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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Scroll of Wonder -> Cabalist tome -> 3 Ice Blocks -> Uninstall Hearhstone from the universe.

I love this card

Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Casino Mage is a fun deck to play, but seems like it would be hell to face on a constant basis. You can't play around anything when anything and everything could come your way any given turn.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Unidentified Shield is pretty shit compared to the Elixir and Maul. It's also infinitely more boring as well. A couple of the outcomes are decent but I'm doubting that they're good enough to make you want to put it in your deck. Blizzard must hate Warrior.

Deck of Wonders is pretty bad and thank god for that. I do not get Blizzard's obsession with casting spells on random targets though. It's one of the worst and most useless mechanics in the game outside of Yogg, which they already nerfed to oblivion anyway.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I see you guys hating on this expansion. Maybe it's time to take a break from Hearthstone for y'all.

I have seen tons of fun stuff revealed so far, and several cards look very powerful. I'm excited for the Dungeon Run even though I won't really get anything for it. The game is fun, and I like playing it. If you don't, then maybe its time to log off and play something else. I've heard that there are tons of great games out this year.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Berkeley, CA
The warrior card seems okay. I haven't really been a fan of the random identifier mechanic so far, and this doesn't really change that all that much. To me, the more "good" options that card has the better, and it does seem like there are quite a few good options with the shield so... not bad overall.

The mage cards are pretty atrocious. Since I don't think they will ever willingly be put into decks... they just serve as a way to nerf random spell card generating cards -- babbling book, cabalist tome... ect.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I had low excitement at the beginning of the expansion, honestly it felt disjointed and not very good, but as more cards have been revealed I got excitement, granted not as much as ungoro or KFT, but still this set should make some more fun on HS.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So Unidentified Shield seems bad. A Shieldmaiden (6 mana 5/5 gain 5 armor) isn't even good enough to play in wild anymore, so I doubt a card that is sometimes a Shieldmaiden and sometimes something else is going to make it. 6 mana gain 15 armor seems overcosted, 6 mana gain 5 armor deal 5 damage is kinda ok, but not great. The gain 5 armor get a 5/2 weapon is probably the best one and even that isn't that hot for 6 mana when you can just get Arcanite Reaper for 5. Big meh on this one.

That Mage spell just seems designed for people who want to run Casino Mage and love it. It seems awful nearly always.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm probably wrong here, but it seems like the weapons are a square peg round hole problem this expansion.

They needed some legendary draw to get the expansion moving, so they forced in these weapons.

The more interesting thing about this expansion is these rares and epics that look to be meta-defining. That's not as easy to market to potential buyers so they shoehorn in Legendary weapons.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm probably wrong here, but it seems like the weapons are a square peg round hole problem this expansion.

They needed some legendary draw to get the expansion moving, so they forced in these weapons.

The more interesting thing about this expansion is these rares and epics that look to be meta-defining, but that's not as easy to market to potential buyers.

tbh, I think the same, the weapons are just shoehorn to get something "new" for this expansion. hopefully this doesn't mean they have run out of ideas.
Oct 25, 2017
Based on the ridiculous cards we've seen so far, I'm gonna vote on dragon priest being top tier. That hellfire with a 3/3 attached is just insane against tempo decks.

I am also curious if zoo still runs keleseth, cause that might be a more reliable way to beat dragon priest than running the 2/4 for 2. Not sure there. They haven't really ever had a strong 2 drop in terms of tempo. So I could see it going either way. But even if you do have a 4 health minion, it's the 3/3 that makes the hellfire dragon so good.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think dragon priest will be a control deck like Donais thinks so. Problem right now is that the 1-4 turns are very weak, with this card you can basically dismiss whatever happend in the early turns and then let your tempo train start from there. It's a bit weird but I think it works just fine, you play defensive first then aggressive, it's similar to how slower rogue decks work. The deck will have Bonemares, scalebane and similar cards just like now. It's just midrange like before.

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
The pressure of releasing 3 big expansions in 1 year is definitely showing. Plus, having to balance with the huge volume of cards in standard right now is probably limiting their options.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
At this point in the game, if the set even has a dozen cards that excite me, that's great to me. I am hard to please.

I want anti-fatigue for every class. Jade Idol and DMH make me happy.

