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Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Necessary update:

Even though Powerhouse passed away, I'm never going to forget this week. Life can be amazing, or cruel, or treacherous, or unpredictable, but if I hadn't picked up that little baby and taken him home, I never would have known what I was capable of when it came to caring for something that couldn't care for itself.

Whether or not it was inevitable that he passed, or if I made some small mistake that spiraled, I needed to do this. And as much as it hurts that he's gone, I hope anyone reading this realizes that while we may not have an obligation to kindness or empathy, the most selfish thing we can do is to consider the cost not worth it, to let ourselves become jaded to the suffering of other living things.

When I was googling around trying to identify Powerhouse's species the other day, I did a lot of searches like "pinkie mouse" and the sort, and you know what came up?

'Pinkie mice, 50 pack, frozen'. For snake food.

And man, that hit me for a second. I'm sitting here losing sleep trying to keep this guy alive, spending over a hundred dollars already doing everything I can and knowing I'll be spending a lot more if he keeps kicking, and there's this company mass-breeding mice just to freeze and sell as food. And I'm not mad at them; I love snakes. They gotta eat, too.

But it was a paradigm shift for me, mentally. A realization that the scale, or the perspective, or the magnitude doesn't matter. Because it's not about trying to save a life, or whether or not I fail in doing so.

It's about not wanting to lose the part of me that's willing to do so, and knowing that even though my efforts failed this time - whether out of my control or not - I'd still do it again. And I will. Any time I find something like this, any time I find an animal that needs help, I'm gonna do it, even knowing that if it dies, it's gonna hit me just as hard as Powerhouse dying today did.

I'd rather be an optimist and be disappointed a million times than be a cynic and be right once.

And if nothing else, for everyone who was as invested in Powerhouse as I am, I hope you guys can at least take some piece of that away.

Please don't be afraid to help a living thing, whether it's a person, animal, or even plant.

Please don't fear the pain that can come with failure. Every ounce of heartache I feel right now is nothing compared to the fact that Powerhouse at least got to be warm, and fed, for a few days.

Please don't listen to people who tell you "it's going to die anyways, why bother?" Maybe they're not even wrong - but it isn't about that. It's about ranking the livelihood of another being, a creature with feelings, over a fear of feeling like you fucked up.

I love you guys, and I love this community for being so supportive.

But please, PLEASE, take what happened here as a reason to do your best if you find something that needs help. For me, for Powerhouse, for anything that needs it, please consider that you might be saving a life, or at least making a doomed being more comfortable in its final hours, and that's worth the pain, worth the heartache, and worth the time and effort.

Thanks. I'll let you guys know what I decide to do with the equipment and what I plan to get. I definitely think it's time to bring more pets into my life - and to maybe look into careers helping them professionally.
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The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
EDIT: Sorry, looked like a new born mouse (we've had these at the house and they are pests). I sounded like a mean idiot. Leaving thread. Good luck OP.
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Jan 24, 2018
Congrats on the mystery baby.

It helps of you stimulate the butt with something wet and warm, like a cotton ball or a washable soft towel. It helps it poop.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Oh my, just take it to an exotic animal hospital as soon as they open?

Yeah, going to, just trying to keep it alive because the earliest one doesn't open for eight hours

Flush that shit. It's going do die anyway.

eat shit

Congrats on the mystery baby.

It helps of you stimulate the butt with something wet and warm, like a cotton ball or a washable soft towel. It helps it poop.

Yeah, I'm using damp cotton swabs


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks for going out of your way to try and care for it, OP.

Anyone posting kill it is an idiot.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, looks squirrelly to me. Hey, good stuff OP, you can tell a lot about people by how they treat animals. Do what you're doing I guess, it would be dead already if it wasn't for you.

This is your chance to go full Bob Ross and have your very own pocket squirrel.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Of course there has to be a garbage post ITT. Can't let uplifting things happen.

Flush it? That's such a cruel way to kill something anyways. Drowning sucks.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Ok well after feeding it it's squeaking a lot, which I hope is a good sign

Can't get it to use the bathroom yet, gonna try again every 10 min or so, and feed it a little more later since I don't see a milk band


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
You're an amazing person, OP. No matter what happens I have the utmost respect for you as a person. Thank you for restoring some faith in mankind today.

I've rescued a baby possum before, it's an uphill battle and your best bet is to get a professional involved. Keep it warm, fed, and safe feeling until you can. If it's a squirrel, there are a few videos on YouTube and websites around, this one has some advice (below the warnings about keeping them as pets! heh).


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Berkeley, CA
To be honest, that could be any rodent, not just a squirrel. Mice, rat babies all look the same. Either way, it won't open it's eyes for a while so I'd say just chill, keep it warm and fed and hope for the best.


Nov 2, 2017
Oh man I hope it's a squirrel, you have a new friend for life. I have several in our backyard that I feed regularly that come up to me and just chill.

Also, that edgelord can eat shit. It's tiring.

Here's some motivation:



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Could be a baby squirrel:

Or a baby rat:

Either way it'll prob turn into 1 of these soon:


Congrats on the baby OP and thanks for actually giving a shit.

Yeah it's a good idea to get it to a vet soon to check it's health and species.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Really does look like a rat with that long tail :/ um. Don't catch anything.
It takes a little while for even rats to become carriers of anything particularly dangerous. Handle with care, of course, but don't get paranoid.

Still pretty sure you've got a squirrel there, though. That said, what types of squirrels and rats do you have around you, OP? That might give us some indication, as there can be some big variation in size and shape between species. Definitely too big to be a mouse.
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Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It's Era's pet now, you better do your best.

man im trying. i THINK i got it to pee, but honestly it's so small it coulda been moisture from the warm cotton swab i was using on it.

still, it was probably starving, so i'm not sweating it TOO much until i feed it a couple more times. gave it about half a tablespoon of formula and no milkband yet, super hungry lil guy
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