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Oct 27, 2017
just to testify how disgusting jade decks are..used the set in the adventure mode and won first try without breaking a sweat
how they never got nerfed will always be a mistery to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean they never designing card from what currently strong in current meta or not

For what I know this set could've finalized 8 month ago

Thats no way to tell they shouldnt give this card to this class and all that jazz thats made very silly assumption on your part.
Oct 25, 2017
But you have to admit that the cost disparity is frustrating, right?

Not sure what you mean exactly since I don't find the 3 releases per year frustrating, I find them reinvigorating. I'd be bummed out if I had to play another month of KFT meta. Card games are best when new cards are released. People complained about rotations taking away their cards. I, and many others, loved the idea because change in card games is great. You mainly play wild so I guess you weren't a fan of that change? I'm the opposite, I want change. I still play wild, and do fairly well, the competition there feels dismal compared to standard and that difference brings me back on occasion.

very scary for new players

This is pretty typical for a competitive game that has been out for 4 years with as much post release content it has received. Try jumping into MTG which has decades of history. OTOH it's not like you must buy 50 dollars of every expansion and this idea that you need to spend a ton of time to keep up... well, I don't and I think I am continuing to do fine tbh. The standard change helps, but I'd imagine they're thinking up further ways to improve the new player experience.


Dec 9, 2017
Not sure what you mean exactly since I don't find the 3 releases per year frustrating, I find them reinvigorating. I'd be bummed out if I had to play another month of KFT meta. Card games are best when new cards are released. People complained about rotations taking away their cards. I, and many others, loved the idea because change in card games is great. You mainly play wild so I guess you weren't a fan of that change? I'm the opposite, I want change. I still play wild, and do fairly well, the competition there feels dismal compared to standard and that difference brings me back on occasion.

This is pretty typical for a competitive game that has been out for 4 years with as much post release content it has received. Try jumping into MTG which has decades of history. OTOH it's not like you must buy 50 dollars of every expansion and this idea that you need to spend a ton of time to keep up... well, I don't and I think I am continuing to do fine tbh. The standard change helps, but I'd imagine they're thinking up further ways to improve the new player experience.
But with games like MTG is you can directly buy singles and build a deck that way. It's not exclusively RNG packs.


Oct 27, 2017
the biggest thing they can do to help new players is dramatically redesign the ladder so they're not facing complete meta decks as soon as they start winning a little bit. theyll have a better time and there won't be so much pressure to spend time or money getting more cards.
Oct 26, 2017
So uhhh... who are the best in the arena right now?

I just went 5-3 on my first run with a mage, then 6-3 with a paladin. Now my third is a choice between Rogue, Druid, and Shaman -.-


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure what you mean exactly since I don't find the 3 releases per year frustrating, I find them reinvigorating. I'd be bummed out if I had to play another month of KFT meta. Card games are best when new cards are released. People complained about rotations taking away their cards. I, and many others, loved the idea because change in card games is great. You mainly play wild so I guess you weren't a fan of that change? I'm the opposite, I want change. I still play wild, and do fairly well, the competition there feels dismal compared to standard and that difference brings me back on occasion.
I'm talking about money. Double class legendaries and 3 sets per year has driven the cost of maintaining your set up significantly.


Dec 9, 2017
Who am I kidding this game is always going to be fun, but I feel my money is better spent elsewhere.

I've retired from this game, and if I could do a dust giveaway I probably would.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why spell only hunter is so popular. The spellstone is how they win most of their games anyhow, and that can be done even better if you at least play Cloaked Huntress.


Oct 25, 2017
Because spell hunter is a fun deck and different I think. And I imagine a lot of people got the hunter weapon for their free one.
That's weird, usually I don't notice the community largely caring about that sort of thing, at least when it comes to the absolute most popular decks.

I do kinda wonder if the y'saarj cheese deck still does that same thing but better. I don't have the weapon, but from the outside it feels like the game is always over before it can become meaningful.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
Druid's hilarious in Dungeon Run. Double battlecry passive, pick up a few Jade Blossoms and Jade Spirits, then seven Aya Blackpaws and nearly as many Jade Behemoths. 11/11s before turn 10, 30/30s long before I let the final boss fatigue himself to death.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Ok, so against Lich King, murlocs destroyed everything, and now for dungeon runs it's jades.
I still think those jades won't rotate out in april, they'll be added to Classic instead given Blizzard's love for them.


