Oct 25, 2017
Sansa telling Edmure to sit down makes sense.

No it doesn't. He's a qualified lord of Westeros who fought for Sansa's brother, survived being a POW for years, and has matured into a decent man. Of everyone gathered there, he's basically the only person who actually has a right to his position and the earned loyalty of his men, other than Sansa who for some reason is never suggested as a candidate for the throne (although I can't blame them, since "bitches be crazy" is apparently the moral of the ending). Why shouldn't he at least offer himself as a suggestion? Nobody else was doing it.


Oct 27, 2017
The change of government for Westeros could have had an entire season or two of build up and development. Instead it was some shit Tyrion thought up off screen and was able to convince a few lords of without debate in five minutes.

Reminds me of when the NK was defeated, we had posters saying at least we could return to the "complicated politics" of the show. lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No it doesn't. He's a qualified lord of Westeros who fought for Sansa's brother, survived being a POW for years, and has matured into a decent man. Of everyone gathered there, he's basically the only person who actually has a right to his position and the earned loyalty of his men, other than Sansa who for some reason is never suggested as a candidate for the throne (although I can't blame them, since "bitches be crazy" is apparently the moral of the ending). Why shouldn't he at least offer himself as a suggestion? Nobody else was doing it.

Okay, okay, point taken. I'm changing my answer. Davos saying he's not even sure if he gets a vote makes sense.

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
Man, watching episode 1 season 1 and you forget just how good this show was. Great writing, pacing, and characters that I seriously miss.

I think that's very interesting. I began rewatching the whole show a few days ago, and I'm just past the beginning of season 2. What I noticed after the first season is how some narrative shortcuts were also very much present back then. So much so than I found some of the shortcuts very similar to what I remember being used in season 7 and 8.

Of course, back then the focus of the series was much more about political intrigues than the last third of it, but some of the key events really felt "unwarranted", to employ the same parlance of the last few weeks. As quick examples, let's mention Daenerys falling so quickly and madly in love with Drogo after so many abuses, or her inexplicable walk into the flames of Drogo's funeral pyre.

I think what "saved" the series back then was the existence of the books, as they were there to fill the narrative voids that the show was leaving all over the place. So I believe that without the existence of the books, the same show from the very beginning would have either:
1. Only been considered an above-average to good show throughout its existence,
2. Or been considered an absolutely great show throughout its existence, even with seasons 7 and 8.
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Oct 28, 2017
Your avatar hurts to look at lol
I wasn't even the biggest Daenerys stan (Margaery was my original Queen but, well, she got done in by a masterful turn by Cersei) but I like this one because it reminds me of how stupidly written this all was and how masterfully acted Emilia pulled it off. I feel like Dany in that pic lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Drogon just flies away without killing Jon
Grey Worm gets no vengeance
Yara puts in a token word for Dany and then gives up

The disrespect is real


Oct 26, 2017
Let this be a lesson to you.

If you want something bad enough, sit outside in a chair and do nothing.


Oct 26, 2017
They could have cut to the dead characters from under the rubble giving the thumbs up to Bran.

Like Jaime's golden hand giving a symbolic "aye"


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder what happened with House Glover. If they are accepted back into the good graces of Sansa then Lord Glover is a genius.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Drogon just flies away without killing Jon
Grey Worm gets no vengeance
Yara puts in a token word for Dany and then gives up

The disrespect is real

I feel like Podrick dying would've gotten a bigger reaction lmao

I wasn't even the biggest Daenerys stan (Margaery was my original Queen but, well, she got done in by a masterful turn by Cersei) but I like this one because it reminds me of how stupidly written this all was and how masterfully acted Emilia pulled it off. I feel like Dany in that pic lol.

Yea, while I haven't been as harsh as others have regarding her acting, I wasn't super into it either. This season absolutely changed that.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
It hypothetically works for you.

Yeah. If and when I ever get around to watching seasons 5-8, and assuming I don't succumb to the Great Internet Game of Thrones Hatred Syndrome, it hypothetically works for me.

But speaking from the 2015 timeline, this definitely looks like a viable future. Not totally on board with Cersei and Jaime dying, wish poor old Theon had made it, will miss that scary Dutch witch. Needs more Iain Glenn. But by and large this is okay. Looking forward to watching it.


Oct 28, 2017
Mine has to be the ironborne agreeing to Bran being the king while watching Sansa secede. And of course forgetting they have Kingsmoot/"voting system".
Yeah, Sansa doing that and Bran going along with it is going to cause a schism almost immediately while Bronn bankrupts everything within a week. Bran is the true chaos option.


