When will Halo Infinite be revealed?

  • Yes, before E3

    Votes: 13 11.8%
  • Yes, during E3

    Votes: 20 18.2%
  • Wait, E3 was canceled

    Votes: 32 29.1%
  • Daisy, Daisy...

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • I will not... allow you... to leave. This. PLANET!

    Votes: 14 12.7%
  • Halo's just dad.

    Votes: 29 26.4%

  • Total voters
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Dokkaebi G0SU

Nov 2, 2017
super small 15 sec teaser! haha jk, probably waiting for the air to clear so their post doesn't get unnoticed by the behemoth of the video game awards news.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Cool stuff to chat about:
  • Riptide, Overgrowth and Molten removed from MM
  • Tuning update reversed
  • BTB pistol starts
  • Social core Halo playlist
  • Funknown banned from the community


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like Ask a Game Dev is answering questions from the Halo Community since recently, it's all about balance. Latest blogpost is about devs taking community feedback versus their own internal methods of analysis when they're considering balance changes. Again, really interesting!

Q: When it comes to balancing multiplayer like Overwatch, how much are devs usually taking community feedback versus their own internal methods of analysis when they're considering balance changes? Because lord knows every player as their opinion on who needs a buff/nerd and that can turn into the perfect storm on the forums, but there's also that difference between what the player sees and what the dev sees, right?

A: So here's the thing - players really only see one aspect of the data - the forums. They generally have to guess at the rest. Meanwhile, we get to see all of the data that we remember to track. That means win/loss rates, team compositions, power/weapon/character choices, etc. across millions of data points automatically gathered every day. In addition to this, we also have researchers watching various outlets across social media to get a general feeling from as many different demographics of players as we can. Beyond just gathering feedback, the designers also constantly play the game and want to improve it. I can guarantee you that every game that's live already has a list of tasks a mile long that the designers weren't able to find time to do, each with varying task priority, many of which address community concerns to varying degrees.

When we consider balance changes, of course we take the community feedback into account. But considering the community feedback doesn't mean doing exactly what they say - we should also consider the telemetry data we've gathered, the other feelings among the other player demographics on social media, our own internal testing and expertise, and so on and so forth before making a decision. If the community's perceived problems aren't showing up in other areas, it probably isn't as big a deal and we probably don't need to address it immediately. If it's showing up across multiple vectors across the community, the collected data, and our own internal testing, then it probably does require addressing.

The other thing to keep in mind is that we devs are often working months in advance of what you're seeing on live servers. Creating, developing, tuning, testing, and certification take time. The winter event content launching soon in Overwatch (or any game that's a service, really) is actually content that was probably being concepted in July, developed from August to September, tuned and tested in late September-October, then certified in November. We always want to keep the live game as stable as possible, so we have schedule cutoffs for things like balance changes and bug fixes to make it into content updates. If something doesn't make the cutoff, unless it's deemed critical, it gets moved to the next update which could be months later. Only critical stuff gets to jump the line and the process, and that's generally because it's interrupting service, stopping business from proceeding, or making the game unplayable somehow. That means that the community probably won't see the balance changes or bug fixes they want RIGHT NOW for several weeks to months unless we've already started working on it before you bring it up, just because of the development process and schedule.

As a side note, that's actually a good way to gauge whether the developers thought of something the community wanted before the players started complaining about it. If something to address it comes in the next patch, chances are good that they caught it before the community noticed. If it takes two or more major content updates to happen, then they probably didn't.


Oct 27, 2017
Detroit, MI
Hey, I got the Xbox Game Pass and am almost finished downloading Halo 5 after being away from it for like 7 months now. I love the multiplayer but playing with randoms is...trying. My Gamertag is Cypher Seven, if anyone wants to play together sometime.


Oct 28, 2017
FUNKNOWN iXi You know which "hidden mechanic" from CE I would kill for a return? Grenade jump when being invincible for a short period of time after taking the overshield. I just had the most fun I ever had playing 4v4 on Damnation thanks to all the hidden mechanics and having good opponents and good teammates (we were all about on the same skill level, playing competitive without being hardcore and mostly looking for the fun).

