Mass Effect's Future

  • Prequel

    Votes: 52 6.6%
  • Trilogy Sequel (with new canon ending)

    Votes: 262 33.2%
  • Andromeda 2

    Votes: 82 10.4%
  • Trilogy Remake/Remaster

    Votes: 225 28.5%
  • Please, stop, it's already dead

    Votes: 169 21.4%

  • Total voters


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
No Frostbite, as I think both MEA and Anthem have struggled because of it being a horrible engine to work with from a non-FPS standpoint, and EA giving them the time to deliver.


Oct 30, 2017
I have a headcanon that canonizes all 3 endings of ME3 but only their best outcome, and with subversive mindfuck stuff going on that basically leaves the aftermath in peace of Reapers ever being too relevant again and Synthesis and Control accounted for in ways that respect the vision of the original endings but makes it more of a lowkey outcome than something that governs plot or general tone of potential future games.

It's like the "Council vs no council" choice of ME1 which had a lot of flavor-dialogue throughout the game and particularly the Zakera Ward, only here you get unique lore based on which ending you got in ME3 and a "Pre-military history / background" sort of unique set of moments or quests based on it.

All ending states are basically treated as a "did it really happen?" scenario because the original vision of the ending, I believe, was partly focused on the experience of dying as a hero of war, which is depicted by Shepard looking at his wounds and almost bleeding out right before he gets to see some unreal sights, and what he sees is definitely real enough but up in the air to exactly how it was real, such as the boy being the boy and then the choice he made provided him with his own (the player's and narrator's) ideal vision of what it would lead to (extended cut epilogues). In reality what happens is never proven by ME3 itself.

Control: I've written a pseudo lore-entry fanfic on Reddit, which I won't link right now, but basically it details how Control led to immediate resolution of the war, Reapers rebuilding things to large extents before they left but then rumors on the fringes about sightings of Reapers, and clues that they have some link to Commander Shepard.

Synthesis: Reapers have mind-control from their Leviathan origins. Whether you like that DLC or not, admit that Reapers have been based on the concept of being made from the tissue of other species since ME2 and before that they had mind-controlled modified versions of previous races.

This ability to Mind Control is built into the function of Synthesis using the Crucible with the Citadel (and Synthesis pulls more unique Reaper-related tech through the Citadel even if the Crucible was "just a power source"). This means that the blast that goes out reprogrammed the Reapers to accepting a new boolean state, where their conflict of "Are we always at war as Organics and Synthetics" returns as false (I know this is an Event Horizon patronization, I'm dumb) and then, when people got hit by the blast the mind-controlling aspects of it cause organics to get planted with the idea of bio-synthetic peace and Reaper-enhanced synthetics like EDI and the Geth see visions of Organics merging with Synthetics. Note, this has happened before with Saren when he was indoctrinated, only, there's no Reapers to succumb to this time.

This leads to some groups of organics and synthetics flocking to their own fanaticism and in ME4 you would see a faction of Synthetics form a new religion, and eventually starting a local war with an anti-bio-synthetic group. This new conflict then leads to a whole new series of moral choices to be made with the theme of religion and how it leads to both good and bad things, depending on what perspective you approach it from. Furthermore it seriously develops the evolution of Synthetics to the player of all 4 games and continues the exploration of "what is life vs what is not life" from the Geth and EDI and other minor incidents.

Even going with the endings of 3 there's loads of potential for ME4, even if it means changing the way it was suggested it would effect the galaxy.


May 31, 2018
I genuinely feel EA have compromised Bioware. Gaming is at a standstill with these mongs at the moment.

Bioware- Please don't touch Mass Effect until you get your affairs back in order.


May 31, 2018
I would love to see something with the quality of the first three games, but to be honest I think the franchise is dead and Bioware has not the quality to deliver games like this anymore.
We all demand a solid, long, imaginative RPG with good fighting mechanics.

