
Oct 25, 2017
Probably what most of game journalists think about Steam and Epic situation

While this might not bode well for the ongoing strength of Steam's marketplace, it most likely is good for everyone else. Having a little competition on the market should encourage Steam to take more proactive steps at securing developers and games on their platform. While further dividing your friends list can be an annoyance, Epic is putting Valve on notice, and hopefully they're paying attention.

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017

Umbrella Carp

Jan 16, 2019
Nope, fuck that. The dividing friends list argument doesn't even fly....Because none of my mates are on fucking EGS. This is gaming media stoking the flames to have something interesting to write about and that is all there is to it.


Oct 26, 2017
User Warned: Misrepresenting the concerns and arguments of others.
Most gamers are like "Gabe's gotta get his 30%"
PC, the apparently open platform haha.

Apologies. My comment was belittling of an issue that I'm not fully versed in.

I think it's only right that on a platform like the PC where a user is free to install any application frok any source, it's a good thing that publishers are pushing for a greater margin on their products.

With the rise of cloud computing, content delivery is no longer a complex task reducing one of the large benefits of Steam's platform for a developer and / or publisher.

Being the middle man between the two should have their advantage reduced closer the true cost.

Of course what is happening is there are a lot of stores that aren't upto par. But I think we'll likely reach a point where a vendor will come along and integrate multiple stores.
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Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Man it seems like Valve is getting all the blame while Epic gets called a good boi for bringing "competition" to the table.


Dec 28, 2017
The final clincher that will prompt Valve to do something will be when Borderlands 3 is announced as an Epic Games Store exclusive next Thursday.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen zero objective analysis from all these publications, and zero input from actual customers, most of them are just regurgitating what Tim Sweeney says.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I love how all of these pseudo journalists always say that it'll be good for everyone but can't ever give a reason why it would be


Oct 25, 2017
You heard it people.
More expensive games, games removed from every storefronts but one and less features are better for everyone.

And this is why the gaming press is a fuckin joke. The moment they stopped paying their games and have been spoiled with press kits is the moment they became irrelevant when it comes to consumer issues.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'll call it anything short of disastrous for PC players who aren't in first world countries when I see them provide (good) regional pricing and a non-spyware client


Oct 25, 2017
The gaming media is getting exposed left and right because of Epic Games, so at least there's one positive thing from this whole shitshow. So many PR writers, so few real journalists. It's quite sad to see.


Mar 13, 2019
Wow, those sites really want to see EGS and Steam engaged in a war for exclusives don't they? "Having a little competition on the market should encourage Steam to take more proactive steps at securing developers and games on their platform." is one of the worst arguments I saw in this discussion.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I love how all of these pseudo journalists always say that it'll be good for everyone but can't ever give a reason why it would be
"EGS is a good thing and gamers should appreciate it!"

"Okay. Why should I be happy about it?"



Okay the articles aren't as cut and dry as I pretend they are but it seems to always be the same thing over and over again.


Oct 25, 2017
The gaming media is getting exposed left and right because of Epic Games, so at least there's one positive thing from this whole shitshow. So many PR writers, so few real journalists. It's quite sad to see.

You can't call journalist someone without a press card.
But yeah, it's funny to see some writers basically promoting a storefront against another.
Oct 27, 2017
Ultimately, this is about making the industry a better place, starting with the terms available for developers. I understand gamers don't see that.


Oct 25, 2017
Even Tim Sweeney himself doesn't think Epic Store has any benefit for the consumers aside from 'more money for the devs', how is this good for everyone?
Oct 25, 2017
Man these lot are so fucking slimy..
"Good for everyone".

Don't think I'll ever read articles from certain publishers again.


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
Having a little competition on the market should encourage Steam to take more proactive steps at securing developers and games on their platform.


Let's start with a moneyhat war lol

The highest rated PC games of 2019 so far are on Steam and they are all selling/sold extremely well.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
Having a little competition on the market should encourage Steam to take more proactive steps at securing developers and games on their platform
So Valve should moneyhat because something, something competition? Also passing off a hot take for an article, lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"it most likely is good for everyone else"

tfw when you get the impression journalists are creating propaganda when they use the same words and phrases
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it. I'm pretty sure these writers aren't stupid so why do I keep seeing the same points trotted out when anyone taking a bit more than a cursory look at the facts can see they're clearly bollocks. 'Proactive steps' currently means paying off the publisher/devs which just isn't viable as a long-term strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
"what do we think of the Epic and Steam situation on PC guys?"
"Dunno, let's get our console player to write an article about it"


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen zero objective analysis from all these publications, and zero input from actual customers, most of them are just regurgitating what Tim Sweeney says.