You were right to say CE has the most depth from any Halo game, with simple mechanics, you can focus your leaning curve on knowing everything else there is to know: how the sandbox interact with each other elements of the game.

CE can be the funniest Halo game if you're playing with people on the same level as you, and the most terrible one when you're playing against people that really are stronger than you.


Oct 25, 2017
Halo 1 was supposed to be alot more gory by the looks of it.

So that was actually there for the flood intro cinematic, where the marine gets the infection form yanked off him. In the storyboards it was to rip the front of his chest off. We were going to restore it in SPV3, but never got around to updating our model so you just see a blood spurt.

Now the grunts... there is textures for their decapitated head.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
FUNKNOWN iXi You know which "hidden mechanic" from CE I would kill for a return? Grenade jump when being invincible for a short period of time after taking the overshield. I just had the most fun I ever had playing 4v4 on Damnation thanks to all the hidden mechanics and having good opponents and good teammates (we were all about on the same skill level, playing competitive without being hardcore and mostly looking for the fun).

You were right to say CE has the most depth from any Halo game, with simple mechanics, you can focus your leaning curve on knowing everything else there is to know: how the sandbox interact with each other elements of the game.

CE can be the funniest Halo game if you're playing with people on the same level as you, and the most terrible one when you're playing against people that really are stronger than you.

CE was so simple, yet so deep. It still deserves a true follow up on that forumula.

Sure it would be frustrating to play against people that were much stronger, but having a good online MM system would've alleviated that.

I supposed they dumbed down halo2 because the networking realities then would have made many of CEs systems extremely difficult to deliver, but a CE-esque game would SING today.


Oct 28, 2017
CE was so simple, yet so deep. It still deserves a true follow up on that forumula.

Sure it would be frustrating to play against people that were much stronger, but having a good online MM system would've alleviated that.

I supposed they dumbed down halo2 because the networking realities then would have made many of CEs systems extremely difficult to deliver, but a CE-esque game would SING today.

The funny thing is CE is as deep in multiplayer as it is in PvE. The blend between crazy physic, excellent IA and good sandbox makes for an incredible experience each time you start playing it, even for a few minutes.

God, I wish we could get Halo Custom Edition on Xbox. We could get so much more from this game. I would even buy a CE Open World game with little quests added like Destiny 2 is doing it.

A few years back, I heard the term of "emergent gameplay", now applied to games like Zelda BoTW or Goat Simulator, which is something I already knew about but not with this name. It's about gameplay that "emerge" (thanks captain obvious) when players appropriate themselves the game, the mechanics, and create their own challenge and little stories. Well, I think Halo CE is the embodiment of this thanks to the incredible blend I quoted earlier, and something Halo has lost since CE (it was kind of back in ODST, but that's really different).

I don't know if it's due to CE being more a laboratory from (past) Bungie where they were testing stuff and discovering things by themselves, and so was never intended to be so remarkable, or something they did on purpose but thought wasn't their goal for this franchise and decided to switch for a more linear gameplay for the rest of their game (somehow similar to what Destiny 1 is to Destiny 2, an experience that wasn't as they wanted it to be, but was "loved" from gamers that were invested in it).

I'm not sure we will ever get a true follow-up to CE, unless someone from the community create it as an indie. This is the kind of experiment I'm not sure a AAA studio like 343 would ever risk to make.

And for Halo 2 being dumbed down, I'm sure that's because they saw what emerged from CE multiplayer, liked some part of it, but didn't liked the "depth" behind it and just wanted to make for a very simple, but enjoyable, experience.

Now the grunts... there is textures for their decapitated head.

Masterz, always with the cool stuff haha. Do you have a model of this with the applied texture?

(Btw, I'm back in France since a few days, didn't get a chance to read the PDF you gave me a few months back, but I'm going to read it soon and see if I'm able to help you :) )


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
The funny thing is CE is as deep in multiplayer as it is in PvE. The blend between crazy physic, excellent IA and good sandbox makes for an incredible experience each time you start playing it, even for a few minutes.

