
Oct 25, 2017
The AMR has worked it's way into my regular rotation for bot planets now that the sights actually work, the damage buff in an earlier patch helped I'm sure, but being able to actually click on heads and not have to try and train yourself to offset your aim is the biggest buff to a weapon in the game so far.

Hulks can be killed in 2 shots to the eyehole and you can actually take down gunships with 4 shots to a thruster although their fast horizontal movement means you need to lead your shots.

It's so good that it's actually the only time I'll bother to change my armour to a low-recoil armour, we really need a loadout system in the game to make switching it up easier.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it feels like anytime I hear anything about Helldivers 2, it's just bitching now. I know fandoms suck shit, but goddamn. The game is still lots of fun and it's only been a few months.


Feb 22, 2022
Yeah it feels like anytime I hear anything about Helldivers 2, it's just bitching now. I know fandoms suck shit, but goddamn. The game is still lots of fun and it's only been a few months.

the discord is one of the most toxic things out there, imo it's detrimental to the devs, but they can't seem to know what to do. there are 2-3x the members than there are players logging in


Oct 25, 2017
The game is a rocking good time. My son and I play daily, and my buds have jumped in the past few weeks and we are hooking up a few times each week. I'd be blind to any negativity if it wasn't for what's being posted here, so perhaps we need to stop giving it visibility, because the game is still hella great.


Feb 11, 2018
Pretty much how I feel. I wouldn't have pour in so many hours to get good enough to be able to solo on helldive if the game wasn't fun. (I don't play shooters so there were a lot of things to learn.)

I feel like this is a game I can walk away from and have fun next time I get on, whenever that is, it doesn't have to be now, next week or in a month. Just whenever I wanna play I can.

This leads me to being okay with the devs needing time to help things along. I wish online communities were different but like someone else said in this thread, we can really curate our experiences online and I think that is a learned skill we all can work on, not all of us, but some (myself included 🙃)


Oct 25, 2017
My favourite part of the online discourse is that warbond weapons are both terrible when they release yet also intentionally overpowered so that the devs trick people into buying them before nerfing them
My brother bought the previous warbond for the crossbow, which was an ok weapon. Then they nerfed it even more lol. Like in all my matches I have seen zero people use it


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
the discord is one of the most toxic things out there, imo it's detrimental to the devs, but they can't seem to know what to do. there are 2-3x the members than there are players logging in
They're still operating as a small community despite their popularity exploding, and it's incredibly clear they don't know how to handle it. Honestly, they should just nuke all the chat channels in their discord at the very least.


Oct 26, 2017
The game is a rocking good time. My son and I play daily, and my buds have jumped in the past few weeks and we are hooking up a few times each week. I'd be blind to any negativity if it wasn't for what's being posted here, so perhaps we need to stop giving it visibility, because the game is still hella great.
Agree, sometimes I feel like people forgot to have fun in a game.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
The devs are in a tough spot, where players are demanding more viable loadouts at helldive, but also throwing their toys out of the pram if anything gets nerfed.

Also, the new warbond has the pummeller and impact incendiaries, which are top-tier weapons. The other two guns are crap but will obviously be buffed at some point.
But players are acting like it's a complete waste. Whereas back at launch, Steeled Veterans contained nothing good but no one was really complaining. It was only good after the patches to buff the dominator/senator and the recent DoT fix.
Players are demanding meta-level warbond weapons, but will also go ape-shit if there's any hint of pay-to-win. There's no way Arrowhead can win.

I was running pummeller and shield in some games yesterday. It works very well as long as you don't face lots of hulks, and deal with rocketeers quickly.
You can be the "point man" and absorb a lot of laser fire, allowing your team to use some big guns without being flinched by some arsehole laserbot.
It works as a great counter to the shielded devastators. Let's see how they feel about being unable to penetrate my armour while constantly flinched by a rapid fire weapon.


Oct 25, 2017
I do think that, even without the Sony thing, the game is starting to hit that same point for a lot of players.

