L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
This website says center news organizations like CNN and NBC are "left-wing biased" so I wouldn't take their word for anything.....

CNN - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording

NBC News - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording
Saying that you disagree with their scaling is fine, but it also doesn't do much to change the fact that Comicsgate is a far right hate group and news sources tying themselves to Comicsgate are going to be far right new sources.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
This website says center news organizations like CNN and NBC are "left-wing biased" so I wouldn't take their word for anything.....

CNN - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording

NBC News - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording
Maybe so but Bounding into Comics is a legit alt-right rag of a website.


Oct 25, 2017
Steam needs better (some?) moderation. A basic reporting feature would be a good place to start. I'd like to see this curator nuked from the face of the internet, but it's never that easy.


Oct 25, 2017
First became aware of Sweet Baby when a poster on ERA implied that AW2 was a step down in Remedy's writing quality because of their involvement.


Oct 24, 2017
seems like a dumb thing to need to hire consultants for versus just having be part of the script writing process but the vast majority of consultants hired are pointless in every industry

and just lmao at the people who care or somehow "blame" them for something
I mean every script has oversights. I worked on a game where all the characters were concepted in-house and then we hired an outside firm to make sure they weren't wearing something culturally offensive, that their accents are correct, etc.

If you can bang out a script with expert-level knowledge about everything contained within with no errors, more power to you. The rest of the games industry is generally not superhuman.


Jun 29, 2023
This isn't the first time Asmongold has highlighted and promoted harassment campaigns, this isn't like those anti-woke movie grifter channels who shit on celebrities and Disney, I really hope youtube takes action on his channel and soon.


Oct 28, 2017
This website says center news organizations like CNN and NBC are "left-wing biased" so I wouldn't take their word for anything.....

CNN - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording

NBC News - Bias and Credibility

LEFT-CENTER BIAS These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording
The bias checker site is correct in this case.
Feb 24, 2018
Reading their website and seeing their partners, it's surprising seeing a few studios there given their histories of pushing back against progressive stuff like women leads and abusing women and POC people in their workforce (Ubisoft is the big example, it's still bothers knowing just how much of AC's Kassandra the devs had to fight for all the while the execs pushing against to the praise and pretended to care about diversity).
What constitutes offensive to them?
I was curious as well to see if this was a case of actual care about representation and diversity or one of cringe worthy corporate types that miss the point like EA's infamous diversity wheel, the recent Avatar remake's Sokka stuff or the Dumbo remake.

Edit: Ah okay, misunderstood their approach page.

Sweet Baby okayed a script where a villain kills a hero, goes to (suicide squad spoilers) piss on his corpse, and everyone compliments him on how endowed he is. The chuds aren't upset that Sweet Baby is censoring offensive content, they're upset that publishers want a product they can get a large return on and some devs want to include visibility, flags, and generally not be gross.
Oh Lilith, you made me remember the sheer cringe when the people lost their shit because Spider-Man 1 had pride flags in it (despite that being accurate to New York). These people are truly pathetic.
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Omicron Persei 8 Logic
Aug 19, 2021
Reykjavík, Iceland
And what about Alan Wake 2, where a playable character was race-swapped for an empowered black, female FBI agent, only to then deliver The Room-level dialogue to tell us how empowered she is? Sweet Baby Inc.
how to say you've never played Alan Wake 2 without saying you've never played Alan Wake 2

This is all very oh we found a new all-purpose boogeyman to blame everything on. Anita Sarkeesian used to be responsible for ruining gaming but that's old news now. Everything I don't like is now the fault of this one consulting firm! 😤

these dudes seriously need to find themselves a real personality outside of getting angry over pointless shit online.


Feb 3, 2022
It's not simple to report this group because technically its not doing anything other than saying that Sweet Baby worked on whatever game. It's for unsavory reasons, but no rules are being broken with that. Idk though i'm just guessing that's why it hasn't been banned.


Jun 15, 2023
Now in pure gamer fashion….. these people are convinced this company is responsible for making all their games "WOKE" and is the downfall of western game development.
Sorry, but no. NO. NO.