Can't see EA, Bioware delivering that without all this micro-transactions/dlc/multiplayer crap


Oct 27, 2017
I'd love a remaster of the original trilogy, but I don't know what would be a good direction to take the Mass Effect games after ME3's ending and Andromeda. I'm doing quest clean-up with ME:A at the moment, and the game has so many new issues where the original trilogy doesn't, though admittedly many of these issues are fixable (eg. a bland main storyline, very poor narrative design for both main missions and side-quests, poor mission design in general, nothing but filler side quests, no control over squad in gameplay, consumables, only being able to have three active skills/powers, everything to do with SAM). That being said, even if all these issues were fixed, the overarching plot Bioware has set up does nothing for me. This is really frustrating, as the premise of Andromeda had so much potential - it's just that the world building and the antagonists aren't very interesting. The Remnant* are a severely, severely underdeveloped version of the Protheans, and the Kett are a more shallow version of the Collectors. There is also potential for further growth with the playable Ryder and their twin (frustratingly, the best story content for them in the game is found through optional tedious busy-work), but... yeah. Whilst there are plenty of mysteries unsolved as story hooks for the next game -
why were the Angara made, why did the Jardaan leave, what will happen next with the Kett, the Benefactor
- Andromeda gave me so little reason to care.

*All the vaults would have been great opportunities for different little hints of Remnant lore, but noooo, it's just endless console pressing, scanning, and shooting things. Blargh. At least the previous ME games were good about drip feeding engaging story content between the combat.

I am really sympathetic to Bioware in that the Reapers are a really hard act to follow, but when Andromeda's antagonists and mysteries are a poor retread of the original trilogy's, it's hard not to compare the two. (As a side note, a huge rec for The Expanse for a grounded science-fiction setting with an compelling mystery that builds really well across the seasons. It's the closest thing that's filled the void the ME trilogy left behind in terms of characters, tone, and intrigue.)

Positively, I genuinely liked Ryder's squadmates well enough, though they have the same issue as Andromeda's antagonists, in that they also feel like a remix/retread of the original trilogy's ideas, just without the same level of intrigue and drama. (It's not like Bioware hasn't made unique antagonists/companions before for new games in a franchise before - Dragon Age doesn't have an issue with repetitive antagonists or companions in the three DA games. Even when the characters are from the same species or character archetype, the characters still feel extremely different from each other. eg. Oghren to Varric, or Zevran vs. Fenris/Merrill vs. Solas/Sera).

With Andromeda, I ultimately feel like Bioware had the perfect premise for a sequel, and squandered it. Andromeda was the perfect second chance after being backed into a corner with ME3's ending, but after Andromeda's reception, I'm not sure how much potential it has. I suppose if Bioware wanted to make more Mass Effect, it could be jumping far into Andromeda's future, where the Milky Way races have integrated with the Andromeda worlds and the Angara. Introduce more races, or something.

I never understand why people like destroy ending. Overall, i always got an impression that people really like the Geth... yet the destroy ending explicitly destroys them as well, along with EDI and other AIs. Sacrificing what are effectively unique species withing the universe, just because Shepard might be alive? Seems selfish, not what Shepard probably would do, unless one plays Ren!Shep.

Me, i always though control ending makes most sense (in as much as the endings can make sense at all) if one has to pick a color ending, as it allows the Reapers to fix stuff and then fuck off. That is, assuming paragon-control ending, the renegade version is rather grim.

Otherwise, proper thing is to say reject the whole fucking deal.

Funny thing, Andromeda essentially runs on synthesis ending. I suspect that if BioWare were to pick a canon ending, they'd pick that one, since they kind of already did plus they kind of tried to make the player pick that one anyhow in ME3.