Oct 25, 2017
Hunter is currently the highest winrate class on
makes no sense to me I've only won agains hunter unless they nutdrew me w/ cat trick, secret, ac, spellstone or something of the sort.
I'm talking about money. Double class legendaries and 3 sets per year has driven the cost of maintaining your set up significantly.
the shifting powerlevel to epics seems like a much more price driving in that regard. Course you can't play shit like the big decks cause they require so many legendaries but those are mostly neutral. The added class legendaries have been mostly crap, as in a class rarely got 2 good ones in a set. Meanwhile on the epic front every set keeps introducing new must play epics.

Someone played the shaman weapon against me and it was as bad as you'd think.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Lol, just ran into the greediest dragon Priest I've ever seen. Running two Obsidian Statues, two Eternal Servitudes, two Bone Drakes.

I guess getting demolished by aggro doesn't bother these people.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how Razakus priest changes with this expansion.

Psychic Scream is a given. Gilded Gargoyle is probably pretty good. Legendary Weapon a very slight maybe.

Is Dragon or Resurrect upgraded enough to justify a package of its own in it?


Oct 25, 2017
decks that I think for sure going to be meta this expansion;

-#1 legend demon zoo is performing very well, hit 5 with it just now. It's just solid.

-Playing priest is frustrating right now because there is no meta and you need precise card knowledge to play that deck, some people play such junk that's justi infuriating to play that deck. You have no idea how they win with that junk but works well against you in that spot, things like that. Dragon priest is much better right now. Just put a wincon in your deck against some greedy ass control decks and you should do fine.

- Murloc paladin is good man. It's so good.

- Burn mage. Control warlock is interesting as an anti aggro deck but I think it will be gone again after meta settles down, auto loses to mage and priest. IF these burn mages are sticking around which I see no reason why they shouldn't (the new secret is dumb and the weapon is good), there is no room for control warlock. I'm hoping this is the last expansion we see mana wyrm around, it belongs to the HoF.

-BAD decks.

-I see this one aggro paly net deck often too which is awful btw. Just play murlocs, why you play this junk. Just exploiting divine favor right now against other bad decks.

-Spell hunter, this deck isn't bad against the mage deck actually but it really can't win against zoo and priest ever.

-Midrange hunter, it's still bad, maybe worse position than before compared with other aggro decks.

-??? decks.

-That taunt/fatigue druid deck has potential imo. It's probably the best anti aggro deck. Play some of the armor gain cards too it will be in a very good position against Raza and mage too. I think you can easily put a savage roar in the deck to beat other control decks, you're going to have board in this. I've seen very few people trying it so far but I think it's going to be a late bloomer, it will come around.

- Out of meta deck?

Rogue decks seem decently strong but with this many mages and zoolocks I don't think you can play miracle or even tempo rogue is probably far from optimal.
Oct 26, 2017
rogue is super good. play the tempo game and win hard. especially if you get vilespine and scalebane.
Weeeeelp, I went with druid. Started off 0-2 but finished 3-3, so meh could have been worse haha.

I'm digging the new cards for the most part but I'm getting fucking stomped in ranked play. I've never spent a cent on this game (well...I may have purchased a few arenas years ago) but I have about 4k dust and a LOT of stuff I can disenchant, including a golden legendary. Maybe it's time to go all out on a deck


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
I wonder how Razakus priest changes with this expansion.

Psychic Scream is a given. Gilded Gargoyle is probably pretty good. Legendary Weapon a very slight maybe.

Is Dragon or Resurrect upgraded enough to justify a package of its own in it?

I'm running a Dragon package in mine. Duskbreaker is just too good not to run. It shits all over aggro/tempo. And Netherspite and Operative can let you out value even some of the greedier control decks.

It pushes the deck from a combo oriented one to one more control oriented, but I like it.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Dude, Dragon's Fury is like...busted a shit lol. I'm loving big spell Mage.

And yeah, Corridor Creeper is pretty nuts. I think I gave it a 3 and then upped it to a 4 during Blizzard's review stream. I think it's a really good card. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a really good aggro card.

Edit: Instantly queued into a scumbag Quest Mage to ruin my fun. Oh Ice Block, you can't go soon enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude, Dragon's Fury is like...busted a shit lol. I'm loving big spell Mage.

And yeah, Corridor Creeper is pretty nuts. I think I gave it a 3 and then upped it to a 4 during Blizzard's review stream. I think it's a really good card. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a really good aggro card.

Edit: Instantly queued into a scumbag Quest Mage to ruin my fun. Oh Ice Block, you can't go soon enough.

I'm 3-1 so far, could've been 4-0 against rogue, but I didn't play around vaporize, and somewhat he had 3 eviscerate which I still had no idea how

But against slow deck it was fun



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I want to try big spell mage, but I don't have Dragon's Fury and I'm hesitant on making it.

got alanna, so may be I should just craft both furys
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