God, I wish we could get Halo Custom Edition on Xbox. We could get so much more from this game. I would even buy a CE Open World game with little quests added like Destiny 2 is doing it.

A few years back, I heard the term of "emergent gameplay", now applied to games like Zelda BoTW or Goat Simulator, which is something I already knew about but not with this name. It's about gameplay that "emerge" (thanks captain obvious) when players appropriate themselves the game, the mechanics, and create their own challenge and little stories. Well, I think Halo CE is the embodiment of this thanks to the incredible blend I quoted earlier, and something Halo has lost since CE (it was kind of back in ODST, but that's really different).

I don't know if it's due to CE being more a laboratory from (past) Bungie where they were testing stuff and discovering things by themselves, and so was never intended to be so remarkable, or something they did on purpose but thought wasn't their goal for this franchise and decided to switch for a more linear gameplay for the rest of their game (somehow similar to what Destiny 1 is to Destiny 2, an experience that wasn't as they wanted it to be, but was "loved" from gamers that were invested in it).

I'm not sure we will ever get a true follow-up to CE, unless someone from the community create it as an indie. This is the kind of experiment I'm not sure a AAA studio like 343 would ever risk to make.

And for Halo 2 being dumbed down, I'm sure that's because they saw what emerged from CE multiplayer, liked some part of it, but didn't liked the "depth" behind it and just wanted to make for a very simple, but enjoyable, experience.

It sucks, because there's a giant Halo sized void in the market at the moment. If I had the skill, this is exactly the type of game I'd shoot for, and there'd be nothing else like it.

Even when you look at games like Destiny, where it's supposed to be this dynamic and emergent experience, it really boils down to retreading bunch of scripted experiences. Nothing really allows the gameplay to tell its own story anymore.

I hope that's not the reason H2 was dumbed down. Depth doesn't really hurt anyone. At worst some players don't discover everything the sandbox has to offer- because they are too busy enjoying the things they found on the surface.

Removing depth is akin to taking cool toys from sandbox before everyone got a chance to play with them. It doesn't really add simplicity, just gives people less to play with.


Oct 27, 2017
Just completed Halo 5 SP again - almost entirely because I wanted to see what it looked like on the X. And this is well-trodden ground, but here is a brain dump, a RTTP of sorts, after going back to it over a year later, in no particular order:

  • It looks absolutely gorgeous on the X. Like it was always meant to look and play like this. Without the system being a specific target from the start, no less. Really looking forward to what 6 has in store for us.
  • The story is convoluted, but going back to it knowing all of what's going on I'm less offended by it, and actually more keen to see how this plays out.
  • I also don't mind playing Osiris, but Locke is clearly the weak link. It also feels odd that Buck is playing second fiddle to him, and I think if they killed off Locke and Buck took his place it would make me perfectly happy to spend time away from the Chief.
  • To be perfectly honest, the split between Blue and Osiris didn't bother me much as it stands.
  • Heroic was perhaps too easy, but Legendary is way too hard. Legendary in CE is pretty much perfect.
  • The controls and abilities are great.
  • The weapon selection is also good.
  • The Covenant are fun to fight, and I still rate their AI vs any other modern shooter.
  • The Prometheans are an issue. In fact I thought their implementation in 4 was much better (controversial, I know). The teleporting soldiers were fucking irritating, whereas it was much more predictable in 4 with the Knights.
  • There were lots of open areas for combat, and I felt like I had freedom. However, the vehicle sections were very narrow and allowed for zero exploration.
  • Why did they end on a gameplay event that was more or less exactly how 4 finished, and was complained about? When will 343i realise they need to finish with an epic Warthog run not a QTE??
  • The poor Warthog didn't get much of a look in, come to think of it.
All in all, I do like the campaign. And while they're not necessarily simple things to fix, my concerns are easy to pinpoint.
Nov 14, 2017
Just completed Halo 5 SP again - almost entirely because I wanted to see what it looked like on the X. And this is well-trodden ground, but here is a brain dump, a RTTP of sorts, after going back to it over a year later, in no particular order:

  • It looks absolutely gorgeous on the X. Like it was always meant to look and play like this. Without the system being a specific target from the start, no less. Really looking forward to what 6 has in store for us.
The use of dynamic resolution to maintain 60fps really obscures the quality of a lot of the assets, and on X1 it often runs at quite a low resolution. This was apparent from pre-release bullshots and the PC version, but the campaign in 4K on X really hammers it home. You can't quite say that it was too ambitious for the X1 because there a number of obvious cutbacks and it does maintain very smooth performance, but it definitely shines on more powerful systems.


Oct 28, 2017
Just completed Halo 5 SP again - almost entirely because I wanted to see what it looked like on the X. And this is well-trodden ground, but here is a brain dump, a RTTP of sorts, after going back to it over a year later, in no particular order:

  • It looks absolutely gorgeous on the X. Like it was always meant to look and play like this. Without the system being a specific target from the start, no less. Really looking forward to what 6 has in store for us.
  • The story is convoluted, but going back to it knowing all of what's going on I'm less offended by it, and actually more keen to see how this plays out.
  • I also don't mind playing Osiris, but Locke is clearly the weak link. It also feels odd that Buck is playing second fiddle to him, and I think if they killed off Locke and Buck took his place it would make me perfectly happy to spend time away from the Chief.
  • To be perfectly honest, the split between Blue and Osiris didn't bother me much as it stands.
  • Heroic was perhaps too easy, but Legendary is way too hard. Legendary in CE is pretty much perfect.
  • The controls and abilities are great.
  • The weapon selection is also good.
  • The Covenant are fun to fight, and I still rate their AI vs any other modern shooter.
  • The Prometheans are an issue. In fact I thought their implementation in 4 was much better (controversial, I know). The teleporting soldiers were fucking irritating, whereas it was much more predictable in 4 with the Knights.
  • There were lots of open areas for combat, and I felt like I had freedom. However, the vehicle sections were very narrow and allowed for zero exploration.
  • Why did they end on a gameplay event that was more or less exactly how 4 finished, and was complained about? When will 343i realise they need to finish with an epic Warthog run not a QTE??
  • The poor Warthog didn't get much of a look in, come to think of it.
All in all, I do like the campaign. And while they're not necessarily simple things to fix, my concerns are easy to pinpoint.

I agree with a lot of this. Recently replayed the campaign to collect all of the recordings and skulls and it's a very enjoyable, if slightly too easy, campaign on Heroic. I cheesed a lot of my legendary playthrough back in the day since the squad mechanics really don't make for a very good time when you die from a couple of plasma shots so it was nice to just play the game as it was intended.
  • Prometheans need more indications they've been hit. Knights are probably okay since they are meant to be tanky (and have obvious weak spots exposed from the start) but soldiers are just not very fun to fight since they take so many hits before exposing their face, and crawlers seem to react to body shots less frequently than grunts and jackals. I think I would be a lot happier if soldiers just had some pieces of armor drop off them as they are hit, even if this didn't reveal any new weak spots (just make it possible to get a rough idea of how many more hits are required to expose the face from a quick glance).
  • Osiris never really bothered me, but I agree that Locke is by far the least interesting of the bunch and it's unfortunate he's the focus. Buck would be a much better choice, but it would also be nice to have one of the women take the lead. It's also very strange that Cortana's dialogue at the very end of the game when she taunts Osiris tells us more about the team than anything else in the entire game.
  • I absolutely agree there's a weird dichotomy between open on-foot sections and confined vehicle sections. To be fair the vehicle sections often have more detail and small paths than vehicle sections in previous games which make it viable to tackle them on-foot, but I missed some really massive open vehicle arenas. With some gauss/rocket hog action, preferably.
  • I quite liked the story. My main gripe is how little exposition there is to basically everything, things happen way too fast and it's hard to follow especially the first time around. It's hard to fit detail into a 10 hour FPS campaign but since they already have three levels which basically only exist for story-telling purposes I feel they should have contained *way* more optional background material. I feel this maybe was the plan originally but the scope ended up getting reduced due to time constraints?
  • My biggest problem is that the squad system is clearly designed for co-op but there's no split screen. This just seems like confused game design and almost has to be the result of bad communication between different teams early on in the development?
It's probably my favourite "old-school" FPS campaign this gen, to be honest -- Titanfall 2 is also decent and I might be forgetting something, but I can't think of anything else that I enjoyed as much. Still no Reach, CE, or 3 of course, but that just reflects the overall lower standards for single player campaigns this gen IMHO.
Oct 25, 2017
The squad mechanic never bothered me, even on Legendary. The only thing that really breaks it entirely is the later warden fights (although that was improved with the campaign balance patch) but on Legendary you basically have to use them as basically a quick-kill mechanic to thin numbers of enemies while you're shooting other ones. If you give them vague "go here" directions or tell them to engage someone way too far away they won't be of any help to you.

