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Oct 25, 2017
not necessarily class restricted in this case, it can also discover neutral deathrattles, who knows, may be it could make a cairne effect
Yeah, I mean the only class cards you see are of the class you are when you play this.

You still get neutrals, but class cards have 4 times the offering rate. That's just how discover works.


Oct 25, 2017
So if you already have every card in the deck recipes, you could just fill every deck slot with one recipe, and do a 1-18 random number generator to pick your deck, and essentially have the exact same experience as having a whizbang.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Oct 25, 2017
Shrink Ray could be hilarious if your opponent has a full board while your side is empty. 7 1/1 minions and no way to really do much with them. If forbidden healing was still in standard I would probably try to make some sort of meme deck out of it.


Oct 27, 2017
So if you already have every card in the deck recipes, you could just fill every deck slot with one recipe, and do a 1-18 random number generator to pick your deck, and essentially have the exact same experience as having a whizbang.

Yes, Whizbang is a godsend for free to play players but if you're someone who is already collecting everything he's useless.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, Whizbang is a godsend for free to play players but if you're someone who is already collecting everything he's useless.

not so useless, it becomes an interesting choice to make a nice challenge since you have to adapt on the fly to whatever you get from him. People like trump are already thinking about making runs to legend only with whizbang.

I can already make most meta decks and I still want to play with that card.


Oct 25, 2017
not so useless, it becomes an interesting choice to make a nice challenge since you have to adapt on the fly to whatever you get from him. People like trump are already thinking about making runs to legend only with whizbang.

I can already make most meta decks and I still want to play with that card.
That's why i'm disappointed in no animation or special hero portrait. Someone like Trump has all the cards anyway and thus could have done that challenge at any point. It just diminishes the impact for me.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's why i'm disappointed in no animation or special hero portrait. Someone like Trump has all the cards anyway and thus could have done that challenge at any point. It just diminishes the impact for me.

he could not have done that challenge even with a full collection, the interesting part of the card is that you don't know what deck you are going to play, or what deck you are playing. That card requires to adapt on the fly.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, Whizbang is a godsend for free to play players but if you're someone who is already collecting everything he's useless.
It's a nice challenge since you have to play all the decks, some of which might be very bad, or bad at your current rank and meta.

But about the recipes...I've been collecting since like, Gadgetzan, and I and played a ton up until the last expansion, and I preordered the last 2 or 3 expansions. Despite this, I just checked and I can run the following non-basic recipes:

0/2 warrior
0/2 shaman
0/2 rogue
0/2 paladin
0/2 hunter
0/2 druid
0/2 warlock
0/2 mage
0/2 priest

So I'm at a grand total of ZERO non-basic recipes I can currently build despite playing, crafting, preordering, tavern brawling, and daily questing a ton. Heck, I can't even make some (most?) of the classic recipes, and only a few of the other recipes (3-5?) are even at 29/30 for me. Most seem to be around 26/30. Getting to mess around with 18 decks that I can't make right now, for the price of one card, while also making them golden? Yes please.

Also we are STILL at 18 deck slots despite a billion cards. You can just copy and paste now, but why can't we have 27 slots or something?
Oct 25, 2017
That's why i'm disappointed in no animation or special hero portrait. Someone like Trump has all the cards anyway and thus could have done that challenge at any point. It just diminishes the impact for me.
Does Trump have all golden cards? I suspect VERY few players have enough in their collection to do all golden recipe decks, probably just the very prolific streamers and a few collectors.

Yes he could go back and forth between some random number generator and clicking a deck, while also deleting all his decks or pasting individually, but that's obnoxious and having it built in is way smoother.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not a godsend for f2p players. It's a godsend to people who want a whacky challenge run up the ladder. Or someone who just wants to play ladder a weird way in general. F2P players still want to play legit refined decks.

I guess for the player that only plays once a week like me it's great. Yeah you're not getting Malygos Druid out of it but I'm sure some of those decks will do just fine.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got taught a rough lesson that activating opponent Ice Block with lifesteal doesn't return any health. It makes sense, it's just not something I was thinking about as a possibility


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So, if I play against someone with an all gold deck it's definitely Whizbang. Hmm...
Oct 25, 2017
Myra is a good example of a cool card that doesn't really fit into any deck type that exists.

