Oct 25, 2017



Animation: RoosterTeeth Productions (Red vs Blue, RWBY)
Producers: RoosterTeeth Productions and Outlier Society Productions
Genres: Mecha,Science Fiction, Drama
Writers: Gray Haddock and Evan Narcisse (Rise of the Black Panther)
Lead Animators: Kim Newman and Torrian Crawford
Composer: David Levy
Release Date: January 26th 2019
Number of Episodes: 8

Synopsis: Fifty years in the future, an oppressive authoritarian force threatens to conquer the world. A daring team is recruited to pilot a new form of weaponized neuroscience that powers devastating mecha, but they must be willing to sacrifice everything to save the world.

The Pilots


Julian Chase: Voiced by Michael B Jordan (The Wire, Creed, Black Panther)
A 21 year old from Brooklyn, New York; Julian is the main character of gen:Lock. He was a former fighter pilot for the "Vanguard" (the existing military in the show) before being picked as the first candidate of the gen:Lock program. Julian is struggling with a personal tragedy during the show.


Yasamin "Yaz" Midrani: Voiced by Golshifteh Farahani (Body of Lies, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell no Tales)
An Iranian Pilot with similar combat training as Julian. When the show begins, Yasamin is being held at the Mesa Detention Center for an unknown reason. She is the second candidate for the gen:Lock program.


Cameron "Cammie" MacCloud: Voiced by Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones, The New Mutants)
The youngest pilot at the age of 17, Cammie is a hacker from Scotland. Known as one of the most "creative coders out there" Cammie joins the team along with the other 3 candidates.


Kazu Iida: Voiced by Koichi Yamadera (Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball Super, Ghost in the Shell)
A former Tank Driver for the Japanese Military before being busted down to a cook for insubordination, Kazu is considered as rebellious. When he was requested to join the gen:Lock program, none of his unit objected to his departure and were incredibly supportive of his transfer in order to be rid of him.


Valentina "Val" Romanyszyn: Voiced by Asia Kate Dillon (Billions, Orange is the New Black, John Wick 3)
A Ukrainian Covert Agent who performed operations with the Eastern European Theater; Val believed she was done fighting until she was drafted into the gen:Lock program.


Rob Sinclair: Voiced by Blaine Gibson (Camp Camp, Various RT Live Productions)
An experienced Army Ranger, Rob worked with the Vanguard before being drafted into the gen:Lock program.

Supporting Cast


Dr Rufus Weller: Voiced by David Tennant (Dr Who, Jessica Jones)
Dr.Weller is the creator of the gen:Lock program. He is responsible for identifying the 6 pilots as potential candidates. He is not fond of the fact that his program has been militarized. The Doctor is known to flip flop with his behavior in a given situation ranging from flippant eccentricity to unsettling calmness.


Col. Raquel Marin: Voiced by Monica Rial (DragonBall, My Hero Academia)
A Colonel for the Vanguard of Puerto Rican descent, Col. Marin is one of the heads of the gen:Lock program alongside Dr Weller. She is shown to view the program as a means to win the war, and wishes for the program to be kept as top secret.


Miranda Worth: Voiced by Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, Coraline)

Stationed on the same base as Julian, Miranda is considered as an expert pilot of an older mecha type used before the mechs that take advantage of the gen:Lock technology. At the beginning of the show, Julian and Miranda have begun a relationship.



How did a company that started by making machinima videos in Halo end up with such a star studded cast?

When pre-production of gen:Lock was underway, the creator of the show Gray Haddock noticed that the team was referencing Michael B Jordan a lot as a reference point for Julian's behavior and mannerisms. When production went into the process of seeking voice talent, Haddock suggested MBJ simply because no one told him not to. So Roosterteeth sent MBJ's agents a package of art, scripts, test animation with samples of MBJ's performance in Creed over Julian's model.

Haddock didn't expect much to come off it, until he heard back that MBJ's answer "wasn't no".

Weeks later while writing scripts, Haddock got the call that MBJ wanted to be Julian Chase. The show is now co-produced by MBJ's production company Outlier Society which helped fast track the talent gathering.

Koichi Yamadera is a Japanese voice actor. How does his role work in the show?

Kazu Iida from the footage shown will be speaking in Japanese while the other characters speak english. His dialogue is subtitled for the audience. If the other characters are capable of understanding him is yet to be explained.

What's up with the frame-rate?

gen:Lock is using a variable frame-rate for its animation. In action scenes the frames will be at 24fps, where as dialogue scenes with reduce the frame rate. It is using a similar animation style as Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse and The Dragon Prince, however it is hard to tell as of now how natural this choice will feel.

How/Where do I watch gen:Lock?

On January 26th around 9:30 am CST, Episode 1 of gen:Lock will be on the RoosterTeeth website and is free for anyone to watch.

