
Oct 27, 2017
If he is just a prankster, what the fuck was he doing giving interview to info wars. I mean he was interviewed for his political beliefs so he must've been at least aware what info war was.


Oct 25, 2017
And I'm sorry, who goes around talking about Bill Clinton except for right wing chuds. Nobody else cares about him. The only prank that should ever have a Bill Clinton mention on an open mic in the year 2022 is if you're reciting the theme to Animaniacs. Now that's funny.

I have no idea what this guys real intentions are, social media "pranks" are fucking stupid and incomprehensible these days if this was indeed that, however it seems, especially for someone of this persons age, any exposure to Bill Clinton with regards to social media/memes is probably squarely in the whole Epstein thing, isn't it?


Oct 25, 2017
I have no idea what this guys real intentions are, social media "pranks" are fucking stupid and incomprehensible these days if this was indeed that, however it seems, especially for someone of this persons age, any exposure to Bill Clinton with regards to social media/memes is probably squarely in the whole Epstein thing, isn't it?

The problem is seeing how young the kid is and what kind of pranks he pulled throughout his history documented online, it seems he learned his "comedy" and "pranks" from the internet and it's not that hard to figure out where.


Oct 25, 2017
If he is just a prankster, what the fuck was he doing giving interview to info wars. I mean he was interviewed for his political beliefs so he must've been at least aware what info war was.
It's possible he's the sort of prankster who doesn't take anything seriously, and whose "joke" is appearing in places where he pretends to belong but doesn't -- i.e. acting like part of Miyazaki's entourage at TGA. Maybe this extends to appearing in absurdly vile settings like Info Wars, as well. If he thinks everything is a joke, he might not be particularly concerned with his reputation in polite society. But we'll see what Jason's full read was on the guy.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is seeing how young the kid is and what kind of pranks he pulled throughout his history documented online, it seems he learned his "comedy" and "pranks" from the internet and it's not that hard to figure out where.

I mean thats my point. "Hillary killed Jeffrey Epstein to protect Bill Clinton" is probably most young people's exposure to Bill Clinton in 2022, as opposed to Ken Starr's right wing witch hunt. That kind of shit is all over the internet and social media. "Pranks" these days are basically 'do something dumb for attention even if it makes no sense and isn't funny'.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh! I saw that dude and was like "WTF is he talking about?!" and didn't' even put it together that he wasn't supposed to be there, lol.

"Bill Clinton? What the hell is he talking about?"

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Jason is a legit journalist and presumably asked this guy more than one question before forming his impression. We should probably wait for the context of a full article.
Yeah, I'm not going to pretend that I know more than Jason. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some important details missing.

As it was, the context that we had to work with was weird.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
While I do not trust anyone wearing Kanye merch, if what Jason says is true this would not be the first time Gen Z humor was universally misunderstood by millennials.

It is possible that him being Jewish and wearing Kanye shoes is an act of defiant irony.
It is possible that the unexpected punch line of his joke is simply that Bill Clinton is neither current nor Jewish.
It is possible he is an internet troll whose preferred brand is stoking chaos, which he achieved.
It is possible that because he is so young his impulse control is not limited by a realistic sense of risk and consequence.

People have been saying for years that we are "not ready" for the Gen Z internet takeover because they are comparably so much more unhinged and inscrutable. I do wonder if that is the case here.

This is an extremely charitable interpretation of the events and its giving him the benefit of the doubt in every possible way. This seems incredibly unlikely to me. This is not how I would interpret the events at face value. But I also trust Jason Schreier and that he would do his due diligence on something he would have a personal relationship with. If Jason clears this up and publishes an explanation, I will trust his conclusion.

This does not preclude broader concerns about the poor security at the event and how fortunate the show is that he did not say or do something worse. Things not being as bad as they seem doesn't make it not a problem.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I'm stupid but this whole thing just seemed like a dumb, edgelord prank from the start. I understand people are concerned about plausible deniability, but I personally find it a reach. I feel like people might think I'm seriously naive, but I really, really, don't think the guy wearing Yeezys means anything at all. It's a popular shoe.

