Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Hulk couldn't even hold his grasp on Thanos, yet Cap is able to overpower Thanos in a "death grip" like scenario, twice. Hulk is a buster in these movies.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The audience would turn on Hulk in a heartbeat with that storyline. He's not a hero in WWH, despite what the writer thought.

Sure he wasn't the hero but the other heroes turned their back on Hulk and banish him, which is a shitty thing to do, considering they are supposed to be his allies / friends.

Audiences wouldn't turn on Hulk if it was done right. Look at Civil War, people didn't suddenly turn on these characters just because they were fighting each other.

They could still make both sides sympathetic, while also doing some questionable things.


Dec 26, 2018
Hulk couldn't even hold his grasp on Thanos, yet Cap is able to overpower Thanos in a "death grip" like scenario, twice. Hulk is a buster in these movies.

Hulk isn't a master fighter like Cap is, and in their first meeting Cap got laid out in one punch. There is no shame in losing to Thanos.


Sure he wasn't the hero but the other heroes turned their back on Hulk and banish him, which is a shitty thing to do, considering they are supposed to be his allies / friends.

Audiences wouldn't turn on Hulk if it was done right. Look at Civil War, people didn't suddenly turn on these characters just because they were fighting each other.

They could still make both sides sympathetic, while also doing some questionable things.



Oct 31, 2017
I'm not sure he's a jobber, but he's constantly sidelined.

He's the quintessential "this character's entire point is how powerful and unstoppable he is, so he's boring and he needs not to be there most of the time".

How the MCU treated Hulk is why I'm worried about Carol.


Apr 27, 2018
I actually thought we'd find out Cap had trained Banner a little in hand to hand and Hulk would get a rematch here he fought smarter. Oh well.


Dec 26, 2018
I'm not sure he's a jobber, but he's constantly sidelined.

He's the quintessential "this character's entire point is how powerful and unstoppable he is, so he's boring and he needs not to be there most of the time".

How the MCU treated Hulk is why I'm worried about Carol.

Carol is more versatile then Hulk is, both in power and personality.
Oct 28, 2017
This iteration of Hulk was by far my favorite but he should have been
fighting Thanos in that last scene instead of Capt Marvel


Oct 31, 2017
Carol is more versatile then Hulk is, both in power and personality.

I wouldn't really bet on that. Hulk has a fantastic premise for character building that the MCU refused to touch on.

But if your point is "Carol can be better used in drama and dialogue because she's an actual, intelligent human being and not a screaming monster", that's all right. I'm talking about how she'll be used in the story. If you think about it, after the first Avengers, the only ensamble movie where Hulk is actually allowed to engage an high profile opponent (or even the main villain) is IW. He does punch an already defeated Ultron, but that's that.


Dec 26, 2018
I wouldn't really bet on that. Hulk has a fantastic premise for character building that the MCU refused to touch on.

Sure, but they ed to make him more versatile in savage mode, and I think it worked in Endgame by giving him more to do than being punchy guy.

But if your point is "Carol can be better used in drama and dialogue because she's an actual, intelligent human being and not a screaming monster", that's all right. I'm talking about how she'll be used in the story. If you think about it, after the first Avengers, the only ensamble movie where Hulk is actually allowed to engage an high profile opponent (or even the main villain) is IW. He does punch an already defeated Ultron, but that's that.

Endgame isn't really a good example as they didn't have the proper set up to utilise her, as they didn't know her full personality (her film was in production at the time) and they wanted other characters to have the spotlight. They didn't have this issue with Dr. Strange as he was a main character with IW, and his origin had been set up before hand. Next time they should have less restrictions.


Oct 17, 2018
This iteration of Hulk was by far my favorite but he should have been
fighting Thanos in that last scene instead of Capt Marvel

Completely agree, this was an Avengers story so give that task to an Avenger.

I know some people say that Hulk has his big moments in Endgame, with the reconciliation with Banner, and undoing the Snap. I get that, but the first happened off screen, and the second wasn't really an adrenaline-pumping moment. I mean, we all love those big action beats in movies, Cap with Mjolnir, Scarlet Witch with the TK assault on Thanos, Captain Marvel shattering the enemy ship. Hulk is a character that I think deserved his own action moment.

Still a great movie though
Oct 28, 2017
Completely agree, this was an Avengers story so give that task to an Avenger.

I know some people say that Hulk has his big moments in Endgame, with the reconciliation with Banner, and undoing the Snap. I get that, but the first happened off screen, and the second wasn't really an adrenaline-pumping moment. I mean, we all love those big action beats in movies, Cap with Mjolnir, Scarlet Witch with the TK assault on Thanos, Captain Marvel shattering the enemy ship. Hulk is a character that I think deserved his own action moment.

Still a great movie though

Yup. Imagine if
when Thanos bumps Capt Marvel it's Hulk instead and he just stands there and doesn't move and Thanos is shook?
. People would have went ballistic.


Oct 17, 2018
Yup. Imagine if
when Thanos bumps Capt Marvel it's Hulk instead and he just stands there and doesn't move and Thanos is shook?
. People would have went ballistic.

I wouldn't want to take anything away from Capt Marvel, I just wanted to cheer for Hulk getting some revenge shots in, like I cheered for Cap with Mjolnir, and I cheered for Wanda taking Thanos apart (note: I'm a Brit and all my cheering was strictly internal so as not to disturb other cinema goers)

Still, like a couple of other people mentioned, Immortal Hulk is a great comics read right now, really goes back to the horror / Jekyll and Hyde roots of the character.


Nov 6, 2017
United Kingdom
Also to be fair Banner designed the Hulkbuster with Tony to beat Hulk, so it makes sense that it can.