I can't say that I like the Destroy ending, but Destroy is the only ending compatible with the plot points that had been established ad nauseam throughout ME1/2/3 via many characters and antagonists: there is no bargaining with the Reapers, that only leads to indoctrination. Retrospectively, Saren basically embodies the Synthesis ending. Don't get me wrong, I love Legion, the Geth, and EDI, but picking anything other than Destroy felt fundamentally against everything the series had been building towards from Shepard's first conversation with Saren.

My severe dislike for ME3's ending ultimately comes from the fact that suddenly all the established lore, plot, and themes were thrown to the side for a plot twist that completely came out of left field. The concept of organics vs. AI was definitely something explored through the trilogy (particularly the Geth and the Quarians), but it was never the main focus of the series, which seemed to be the exploration of various species working together to help each other despite their differences and previous conflicts. The climax of ME3 didn't reflect this, whereas ME1 and ME2 did.

As you said, Andromeda did run with a different version of the Synthesis ending, and does push the idea of Synthesis through the main questline and the side quests, particularly with SAM in general and The Firefighters side quest. (I see you, Bioware! I see you!)

The romances should feel WAY better in any future Bioware games.

I've only played Mass Effect 1-3 and not Andromeda or Dragon Age, but people fall in love with you and worship you WAY too easily and the circumstances of you being their boss are not great.

And maybe like have your boyfriend/girlfriend actually talk about sex with you and hang out intimately with you? Like talking about silly sex things or any stuff couples do talk about would make it feel so much more real and not like self insert fanfiction.

You might enjoy the DA games - the DA romances and companions don't really have the same hero worship aspect of interacting with the player character. I will say Andromeda does improve in aspects of this (Ryder's relationships don't feel quite as hero worship-y as some of Shepard's), but your romances and your squad are still 'yes men' for Ryder in Andromeda. I'd love more nuanced and conflict in relationships in the ME games, but I'm curious if other players feel differently: Kaidan and Ashley are the only two romances and are two of the few squadmates aren't complete 'yes men' to Shepard, yet a lot of players react really negatively to them questioning Shepard in ME2 and ME3. (Which I found hilarious and really ironic after the Citadel DLC, where it turned out that Kaidan and Ashley ultimately had a really good point about not 100% trusting that Shepard was in fact Shepard, lol.)

I love the ME trilogy cast, but what I loved about the Dragon Age games is the lack of hero worship for the player character, and the different dynamics at play there in both friendship and romances. In DA2 in particular, your player character and your love interest can have very, very differing opinions on world issues (eg. use of magic), but still be in a relationship. It wasn't perfect execution of the idea, but it was refreshing. DA:I and Andromeda also both have romances that don't have to culminate in sex, and in DA:I, there are moments where you can just hang out as a couple. Again, it's not perfect, but I appreciate Bioware trying something different with player romances throughout the DA games and with Andromeda.

I always joke that I replay the ME trilogy for the gaming equivalent of comfort food, and replay the three DA games if I'm in need of drama, lol.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
At this point, someone other than Bioware making it and someone other than EA publishing it

Ditch the open world, follow a similar structure to the first 3 games

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
With poor writers, anything Mass Effect tries will turn to garbage. With great writers, anything Mass Effect tries has potential.


Nov 3, 2018
At this point I just want a good remaster of the trilogy and that's it.

I adore Mass Effect but I don't want its name further tarnished after the ME3 ending and Andromeda. Let it be.


Apr 28, 2018
Just a remaster of the original trilogy with all the dlc. Please no new game i lost all the fate i had on bioware


Mar 3, 2018
Trilogy sequel. But no Shepard.

A sequel to Andromeda would be good too, but it surely doesn't make any business sense.

They could do a remaster, it would be a sensible next thing to do. But I'm on PC so I don't really care.

I don't want a prequel, a prequel would be bad. Though I think there could be room for a sidequel - a story on a smaller scale set during the reaper war.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Right now I'd just love an HD Trilogy. I really want to play the multiplayer again. So much fun!