Warbonds releasing under powered stuff, a lot of fun stuff getting nerfed, the increasingly long list of bugs, and the lack of new biomes to fight enemies in, and lack of new major gameplay features. The bugs one is big cause there is quite a few that aren't on the "known issues" list, like how players realized they fucked up the patrols and now the patrol count is equal no matter what player count you have, which is not what they said.

We're at that point were people need a big update that isn't just a Warbond update.

1. Weapon Customization
2. Armor Customization
3. Entirely New Biomes (They need to actually feel and look different and not just be the same thing but a different tint)
4. Maybe a large number of new Enemy Variants
5. New and more unique Sub Objectives
6. It's too easy to top out on some currencies like Requisition slips, which makes it feel so bad when you open up a double door and find them. We need something to be able to pour these into. Like imagine, if either per mission or for the entire set, the host could pay for specifically unique set of Stratagems that you get access to temporarily for the whole team. And also being able to trade them in for Samples/Medals would be cool as well.

Like it's still wild to me that the CEO mentioned that shortly after launch, that prior to the launch of the game that he was testing out a Stealth Build with a Silencer and Sub-Sonic Rounds on an AR... Which we still don't have access to.

Wasn't there also stuff that implied we would get Mech Customization with being able to change the guns on it? What happened to that?

In terms of balancing, I do think this Reddit Thread hits the nail on the head more often then not:

Like one of the parts is that, Bile Titans are basically unkillable unless you have specific weapons/stratagems, thus this limits what the player will choose when going into missions that will feature them. Even if it's not easy and can take awhile, you should be able to kill them with a Primary Gun if you aim at specific points on them for long enough. Then players might be more willing to open up what they bring into a fight when they don't need to rely on very specific strategems to combat a specific enemy.

Like, this is the opposite with the Robots. Every heavy enemy can be killed with grenades to the back if need be, among other things that can also damage their backsides. So people are generally willing to be a bit more flexible with their loadouts for robots cause there isn't anything that has a hard counter that requires a few things to kill them.

But then then they mention some of the bullshit on the Robots side, like how the Heavy Devastator's don't actually need to move their gun to shoot at you. The gun can be pointing forward and yet can shoot in a 180 arc no matter what. This is what gives them their insane accuracy that you seem like you can't get away from. If they actually needed to you know, aim the gun in the direction they need to fire in, they would be a lot more fair.

Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
That brings me to the other main issue with the game right now, 3-4 people who know what they're doing are likely to cruise, but if you're playing with less than that, especially solo, you have to pick the strong options or you're fucked. It is a legit complaint to bring that up. That circles around to balance again, every time the community figures out what weapons are actually strong on helldive, they tend to eat a nerf. Thats the cycle the game is in right now.
Why would devs ever balance a game around their hardest objective? at 6/7 all of the guns save for 3-4 duds can get a scrappy team past the finish line. I think the balance is a in a good spot holistically. Eruptor is sad but its the only primary that can close a bug hole/fabricator which is a huge boon.


Oct 27, 2017

Like one of the parts is that, Bile Titans are basically unkillable unless you have specific weapons/stratagems, thus this limits what the player will choose when going into missions that will feature them. Even if it's not easy and can take awhile, you should be able to kill them with a Primary Gun if you aim at specific points on them for long enough. Then players might be more willing to open up what they bring into a fight when they don't need to rely on very specific strategems to combat a specific enemy.

Like, this is the opposite with the Robots. Every heavy enemy can be killed with grenades to the back if need be, among other things that can also damage their backsides. So people are generally willing to be a bit more flexible with their loadouts for robots cause there isn't anything that has a hard counter that requires a few things to kill them.

He forgot the Walker and Gumships. You have limited options there as well just like the Titans. I don't think requiring anti heavy weapon/stratagem to take these out is that big of a deal if there are more options that can work on the mediums.
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Dec 4, 2018
I see people constantly complain about the balance but the game feels to me the most balanced it's been like ever with a load of variety.

