Khaos Prime

Oct 27, 2017
All the living presidents and their spouses will be present at this funeral. They will all give eulogies along the lines of "We may have had political disagreements, but he did what he thought was right for the country".

The celebrities that were his friend before he took office (Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, etc.) will be there. His family, of course.

Most of the people on his administration and other politicians.


Oct 27, 2017
Something like this




So he become a US Landmark cross history
Oct 26, 2017
Even though Trump has a 90% approval rating among Republicans right now, I'm sure it'll fall like a rock as soon as a new Republican consensus candidate emerges in a few years. Fox News will put all their weight behind the new guy and have no problem pissing on Trump's legacy to make the transition faster. Fox News remember was originally reluctant to back Trump, it's just an arranged marriage right now. The arrangement will be over once they find a suitable replacement.

Without Fox News sustaining the Trump Bio-Dome of alternate reality, the Trump allusion will quickly dissolve among a sizable chunk of Republicans. As others have already said, Trump even from a GOP perspective has been done anything. The only thing he passed was a Tax Cut, which most didn't think we needed anyway. The Supreme Court Justices were pre-selected for him. Aside from low hanging fruit with executive orders, everything else has been a failure. He'll be remembered as the Republican president that failed to repeal the ACA. Started trade wars. Limp erratic foreign policy. The North Korea Summit is already being shown to be a sham. Trump's presidency effectively ends in January when the new Congress takes office.

He'll basically be a half-term President. At least Reagan served two terms and Nixon won reelection. Even by Republican standards, Trump will have so little actual clearcut accomplishments. Now add in all the dirt that the Mueller Investigation, Cohen/National Enquirer investigation, and all the future Tell-All books by close advisors will uncover, then Republicans will find it even harder to prop-up Trump, especially when they no longer have to.

Trump not just being a bad President, but a bad father, husband, and human being will catch up to him.


Oct 26, 2017
Trumps funeral will most likely occur in a bunkrupt America (as predicted by Simpson). Don't think that Simpson time traveller mentioned impeachment or death during his cadency. So you folks might as well enjoy the ride.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Donald Trump will certainly not lie in state, like John McCain and Ted Kennedy. Even if he somehow saves his presidency and reputation over the next 2 or 6 years, or if somehow he ends up being lionized like Reagan (which will not happen), he won't be honored by lying in state.

Trump's funeral will likely be at a private club like Mar'a'lago, much like all of his activities are. It'll likely be attended by his family, friends, some celebrities, and other irrelevant people. Maybe some blowhards like Sesbastian Gorka or someone equally unimportant will deliver a political eulogy: But I'll eat my hat if a former vice president (like Joe Biden) speaks at the funeral. I'll eat a spoonful of salt if it's well attended by public figures from both sides of the aisle, or even his own political party.

Trump, deceased, will probably not even enjoy the honors that Richard Nixon received. Nixon died some 20 years after he fell from grace, and he too was a divisive, vindictive person. But, Nixon had a different public face than private one. Even in the midst of scandal, Nixon wasn't publicly disgusting like Trump is: He was respectful to his opponents, did not discredit war heroes, while he was likely a megalomaniac, he had a sense of public persona where he knew it was uncouth to look like a megalomaniac. Trump has none of that. He's squarely focused on himself. Trump has all of the flaws of Nixon, and none of the public grace or skill. At Nixon's funeral, every living president and their wive's attended, it was respectful. Nobody lionized Nixon like McCain, and with good reason he didn't deserve it, but all sitting politicians were at least respectful of his passing and tried to focus on his contributions to the Republic (which, especially by 1994, Nixon can be remembered for forging a relationship with China, which ultimate triangulated the end of the Vietnam War and, eventually, the fall of the Soviet Union).

Trump, at this point in his presidency, deserves nothing. He's a disgrace of a man, and a disgrace of a president.
I still find it crazy that Nixon was voted in because there was essentially a backlash and rise of conservatives, much like what happened with trump. But Nixon actually did a ton of liberal things because he felt that was the popular thing to do. Which he was right. Which males him the complete opposite of trump


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding the 2nd question: With the tackiest coffin inside the tackiest chapel you can imagine.


Oct 25, 2017
It will be a WWF style cage match between the American people and the Secret Service agents paid to guard his dead body.
Oct 26, 2017
Just a thought that crossed my mind today.

If Trump makes it through 2020 unscathed and goes back to his civilian life without ever being criminally charged, how does his burial arrangement go down? Besides his family, who shows up to give kind words? Where will he be laid to rest?

