Empyrean Cocytus

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Probably not, since this DLC will be based on folklore and not real historical battles



Jun 17, 2020
I guess we can safely assume that TLOU 2's Factions are on the way, too, and might even come out this Fall.
Yeah Anthony Newman, the game co-director, confirmed a few days ago that they were still working on it and were taking their time to realise the team's ambitions.
Hopefully we see it this fall
Oct 24, 2019
You can't really post something like this and leave us hanging. come on now.

I'm not really at liberty to say certain things for the sake of that person's privacy, but most of what I've heard are rumors that have been floating around elsewhere already. Like another Sony event happening at the end of August (maybe beginning of Sept. if it gets delayed) where FF XVI will be revealed as a timed exclusive, for example.

This was the biggest "brand new" surprise rumor that I had heard. I'll definitely be weighting rumors from them more heavily in the future though lol


Oct 25, 2017
I would imagine so. I hope there's a decent amount of unlockables though. And I don't really mind as long as they don't sell P2W stuff.

This seems to be a thing bigger studios have been doing over the past few years, starting with maybe GTA V. Release a very polished, story heavy single player game, then release a large GaaS multiplayer component a bit afterward, using the base built by the single player, as a revenue stream while you start work on the sequel. The multiplayer components are usually referred to as separate products altogether. Like, no one calls GTA Online "GTA V's Multiplayer Mode", even though that's essentially what it is.

GTA V -> GTA Online
RDR -> RDR Online
The Last of Us 2 -> Factions
Ghost of Tsushima ->Ghost of Tsushima: Legends

Didn't the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series have similar multiplayer modes?

Obviously we don't know just how big Ghost of Tsushima: Legends will be, but given their use of the MMO/MMO-Lite terminology like "Raid", I imagine they intend it to be a platform.

yeah, I bet this is close to mass effect MP with classes, booster for XP, cosmetics and stuff.
I have no problem with this : the sp is perfect and not monetize, so they can go and try to monetize this I just hope its not too grindy


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit, wow! I thought I was done with the game for good after the platinum and was not expecting anything like this. Demons, multiplayer co-op, a raid, and all for free?? Sucker Punch is spoiling the hell out of us.
Empyrean Cocytus

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
This sounds like it would be perfect to follow the Warzone model. Free to play spinoff with character customization, that also acts as an ad for the main game.

The way its worded makes it sound like it will be a separate game, like FFXV Comrades (although that wasn't free for those who owned FFXV). Those who don't own GoT can still access it, they just have to pay for it.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not really at liberty to say certain things for the sake of that person's privacy, but most of what I've heard are rumors that have been floating around elsewhere already. Like another Sony event happening at the end of August (maybe beginning of Sept. if it gets delayed) where FF XVI will be revealed as a timed exclusive, for example.

This was the biggest "brand new" surprise rumor that I had heard. I'll definitely be weighting rumors from them more heavily in the future though lol


Oct 26, 2017
No one wanted this.

Where's the story DLC, SP???
Lol, some people are really angry at you for wanting sp story dlc :p

for one, despite what they've said, im really hoping we see them adjust this new content to either account for solo play (outside the raid) or install ai partners to fill out the ranks.

beyond that, if the overall reception is good, i wouldn't be surprised to see a meatier sp expansion not unlike their own Festival of Blood or R* Undead Nightmare. A full map conversion with new beasties and new creepy weather type would be awesome!


Oct 28, 2017
I would imagine so. I hope there's a decent amount of unlockables though. And I don't really mind as long as they don't sell P2W stuff.

This seems to be a thing bigger studios have been doing over the past few years, starting with maybe GTA V. Release a very polished, story heavy single player game, then release a large GaaS multiplayer component a bit afterward, using the base built by the single player, as a revenue stream while you start work on the sequel. The multiplayer components are usually referred to as separate products altogether. Like, no one calls GTA Online "GTA V's Multiplayer Mode", even though that's essentially what it is.

GTA V -> GTA Online
RDR -> RDR Online
The Last of Us 2 -> Factions
Ghost of Tsushima ->Ghost of Tsushima: Legends

Didn't the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series have similar multiplayer modes?

Obviously we don't know just how big Ghost of Tsushima: Legends will be, but given their use of the MMO/MMO-Lite terminology like "Raid", I imagine they intend it to be a platform.
Yeah I actually like this approach. You get your polished single player game followed by a Gaas game, so basically getting the best of both worlds.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol, some people are really angry at you for wanting sp story dlc :p

for one, despite what they've said, im really hoping we see them adjust this new content to either account for solo play (outside the raid) or install ai partners to fill out the ranks.

beyond that, if the overall reception is good, i wouldn't be surprised to see a meatier sp expansion not unlike their own Festival of Blood or R* Undead Nightmare. A full map conversion with new beasties and new creepy weather type would be awesome!
Huh? he trying to speak for others about what they want.


Oct 28, 2017
Holy shiiiiiit this sounds amazing and totally unexpected. This game keeps delivering, its only going to get bigger and bigger.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I am ALL about this.

Sucker Punch pulling for my GOTY


Oct 27, 2017
the combat is pretty vanilla in ghost of tushy and the mission design really makes me doubt they're going to make anything really unique with a 4 player co-op horde mode.
Interesting. I wouldn't peg the combat as vanilla, it's quite unique and weighty in a way that suits the setting. At higher difficulties the game really blossoms with parry/dodge timings and ghost weapons. On top of all of that, you have the option to play the game stealthily, which is something we're seeing less of over time. GoT really offers a full suite of gameplay flavours outside of just vanilla. From what they are describing in this blog post, they're going to further adapt that concept and flesh out each arm of the game's combat into a specialised class.

I do love vanilla though.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This seems cool, especially visually.

The only downside is that as far as a GAAS mode goes there isn't THAT far it can go, unless they finally start giving swords bespoke stats rather than just having them as identical cosmetics.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the first time I've audibly reacted to something on Twitter. Like, I'm not sure I'm interested but I'm impressed how quiet they kept this.


Oct 25, 2017
Awesome. More games should have Mercenaries-like modes that do something arcadey with the game mechanics.


Oct 30, 2017
This seems cool, especially visually.

The only downside is that as far as a GAAS mode goes there isn't THAT far it can go, unless they finally start giving swords bespoke stats rather than just having them as identical cosmetics.
They might give it stat for multiplayer if they wanna give it few dlcs and support it . But it being free makes that plan abut unlikely as in gaas nothing is free


Oct 30, 2017
Factions will probably be F2P and likely PS5 exclusive. I think they will be greatly changing the formula/scale vs Factions 1. They are always really good about stuffing their MP modes full of MTX as well
No reason to make it PS5 exclusive imo
TLOU2 has been developed on PS4, its gameplay, etc... worked on PS4

Just release it on PS4/PS5 to have a good potential amount of players (PS4 install base), it's the most logical choice


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Talking with my brother about it, he brought up they should add in PvP duel mode as well. Thought that was a great idea.


Apr 27, 2019
Damnit, the wait for the PS5 isn't getting any easier this way, Sucker Punch.. I want to play this on PS5 not PS4..


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully each story mission can be played with different people rather than in one go. I'd hate to have someone drop out towards the end of a mission.

I don't often play MMOs but have heard the term Raid before, are they special missions or something?