I think it fits in any rogue deck. The problem is, it probably just isn't good enough. But on it's own it's just like a fairly statted discover minion I think. Hard to evaluate straight up tbh since the thing you discover impacts the value of the play twice as in the deathrattle the minion gets and the card you draw. Some effects are really good but the minion sucks. The deathrattle to heal 8 for instance could be quite hard to play an 8 mana 8/8 ever, but getting 8 healing off the effect on myra is good. The majority of deathrattles I believe do 1 of 2 things, summon something on board or draw something. In theory a 5 mana 4/2 that draws 2 cards or draws 1 card and summons something when it dies is pretty good, with the big caveat that the minion you play and the minion you get are dependent on the discover.


Oct 25, 2017
Most discover cards relies mostly on how good the class cards are. In this case you'll have a tiny bit less than 1 out of 3 chance of getting any particular rogue card. So if getting Sherizan is basically 100% likely to win you the game against control because of the synergy of multiple Sherizan effects on board, then playing Myra is a 33% chance of flat out winning you the game.

Thing is, I'm not sure Sherizan or any of the other Rogue deathrattles are that good. And it's about a 1/20 to find any one specific neutral card. In other words only 5% of the time that you play Myra you get the chance to choose deranged doctor.
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Oct 25, 2017
Myra is disappointing with the DRs we have now. Sherazin isn't even that good. Best bet against aggro is probably something like Applebaum / Deranged Doctor / Abomination. Against Control is probably something like Cairne.

This would have been WAY better last year. Right now, there's very little incentive to do Deathrattle....

Edit: nevermind, it says "minion"


Oct 25, 2017
you are as likely to discover bone baron and kobold illusionist both of which are terrible. Sherazin is the best outcome right now and even that it's not any good any more, actually I think the pirate that draws a combo card is the best one and you can curve into next turn but even that doesn't seem strong exactly, you will end up with no board, remove something draw two cards, meh? Is this the best it can do? The new deathrattle minion is not good either so I'm not sure what they're trying with this. In wild I think it's decent but you have more diluted pool of cards there, there is a big variance on it. A few expansions ago, it could be very strong.

Overall I think any type of rogue deck needs quite a bit of planning ahead to be successful otherwise you just die quickly, much more than other classes and high variance cards like this are just no good for that. Burgling and playing Tess has less variance than this imo and more dependable...
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The rogue legendary seems like a card in search of deck. Much like Tess was. A really cool idea, but without a home at present. Unless there are some really good deathrattles we haven't seen yet, I don't see it making anything amazing in constructed other than fun decks.
Oct 25, 2017
...but not if you play on curve.

But you would probably just play Firefly if you wanted to do that anyway

It could be used as a 3/3 Rush on Turn 3, but that is already in Warrior (in one card), and sees very little play

3/3 rush plus a 1/1 rush, both viable to be buffed by FTT. You could get 8 board damage across up to 2 targets by turn 3. Quite strong imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Can odd shaman cards exist without Shudderwock? Shudderwock isn't going to play flametongue just for this.

We'll see I guess. Maybe double bloodlust with that new legendary will be super good.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A turn 3 3/3 rush + 1/1 rush AND a random elemental is quite strong, even with an overload.

That card on its own looks good, in combo with flametongue or a earthen might is quite good.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Shaman card is good. Alone it is probably good enough early turns, and with any sort of buff its amazing. Fun to see more classes get Rush minions and how they will use them.
Oct 25, 2017
There is no real reason you must play it on 1 unless you absolutely have to have stats on board which really doesn't happen all too often because, after all, rush means you can use it to contest board at any point... so you don't have to play it on 1. I mean, 2 points to face is sometimes needed I guess on turn 2.
Oct 25, 2017
My initial reaction: It's time to evacuate earth, blizzard ruined it. Lets move on.

And I thought small time recruit was nifty. For 1 more mana you draw 1 more card and it's all your game winning cards not just thinning your deck of shitty 1 drops.
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