I agree though, Hulk needed more moments to show off. It was great to see how scared people were of him in Avengers but then that pure strength just becomes a joke.
It's the problem of having solo Hulk films sabotaged by the Universal contract.

Whether portrayed as a hero or villain, you can't let Hulk overpower everything in a team-up movie.

His character exploration is also limited when he can't be the central character.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm very happy with what they did with him in endgame. The execution works because most of the avengers (and audience) don't see Hulk as more than a brute, so when his change happens, it's jarring because you're forced to realize that the Hulk is actually more than a fighter and there's an actual personality there that's been taken for granted


Jun 10, 2018
I'm very happy with what they did with him in endgame. The execution works because most of the avengers (and audience) don't see Hulk as more than a brute, so when his change happens, it's jarring because you're forced to realize that the Hulk is actually more than a fighter and there's an actual personality there that's been taken for granted

I'm down with all that, but Hulk still deserved a rematch.


Nov 24, 2018
I mean isn't the Hulk kind of impossible to plausibly put on screen? Can't he be killed only by throwing him into a star or something?

Either way, every MCU hero is kind of a let down. Shouldn't a handful of them been able to take Thanos down solo if we went by comic feat strength?

edit: my point was, nerd Hulk is a good compromise since it tones down his strength and lets him be a member of the team


Oct 26, 2017
Admittedly I don't know much about Guardians of the Galaxy, but isn't Drax basically just a pissed off dude?

I mean, granted, Hulk is also "just" a "pissed off" "dude", but he's sort of the absurdly overwrought apex of those character traits, whereas Drax seems like he's somewhere between Old Man Logan and Frank Castle on the scale of "dudes who are very pissed off".
In the movies Drax does seem to be just a pissed off dude, in the comics he is supposed to be Thanos's equal and opposite as an avatar of life. Comic Drax once killed Thanos by punching through his back and ripping out Thanos's heart.


Oct 27, 2017
I was going to bring this up. I was thinking why does the Hulk lose almost all the time, isn't he one of if not the strongest hero in the MCU?


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have an issue with it. They have to find some type of equilibrium with these characters and avoid turning them all into deus ex machinas. Hulk, like most of the characters, wins some and loses some. I adore him in Endgame and he does
bring back half the universe


Nov 6, 2017
I understand why they didn't give Hulk the easy wins, but I wish they didn't just show him getting beat down all the time. There are other ways to take him out of the fight.


Oct 25, 2017
It was disappointing to me that there was no pay off in Infinity War for the "Hulk is too scared to fight" plot line. When they put Banner in the Hulkbuster I thought for sure they were going to have him turn and have Hulk in the Hulkbuster armour.
We discussed it a bit in the Endgame spoiler thread, but there were actually toys and stuff made of this exact thing happening for IW.


People thought it was a legit spoiler and then it just never happened.


Dec 3, 2018
Hulk deserved better, I'm with OP they have to redeem the character after developing him for 3+ straight films, we all know about his control issues, now straight-up beat-downs need to happen. I'll never get over the fact that the Hulk didn't get to bash the main villains head into the ground, would have been way more memorable than what we got.

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A jobber wouldn't have been able to bring back those who were wiped away.

Though truth be told Hulk arc is very difficult to do due to Universal holding the distribution rights, so Hulk currently is sharing his screen time with others and he gets the short end of the stick.

Think he'll get his own film again next phase?

Not until Disney/Marvel and Universal come together and work out a deal on the distribution rights, but what happened with Fox and Sony. I would say it's only a matter of time, however will it matter by the time that happens?

Same with Captain Marvel in Endgame IMO.

I am sorry what? Captain Marvel was not a jobber at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Hulk is only there to be the Worf of the Avengers in the movies. Show how tough the enemy is by dropping the big green one.


Oct 25, 2017
Like it has been said, Hulk kinda has to be a jobber when it's the Captain American and Iron Man show if anything. That and the Superman effect where you have to tone him down otherwise he just beats everyone.

To that end, It wouldn't shock me if they nerf Carol a bit too going forward because she's already far and away the most powerful hero in the MCU. Well, outside of Doctor Strange anyway but I got the impression that his bullshit is reserved for an entirely different kind of threat.
Oct 25, 2017
What I'm most baffled by is:

Bruce being unable to get Hulk going continuously in Infinity War is clearly a setup for an eventual payoff akin to the hyperdrive failing to work in The Empire Strikes Back and then finally, at the most crucial moment it kicks into gear and saves the day.

Like after the work they put into this setup in Infinity War, this should write itself. In Endgame, he needed to still be struggling to get it out and then at a crucial moment, he achieves some kind of self-actualisation, completes his arc, and finally turns Hulk.

Instead, this arc takes place off-screen, in the 5 years we skip over. What the hell was the point of setting all this up in Infinity War only to entirely drop the subplot in the sequel?

Yeah that was a disappointment. I was waiting for that since Infinity War, it would have been such a huge hype moment, and instead they went with what they went with and instead of a huge hype moment we got a shitty gag in a diner.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean...

He was literally the only one that could bring everyone back with the snap. We saw what happened when Tony snapped.


Oct 25, 2017
We discussed it a bit in the Endgame spoiler thread, but there were actually toys and stuff made of this exact thing happening for IW.


People thought it was a legit spoiler and then it just never happened.
there are interviews with the writer why it didn't have. smart Hulk supposed to happened in IW, but they later changed it because they feel it's a moment of triumph for Hulk while the end of IW supposed to be a down moment for everyone. so they changed it. they also wrote a scene in EG about Hulk merging with Banner in a lab, but later changed to diner scene where Hulk explain it to us while Scott just looks confused