So in that respect, I like them more than Noble Team, because they actually do *something* besides ground-pound constantly and I can control what they do. They definitely fall short of feeling like real useful characters outside of a few encounters.

Tappin Brews

Oct 25, 2017
The squad mechanic is awful, it almost never works as intended. Not only are they near useless in a fight, but they are beyond brain dead in saving you. Id rather have the instant revert to checkpoint than cross my fingers my moronic squad can get to me in time for a revival. Plus, halo has always been at its best mixing squad battles with lone wolf sections. Designing an entire campaign around a team is a mistake.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the Warden health model was entirely designed around having multiple people shooting it. With that being said, none of the Warden encounter spaces are any good and his aggressiveness means it's difficult for players to engage and disengage at will.
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the Warden health model was entirely designed around having multiple people shooting it. With that being said, none of the Warden encounter spaces are any good and his aggressiveness means it's difficult for players to engage and disengage at will.
He was definitely designed around having a friendly draw fire so you can flank him. He goes down ridiculously fast with an incin cannon blast to the back, The Answer, or whatever upper-tier weapon you have. Of course, actually getting him to focus your AI buds so you can flank them is a PITA solo.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Gears 4 has competitive warmup, Halo can't even get a core game type in social.


Oct 27, 2017
Gears 4 has competitive warmup, Halo can't even get a core game type in social.
Gears 4 just has excellent playlist management in general, 343 should take notes. There's Social Quickplay (Something ALL major shooters have yet Halo doesn't? Really 343?) where there's no quitting penalty, bots replace lost players, there's map voting and there's even rolling matches, cross play, different stats are displayed on the scoreboard (such as not showing deaths) and no team killing. It's just a great social experience that isn't sweaty at all without harming the core gameplay in any way. They do this while also having regular playlists and ranked playlists with various settings such as no rolling matches, rankings, no map voting, team killing, quit penalties, no bot backfilling, no cross play, short matches AND to top it all off they separate competing gameplay settings!

See this is what frustrates me, 343 said they removed Social Skirmish because it was as sweaty as ranked. That's because it was the exact same bloody thing as ranked just with JIP and no public ranks. Make it so people can join and leave as they want, have bot backfilling like in Gears or Rocket League, turn off friendly fire, change what the scoreboard displays, make it so you don't have to re-search every match, let us vote for maps, etc. etc.

343's playlist design has been so ranked centric from the beginning I believe this is what killed the games multiplayer more than anything. Hell they didn't even have ANY social at launch did they? How could they fuck this up so much, not everyone wants to play ranked, looking at any other popular shooter will show you that.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Finally got the Emile helmet :D



Oct 25, 2017
Was playing with a group of friends and we split into teams of three and went into the HCS playlist. Ended up matching against each other four games in a row which was funny.


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Slayer is the most popular and it still takes me 10 minutes to find a game :/

And when I do find a game, I match four sweaties and it gives me randos who don't know what they're doing to "balance the team".

It's like why even play anymore?
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