Eternal Flame - Mage
3 Mana
Deal 4 damage. Shuffle this into your deck with +1 damage when played.

That card would knock my socks off.

Power of the Immortals - Warlock
6 Mana
For the rest of the game, your minions cost 2 less. At the start of each turn for the rest of the game, discover a demon. Add that demon to your deck.

Yeah or make it like kazakus potion where there are more options and you get to choose from a sub set of them at least.
This is a fantastic idea. Imagine if these items were more like WoW items that, when identified, have multiple stats. Or more like we craft them.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think dragon priest will be a control deck like Donais thinks so. Problem right now is that the 1-4 turns are very weak, with this card you can basically dismiss whatever happend in the early turns and then let your tempo train start from there. It's a bit weird but I think it works just fine, you play defensive first then aggressive, it's similar to how slower rogue decks work. The deck will have Bonemares, scalebane and similar cards just like now. It's just midrange like before.

When he mentioned something about control I don't think he meant it will only be in control lists. Dragon priest will definitely run this in a midrange list for certain. And they're already strong vs control, their end game is mostly based on discover big dragons or high value stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
Is the new mage card is any random spell like yogg? Or is it mage spells? If it's all then it's even worse than just bad.

Which actually is a good thing in terms of nerfing primordial glyph (and other random generation). That card doesn't get enough hate cause mage isn't popular at the moment.
Oct 25, 2017
If there are 2+ cards to generate random spells for mage in this expansion I'm going to riot.

OK I'm not going to riot, I'm just going to be sad. :p
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

(OK since you can't pick the targets, they don't count for quest, and bizarrely don't trigger something like Violet Teacher, this is probably terrible, but I -did- promise I would riot.)


Oct 27, 2017
I know I'm late, but I finally got Legend... been playing since beta and this is the first month where I actually felt compelled to grind it out

Rank 4 -> Legend was with a Keleseth Dragon Priest which was really fun to play, went 53-32 for a 63% winrate to Legend

What a relief, now I can stop caring about ladder.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

(OK since you can't pick the targets, they don't count for quest, and bizarrely don't trigger something like Violet Teacher, this is probably terrible, but I -did- promise I would riot.)
I hope you enjoy Rogue Ice Block, too!

Can't beat to throw Dragon package into Raza and immerse myself in pure value.
With a four mana clear, I wonder if it might be better than the combo variant.
Oct 25, 2017
Two new warrior cards:



With Bring It On!, that means Warrior can do 10 damage to all minions for 5 mana. I don't know if that's useful enough or not.
Oct 25, 2017
Up to 14 armor for 2 mana actually sounds decent to me as well. If the enemy has 5 or more minions, that ALSO combos for a 5-mana board clear (assuming <= 10 HP, no divine shield) without the downside of Bring It On!

I'm predicting the reveal in 3 hours will be a legendary, since the preview picture looks like a very fancy elf dude.
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm I can dig those. Can also use them the same way Priest does for board clear. Or just use bring it on.

Kinda wish the minion had taunt though.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
not entirely sold on flurry.

Why not? considering how easy is for warrior to gain armor, it could be a twisting nether for 3 mana that could also be flexible enough to be a whirlwind in the extreme case that you need to damage your own minions and don't have any other card avaliable


Oct 29, 2017
Looks like tempo warrior. I wouldn't play that atm, after the fiery war axe nerf it's a little behind in power. It's probably good enough to get wins in lower ranks if played very well though. I'd probably run a little bit different than this though, I don't like amani berserker for example.

It's garbage tier don't get me wrong, just the burst damage can get out of hand once in a blue moon. The deck dies to any and all removal because it wastes so many cards to get a minion comparable to what other classes get in one card. Matches against mage and hunter are kinda hilarious in that you've usually lost before you started.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017

Now just give me a cheap weapon!!!


Oct 25, 2017
The first reveals didn't impress me much, but it gets better every day. Really interesting cards, I just wish that the most interesting cards are not all epics or legendaries.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Reckless Flurry looks great. GODDAMN THEM FOR MAKING IT EPIC.

The 2 mana 2/2 is actually really good against aggro as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Dragon Silence pirestg punishes weak players so hard. "eh, it's just a 1/8, what's the worst that could happen?"
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