I see people complain about the difficulty but to me it's the easiest the game has been. It's very hard for me to imagine where this negativity is coming from


Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
I just want more biomes. Initially I'd log on to see every planet because "I didn't know when I'd ever see it again". Little did I know, Draupnir #5 was right around the corner. Even any small variants would be nice. Maybe a red jellyfish instead of blue. Or if the dead grey planet had vegetation that was bright green instead of purple. I know the artistry of map generation is rough but they really need to loosen up its constraints even more. I have run into a truly memorable map in about a couple weeks now.

A couple of highlights being one time I landed and it straight up looked like Journey. It only last for 15 seconds or so as the last flicker of sunlight cast impossibly long shadows over the dunes.

And there was another map with entirely raised edges with small dunes while the center was nothing more or less than a massive swamp. So we could support from the entire length of the map technically, and get there in a straight line even. But you had to make your way down the slope, through the zero cover swamp, and back up the slope. It was just easier to make an entire ring through the map and gun it that way.

The acid planet was a nice enough touch but it's just brutal, not pretty. I'd like Minecraft levels bullnonsense. Mushroom planet, buttes with entire objectives on top and only one way up. Give me a flower planet that's gorgeous and it feels bad to trample on it. Maybe even some caves. Or better yet, there's a map with tons of overcropping and they're such a pain in the ass for stratagems and I love every time it happens.

It's okay to take break either way (goes for me too). The games not going anywhere. It's good now and it'll be better in the future.

EDIT: Actually I found my video and screenshot


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Oct 26, 2017
I really just wish they go full only buff no nerf for at least one patch so that they we can actually how it would impact the game, and how the overall community would react to it. I keep seeing comments about how disastrous it would be on both side because somehow the game would become extremely easy, and that people would complain just as much. But I really want it to be proven to me that it's not just a straw man, because it really does not align with my experience with any of the people I play the game with.
All of them, celebrate buff ( and so do I ), and more often than not only wish there was more of it and bigger ones like improving the Guard Dog, a good chunk of the sentry being bad, mines need an insane buff, not a single person in my group didn't instantly complain about the heavy machine gun ammo capacity/reload time, etc..
On the other hand pretty much none of the nerf were taken with a smile, in some best case scenario they/we would agree with a nerf but find it far too big of a nerf hammer to kill it's pick rate, rather than a small, possibly incremental, nerf depending on performance. The resulting situation is a snake eating it's tail, with everyone constantly using the same loadout "before it get nerfed", leading to increased pick rate, increasing the likelyhood of a nerf since use rate seems to matter more than performance.
Everyone in my groupe celebrated the dot fix ( and eagerly wait for the Spear one ), but because of the way the balance is handled, half of that new found enjoyment for the napalm, gaz, and incendiary shotgun... is spent saying that we have to enjoy it now before it get nerfed into oblivion.
None of us have ever voiced the opinion that the weapon balance is what should be used to balance the actual difficulty ( either to say it's too hard or too easy ), as the game is usually praised by the group for it's extensible difficulty options. At best the only things I've heard about the difficulty is that they can always rebalance helldiver difficulty to make it harder for people who want that and/or add more even difficulty level.


Oct 25, 2017
For me personally, just please buff those that need it the most and stop screwing with a good thing. Make other weapons viable, but don't do it by nerfing things people are currently using. Give us a reason to try other weapons and experiment rather than forcing us to play with specific toys.


Nov 2, 2017
It is a massive bummer to struggle through a particularly tough Helldive with only 3 players because people kept joining and dropping, make it to extraction with a ton of samples, and then the Pelican bugs out and refuses to take off. I basically just take that as my cue to shut the game off for the day at that point. They really need to fix that.
Last night I had four players, we somehow landed exactly on a 5 Uranium sample rock at the start of the match. I kept those samples across multiple deaths and retrievals, and we fought hard to clear the 40 minute mission and got to the extract. Bots are piling up as the extract ship lands... and a factory strider dies on the launch pad and blocks access to the ship. I shut off for the day/a few days...

I genuinely want to email Arrowhead customer support and tell them they owe me 5 top level samples.