Episode 2 will launch the same day, however in order to watch it and the remaining episodes you must be a subscriber to RoosterTeeth's premium service FIRST or you must be a VRV Subscriber (only in the US).

The remaining episodes will come out on Saturdays at 10am CST

For those who want to watch the show but not pay for FIRST, I recommend waiting until March 2nd to 9th and sign up for a free trial for FIRST for 7 days letting you binge the show

Trial Link here https://roosterteeth.com/first-promo

Link to First Episode (January 26th 2019)
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Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Not anime, but okay.

All those rooster teeth shows look like trash to me visually. I don't get the appeal, but i guess it's not for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'll watch it just to see what their massive advertising push was all about.

Yung Kyubii

May 12, 2018
Just seen the trailer and it looks good.

Bit annoyed at the CGI animations in the last couple of years with the choppy frames.


Oct 25, 2017
In for MBJ being anime ;P

Real talk though, I'm in the mood for an action packed mecha series so I'm hoping I'll enjoy this.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a great OP.

I like how it starts off with their mechs being different only in color, and then later they all change to reflect the personality and skillset of their pilots.


Nov 2, 2017
I really dig how you can see there Mech's all going through customization and advancement into there own unique things

Also, the Mechs for the Main characters are called "Holons" if anyone was wondering what to call them
Oct 25, 2017
I really dig how you can see there Mech's all going through customization and advancement into there own unique things

Also, the Mechs for the Main characters are called "Holons" if anyone was wondering what to call them

So far the tech revealed are the holons which the pilots have, and the Striders which Miranda's team uses.


Oct 25, 2017
That opening is great.

Impressions seem positive for those who saw episode 1 during RT's surprise stream of it, but we'll know tomorrow.

Another great thing is that RT Animation seems hugely receptive to feedback. Basically every issue/gripe people had with RWBY Volume 5 was addressed in the following volume.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 5, 2017
That opening is great.

Impressions seem positive for those who saw episode 1 during RT's surprise stream of it, but we'll know tomorrow.

Another great thing is that RT Animation seems hugely receptive to feedback. Basically every issue/gripe people had with RWBY Volume 5 was addressed in the following volume.
Yeah Volume 6 was an significant improvement


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Giving me some Virtua On vibes. I'll give the first episode a look. Opening is aces too.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm willing to bet Sinclair will turn out to be a Union spy.

That's the reason he's the only one without a Holon Why the evil mech transitions to him in the intro, and why the final character intro zooms in on his profile when the Union hacks the ether at the end.

Which means it's going to be an all star voice cast vs fucking Blaine, which is hilarious
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm curious how the Union will be portrayed. My favorite conflict in a mech show is the Rebellion vs Empire in Code Geass.

(Note: I haven't been properly exposed to Gundam as it's really daunting to get into).


Nov 2, 2017
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm willing to bet Sinclair will turn out to be a Union spy.

That's the reason he's the only one without a holiness. Why the evil mech transitions to him in the intro, and why the final character intro zooms in on husband profile when the Union hacks the ether at the end.

Which means it's going to be an all star voice cast vs fucking Blaine, which is hilarious

That would be the fucking best


Oct 29, 2017
I don't think this qualifies as anime. Inspired by anime maybe but part of something being anime means it was created in Japan. It not being anime doesn't mean it can't be good. Could be even better than most anime.

The Leewit

Oct 27, 2017
I knew nothing about this...until I saw the trailer. Mecha action and character interactions a la Mobile Gundam...and visually stylish and appealing, to boot. And the quality voice acting on standby. I'm all aboard.


Oct 25, 2017
I keep going back and forth with this because the ads for it have been annoying the hell out of me. Will watch the first 2 episodes tomorrow though


Oct 25, 2017
That intro is hype and the mech fights got me excited. Glad that it's free and the website isn't rejecting me so far.


Oct 25, 2017
I had to do a double take reading through those character descriptions because one of the characters in the show has almost the exact same name and appearance as a character I made in an RPG concept I've had since I was about 13 (Cameron). Like, the age, the hair and eye color, and the same name aside from mine being McCloud like Fox.

Was weird to see.


Oct 25, 2017
The reason why this isn't on youtube is because, well, RT can't really afford it. Their site paywall is the reason why the show can get made in the first place. Even their smaller budgeted shows like Camp Camp were moved off Youtube to the RT site because it cost too much to make.


Oct 25, 2017
Right off the bat the writing is so much stronger than RWBY's was. Hell, I think it's better than what RWBY is doing now. The character interactions just seem more genuine.

Granted, it could just go all downhill from here.


Oct 25, 2017
Can I just say that these cybernetic lenses on the eyes is very disturbing to me? I just can't fathom putting such advanced tech on my eyes. Glasses? OK, wireless capable contact lenses? No way.