Again, maybe he's pulling a fast one over me but I doubt some kid is really trying hard to hide hate signals in his dumb outburst. What does he even know about Bill Clinton at this age? Am I just underestimating kids these days? I don't see this as anything other than a stupid stunt for attention and notoriety.

The only thing that gives me pause is his apparent association with Infowars, but even then, I'm skeptical. He could seriously be that type of internet troll.


May 1, 2021
How old is this guy? Is he actually kid? If he is then he needs an intervention because he might be able to be reformed. It gets harder to convince these people to reform the older they get sadly.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Its not a massive stretch to imagine that people who support Kanye and consume the products he pushes probably also agree with his views and are awful people without good critical thinking skills yes

Yeezy's are some of the most popular shoes in the world among younger people and have been for years. I have a friend who almost exclusively wears Yeezy's and doesn't even like Kanye's music. He just loves the shoes for their comfort and design.

Yes, Ye is a shitty person and yes, this kid did a shitty thing, but saying someone is an awful person just because they like comfortable shoes from one of the biggest shoe brands (Adidas) is insane to me.


Mar 5, 2018
While I do not trust anyone wearing Kanye merch, if what Jason says is true this would not be the first time Gen Z humor was universally misunderstood by millennials.

It is possible that him being Jewish and wearing Kanye shoes is an act of defiant irony.
It is possible that the unexpected punch line of his joke is simply that Bill Clinton is neither current nor Jewish.
It is possible he is an internet troll whose preferred brand is stoking chaos, which he achieved.
It is possible that because he is so young his impulse control is not limited by a realistic sense of risk and consequence.

I'm a millennial and this is the exact form of humor I and my friends had as a teenager. Not sure how this is unique to Gen Z. I feel like it's unique to being a teenager.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
While I do not trust anyone wearing Kanye merch, if what Jason says is true this would not be the first time Gen Z humor was universally misunderstood by millennials.

It is possible that him being Jewish and wearing Kanye shoes is an act of defiant irony.
It is possible that the unexpected punch line of his joke is simply that Bill Clinton is neither current nor Jewish.
It is possible he is an internet troll whose preferred brand is stoking chaos, which he achieved.
It is possible that because he is so young his impulse control is not limited by a realistic sense of risk and consequence.

People have been saying for years that we are "not ready" for the Gen Z internet takeover because they are comparably so much more unhinged and inscrutable. I do wonder if that is the case here.

This is an extremely charitable interpretation of the events and its giving him the benefit of the doubt in every possible way. This seems incredibly unlikely to me. This is not how I would interpret the events at face value. But I also trust Jason Schreier and that he would do his due diligence on something he would have a personal relationship with. If Jason clears this up and publishes an explanation, I will trust his conclusion.

This does not preclude broader concerns about the poor security at the event and how fortunate the show is that he did not say or do something worse. Things not being as bad as they seem doesn't make it not a problem.
I think the hardest thing for me to believe is that this guy would view politics as a joke. Like, he's been regularly posting a two minute video on police brutality in Hong Kong for like two straight years, sometimes more than one a day. I think on YouTube too, although I can't tell because YouTube decided to make their channel pages unreadable recently. He photographed himself giving out T-shirts for the purpose. If it's a joke, it's a joke that's indistinguishable from actual activism.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Yes, Ye is a shitty person and yes, this kid did a shitty thing, but saying someone is an awful person just because they like comfortable shoes from one of the biggest shoe brands (Adidas) is insane to me.

I'd say if you are wearing Yeezys, or listening to Kanye's music, at this point than... yeah-- red flag.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Yeezy's are some of the most popular shoes in the world among younger people and have been for years. I have a friend who almost exclusively wears Yeezy's and doesn't even like Kanye's music. He just loves the shoes for their comfort and design.

Yes, Ye is a shitty person and yes, this kid did a shitty thing, but saying someone is an awful person just because they like comfortable shoes from one of the biggest shoe brands (Adidas) is insane to me.
I don't think anyone is saying he's bad because of the shoe. It's what he said + the shoe. I get why it's a reach for some. And I am falling into the camp of "just a troll", but I'm not dying on any hills over this.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
How old is this guy? Is he actually kid? If he is then he needs an intervention because he might be able to be reformed. It gets harder to convince these people to reform the older they get sadly.
He was 13 in the Info Wars video, which he posted to his own YouTube account two years ago.


