
Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017


I'm legit surprised. Aniplex isn't exactly a small company, and they have S2 of the anime coming next year to tie in with the game and get a bit of exposure. We had Arc 2 to look forward to as well, and the story in that is supposedly pretty great. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty damn disappointed. This game was my second favorite of my current gacha titles, and I had a lot of currency saved up for future characters. I spent a decent amount on the game too (mostly just the monthly packs and a few standard packs to make up the guaranteed gacha).

I guess this is what you get when you accelerate the pace and burn the playerbase out. I never expected the game to shut down though, so this comes as a shock to me. I'm sad now.


Oct 27, 2017
I definitely wasn't expecting the game to shut down so soon, especially with S2 on the way. Not even bothering to put in the IroYachi login story, which is integral to the plot should have been a clue I guess.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, looking back the signs were there (they didn't even try to get people to spend on Iroha's Birthday by offering a guaranteed gacha), but I'm still really upset. I feel like they're not even trying at all to give the game a chance, it has so much potential. We didn't even get the spirit enhancement. :(

I'm really starting to consider maybe calling it quits on a lot of gacha and moving on. I'll stay with FGO because that thing is never dying, but beyond that playing anything on Global is just an exercise in future disappointment.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the real scum move is that they're still letting you buy stones until September 10th, only a few weeks before closure. Say what you want about Symphogear, but they shut down buying gems, and then gave you a bunch of them as well to soften the blow. Here Aniplex is like "FUCK YOU, we're shutting down but please give us money anyway!"


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
But hey, we have that Selectable Fate Weave! And the Iroha + Yachiyo training event. YAY! I can't be bothered to spend any more time on the game, I probably won't even finish Part 2 of the current event. Once they decide to close the servers, I lose all interest in playing a second more. There's just no point, I've already invested a ton of time why waste more?

Ugh, so depressed right now. How the Hell does games like Grand Summoners/Last Cloudia and that horrible Overlord gacha get to live, while Magia Record has to die?


Oct 27, 2017
I already uninstalled the game, just like when Symphogear shut down. I also agree that its disgusting that gacha games that bring in like 20k USD per month still exist, while Magia Record is still bringing in decent money just end. Looking at you Bleach.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
It's always the ones I play and enjoy the most that seem to get a death sentence. :(


Aug 5, 2018
If Revue Starlight RE:Live has been quietly chugging along on Global since April 2019, I don't see how Magico Record needed to end so soon. They also did accelerated events.
*I say before the closure is randomly announced later this year.*


Oct 27, 2017
I was actually saving for the monogatari collaboration ever since the game started... I guess clairvoyance didn't help here.


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that Langrisser is still alive is proof that god doesn't exist. Its a good game, but no one is actually playing it, it had like 200k downloads for an entire year.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I get that there's always the uncertainty a gacha game could suddenly close. It's inherent to the genre, so if you choose to pick up and start playing a particular one you kind of have to expect that some day it might...just MIGHT...happen. That being said, I thought a gacha backed by Aniplex, that was based off of a long-running and popular IP that has a second season in the works, would be just a little more stable. I guess not.

This honestly hurts me more than Chain Chronicle, and I loved Chain Chronicle.


Oct 25, 2017
To be clear, it's not like I'm taking any pleasure in this -- I would have liked to see more of the story as much as anyone. While I wasn't as attached to the game overall as others, when I saw the news pop up after the daily reset I was still completely stunned. Service shutdown and permanent loss of content for anything is always sad for the fanbase involved and I really do extend my condolences. And it's especially aggravating to announce it just after having run the event that teases the second major story arc (even though said event story was only, ah... partly implemented, which might have also been a warning sign).

At the same time, though, there must be a non-malicious reason behind why they made the call to end it -- though I don't know if the developer, publisher, or any other party has more say in such a decision. I don't know the companies for all the other games that have been listed in the last several posts so it's hard to make any kind of comparisons., and honestly it won't really do us any good to speculate.
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Oct 26, 2017
RIP Magia Record. At least they finished the main story I guess. No Arc 2 for us though, and its kind of scummy to pull the IroYachi banner and then shut down the game.

I guess my saving grace was the difficult way to even play the game outside of NA. Thus if they had easier way to get apk etc would enjoyed it more (and maybe spend some).

Rip Magireco :(.


Oct 26, 2017
I was one of the many that burned out on Magireco's fast forwarded schedule (I didn't even last long enough to try for Holy Mami, I think I quit after Darc), but I am sad to see it go as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising. Game never did well. In the past three months it fell out of the top 1500 (yes, 1500) grossing games for thirteen days, and only cracked the top 250 twice, and barely.

Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
I will tell u why the English version failed because it was US only, ppl like me in Australia find it hard buying gems because we need to use iTunes cards


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
It barely lasted pass 1st anniversary and its shutting down. Wow, Aniplex, I'm still stunned at the news. Pretty scummy for them to still allow purchases up to Sept. 10. Guess we're not getting Arc 2, Spirit Enhancements or Little Kyubey. This hurts and I actually enjoyed this game.