Oct 27, 2017
I want a game that feels like Mass Effect 1 felt.
This is really all that I want, if they're going to return to it.
I'm not convinced that Bioware could achieve that now, considering that even its direct successors headed in a completely different direction.
I don't think I'd even trust them to remaster the trilogy. They're sure to screw up the original Mass Effect.


Oct 27, 2017
With poor writers, anything Mass Effect tries will turn to garbage. With great writers, anything Mass Effect tries has potential.
Exactly this. Start with a good story and relatable characters, make the quests unique, story driven, no fetch or radiant quests. Implement morally grey choice and consequences which impact the outcome. They have done this before, its not a foreign concept.

They already have a good base with Anthem's combat system to take it even further.

If they must, add a post game multiplayer mode, however leave the core of the single player game intact to retain Mas Effects credibility as as solid RPG franchise.
Oct 27, 2017
Leave it alone or do an entirely new story set after ME3 without Shepard or any of the old crewmates. Make it less human-centric and please, no universe-threatening generic bad guys or old precursor civillization bullshit. You can have it be about rebuilding galactic civillization after the Reapers. Will they go back to a system of governance that privileges certain species over others? What will the laws be on AI? That sort of stuff, that's what people liked most about the OG trilogy. Oh and just pick whatever ending suits best for telling a new story and in the same vein, don't immediately announce it as a trilogy. Just do one good lengthy story first.


Oct 30, 2017
On second thought... I want this game to be made outside of EA (RIP!)

I just keep hearing shitty things about BioWare's management and then, when looking into other EA studios I keep hearing negative things about the amount of middle-management EA has and how much they do siloing and how their reward structures within such middle-management are unfair which is what leads to crap like Anthem being so obviously bug-ridden and issue-ridden and nothing seemingly being done about it or at least not properly at this point in time.

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that reminds me of the decline of the franchise and how I think, in the end, it really does just come down to the way EA does things as a company and how their culture over time has become BioWare's culture too.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A remaster of the OG trilogy would be nice, but knowing how restraint EA are with remasters, they probably won't.


Oct 25, 2017
You want another Mass Effect that doesn't capitalize it's development cycle on the things that made the first game stand out the most, thus inevitably botching those aspects again or making some shoehorned version of it (Andromeda's Ubi quests).

I'd say stop the pure action focus. Just stop it. Go back to Mass Effect 1, get everything you can from the source code you have left (I've heard they lost large parts of ME1's source) and work from there. Don't try to make it a Competent Shooter(TM) just make it the best damn dialogue system in the biz again.

The large portions without combat in ME1? I live for that. The combat is important but it shouldn't be a quota they fill in every map you load and ME2 and 3 suffered from making it a shooter first, RPG second.
Combat team =/= entire game tho. Do you not know how games are made?


Oct 28, 2017
My quick 5c.
  • Sequel to the trilogy. Construct a new 'canon' ending that is an amalgamation of concepts from the trilogy's various ending states, as neutral as possible, and set in a post-Reaper war Milky Way wherein the central narrative revolves around post-war depression and conflict arising from political and resource instability. Essentially exploring the core theme of each species trying to find their own galactic identity and place now the Reaper technology/threat has been exposed and expunged.
  • No Shepard, no returning squadmates except in support roles. Familiar setting further developing is enough. Cast should still be predominantly fresh, to allow aforementioned themes to be explored, and for additional perspectives on the Reaper conflict.
  • Returned to semi-confined mission structure of the trilogy, namely ME2/ME3. I personally prefer open landmasses and feel the series has a lot of potential to tell stories and evoke concepts with open empty space, but BioWare has not demonstrated an ability to leverage design strengths in this area, unfortunately, compared to more experienced developers. Go back to what they're good at.
This sounds mostly good tbh. A well-donde sequel to Andromeda with the initiative society being much more advanced and having colonized part of the galaxy wouldn't be bad either. Tbqh Andromeda's foundational idea was solid, it was the execution that was flawed, though I can also see the appeal in going back to the Milky Way.