Featuring Mattmo831 from the Apple v Epic case
Oct 26, 2020
I'd say if you are wearing Yeezys, or listening to Kanye's music, at this point than... yeah-- red flag.
Take a trip to a public place or a mall and count the amount of Yeezys. It's a massive shoe brand and one of the most comfortable shoes. Tons of people who wears them don't even like his music


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Yeezys are a massive brand from one of the biggest shoe companies in the world. Not everyone who buys them is a fan of or even cares remotely about Ye

i remember you caping Kanye after the red hat so sorry for saying that about him.

Take a trip to a public place or a mall and count the amount of Yeezys. It's a massive shoe brand and one of the most comfortable shoes. Tons of people who wears them don't even like his music

I've eyerolled over them for years. Dunno how anyone has supported this dude for this long. Adidas should have canceled his contract at "Slavery is a choice".

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I hope Geoff isn't too bummed. Dude worked so hard on this show, and it turned out great, but then right at the finish line, a troll appears.
Obviously not speaking on behalf of Geoff, especially since he's a member here, but if it's me I'd be a mix of emotions. I'd be frustrated to know this idiot's message is what's dominating discussion today (seriously, every Twitch channel I've been on this morning has asked the streamer about it) following the event. I'd be feeling guilty as hell about my event's lack of security being exposed in such a profound way. Overall, it's just got to be annoying as hell to deal with all of the damage control that stems from shit like this.


Nov 4, 2017
Am I wrong in thinking that, in situations like this, the intent is far less important than the action? Like saying some offensive shit, even about a group you belong to, and then saying "its just a prank bro" doesn't absolve you of having said the offensive shit in the first place. I don't know, I'm not Jewish so maybe I'm speaking out of my arse, but it just seems like if you say something offensive like that, you should face criticise regardless of your intent.

And even if you put what he said to one side, there's still the fact that he skipped security and jumped on stage with some high-profile developers. That in itself is serious in my eyes; especially in a year where Salman Rushdie was stabbed on stage and a former Japanese PM was shot while giving a speech (not saying this was anything like those examples, but just making the point that having someone break security like that can be a very dangerous situation).


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
ok lets stop pretending that yeezys haven't always looked like shit.


Mar 5, 2018
Obviously not speaking on behalf of Geoff, especially since he's a member here, but if it's me I'd be a mix of emotions. I'd be frustrated to know this idiot's message is what's dominating discussion today (seriously, every Twitch channel I've been on this morning has asked the streamer about it) following the event. I'd be feeling guilty as hell about my event's lack of security being exposed in such a profound way. Overall, it's just got to be annoying as hell to deal with all of the damage control that stems from shit like this.
And I honestly thought it was the strongest the show has ever been up until that point, which is even more of a bummer.


Nov 29, 2017
Even if it was a joke interrupting someone receiving a reward to say some anti semitic junk it's funny and is a crappy thing to do and he needs to learn that. It sucks that this is the type of behavior that immediately gets you interviewed and talked about by the media.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Like, the story now is that he's some prankster engaging in some classic offensive and absurdist Gen Z humour... but he interrupted a game event before, and he did that to say "free Hong Kong", which he had been doing every day for a year. He wasn't being particularly random before. He wasn't being particularly offensive, except in who he was associating with.

I still struggle to believe that there isn't something more to this.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow, 13 and at info wars? That's depressing.
When I was 13, someone briefly convinced me Ayn Rand's Objectivism was a good thing. Update from me in 2022 -- it's NOT. But as a kid, all I saw was a way to rebel against the religion that my parents forced on me. I didn't realize at the time how harmful Rand's worldview was.

So kids can grow up and change for the better. The real question is why Info Wars had a 13yo on air, but then again, Info Wars is irredeemable shit and has no standards, so I guess I'm not surprised.


