Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
All the best Kit.

The behind the scenes documentary is pretty good and quite funny if you want to see what goes into the show.


Oct 27, 2017
The bigger question is why Tyrion didn't immediately have LF executed for treason as soon as he got to King's Landing. He knew that LF framed him for the attempted murder of Bran, and basically kicked off The War of Five Kings.

(This is only a factor in the books, I don't think Show Tyrion ever found out that LF framed him)

The plot is conveniently dropped from the show as soon as the Knight fell through the moon door and it really bugged me. Here was a highborn woman who is claiming you tried to kill her son, would you not want to know how she came to accuse you?


Oct 25, 2017
Damn Dany, that is cold.


Oct 25, 2017
When this series began, would anyone have honestly believed if they were told that Cersei Lannister would have killed more major named characters than anyone else in the show?

People Cersei has killed directly (obviously this list will be mostly characters that died due to Cersei plotting and giving the command for them to die):

King Robert Baratheon
Maester Pycelle
Queen Margeary Tyrell
Loras Tyrell
Lord Mace Tyrell
Lord Kevin Lannister
Lancel Lannister
High Sparrow
High Septon Ullena (?)
Ser Pounce
Lady Olenna Tyrell
Ellaria Sand
Tyene Sand

People that have died as a direct result of actions Cersei initiated:

King Tommen Baratheon
Prince Oberyn Martell (Cersei insistence to try Tyrion led to Tyrion demanding a trial by combat)

What a terror she is lol. Hell, I bet you that Cersei is single handily responsible for killing off at least 1/10 of all the major named characters on this show. Speaking of Cersei, so how is it possible that Cersei wipes out high lords and monarchs, and she faces zero repercussions for it, and yet Aerys kills a handful of lords and it starts a full blown rebellion? If I'm not mistaken, it wasn't Rheagar going off with Lyanna that started Robert's Rebellion, but rather the execution of Ned Stark's father and brother that kicked it off right? Forget the show's incoherent final season, the premise for the last two seasons starts off on rocky ground due to how Cersei is still somehow in power in relative peace after what she did.
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Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
biggest issue with arya killing off the white walkers is that she had no connection to that plot line

in fact no one got a chance to develope a connection with them besides bran and the wall people

like beric and the hound and gendry randomly got a connection to them last season i guess but no one important

like the way the others are defeated in the books might be an anti climax, but they will get atleast one entire book south of the wall with multiple battles before they are defeated

the white walker invasions should have been 2 seasons

a big issue is it's hard to escape from them

but y9u fix that by not having evreyone be a winterfell

only the northern army fights at winterfell and any important northern characters that need to survive escape on dragon "unsullied and dothraki don't make it in time and they fight in some other battle

then you can have more politics and reflecting the failure in the south while the north is Completly decimated by the 9thers for a while and the next battle with them is a few episodes later.


Oct 25, 2017

Her most egregious kill of them all. I don't understand how they attempted so hard to make Cersei appear so sympathetic in the end, and yet they told us what she did to Ser Pounce 🤔

The people of KL did not raise up when their beloved Queen was murdered and when their innocent and gentle hearted (and extremely dumb) King killed himself because of it, but surely one would expect them to avenge the death of Ser Pounce right?


Oct 26, 2017
The bad pussy episode is Mother's Mercy, season 5, episode 10.

The one where Obara swings a spear around like it's a 100 pound pipe is Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. This is also Sansa's wedding and rape.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
i dunno. how much did you like this season?
I liked episode 2, 3, 5. I thought it was rushed and the season needed at least 4 more episodes for character development and proper goodbyes (and better writing). Episode 4 was the ultimate insult to characters and audience. What i mean is that people here listen to interviews and translate that towards their own opinion. The reactions portraits you posted maybe aren't about the writing or the quality of the show. That's just a wild guess. Could be of course. But could also be about something else.