Anyways, I just wouldn't want a prequel unless it's some small scale Citadel detective type of stuff, thinking about a game about the first contact war bores me out of my mind. Just make either a OGT sequel or an Andromeda sequel, and make it in the spirit of the OGT, not empty open world snoozefests.
Oct 27, 2017
An andromeda sequel obviously because they've already laid a decent framework and I don't trust modern BioWare to not retroactively fuck up nearly everything that was good about the milky way era.


Oct 27, 2017
Prequel with more about the reapers? And how previous civilizations found about them and left information for future civilizations on how to fight them before being defeated


Oct 25, 2017
I want a trilogy sequel with a canon ending that is not Synthesis and Andromeda's combat.

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Remaster/Remake, please. Not sure how viable that is given the move from Unreal to Frostbite but man do I ever want it!!!


Oct 27, 2017
I'd take anything over a remake. These games don't need a remake yet. The main reason I play these games is for the characters, story, world and atmosphere. I want new stories to be told in this universe, not revisit old ones so soon again. I'm really surprised (and disappointed) by the high number of votes for the remake option.

Ideally, they go with a completely different set of characters with the stakes much lower than saving the universe/world. And no grand central mystery please. I'm tired of stories relying on long running mysteries as a crutch.


Oct 25, 2017
Too bad they wasted andromeda's idea. That, but well made would have been amazing.

I voted for a sequel of the trilogy with a good canon ending, but i want the sequel to be tons of years after captain shepard. Maybe make shepard the anderson of the new trilogy (old and cool) and with a save or a ootion choose before the game starts you can choose if its male or female, was romantocally involved with someone (for a small cameo in one of the scenes) and who of his gang survived the trilogy.

The rest of the game is new caharacter and new gang visitng star systems ala star trek, maybe even no major villian in the first game, or at least a villain that doesnt want to wipe out the whole galaxy.


Oct 25, 2017
Trilogy sequel with a canon ending which will just throw all three colors into garbage was always my choice. I never understood the idea of setting a game in Andromeda as ME being in Milky Way was partially why it was so great.

That being said, I feel like they shouldn't just leave MEA where its ended and should try to salvage whatever they can from that story now.


Oct 28, 2017
You do Andromeda 2 and jump ahead about 100 years. I guess this means PeeBee would still be alive but everyone else would basically be dead allowing for a clean break from those characters. The events of the first game would be referenced here and there in a manner similar to how Mass Effect 1 would refer to events prior to that game in that they are important but you really don't need the context of Andromeda 1 to follow along.

I just think going back to the Milky Way Galaxy is a mistake for a few reasons. One is that Bioware is a bit of a different animal now and I think Bioware at its peak would've had a hard time going back to the Milky Way Galaxy after ME3 so I don't have much faith in the current Bioware being able to do it. Also, Andromeda set the bar so long that it wouldn't take much for a Andromeda 2 to be dramatically better. Also make the over arching plot of the new ME trilogy be related to the politics of the world and not some dumb ancient evil race.

The only way you bring the series back to the Milky Way Galaxy is if they choose the ending where all AI is killed off to be the canon ending and in the middle of the new trilogy the mounting issues between many of the races culminates in a galaxy wide war that you're trying to do what you can to bring to an end. A race trying to bring back AI technology could be one of the things to kick off this war? Look, I'm just throwing ideas out there. lol
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My selfish answer would be to remake Mass Effect 3 completely as a sequel to the first two games, and go with the "the use of biotics is increasing entropy and dark matter in the stars and causing them to go out early, so that's why the reapers are all pissed off at us" storyline, as that was originally intended and set up in ME2.

But that aint happening, so I think a hard reboot might be best. There's nowhere for the series to go in the original universe that doesn't conflict with the divergent ending of 3 or otherwise feel like an unimportant side story, and say what you will about Mary Sue incarnate Shepard... I still want to play as Commander Fucking Shepard.
Oct 30, 2017
This is a fantasy but why not?