I am a gamer. I have been a gamer for a very long time, of boardgame, tabletop games, real life games, and yes videogames. I am not alone, there's between one and two billion of us.

And "woke" has nothing do with with being a gamer*. "Woke" has become, at best, "whatever dumb and extremist right wing conservatives don't agree with this week but can't explain why". Nothing to do with gamers, or videogames, or gaming in general.

*: ok if we want to get über technical, gaming has been associated with increase in some areas of intelligence, maybe-ish; which would help very basic awareness including social awareness, which is the original definition of woke. But unfortunately, that's not how the word is used nowadays.
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Apr 26, 2018
This is nothing particularly new, just part of the endless, tireless, paranoid raging about "wokeness" in games. They've just found a specific entity to direct their frothing at instead of attributing it to some vague conspiracy.


Featuring Mattmo831 from the Apple v Epic case
Oct 26, 2020
Sorry, but no. NO. NO.
I didn't mean to offend with that paragraph. I'm sorry if it did, but to me. The generalization of the term "gamer" is becoming more and more like the type of person to be mad at this type of stuff, no matter how bad that sounds.


Oct 25, 2017
Sweet Baby Inc. does great work and they've made games better. Diversity and inclusion consulting makes games better, period.

These dumbass chuds can fuck off.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Traditional media outlets like CNN and NBC being "left wing biased" is an alt-right myth perpetuated by literal Nazis.
"Bias" in the actual grown up sense is something that every single news organization on Earth has. It's the natural result of people having opinions and experiences and those inevitably colouring their expression. Stating what the stance a publication aligns with isn't automatically a condemnation; people often choose publications because they know it falls more in line with their own stances.


Jul 11, 2022
At this point, I long for the day that games are so "woke" that Gamers™ just abandon them entirely so I don't have to keep seeing new manufactured rage bait and these chuds harassing companies/people over the perceived transgressions... but sadly I don't see that day ever coming.
Oct 25, 2017
I first learned of these type of alt right losers in Suicide Squad. A lot of them posting in the steam forums saying the game went "woke therefore broke". There reasoning is as follows (keeping vague for spoiler reasons). Many of the posts point to sweet baby inc. as having ruined rocksteady.

1. slightly less sexualized harley quinn
2. woman character grabs male's butt, so it's an "attack on men" and a double standard
3. Several Male character deaths are treated worse compared to a female character's death which was more heroic
4. Deadshot is a black character in suicide squad, but was white in previous games (my note: this is explained as new deadshot claiming the old was an imposter and it fits the story)
5. Some shit about Ivy being a child which I can't logically explain (I think people are projecting some fucked up shit basically)

Just glancing at steam forums there are still 5+ sweet baby inc. threads, not even counting the "woke" accusation threads. I thought about posting a screenshot, but I'll just link one instead. https://steamcommunity.com/app/315210/discussions/0/3944650462442358838/

Accuses Remedy of changing Saga Anderson from white to black because of "woke". Really dumb fucking people out there.


Oct 28, 2017
Ironically, the curator's page just made me aware of a lot of games i never heard of and seems interesting. In a time where 10k+ games releases every year, this is free advertising.
Feb 10, 2024
"Bias" in the actual grown up sense is something that every single news organization on Earth has. It's the natural result of people having opinions and experiences and those inevitably colouring their expression. Stating what the stance a publication aligns with isn't automatically a condemnation; people often choose publications because they know it falls more in line with their own stances.
Yes but the traditional media, barring rags like Fox News, are absolutely center if not slightly right-wing biased. They are far from left-wing


Jun 15, 2023
I didn't mean to offend with that paragraph. I'm sorry if it did, but to me. The generalization of the term "gamer" is becoming more and more like the type of person to be mad at this type of stuff, no matter how bad that sounds.
Yup, but I'm also strongly against that.

It's not based in any factual foundation, and it's used by both press and gaming industry people as a way to demean, dismiss and manipulate their customers. To say it simply, it's a wrong stereotype, and it doesn't help us to perpetuate it; especially on text where there is no tone to color the word.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
I tried looking into the whole thing on twitter cuz it was blowing up yesterday, and it immediately fucked with my Twitter timeline and started showing me racist dudes still complaining about the Little Mermaid.