If he doesn't make it through 2020 and gets impeached, removed from office or criminally charged, how would his burial go down?
his body will be dumped at see just like osama bin laden. and we will burn his legacy to the ground, and spread the ashes


Oct 30, 2017
im sure everyone here will talk about how great he was, considering he cant touch mccain's death toll and we're supposed to respect that s.o.b


Oct 25, 2017
They're gonna have to close Etc. for the like month after to avoid needing to ban half the active posters in it for celebrating his death.
I vote we change the rules and allow his to be the one death we allow worldwide celebration for, and national holiday.

if you don't think people will be dancing in the streets, lol, i bet people have their playlists ready, just waiting for bad cholesterol to kick in.


Oct 25, 2017
They'll throw his body in the dumpster behind the middle school and the country will go about its day as normal. Ivanka will be divorced by that point, and I'll be there to comfort her over and over again, like she's never been comforted before.


Oct 28, 2017
Donald Trump will certainly not lie in state, like John McCain and Ted Kennedy. Even if he somehow saves his presidency and reputation over the next 2 or 6 years, or if somehow he ends up being lionized like Reagan (which will not happen), he won't be honored by lying in state.

Trump's funeral will likely be at a private club like Mar'a'lago, much like all of his activities are. It'll likely be attended by his family, friends, some celebrities, and other irrelevant people. Maybe some blowhards like Sesbastian Gorka or someone equally unimportant will deliver a political eulogy: But I'll eat my hat if a former vice president (like Joe Biden) speaks at the funeral. I'll eat a spoonful of salt if it's well attended by public figures from both sides of the aisle, or even his own political party.

Trump, deceased, will probably not even enjoy the honors that Richard Nixon received. Nixon died some 20 years after he fell from grace, and he too was a divisive, vindictive person. But, Nixon had a different public face than private one. Even in the midst of scandal, Nixon wasn't publicly disgusting like Trump is: He was respectful to his opponents, did not discredit war heroes, while he was likely a megalomaniac, he had a sense of public persona where he knew it was uncouth to look like a megalomaniac. Trump has none of that. He's squarely focused on himself. Trump has all of the flaws of Nixon, and none of the public grace or skill. At Nixon's funeral, every living president and their wive's attended, it was respectful. Nobody lionized Nixon like McCain, and with good reason he didn't deserve it, but all sitting politicians were at least respectful of his passing and tried to focus on his contributions to the Republic (which, especially by 1994, Nixon can be remembered for forging a relationship with China, which ultimate triangulated the end of the Vietnam War and, eventually, the fall of the Soviet Union).

Trump, at this point in his presidency, deserves nothing. He's a disgrace of a man, and a disgrace of a president.

Great post, like many of yours.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
He has 90% approval rating with Republicans. He got more votes than any republican President in history. He's loved by tens of millions.

He's loved by Republicans because he has power today. Dubya was once beloved by Republicans, until some point in January 2009 where suddenly he had never existed.

The same will happen with Trump.

Trump will be sure to provide for a lavish funeral for himself in his will, and I'm sure he'll plop it somewhere to create as much inconvenience for others as humanly possible.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
He will be preserved in honey within a golden coffin, and whomever wishes to be the next president of the united states will need to secure his body and bury it. The event will be streamed.


Oct 26, 2017
If a plane crashes on the border of Canada and the Usa , where do they bury the survivors?

bomma man

Oct 25, 2017
(Paraphrasing a joke from twitter) The liberals of the day will be fawning over him and losing their minds over the tepid shots at the Cernovich administration.


Oct 27, 2017
He should honestly be shot into the sun so his shitty unmaintained body doesn't pollute the earth further.
That amount of bullshit should keep the sun going for at least another few million years.

That said, I fully expect partying in the streets. They should crash his funeral with confetti and fireworks.


Oct 25, 2017
Dot Matrix with stereo sound
Refer to his inauguration crowds, and then factor in the many terrible things that he's said and done since then, and the many terrible things he will say and do before his death, the unfavorable way that's we'll view his presidency in the years following it (Nixon's legacy on treason steroids) and we're not looking at a generous turnout


Oct 27, 2017
All the living presidents and their spouses will be present at this funeral. They will all give eulogies along the lines of "We may have had political disagreements, but he did what he thought was right for the country".

The celebrities that were his friend before he took office (Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, etc.) will be there. His family, of course.

Most of the people on his administration and other politicians.
The Obamas would be disinvited.

Rune Walsh

Too many boners
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone wants to hang out, I'll have burgers on the grill, a fresh keg, and fireworks on display. I'll project his funeral on the side of my garage so we get a clear look as they unceremoniously dump his bloated corpse in a potter's field.