Remake the entire trilogy on Frostbite

This gives them the polished tools and experience to create the next Mass Effect game, most likely a sequel trilogy. Something like the MCC but on steroids. 1 big adventure in one package all three games, all DLC, one character creation, one unified experience. See this thread for more great ideas on how to "fix" the series. Make this the "We're sorry. We want you back" Tour.

Append to the ending

Hire (limited time/freelance) former writers to write out a special questline that leads to the 5th ending or create a viable story space for another trilogy to happen. Something about Reapers leaving to sow the harvested races in lifeless galaxies(Andromeda Spin-off Tie in?!?!). Include this option in the remake. This teases the possibility of the sequel trilogy.

Boom Mass Effect 4!


Oct 27, 2017
I want it to be a good game really. I don't care about time period just give me the same thrill that ME1-2 gave me.


Oct 25, 2017
My quick 5c.
  • Sequel to the trilogy. Construct a new 'canon' ending that is an amalgamation of concepts from the trilogy's various ending states, as neutral as possible, and set in a post-Reaper war Milky Way wherein the central narrative revolves around post-war depression and conflict arising from political and resource instability. Essentially exploring the core theme of each species trying to find their own galactic identity and place now the Reaper technology/threat has been exposed and expunged.
  • No Shepard, no returning squadmates except in support roles. Familiar setting further developing is enough. Cast should still be predominantly fresh, to allow aforementioned themes to be explored, and for additional perspectives on the Reaper conflict.
  • Returned to semi-confined mission structure of the trilogy, namely ME2/ME3. I personally prefer open landmasses and feel the series has a lot of potential to tell stories and evoke concepts with open empty space, but BioWare has not demonstrated an ability to leverage design strengths in this area, unfortunately, compared to more experienced developers. Go back to what they're good at.
i like this, and looks similar to my idea. But the thing i lile more in mine is that the new canon ending was as positive as possible, shrpard and its squad only appear as really secondary roles (shepard being a 60 yeard old anderson type character that works as human relations on the united nations of space, so 30years into the future of the ending of 3). Theres is like a united nations with all the species that survived the reapers and are treated as equal. Your mission is being a commander in times of peace, returning to the positive vibe of star trek the beginning of the first game has, and discovering witha complete new squad different star systems with known and unknown races were you help them resolve their problems.
And while this are times of peace and supposedly all the races are treated as equal, the reality at street level is not the same, so theres still conflicts and the like.
I know this last part is very similar to Andromeda, but i think that idea has a ton of potential if done well this time.
Also no galaxy wiping race, at least the first game.


Oct 26, 2017
A complete remake for the original trilogy, I just don't have the time or energy to hunt down the 4K mods and the mods to make it all work with a controller on PC.

Apart from that I would like a game that is either a full multiplayer version of the ME3 multiplayer or a game that just explores the universe and the races of Mass Effect, no more of this chosen one/pathfinder nonsense.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Remaster/re-release (but not a remake) of the original trilogy on every single current platform on the market - PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch - hell, throw in cell phones and Google's new whatchamacallit, too... with NO tacked on microtransaction garbage.

That's it. Just give me that before EA takes BioWare to their giant developer corpse pit to join the other casualties.


Editor-in-Chief, Hyped Pixels
Jun 11, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
To be honest I'd rather not get anything if it's to get yet another mediocre game.

I think we reaching the point where we gotta admit Bioware no longer has the brains that made the old games great, them pursuing Anthem and how the game is after 6 years of development just shows how they are backpedalling on their decisions all the time.

At this point I'd rather not have anything, unless it's a remake/remaster of the original trilogy.. I mean if they wanna take a crack at it just make a sequel to Andromeda I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Set the game 1000 years away from the original trilogy, more political shit involved, less romances and more grey zones in relationships. Horizon/Witcher 3 style of sidequets.