Jul 2, 2022
Good, let them be mad, and then ignore them. Means more advertising for the people releasing these games too. Seems like SBI is doing this out of genuine respect rather than cashing in on trends.
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Oct 27, 2017
Seems like an okay company to me. If you're serious about being inclusive, it probably helps to get fresh eyes on a project to make sure you didn't miss anything. And it's not like the developers are obliged to do what SBI is telling them anyway. They're just consultants, really.

Some people really get riled up at the stupidest shit.
Feb 24, 2018
I think it's a Comicsgate-associated site?


Bounding Into Comics - Bias and Credibility

RIGHT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may
Why is that site (Media bias fact check) treating centralism or being in the middle of the left and right as "least biased", Centralism is still a bias and not inherently a good thing since it can often push the status quo and shut down progressive ideas.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
seems like a dumb thing to need to hire consultants for versus just having be part of the script writing process but the vast majority of consultants hired are pointless in every industry

These sorts of consultants are pretty common throughout all media. Even books, which represent far smaller investments for the publisher than (say) a major motion picture, have sensitivity readers.

Yes, it would be better if all script writers never ever made mistakes or errors in judgement. But since they do, getting outside eyes on it is valuable. It doesn't just result in less "offensive" stories, I'd argue it results in better stories.

Are you assuming what's in my mind?

I mean, there's only one reason I can think of why someone would be like "ooh, not sure I want to post what I think about this"

And if you don't want me to assume, you're not exactly becoming forthcoming.


Feb 21, 2024
These sorts of consultants are pretty common throughout all media. Even books, which represent far smaller investments for the publisher than (say) a major motion picture, have sensitivity readers.

Yes, it would be better if all script writers never ever made mistakes or errors in judgement. But since they do, getting outside eyes on it is valuable. It doesn't just result in less "offensive" stories, I'd argue it results in better stories.

I mean, there's only one reason I can think of why someone would be like "ooh, not sure I want to post what I think about this"

And if you don't want me to assume, you're not exactly becoming forthcoming.
I think it's bullshit for this curator to exist but I think people are to easily offended in this day and age.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is that site (Media bias fact check) treating centralism or being in the middle of the left and right as "least biased", Centralism is still a bias and not inherently a good thing since it can often push the status quo and shut down progressive ideas.

Traditional media outlets like CNN and NBC being "left wing biased" is an alt-right myth perpetuated by literal Nazis.
I agree but I also don't see the point in derailing this thread around some weird bias rating site. The point is that Bounding into Comics is in fact a Comicsgate site and is basically the comics equivalent of NicheGamer.


Aug 17, 2018
Oh are the children crying about something they don't understand again? How utterly predictable.

This is literally part of every editing and script review process ever, at least ones competently produced. But not everyone on every writing staff is perfectly aware of how things can be offensive, so you bring in outside consultants to help. But it's very much work that's ongoing in-house all the time.
Mar 11, 2020
Cant even be compared to Gamergate when this is so passive/pathetic and GG was full of death threats and people having to get a police escort to go give talks at events.
you seriously think the company or people that work for it or different game devs probably aren't getting death threats as big as it appears this is blowing up?


Oct 27, 2017
B.C, Canada
I wish these chuds would fuck off to the moon and never come back.

The diversity in gaming stories is what's making games so great today compared to years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought AW2 writing was fantastic. Skipped through some of spider-man 2's and GoW Ragnorak's dialogue. Found the MK1 story to be pretty boring. This is all my personal critique though and it ends there...not some crazy conspiracy that this group is killing my enjoyment.

Can you actually point the finger at this group for actual writing? Do they act as editors on scripts? I would have assumed they provide some sort of a checklist to ensure there is representation in the game you're making.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
This is ridiculous. What job doesn't have a stage where what you're working on isn't peer reviewed. Sensitivity readers been a thing, expert consultants been a thing, like cmon now.

You see them whine and it's hard to imagine these chumps have interacted in society at any capacity. Just thoroughly ignorant on a whole lot of things