
Jul 30, 2020
I could see a PC port. New game, no, at least not funded/published by Sony.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I think you would when Keiichiro Toyama and the team that made those games have their own company and a strong relationship with Sony, and those games aren't expensive to begin with. The Last Guardian was also finished by GenDESIGN.

The Last Guardian was a prestige project that started within Sony and Sony published it themselves, though. It's not quite the same thing as them going "here Bokeh you can have this license have fun".

I just don't think Toyama has the level of cultural cachet within Sony that the Silent Hill fanbase thinks he does. Especially not for a franchise that failed to get off the ground three times in a row.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
The Last Guardian was a prestige project that started within Sony and Sony published it themselves, though. It's not quite the same thing as them going "here Bokeh you can have this license".

I just don't think Toyama has the level of cultural cachet within Sony that the Silent Hill fanbase thinks he does.
License, outsource. Whatever. Sony could still publish it.

Who do you think would fund any new games/port

Sure as hell aint going to be Sony
Whose funding Slitterhead?
Jul 1, 2020
As much as I love Kat, the game that deserves port/another shot isn't GR.
It's this.
I consider this the last "Weird Sony" game to ever be released. They just kinda stopped making them after that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why did this get to Page 2 without anyone @'ing me!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 14, 2017
Pc ports would be fantastic. A third game though? I have no hope in this case actually. Ape Escape 4 is more a reality to me than GR3.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
Sony did gave Tomorrow Children back to Q-Games but that was a way smaller game, so who knows. I respect his commitment to his work so I hope for the best.
Oct 30, 2017
South Coast, UK
Hey first we need the Siren games on PC, or at least Blood Curse playable on PS5. I'm starving out here! Gravity Rush is great, but it's a crime that Blood Curse is stuck on PS3.


Oct 28, 2017
I really think Sony didn't promote this game very effectively. Also, a new game should have someone in putting on the mission design. GR2 had incredible visuals, audio and mechanics, but the mission design was poor in parts, especially the terrible sections where you lose your powers.

Still this was easily one of the most charming games of the last gen and had such a great vibe. A new one on PS5 could look incredible.


Oct 26, 2017
The only surprising thing about the tweet is that there is a GravityRushCentral website doing interviews in 2022...


Aug 27, 2018
Exactly. Sony did try to sell the game, it just doesn't have the kind of appeal folks think it does. The fact the characters all speak a made-up fantasy language instead of English or Japanese is a huge barrier to accessibility.

I don't think any Gravity Rush fan thinks that the game has mainstream appeal.

It's just people like the franchise because it's good.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I would love that too, Toyama, but they literally closed your studio because they don't want to make Gravity Rush anymore.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Publishers don't lend out their unused IPs, especially ones that are historically unpopular. It doesn't really make sense why Sony would do that. If they thought there was a chance Gravity Rush had a future they wouldn't have abandoned it in the first place.
To be fair, Ueda came back with his new studio to finish The Last Guardian. It's not completely out of the norm.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Knowing that GR2 VR was being worked on hurt :(

It's been one of my most wanted VR games ever, probably only after Portal VR.


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
I really think Sony didn't promote this game very effectively.

The game had a ton of tie-ins with multiple games, had an OVA made by Studio Khara and was on literally every Sony conference with multiple trailers. People didn't buy it still. Can't really blame Sony marketing on this one.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
License, outsource. Whatever.

The point is that Sony gave the series three chances, with increasingly high profile each time, and it failed every time. I don't see why they'd be willing to foot the bill for an externally-developed sequel to the franchise.

Of course Toyama would love the idea of making another one or porting it to PC, but it's just not gonna happen.

To be fair, Ueda came back with his new studio to finish The Last Guardian. It's not completely out of the norm.

That's a different story because that was an in-development, extremely high-profile project that Sony clearly cared a TON about. Gravity Rush is not "the follow-up title to Shadow of the Colossus", it's a failed Vita IP that couldn't even increase its sales with a high-profile PS4 sequel.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
Sony definitely don't give a shit

Publishers don't lend out their unused IPs, especially ones that are historically unpopular. It doesn't really make sense why Sony would do that. If they thought there was a chance Gravity Rush had a future they wouldn't have abandoned it in the first place.
wasn't Popolocrois a Sony IP (though wasn't it also a comic?)? and that got a 3DS game


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
They would have to go through Sony for that to happen, which would require SIE to have an iota of interest in the IP.
Why do you keep replying to me with points that I already addressed? Toyama and Bokeh have a strong relationship with Sony (who don't have a use for the IP anyway), so I don't see a groundbreaking issue here.

Bokeh Game Studio owns Slitterhead.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
It is especially sad because the SSD could do wonders for this kinda game and 2 was really held back by the HDD.


Jan 17, 2018
I thought GR1 was a rather mediocre game with an interesting concept and cool art, but I'll buy GR2 on PC, doubt it's gonna happen tho.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
They wouldn't necessarily have to.

Realistically, I do not see a world in which Bokeh is able to secure enough independent funding to make a sequel to a dead franchise and then ALSO get Sony to give them the rights to make that game.

The series just does not have the kind of appeal to make this kind of scenario anywhere close to likely.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony should definitely port these games that deserve a second life, there's tons on the PS3 too that failed but would probably do well if given another shot on PC
Oct 27, 2017
If Sony didn't want to fund Japan Studio anymore, they definitely don't want to fund Gravity Rush. I personally hate saying that myself, but it is what it is.
Why do they need to fund it themselves?

He has his own studio right now and can make it himself. They can always lend the IP to him and he makes it however he needs.


Oct 28, 2017
The game had a ton of tie-ins with multiple games, had an OVA made by Studio Khara and was on literally every Sony conference with multiple trailers. People didn't buy it still. Can't really blame Sony marketing on this one.

I never saw much marketing in person, maybe they were marketing it more in Japan? They should have tried to push it more outside Japan.