May 16, 2019

I really like Lindsay, but considering that Kit is in rehab over the stress (and alcohol) from the show, some of the fun critiquing the show has been lost. I know that Lindsay won't mean for it to be an attack on Kit himself, and I do think a lot of the better critiques have avoided calling out the actors, but you can't tell me that this blowback didn't play some role in Kit's health problems. It's all fun and games until someone really begins to feel the stress of the show and the weight of the disappointment from fans. D&D have been fun targets because they genuinely don't seem to give a shit and have moved on, but if in return someone like Kit is taking all the criticism really personally then this isn't fun anymore. Even the if the best, most honestly, least personal, most constructive criticism is adding to the stress on the people involved in the show, then I'm not sure we should be adding to it right now.

I have really enjoyed some of the high level, thematic, critiques of the show, but it's good to be grounded and reminded that there are real people on the other end who put their blood, sweat, and tears into the show and that the deluge of criticism can't feel good.


Oct 25, 2017
I really like Lindsay, but considering that Kit is in rehab over the stress (and alcohol) from the show, some of the fun critiquing the show has been lost. I know that Lindsay won't mean for it to be an attack on Kit himself, and I do think a lot of the better critiques have avoided calling out the actors, but you can't tell me that this blowback didn't play some role in Kit's health problems. It's all fun and games until someone really begins to feel the stress of the show and the weight of the disappointment from fans. D&D have been fun targets because they genuinely don't seem to give a shit and have moved on, but if in return someone like Kit is taking all the criticism really personally then this isn't fun anymore. Even the if the best, most honestly, least personal, most constructive criticism is adding to the stress on the people involved in the show, then I'm not sure we should be adding to it right now.

I have really enjoyed some of the high level, thematic, critiques of the show, but it's good to be grounded and reminded that there are real people on the other end who put their blood, sweat, and tears into the show and that the deluge of criticism can't feel good.

He has been in rehab for several weeks and it has nothing to do with reception to the series finale. Let's avoid making things up in order to get offended at people criticizing a television show.


Oct 27, 2017
Jon didn't need to fight the NK, and honestly in retrospect I'm glad Arya did the deed because otherwise she seemed wasted. But to not have anyone fight a single WW was absurd.

Perhaps a more satisfying scenario would have been Jon getting held back by the WW lieutenants, then have the Hound show up to assist him and then Arya making it to the NK seems a little more plausible since his crew was distracted.


May 16, 2019
He has been in rehab for several weeks and it has nothing to do with reception to the series finale. Let's avoid making things up in order to get offended at people criticizing a television show.
What? Relax man, I'm not sure how that was what you took out of my post. If you're getting enjoyment out of critiquing the show, that's cool, so am I. For me, personally, a little of the fun came out of it with Kit's statement. You can keep doing you, it doesn't make any difference to me. Lindsay's show will always certainly be good and I'll watch it, I'm not going on her Twitter and telling her to stop or anything.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What? Relax man, I'm not sure how that was what you took out of my post. If you're getting enjoyment out of critiquing the show, that's cool, so am I. For me, personally, a little of the fun came out of it with Kit's statement. You can keep doing you, it doesn't make any difference to me. Lindsay's show will always certainly be good and I'll watch it, I'm not going on her Twitter and telling her to stop or anything.
The point is Kit checked himself into therapy before the shittiest episodes released.

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just because we feel bad for Kit doesn't mean criticism of the show's writing isn't gonna go away now.. If anything, people know the cast and crew did their best with what they had.

That doesn't mean the cast and crew won't take it personally too.

Just because the criticism is aimed at D&D doesn't mean someone like Kit won't feel hit by it.

Im saying take criticism cautiously and think about other people involved to, not just D&D.


Oct 25, 2017
Was it ever confirmed how much of this was conformation bias? Amazing portraits though.

The Kit one I always thought people were misinterpreting, it's just deadpan humour.
The other ones I don't know, but don't really care, the entire idea of reading the actor's opinion from a single clip is silly in the first place.
Like, it really went well with the body language interpretations of Brie Larson...


Oct 27, 2017
The Kit one I always thought people were misinterpreting, it's just deadpan humour.
The other ones I don't know, but don't really care, the entire idea of reading the actor's opinion from a single clip is silly in the first place.
Like, it really went well with the body language interpretations of Brie Larson...
Exactly. Well, of her co-stars.