Dec 28, 2018
He forgot the Walker and Gumships. You have limited options there as well just like the Titans. I don't think requiring anti heavy weapon/stratagem to take these out is that big of a deal if there are more options that can work on the mediums.
You still have more options with the walker and gunships than bile titans, even AMR can take down gunships and walkers. Their underside is medium armor, I was doing damage to one with a diligence counter sniper recently lol

Last night I had four players, we somehow landed exactly on a 5 Uranium sample rock at the start of the match. I kept those samples across multiple deaths and retrievals, and we fought hard to clear the 40 minute mission and got to the extract. Bots are piling up as the extract ship lands... and a factory strider dies on the launch pad and blocks access to the ship. I shut off for the day/a few days...

I genuinely want to email Arrowhead customer support and tell them they owe me 5 top level samples.

Yeah personally I don't care about any of the balance drama, things always oscillate in a live service game- but they need to sort out these bugs. I can count the number of issue free play sessions I've had on one hand


Oct 27, 2017
You still have more options with the walker and gunships than bile titans, even AMR can take down gunships and walkers. Their underside is medium armor, I was doing damage to one with a diligence counter sniper recently lol

Yes you have slightly more option with them from support weapons but they also fight back harder so the longer it takes to kill them the higher risk of getting overwhelmed by other patrols. Titans can be kited to help you kill other bugs. Otoh, you can't just drop a 500kg on a gunship tower either. The two factions don't really need to be equal.

I see people complain about the difficulty but to me it's the easiest the game has been. It's very hard for me to imagine where this negativity is coming from

The patrol spawn rate change ramped up the difficulty quite a bit. It's extremely noticeable playing solo/duo but has no impact if you are always playing 4p.
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Oct 27, 2017
I see people constantly complain about the balance but the game feels to me the most balanced it's been like ever with a load of variety.

I see people complain about the difficulty but to me it's the easiest the game has been. It's very hard for me to imagine where this negativity is coming from
Spawns have gone up, and I think there is a tiny yet vocal group players who believe they should be able to solo or duo all levels. If it isn't balanced for that style of play the game is a bit broken.

The issue is, you used to be able to solo some levels with no issues and the updates "fixed" that "problem." It has 100% gone from a good solo podcast game at lower levels to a game that may make you sweaty at lower levels solo if you're not paying attention, let's not even get into high level play.

I almost always roll a group of 4 so it's been a fun ride for me. You can definitely feel the need to work together a little more and coordinate loadouts. You need to get on top of bug breaches and bot ships immediately. It feels like we're legit on an inhospitable planet trying to make it out alive.


Dec 28, 2018
Yes you have slightly more option with them from support weapons but they also fight back harder so the longer it takes to kill them the higher risk of getting overwhelmed by other patrols. Titans can be kited to help you kill other bugs. Otoh, you can't just drop a 500kg on a gunship tower either. The two factions don't really need to be equal.

The patrol spawn rate change ramped up the difficulty quite a bit. It's extremely noticeable playing solo/duo but has no impact if you are always playing 4p.
Oh yeah gunship tower is hard. It can get rough fast. But the problem to me isn't the difficulty, it's the weapon restrictions on damage mean that when you fight bugs there will be 2 biles, 3 chargers and more coming... your strategems are on cooldown, your supports are out of ammo or on the ground and on cooldown... all you can do is run around and kill low armor enemies while you wait for your cooldowns, which isn't as fun as fighting back. This is the environment that basically guaranteed the quesar would be top pick, because the uptime is so good against armored enemies


Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah gunship tower is hard. It can get rough fast. But the problem to me isn't the difficulty, it's the weapon restrictions on damage mean that when you fight bugs there will be 2 biles, 3 chargers and more coming... your strategems are on cooldown, your supports are out of ammo or on the ground and on cooldown... all you can do is run around and kill low armor enemies while you wait for your cooldowns, which isn't as fun as fighting back. This is the environment that basically guaranteed the quesar would be top pick, because the uptime is so good against armored enemies

Agreed that having more viable weapons would make it more fun. Would it make the game too easy? That should be a secondary problem since it's a PVE game.
It makes no sense that autocannon does so little to the Titan vs if a Titan is wounded I can just take a flamethrower to the body and kill it in seconds... lol