Oct 25, 2017
If he is just a prankster, what the fuck was he doing giving interview to info wars. I mean he was interviewed for his political beliefs so he must've been at least aware what info war was.
he was interviewed by an infowars guy at like 12 years old because he went kind of viral for getting a Free Hong Kong t-shirt on an NBA jumbotron


May 1, 2021
Like, the story now is that he's some prankster engaging in some classic offensive and absurdist Gen Z humour... but he interrupted a game event before, and he did that to say "free Hong Kong", which he had been doing every day for a year. He wasn't being particularly random before. He wasn't being particularly offensive, except in who he was associating with.

I still struggle to believe that there isn't something more to this.

"Free Hong Kong" sounds like a leftist idea but I'm assuming this has been co-opted by the alt-right for the purpose of pushing anti-china sentiment?

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Obviously not speaking on behalf of Geoff, especially since he's a member here, but if it's me I'd be a mix of emotions. I'd be frustrated to know this idiot's message is what's dominating discussion today (seriously, every Twitch channel I've been on this morning has asked the streamer about it) following the event. I'd be feeling guilty as hell about my event's lack of security being exposed in such a profound way. Overall, it's just got to be annoying as hell to deal with all of the damage control that stems from shit like this.

He probably doesn't care.

Check this thread.

There isn't a single woman or non-binary person on this list of "eligible twitch drops" channels for The Game Awards

We been telling y'all about the shit The Game Awards has pulled over the years since inception. When Boogie and other shits got awarded. Won't stop you tagging Geoff each time like he cares. It sucks still. Yeah, the more it happens, the more it seems to be a pattern of action rather than just...


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
When I was 13, someone briefly convinced me Ayn Rand's Objectivism was a good thing. Update from me in 2022 -- it's NOT. But as a kid, all I saw was a way to rebel against the religion that my parents forced on me. I didn't realize at the time how harmful Rand's worldview was.

So kids can grow up and change for the better. The real question is why Info Wars had a 13yo on air, but then again, Info Wars is irredeemable shit and has no standards, so I guess I'm not surprised.

My SO's little brother has been my Steam Friend since he has had his own computer, since about 2015ish. Imagine my surprise when I looked the groups he belonged to and… so many swatztikas and slurs. Instead of going to his mom, me and his sister decided to have a heart to heart with him. I recognized he was an edgy 14 year old and figured I could reach out to him. I did, kid is about as leftist as can be and he has expressed embarrassment for pulling that shit in the past.

Kids this age can absolutely say terrible, vile shit and have awful associations if they're left to their own devices. This hobby and certain corners of the internet are breeding grounds for edgy "humor".

People can learn and grow. Even if this kid didn't realize the implications of what he said, I hope he learns from this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Where the fuck is his parents?
If I had to take my best guess, he told his parents he was going to a video games awards show and they said "lol okay" and dropped him off, then showed up to pick him up later. He's 15 so he can't drive. I could see them okaying it since it was at the Microsoft Theater at 4:30pm.


Nov 5, 2017
I don't buy any excuse for irony. This was a fully Kanye-Infowars indoctrinated kid who was all in on a racist talking point.


Oct 25, 2017
My SO's little brother has been my Steam Friend since he has had his own computer, since about 2015ish. Imagine my surprise when I looked the groups he belonged to and… so many swatztikas and slurs. Instead of going to his mom, me and his sister decided to have a heart to heart with him. I recognized he was an edgy 14 year old and figured I could reach out to him. I did, kid is about as leftist as can be and he has expressed embarrassment for pulling that shit in the past.

Kids this age can absolutely say terrible, vile shit and have awful associations if they're left to their own devices. This hobby and certain corners of the internet are breeding grounds for edgy "humor".

People can learn and grow. Even if this kid didn't realize the implications of what he said, I hope he learns from this.
Exactly. Well-said.


Feb 20, 2018
I've eyerolled over them for years. Dunno how anyone has supported this dude for this long. Adidas should have canceled his contract at "Slavery is a choice".
I don't think most people look into the political affiliations of the shoe brands they purchase from as much as you think they do. Adidas has no excuse of course, they have to be aware of who they're partnering with. But the majority of random consumers aren't going to go "I should check the political leanings of this apparel company before I buy from them." or anything like that.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
My SO's little brother has been my Steam Friend since he has had his own computer, since about 2015ish. Imagine my surprise when I looked the groups he belonged to and… so many swatztikas and slurs. Instead of going to his mom, me and his sister decided to have a heart to heart with him. I recognized he was an edgy 14 year old and figured I could reach out to him. I did, kid is about as leftist as can be and he has expressed embarrassment for pulling that shit in the past.