Chris Rysdyk

Feb 22, 2018
Well has I heard from the community manager from optc on a podcast if a global gatcha doesn't gross in top 100 more likely the game gets canned because it doesn't make money


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
It barely lasted pass 1st anniversary and its shutting down. Wow, Aniplex, I'm still stunned at the news. Pretty scummy for them to still allow purchases up to Sept. 10. Guess we're not getting Arc 2, Spirit Enhancements or Little Kyubey. This hurts and I actually enjoyed this game.
The closure hurts me more than most gacha games would because I genuinely liked the characters and story. I invested so much in the lore of the world, so knowing that the story isn't finished just yet and that there's more to come (in JP) that we'll never get is painful. I know it might seem excessive, but this was the first thought I had when waking up today. I'm still disappointed at the news.

I'm beginning to think if lack of revenue isn't the only reason they're shutting down the servers. I noticed that Aniplex has Princess Connect licensed for BD release, so maybe they saw how popular the anime was with mainstream people (it ranked very high) and took it upon themselves to handle the English localization of the game and diverted the resources from Magia Record over to that. It just seems strange that MR suddenly got the axe out of nowhere, especially after the year+ of increased pace to catch NA up to Japan (of which they were very close in accomplishing). I legitimately feel blindsided about it. Normally you can kind of see a gacha closure coming, but not here. Sure we had the strange way they handled Iroha's Birthday and the missing Iroha + Yachiyo login story, but I just contributed that to strain on the team due to the pandemic. I guess that wasn't the case after all.

So yeah, I'm still mad. While I got a lot of enjoyment out of the game, I just hate that I won't get the whole story now because of this. It's not so much the money spent, I just regret invest the time into getting to know the world/characters, because it just makes everything more difficult to accept. :(


I noticed a lot of people on Reddit jumping ship to the JP version. I just don't understand that thought process at all. In addition to not being able to understand all of the UI and story content, they're basically "thanking" the people behind the NA closure by bolstering the JP download numbers (and some will likely purchase currency to as well). If a company can't be bothered to support our version of a game (yes, while MR wasn't pulling in FGO/Dokkan/etc. numbers, it was still stable enough) and a server I'm playing on suddenly dies, the last thing I want to do is that (as well as the whole "starting from scratch" thing). Like, just the thought of downloading and starting the JP version makes me sick to my stomach, there's just no way.
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Feb 22, 2018

I noticed a lot of people on Reddit jumping ship to the JP version. I just don't understand that thought process at all. In addition to not being able to understand all of the UI and story content, they're basically "thanking" the people behind the NA closure by bolstering the JP download numbers (and some will likely purchase currency to as well). If a company can't be bothered to support our version of a game (yes, while MR wasn't pulling in FGO/Dokkan/etc. numbers, it was still stable enough) and a server I'm playing on suddenly dies, the last thing I want to do is that (as well as the whole "starting from scratch" thing). Like, just the thought of downloading and starting the JP version makes me sick to my stomach, there's just no way.

I think its just a reactionary thing. I played a lot of mobages that have shutdown and I always see players posting on reddit or discord that they are moving to the JP server cause they want to continue playing the game.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I legitimately feel blindsided about it.
Me too. I still have trouble accepting that the NA servers are closing. Are you gonna spend all your gems and tickets Chrono since the end is nigh. I know you sunk a lot of time saving the gems and tickets for the anniversary magical girls for months. I did too, but went casual on later events.

I'll use whatever resources I have left before it ends. No motivation to really do anything in Magia Record now.
No way I'm migrating to JP. The amount of hoarding and getting the magical girls that you want. It's too much of a hassle plus I can't read Japanese. Can't fathom why they would move over to JP now. We would be so far behind, literally starting from scratch. Unless Aniplex introduce a very generous start dash campaign for new players that gives a free 4*SR, don't even bother. Can't do mirrors and slowly grind through Arc 1 with starter units lol. Hard pass.
Wish they would give free currency and unlock all the banners and let us roll. Its all gonna end anyway.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I think its just a reactionary thing. I played a lot of mobages that have shutdown and I always see players posting on reddit or discord that they are moving to the JP server cause they want to continue playing the game.
I can understand it in some ways, but man I just couldn't ever see myself doing something like that. To start over from the start after losing everything you had, even if I did love the game (which I do in this case), it's just too much. :(

Me too. I still have trouble accepting that the NA servers are closing. Are you gonna spend all your gems and tickets Chrono since the end is nigh. I know you sunk a lot of time saving the gems and tickets for the anniversary magical girls for months. I did too, but went casual on later events.

I'll use whatever resources I have left before it ends. No motivation to really do anything in Magia Record now.
No way I'm migrating to JP. The amount of hoarding and getting the magical girls that you want. It's too much of a hassle plus I can't read Japanese. Can't fathom why they would move over to JP now. We would be so far behind, literally starting from scratch. Unless Aniplex introduce a very generous start dash campaign for new players that gives a free 4*SR, don't even bother. Can't do mirrors and slowly grind through Arc 1 with starter units lol. Hard pass.
Wish they would give free currency and unlock all the banners and let us roll. Its all gonna end anyway.
I keep thinking it's a bad dream I'll wake from. No matter what I try, it just won't happen. This is reality I guess. :/

As for spending currency, I'm not going t bother. I have a little over 20k gems saved, 350 single tickets, and something like 3 ten-pull tickets. All will be waste. All of that time saving, completely gone to the wind. I'll finish off the event story and maybe finish the final Another Story which I've yet to do, but that's it. I'm not going to participate in my dailies (which I've done every day since launch) or the upcoming Mirrors Ranking. There's just no point to it, and it depresses the hell out of me.


