good things that valhalla setup is now useless, because "history is our playground"