Kids this age can absolutely say terrible, vile shit and have awful associations if they're left to their own devices. This hobby and certain corners of the internet are breeding grounds for edgy "humor".

People can learn and grow. Even if this kid didn't realize the implications of what he said, I hope he learns from this.

It would be great if you can share some advice on how you guys handled it. I think it'll be very useful for people who might have kids and younger siblings that might end up falling into the same path.


Oct 25, 2017
My SO's little brother has been my Steam Friend since he has had his own computer, since about 2015ish. Imagine my surprise when I looked the groups he belonged to and… so many swatztikas and slurs. Instead of going to his mom, me and his sister decided to have a heart to heart with him. I recognized he was an edgy 14 year old and figured I could reach out to him. I did, kid is about as leftist as can be and he has expressed embarrassment for pulling that shit in the past.

Kids this age can absolutely say terrible, vile shit and have awful associations if they're left to their own devices. This hobby and certain corners of the internet are breeding grounds for edgy "humor".

People can learn and grow. Even if this kid didn't realize the implications of what he said, I hope he learns from this.

It would be great if you can share some advice on how you guys handled it. I think it'll be very useful for people who might have kids and younger siblings that might end up falling into the same path.
Yeah, I what like some pointers too.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
"Free Hong Kong" sounds like a leftist idea but I'm assuming this has been co-opted by the alt-right for the purpose of pushing anti-china sentiment?
Could be, one countries' left/right distinctions can get murky when you're trying to incorporate foreign politics into them.

But even more than that, this was just not what he was doing before. Like if someone does something that looks like an edgy joke and you look at their history of behaviour and see that they express the same ideas all the time, you can use the context to go "oh, this is an actual view they have". But this kid doesn't have a clear pattern like this. He wasn't telling these jokes up until now. He wasn't spouting antisemitism until now. He was interrupting events but it wasn't to do this.


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Jason's tweet how he mentionned he talked to the kid I couldn't help but see this tweet in one of the response:


Which was a response to this tweet:


Not sure where I'd post this but figured here would be ok. Would need to see if it happened to multiple attendees.

Video Gaming execs priorities are right place as usual /s

Bizkit Krueger

Powered by Friendship™
Sep 8, 2022
People have been saying for years that we are "not ready" for the Gen Z internet takeover because they are comparably so much more unhinged and inscrutable. I do wonder if that is the case here.

the shit teenagers were doing on the internet ten or fifteen years ago was no less unhinged or inscrutable than anything that's going on now

one day the current crop of teenagers will be the old timers who don't understand the younger generation, and the cycle will continue like it always does


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Yeah, I what like some pointers too.

Honestly, just kind of went over facts with him. To say that learning about the Holocaust is downplayed in rural areas compared to others is... something. Simple fact sharing was eye-opening for him.

After that, the kid was already getting into hip-hop, so it was pretty easy to point out how a lot of the stuff he was listening to (Kendrick was his favorite) already was heavily rooted in social justice. Coupled that with rising stories of police brutality from the earlier protests.

Not to excuse the kid doing it in the first place, but he literally had zero ethnic kids at his high school-- 100% white graduating class (no exaggeration). It was easy to show him what kind of repercussions belonging to certain groups and saying certain things can permanently damage his reputation if he was planning on going away for college or whenever he gets a job.


Oct 25, 2017
If he is just a prankster, what the fuck was he doing giving interview to info wars. I mean he was interviewed for his political beliefs so he must've been at least aware what info war was.

Infowars probably wanted to use his advocacy for Hong Kong as a way to play to their base that the Chinese are evil scary people blah blah Communism. Could be a kid with his heart in the right place on that issue used by the grifter media class. Would a then-12/13 year old actually know Infowars is a grift?