Oct 25, 2017
for the people saying solo and such is too hard, I take it you have not seen the posts saying the current patrol spawnrates are broken?
apparently there is no scaling at all atm, everything is 100% aka scaled to 4 players
the people who tested that believe the devs broke the scaling when they adjusted it

not personally sure how much merit is in that, but that is the current theory


Oct 27, 2017
for the people saying solo and such is too hard, I take it you have not seen the posts saying the current patrol spawnrates are broken?
apparently there is no scaling at all atm, everything is 100% aka scaled to 4 players
the people who tested that believe the devs broke the scaling when they adjusted it

not personally sure how much merit is in that, but that is the current theory

AH has to acknowledge it before the community will move on.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
The patrol spawn is bugged, so I'm sure they'll fix that.
It also affects multiplayer, because anyone that's more than about 50m from another player becomes a 1-player group for patrol spawns.
It's now much better to stick together.

I think the game is in a good place now because nothing is overpowered. So I hope the next patch can focus on buffing the things that no-one ever uses.
Some things need some really dramatic buffs, and I think cooldown reductions on the weak stategems would be a good way to balance them. Machine gun sentries should cooldown much faster than gatling guns, for example. The fixed position turret thing should also cooldown quicker.
Mar 7, 2020
All the nerfs just remind me of destiny 2 and the constant whack a mole of the meta load out with the dev team constanly nerfing and the community moving to the next meta.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands


Oct 28, 2017
I do think that, even without the Sony thing, the game is starting to hit that same point for a lot of players.

Warbonds releasing under powered stuff, a lot of fun stuff getting nerfed, the increasingly long list of bugs, and the lack of new biomes to fight enemies in, and lack of new major gameplay features. The bugs one is big cause there is quite a few that aren't on the "known issues" list, like how players realized they fucked up the patrols and now the patrol count is equal no matter what player count you have, which is not what they said.

We're at that point were people need a big update that isn't just a Warbond update.

1. Weapon Customization
2. Armor Customization
3. Entirely New Biomes (They need to actually feel and look different and not just be the same thing but a different tint)
4. Maybe a large number of new Enemy Variants
5. New and more unique Sub Objectives
6. It's too easy to top out on some currencies like Requisition slips, which makes it feel so bad when you open up a double door and find them. We need something to be able to pour these into. Like imagine, if either per mission or for the entire set, the host could pay for specifically unique set of Stratagems that you get access to temporarily for the whole team. And also being able to trade them in for Samples/Medals would be cool as well.

Like it's still wild to me that the CEO mentioned that shortly after launch, that prior to the launch of the game that he was testing out a Stealth Build with a Silencer and Sub-Sonic Rounds on an AR... Which we still don't have access to.

Wasn't there also stuff that implied we would get Mech Customization with being able to change the guns on it? What happened to that?

In terms of balancing, I do think this Reddit Thread hits the nail on the head more often then not:

Like one of the parts is that, Bile Titans are basically unkillable unless you have specific weapons/stratagems, thus this limits what the player will choose when going into missions that will feature them. Even if it's not easy and can take awhile, you should be able to kill them with a Primary Gun if you aim at specific points on them for long enough. Then players might be more willing to open up what they bring into a fight when they don't need to rely on very specific strategems to combat a specific enemy.

Like, this is the opposite with the Robots. Every heavy enemy can be killed with grenades to the back if need be, among other things that can also damage their backsides. So people are generally willing to be a bit more flexible with their loadouts for robots cause there isn't anything that has a hard counter that requires a few things to kill them.

But then then they mention some of the bullshit on the Robots side, like how the Heavy Devastator's don't actually need to move their gun to shoot at you. The gun can be pointing forward and yet can shoot in a 180 arc no matter what. This is what gives them their insane accuracy that you seem like you can't get away from. If they actually needed to you know, aim the gun in the direction they need to fire in, they would be a lot more fair.