Oct 26, 2017
What's so stupid about the Grey Worm thing is that it takes exactly one scene to fix this.

Jon talks to Grey Worm and the two have a clash of ideas. Jon says "She is my queen, but I never thought she would do something like this."

Grey Worm says "I agree to follow Queen Daenerys anywhere. I cannot betray her now."

But Grey Worm is all conflicted or some bullshit like that.

Then when Jon kills Daenerys, Grey Worm forgives him, reluctantly conceding that this was the only way.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. If and when I ever get around to watching seasons 5-8, and assuming I don't succumb to the Great Internet Game of Thrones Hatred Syndrome, it hypothetically works for me.

But speaking from the 2015 timeline, this definitely looks like a viable future. Not totally on board with Cersei and Jaime dying, wish poor old Theon had made it, will miss that scary Dutch witch. Needs more Iain Glenn. But by and large this is okay. Looking forward to watching it.

It is a viable future, if executed correctly, something others are arguing hasn't happened, and you don't really have any ground to stand on when arguing against them.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't it likely that Sansa will convince her cousin and Yohn Royce to join the north? If she wasn't shitting on her uncle, you'd think she might have been able to convince her uncle to declare for the north, and carve out a kingdom of the north and trident, which is what Rob and Cat died fighting for.

Then again, with the Lannisters are out power, the reasons the Vale and Riverlands initially had to join the northern independence are gone.

You just have to think smartest person in the world Sansa would want to the same kingdom borders/allies that Rob and Jon had.
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Oct 29, 2017
I thought the NK's sigil was just some nothing.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
It is a viable future, if executed correctly, something others are arguing hasn't happened, and you don't really have any ground to stand on when arguing against them.

I completely agree. I'm just sitting here in 2015, which is basically halfway through Captain America Civil War and about a year away from the first Presidency of Hillary Clinton or possibly Bernie Sanders. I'm totally looking forward to our correctly executed and sensible future. Because that's how things work.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. If and when I ever get around to watching seasons 5-8, and assuming I don't succumb to the Great Internet Game of Thrones Hatred Syndrome, it hypothetically works for me.

But speaking from the 2015 timeline, this definitely looks like a viable future. Not totally on board with Cersei and Jaime dying, wish poor old Theon had made it, will miss that scary Dutch witch. Needs more Iain Glenn. But by and large this is okay. Looking forward to watching it.

If you've only seen the first 4 seasons, this is 100% a viable future... In fact many predicted something along these lines. The problem is that between 5 & 7, they've done absolutely nothing to earn this outcome.

They knew where they wanted the characters to end up, but didn't put much thought into how they get there.
Oct 25, 2017
It's really sparsely populated, though. It's supposed to be like Siberia, or the the Northwest Territories. House Stark does not control half of Westeros' fighting population or make up half of Westeros' grain production.

Yeah, it really isn't prime territory. It only merged with the other kingdoms when somebody invaded with dragons and could actually cover ground effectively. Before that, it was basically like Russia, difficult for anyone to really invade and get a good foothold on before being repelled.

It totally isn't that implausible to me for the North to be allowed to bail. The rest of the land doesn't get much from the North, and some people here insist that it is net the other way, with the North needing the rest to avoid mass starvation.

Either way, the North is the most likely to bail and be allowed to do so out of the 7-point-whatever kingdoms. Iron Islands seeking independence would probably be fought because they just resort to piracy and raids unless kept on a tight leash (see: why Theon is a ward of the Starks).


Oct 28, 2017
I like how you can tell that she's turning evil because she's looking less attractive.
There were legitimately a ton of posers that episode praising how crazy they made her look.....

...because her hair wasnt done up properly or wearing makeup.

Like I guess D&D knows their audience.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
So I guess we can infer that the patriarchy is overthrown, or at least suspended, because Sansa is the only one who can continue the family line, right? After all that, she's not going to get amrried, change her name, and let her house name fade. Though what northern houses are even left on the show? She can just name some new lords of new houses and then take some concubines for herself, I suppose.
holy shit


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
No it doesn't. He's a qualified lord of Westeros who fought for Sansa's brother, survived being a POW for years, and has matured into a decent man. Of everyone gathered there, he's basically the only person who actually has a right to his position and the earned loyalty of his men, other than Sansa who for some reason is never suggested as a candidate for the throne (although I can't blame them, since "bitches be crazy" is apparently the moral of the ending). Why shouldn't he at least offer himself as a suggestion? Nobody else was doing it.
What? Edmure is a fucking clown who couldn't even light a funeral pyre and got the Black Fish killed. He doesn't deserve shit.