It's just video games, but I find this all genuine scary. Like I can live with Epic's nonsense for now, but the press at large just blindly repeating a corporate agenda and narrative and nothing else is just embarrassing.


Oct 26, 2017
Elsewhere for 8 minutes
Some of the regional pricing on Epic is just plain rude for Australia. US$72 for Control, AUD$100? Good luck with that. It''l probably launch at about AUD$65 on console.

Not sure about the economics behind this. Most disrupters come into to a market to make the experience for the end user easier, cheaper, more convenient. Epic seems to want to put up a walled garden and just say too bad, too sad to the consumer and with their incestuous mates in the industry insult gamers left and right. Way to build loyalty and good will.


Nov 20, 2017
These 'articles' are just reading like informercials now. Man, Epic must be on an ad buying spree.


Oct 25, 2017
So Game Informer wants Valve to start money hatting exclusive games? Good grief. I'm curious how many journalists actually have PC as their main platform.

That whole article is so bad. I just can't anymore. We need more journalists who actually play on PC as their primary platform and not look at it from a console lens.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
I just want every dev to get Epic's 88-12 revenue share or better and to be able to keep making games, even if it pisses off a lot of people, man.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want every dev to get Epic's 88-12 revenue share or better and to be able to keep making games, even if it pisses off a lot of people, man.

Why not a 100% share for devs ? But guess what ? Neither are sustainable. So unless you're fine in the long run with paying your games more, which is good, it wont hold.


Nov 20, 2017
I just want every dev to get Epic's 88-12 revenue share or better and to be able to keep making games, even if it pisses off a lot of people, man.

What if the developer isn't independent and has a big publisher? Does Epic give the 88-12 cut and storefront exclusivity money directly to the developers?


Oct 26, 2017
I just want every dev to get Epic's 88-12 revenue share or better and to be able to keep making games, even if it pisses off a lot of people, man.

That split is impossible if you run store like Steam. Hell it is not possible for Epic Store either that is why they are transfering payment fees up to 6-7% to the customer for some payment methods. That 12% cut is enough is biggest lie in gaming industry in past few years.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure about the economics behind this. Most disrupters come into to a market to make the experience for the end user easier, cheaper, more convenient. Epic seems to want to put up a walled garden and just say too bad, too sad to the consumer and with their incestuous mates in the industry insult gamers left and right. Way to build loyalty and good will.
Why not just admit to being assholes? Why keep up this smile when it is apparent they are just throwing Fuck You Fortnite money around to take over this platform. They're transparent at this point.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I mean, I agree with this take and I've shared it since the beginning. While it sucks for consumers in the short term, I'm confident that in a future long term where Steam and EGS have similair market shares, the competition between them will only be a positive for the consumer.

I also know people will disagree here and it's fine. Just felt I needed to add my differing opinion since most people here are mocking GameInformer. (Also prepared it might happen to me too but eh, I can take it.)


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, no? still existing is proof enough. barely breaks even each month. You're right, it's proof enough.

I mean, I agree with this take and I've shared it since the beginning. While it sucks for consumers in the short term, I'm confident that in a future long term where Steam and EGS have similair market shares, the competition between them will only be a positive for the consumer.

I also know people will disagree here and it's fine. Just felt I needed to add my differing opinion since most people here are mocking GameInformer. (Also prepared it might happen to me too but eh, I can take it.)

The problem here you're not stating any argument here but a blanket statement.
"If they reach an equal marketshare, things will be better".
How so ?
It's not because you claim it'll be better that it's true, without even giving any exemple.

On the other hand, I can see PC games with split servers for those who bought on EGS and those who bought on Steam.
Which is amazing. Dont we all like a PC game with a fragmented userbase ?


Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
I just want every dev to get Epic's 88-12 revenue share or better and to be able to keep making games, even if it pisses off a lot of people, man.

Devs kept making games for years with the 70/30 share and that's a standard across mobile, console and PC
Devs kept making games on console for decades when the share is more than 30% on physical copies
Devs are not going down because the 70/30 share is "too high".

The 12% is already unsustainable and EPS proved so by adding fees