Oct 31, 2017
It's kind of shocking how it's getting closed! I took a break from it intending to come back soon and it looks like I won't come back at all now... I had some ten pull tickets saved too :/


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017

Patiently saving my currency for future magical girls including re-run of Cool Homura, Summer Kyoko, and Lil' Kyube-

*NA server closure*




Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Kamikaze Douga, I'm not 100% sold on the CG stuff I kinda wish it was 2D like the anime opening in the game

Oh wow, I just glanced over the images and something did look off. I didn't know it was CG. :(

I'll still give it a watch as it doesn't look too bad (they're going for a more...cel-shaded CG look), but hand-drawn animation would have definitely been better. At least the VA is guaranteed to be good, as it's the same from the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Thankfully, someone is modifying the FGO Translation tool to translate Magia Record. I'll probably transfer to JP when its done.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I just can't do it (plus I don't believe the tool is available on iOS?). Even if it was, I can't start over from scratch. I invested hundreds of hours into NA version, there's no way I can do it all over again.

It's a shame since I loved the game, but I have my limits.


Oct 26, 2017
Romancing SaGa is having retweet campaing for EU & NA servers. Thus we prolly will get 3x Multi ticket that guarantees SS unit from platinum banner.

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Oct 25, 2017
Exos Heroes has really gone down the tubes in the past two patches. The game was making less and less money so they added systems to entice spending.

1. Core Memory. It pressures you to pull, because if your friends have FC units, you can add them to a limited pool to increase your units strength.
2. Signature Force. Probably the most blatant P2W aspect I've ever seen in a gacha. You have to have specific units and dupes of specific units to increase the power of units from that region. And the power boosts are massive. +30% stats, flat damage boosts that nearly DOUBLE your damage, increasing your rank's insane.
3. New break system. Dupes now let you break stones if you're level 90+. You can break up to 5x the stones as someone without dupes. It's nuts.
4. Story content requires dupes of specific characters/elements. And the new gear system requires you to clear it.

Honestly, it's such a shame. It's clear they needed more ways to make money and are pushing hard.

Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I dropped it a couple weeks ago when I weighed how much I was enjoying it vs how much of a time commitment it required each day.


Feb 22, 2018
The Trails of Cold Steel collab for Langrisser is live (since Thursday)

SSR Rean and Arianrhod
SR Altina (free unit from event)

Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Still been playing Shining Beyond since the beta launched. Devs are already making changes based on community feedback like removing the VIP system and improving the gacha system to give full characters on first pull with shards for dupes when it was solely shards before.
Rates are good and surprisingly shards are easy to get, even for SSR characters. Every character has weekly Quests for shards and exclusive weapons and Generic Shards are plentiful so far so I've been able to rank up many heroes multiple times.
Best feature, though, is the idle mode. Don't even have to turn it on before closing the game, it just goes. Super good.
Seriously a great side game so far. Nothing revolutionary but solid overall. I'm pleased by it.

Also trying out Magic*mi today. Nothing to write home about gameplay or story wise but it's super stylish and responsive.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been trying it but probably not gonna play it much because the only way to play it on my phone is with the DX version which is... well. Also apparently it's been borked all day along with PvP


Oct 25, 2017
I posted this on Reddit, but Shining Beyond is gacha comfort food. Does nothing super well, but progression is easy and the gameplay is just engaging enough.


Oct 27, 2017
Magicami is pretty interesting. The animations are super stiff and repetitive, but the story, music and characters more or less make up for it as far as gacha games go. They do need to hurry and fix PVP.
Be careful with this game, it has both a 18+ and "normal" version available. However, even the normal version is probably not exactly sfw so play at your own discretion. Honestly, might as well preemptively ban discussion of this particular game.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I can't seem to get past a story quest in Magicami (third chapter). When they talk about Iko's costume change for her performance the screen just goes black and freezes. I can still hear audio but nothing is responsive. I've tried both the browser as well as through the PC desktop client but nothing. :/


Oct 27, 2017
I can't seem to get past a story quest in Magicami (third chapter). When they talk about Iko's costume change for her performance the screen just goes black and freezes. I can still hear audio but nothing is responsive. I've tried both the browser as well as through the PC desktop client but nothing. :/

That particular story node is bugged, so just skip it. You'll still get a summary of what happened, and can continue just fine afterwards.


Oct 26, 2017
Apparently Magicami phone app download has some issues, read from subreddit that Im not the only one who can't download it. Download stops / won't start when there is ~845mb left to download.
Im not going to get any apps to pc so waiting the day when they fix the phone app.