Yeah i havent played the game in the past few weeks mainly because there are a lots of new awesome releases like no rest for the wicked, stellar blade or hades 2, but im not going back to helldivers 2 until they do a big update thats not a new warbond.


Oct 27, 2017
It feels like I have seen those models for over a month now, don't know enough of the lore to know they were anything significant lol.

Dr. Sanchez

Nov 15, 2017
In terms of balancing, I do think this Reddit Thread hits the nail on the head more often then not:

Like one of the parts is that, Bile Titans are basically unkillable unless you have specific weapons/stratagems, thus this limits what the player will choose when going into missions that will feature them. Even if it's not easy and can take awhile, you should be able to kill them with a Primary Gun if you aim at specific points on them for long enough. Then players might be more willing to open up what they bring into a fight when they don't need to rely on very specific strategems to combat a specific enemy.

Like, this is the opposite with the Robots. Every heavy enemy can be killed with grenades to the back if need be, among other things that can also damage their backsides. So people are generally willing to be a bit more flexible with their loadouts for robots cause there isn't anything that has a hard counter that requires a few things to kill them.

But then then they mention some of the bullshit on the Robots side, like how the Heavy Devastator's don't actually need to move their gun to shoot at you. The gun can be pointing forward and yet can shoot in a 180 arc no matter what. This is what gives them their insane accuracy that you seem like you can't get away from. If they actually needed to you know, aim the gun in the direction they need to fire in, they would be a lot more fair.
the only things I agree with in that reddit post's points under Enemy Unit Balance are the heavy devastators' weird aiming, the rocket devastator never needing to reload, and the telegraphing of bug alerts being hard to tell.

Spewers don't instant kill unless you're right in front of them. Their speed and damage have already been nerfed and I haven't been killed instantly by one in a while.

I don't agree with their comments on the bile titan either. One person with a recoilless or other launcher is able to deal with multiple titans. The mech, while being hard to aim right now, can also deal with them. Honestly I feel that the changes that poster wants to implement would make the enemy factions feel less unique. I like weapons being better against specific enemies, like the recoilless being better suited for the bugs than the bots.


Dec 4, 2018
Yes you have slightly more option with them from support weapons but they also fight back harder so the longer it takes to kill them the higher risk of getting overwhelmed by other patrols. Titans can be kited to help you kill other bugs. Otoh, you can't just drop a 500kg on a gunship tower either. The two factions don't really need to be equal.

The patrol spawn rate change ramped up the difficulty quite a bit. It's extremely noticeable playing solo/duo but has no impact if you are always playing 4p.

Spawns have gone up, and I think there is a tiny yet vocal group players who believe they should be able to solo or duo all levels. If it isn't balanced for that style of play the game is a bit broken.

The issue is, you used to be able to solo some levels with no issues and the updates "fixed" that "problem." It has 100% gone from a good solo podcast game at lower levels to a game that may make you sweaty at lower levels solo if you're not paying attention, let's not even get into high level play.

I almost always roll a group of 4 so it's been a fun ride for me. You can definitely feel the need to work together a little more and coordinate loadouts. You need to get on top of bug breaches and bot ships immediately. It feels like we're legit on an inhospitable planet trying to make it out alive.

Fair enough. I've never really been a solo player but I'll give it a try. That said, I'd say difficulty 7 in a full group is easier than ever.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do those feel like some of those are responses I give to inquiries at work? "Yes, the team is aware of ___, and will turn our attention to it as soon as we are able." 😂

I mean, it works because it tells the community that they are aware. People just need that affirmation. Until 6 months down the road and nothing's been done. 😂
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Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Why do those feel like some of those are responses I give to inquiries at work? "Yes, the team is aware of ___, and will turn our attention to it as soon as we are able." 😂
Because honestly, that's the safest way to address topics to a community and userbase of too-fucking-big.

I look at FFXIV, that while the team are heavily community and feedback driven, the producer/ director only ever speaks through PR speak and curated blog posts, forum posts, interviews, and streams. If the FFXIV devs were very lackadaisical with how they addressed topics and people's feedback, there would be a constant firestorm going on, more than there already is. That's where Arrowhead is at right now, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're changing their approach a bit to better protect their team, and to calm the playerbase.