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
Is the whole High Sparrow storyline from season 5 in the books? With the armed Faith Militants fanatics roaming King's Landing?
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Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Is the whole High Sparrow storyline from season 5 in the books? With the armed Faith Militants fanatics roaming King's Landing?

Yes and no. The storyline is there but their actions are different.

The sparrows are popular with the commoners and they're not roaming King's Landing looking to terrorize people.

They're not homophobic(as far as we know) and they're furious about the Red Wedding because it broke the laws of guest right which are ordained by the gods.

The sparrows even bring orphans to the Brotherhood Without Banners so they can protect them.

They're a lot more good-natured than the ones in the show which come off as brainwashed. Although the High Sparrow is kind of a misogynist still.


Oct 25, 2017
Even as far back as S2 (Dany talking to Xaro):

X "What do you want?"
D "To cross the narrow sea and take back the iron throne."
X "Why?"
D "Because I promised my Khalasar I'd protect them and find them a safe home."
X "(laugh) You want to conquer the seven kingdoms for the Dothraki?"
D "I want them because they're mine by right. The iron throne is mine, and I will take it."
X "Ah, a conqueror."
D "And how did you get all of this.. did someone give it to you?"
X "No, I come from nothing. I hit the docks like a piece of cargo.. except someone normally cares about what happens to cargo."
D "So you wanted more than you had and you took it. You're a conqueror too, you're just less ambitious."

I'm not defending the execution in S8 by any means (it sucks), but it's super interesting to look back at some of the dialogue from earlier seasons (presumably most of this characterization came from the novels) and see things I missed the first time. The writing was on the wall in lots of interesting ways.
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Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
Even as far back as S2 (Dany talking to Xaro):

X "What do you want?"
D "To cross the narrow sea and take back the iron throne."
X "Why?"
D "Because I promised my Kalasar I'd protect them and find them a safe home."
X "(laugh) You want to conquer the seven kingdoms for the Dothraki?"
D "I want them because they're mine by right. The iron throne is mine, and I will take it."
X "Ah, a conqueror."
D "And how did you get all of this.. did someone give it to you?"
X "No, I come from nothing. I hit the docks like a piece of cargo.. except someone normally cares about what happens to cargo."
D "So you wanted more than you had and you took it. You're a conqueror too, you're just less ambitious."

I'm not defending the execution in S8 by any means (it sucks), but it's super interesting to look back at some of the dialogue from earlier seasons (presumably most of this characterization came from the novels) and see things I missed the first time. The writing was on the wall in lots of interesting ways.

I'm currently rewatching everything too (currently at season 5), and I fully agree. There are a lot of things very early in the show (visually and narratively) that directly reference things happening in the end. Yeah, season 8 had problems, but all seasons are very well woven together I find. With a full rewatch of the series, I discover that events are not as "unwarranted" as people pretends.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently rewatching everything too (currently at season 5), and I fully agree. There are a lot of things very early in the show (visually and narratively) that directly reference things happening in the end. Yeah, season 8 had problems, but all seasons are very well woven together I find. With a rewatch of the series, events are not as "unwarranted" as people pretends.
What makes this exchange more interesting than some of the other examples people have pulled is because she's not threatened.. she's not just trying to survive. She's not simply outside of the gates trying to get in, trying to get a ship.. she's just fully in character, talking with someone and revealing her personality under normal circumstances.

You can use the other examples too, but they're not as compelling in comparison to a more usual context.

Deleted member 49179

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2018
What makes this exchange more interesting than some of the other examples people have pulled is because she's not threatened.. she's not just trying to survive. She's not simply outside of the gates trying to get in, trying to get a ship.. she's just fully in character, talking with someone and revealing her personality under normal circumstances.

You can use the other examples too, but they're not as compelling in comparison to a more usual context.

Wait until you're at the Meereen part in season 4. You'll find a lot of interesting details that also go in that direction.

Also, so far season 4 is definitely my favorite (and 5 is kind of a drag, but I'm only at episode 4).