Nov 6, 2017
I hope they won't listen too much to crybabies on Reddit. Balance is in a pretty good spot right now with a few exceptions.

I don't, alot of the fun weapon are not fun, and the only way to clear even higher difficulity is to bring in meta weapon and use glitch.
When before you can bring in more option.

The laser RPG is not useful, EAT takes too long, and the only way to use the recoiless is with the 4sec reload glitch.

When before, you had Railgun and lightning gun can break armor, allowing for grenade or normal gun to deal damage continiusly.
But with the reduce in rail gun and range decrease on lightning gun.

To get rid of the super big and heavy enemy, you need to hit specific spot with specific enemy or use the giant weapon from the plane or starship.

When before there was more option to kill them.

And they still haven't fix the mech aiming and made the rocket need to hit a specific spot a specific way to kill heavy enemy too, otherwise it doesn't do much damage.

Dr. Sanchez

Nov 15, 2017
think the plasma punisher is going to replace the scorcher against bots for me. Once you learn to aim the thing it outperforms the scorcher in strider control, as well as being way better at killing groups of troopers. It's safer to kill all devastator types as well with the stagger it has. Only negative it the low ammo count where you'll be needing to resupply more often than other weapons.
The laser RPG is not useful, EAT takes too long, and the only way to use the recoiless is with the 4sec reload glitch.

When before, you had Railgun and lightning gun can break armor, allowing for grenade or normal gun to deal damage continiusly.
But with the reduce in rail gun and range decrease on lightning gun.

To get rid of the super big and heavy enemy, you need to hit specific spot with specific enemy or use the giant weapon from the plane or starship.

When before there was more option to kill them.

And they still haven't fix the mech aiming and made the rocket need to hit a specific spot a specific way to kill heavy enemy too, otherwise it doesn't do much damage.
the recoilless doesn't need that 4 sec trick to be useful. It can come in clutch in tense situations, but if the devs were to remove that it wouldn't suddenly become useless.

The EAT has a 1 minute cooldown, but its strength comes from the fact that you can litter the map with them during down time.

I don't use the quasar all that much, but being a backpack-less anti tank weapon with infinite ammo that can one shot chargers is useful in my eyes. If anything, I see it as an anti tank supplement for whoever else in your team is running another anti tank option.

The railgun is currently able to break charger leg armor as well as 3 shot the head in unsafe mode with its latest buff.

The mech does need that rocket aim fixed. I'd like for them to have guided rockets, like the launcher in Half Life 2. That way it will avoid the issue the mech had at launch where it'd blow itself up, as well as being more useful at landing those shots.

Once the Spear fix comes in, it'll be a nice AT option since it can one shot bile titans and chargers as long as they face directly at you. I think I remember killing hulks with one shot as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Once the Spear fix comes in, it'll be a nice AT option since it can one shot bile titans and chargers as long as they face directly at you. I think I remember killing hulks with one shot as well.
The Spear never one-shotted titans unless affected by the PS5 host bug. It's a good AT weapon due to its range, but in terms of damage it's pretty much a recoiless.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't, alot of the fun weapon are not fun, and the only way to clear even higher difficulity is to bring in meta weapon and use glitch.
When before you can bring in more option.

The laser RPG is not useful, EAT takes too long, and the only way to use the recoiless is with the 4sec reload glitch.

When before, you had Railgun and lightning gun can break armor, allowing for grenade or normal gun to deal damage continiusly.
But with the reduce in rail gun and range decrease on lightning gun.

To get rid of the super big and heavy enemy, you need to hit specific spot with specific enemy or use the giant weapon from the plane or starship.

When before there was more option to kill them.

And they still haven't fix the mech aiming and made the rocket need to hit a specific spot a specific way to kill heavy enemy too, otherwise it doesn't do much damage.

Wild takes.

Quasar and EAT are top tier imo and you can still use the Railgun to break the Charger's armor. Loadouts seem way more varied now than at launch where it was just Breaker + Redeemer + Shield + Railgun...