
Apr 30, 2018
I mean the violence was pretty tasteful? I've seen plenty more graphic depictions of violence in film.


Oct 29, 2017
It's very graphic and in a very grounded way, too, not over the top "I rip demons apart" Doom kind of way. So I understand if people have issues with that. My mother literally can't watch a movie where people are taking a heavy beating and even the sound of it is often enough so she'd have to leave the room depending on how long the scene goes on. If you can't stomach it you can't stomach it.

Personally, I didn't mind and knew what I was in for from the trailers, word of mouth, tone and style of part one, and ESBR/USK/FSK ratings.

also fuck the fireflies Joel did the right thing
This. Also, pulling a knife against a dude who literally killed all the guards to get to the operating room, with that look on his face to save Ellie wasn't the smartest idea. It's practically begging for "please kill me with my own knife." At the very least it doesn't help to de-escalate.


Oct 27, 2017
The 'clip her wings' scene is the one that made me wince the most, even though we'd seen it already. I think it hit harder in the context of the narrative up to that point and what it potentially meant for the protag. One of my favorite games of the year though.


Oct 27, 2017
I understand you OP. I decided to never play this game way back after the torture trailer dropped, which I still haven't seen til the end. This just isn't for me. Too much violence, too much hating, too much darkness. I want the colorful creative lighthearted ND back. Hopefully we'll see a stift now that Druckmann steps up a level at the company, with some luck he won't have time to think out these horrible stories anymore.


Oct 26, 2017
Combined with the length of the game it WAS too much. If you're going hyper-graphic and extra edgy, don't do it for too long.

It's why I can't stomach the idea another brutal TLOU game. I love the story, characters, and gameplay, but I just don't wanna watch people suffer anymore in a supposed Part III, unless it's for a greater purpose like the search for a vaccine.
Oct 27, 2017
Before the game came out, I was actually initially turned off because of the violence until I watched some of the dev stuff and realised that it was all intentional and had a meaning beyond just being cool video game shit™

I've been turned since from that gamescom trailer a couple years back. Liked the first game but no interest in this at all.

Y'know early on I felt the same way. I was still interested in the game but I felt kind of like how I feel about the recent Tomb Raider games — and their weirdly overly abundant death animations for Lara that don't really serve a purpose beyond being gruesome for their own sake. Then later when ND started talking more about the story, and how the game itself being about violence, the cycle of it, people's willingness to dehumanise each other (and so on) gave it context that actually made me more interested than I was before.

Being repulsed at the violence is kind of the whole point.

We have become super desensitised to violence in media, and are even encouraged to pursue and revel hedonistically in it within gaming. Turning a blind eye to that in regards to the narrative they were portraying would actually have been far, far worse imo. Ludonarrative dissonance got memed to death, but TLOU2 is the logical conclusion of where a legit discussion of violence in media takes you.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I feel bad but for some reason the thought of OP throwing up towards the TV made me laugh. It takes so much more for a video game to make me that sick.


Jan 8, 2019
Because I know it's not real.

Very simple.

1, Why find blood and gore cool even if it's not real?
2, Isn't the whole point of fiction that it resembles that which is real? E.g. a sad story is meant to make you sad and not laugh. Realistic violence is not meant to be cool.


Oct 25, 2017
I like how we had a nice, wholesome thread about someone throwing up while playing TLOU2 and someone had to go and post some craziness about how they think Ellie should look.


Oct 27, 2017
I find it so weird how this game get so much anger. Imagine, "hating" a video game. Think about that sentence. This person hates this video game.
It's as if something's happened to a very vocal portion of the audience over the last five or ten years. Something that made them unwilling to accept stories that go in unexpected ways or does things they did not expect or want. The same thing happened with The Last Jedi.
It feels like people in general has become less and less open for new things. I've lost count over how many things from 10 or 20 years ago todays audience would have raged themselves silly over. Like they only want things their way now and they will never ever let it go if they don't get it.

I really enjoyed TLOU 2. I found it to be a incredibly polished game with a fantastic combat system and very tense and gripping story. There is no clean cut hero or villain in the game I think. Both Ellie and Abby have aspects of hero and villain in them. I think that was a big part of the story. That there is no black or white in the world. No pure good or evil.
Jun 6, 2020
If what you took away from this game was that Ellie was a villain and Joel was an "evil SOB" than I don't know what to tell you except you're wrong. Those notions go directly against the main themes of the story.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
This is whats wrong with Last of Us 2.
Left looks better. She looks exhausted and kinda broken. Better conveys the gruesome journey they went through during the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand you OP. I decided to never play this game way back after the torture trailer dropped, which I still haven't seen til the end. This just isn't for me. Too much violence, too much hating, too much darkness. I want the colorful creative lighthearted ND back. Hopefully we'll see a stift now that Druckmann steps up a level at the company, with some luck he won't have time to think out these horrible stories anymore.
He already said he is still going to be writing and directing.
Dec 4, 2019
User banned (permanent): Misogynistic trolling

This is how she looks

Even this looks normal.

This is some uncanny vallely creepy cyborg. Only scene she looks like this. Its like they places ultra realistic eyes into a video game model.
i dont get it

edit: oh i get it, you're just a creep who's upset at how shes not as cute and young as before.
youre special.
Better graphics is wrong?
I disagree. This one scene artistically looks nothing like the rest of the game.
They made a higher fidelity model?
Yes nothing else has this "fidelity"
This is genuinely a baffling comment lmao. They gave her a better looking model that still retains Ellie's look and it's somehow wrong?
No other cutscene does she look like Will Maisie.

At first I thought this was a clickbait ad.
This is a meme I don't get, isn't it?
just think it looks uncanny.
uh what does this mean

Also, OP, did you play the rest of the game leading up to that part? I'm genuinely confused about how one would make it to that part totally chill but then see that and think, "that's it, that's a bridge too far"
LMAO. I finished the game. I hated it the moment I finished it. My GOTY. Im working on permadeath grounded right now to platinum the game. Disappointed in no PS5 upgraded.
what am I looking at

she grew up

she isn't going to get older and not change
They are the same age in that scene. She looks like young grandma Will Maisie for exactly one scene.
... Aaaaand thread derailed

I kinda agree, sometimes better tech doesnt mean better art

I love last gen Ellie's expression and I dont think that the new model was able to replicate, personally

But this was like, 2 seconds of the game, so whatever
im utterly confused how this scene passed. Totally ruins the last scene for me. She looks hyper realistic, and she wasnt sad in the last scene. She was emotionless .
It is the same picture.jpg
It's funny because despite Ellie looking as good as she did on the PS3 her new model makes the old model look less human.
Posts like this one, along with some people fan casting 25+ year old actress for The Last Of Us tv show really gives me creepy vibes. It's like people get mad when they can't fantasize about a 14 year old girl...
how about you stop being a child.
Which one is which game? What's the issue? I'm lost.
It's as if people grow up and change, even in video games.
is this just a troll, or are you being genuinely creepy?
Some of you are overly protective of this game. Maybe to really set some of you cuties. Abby's tits suck.


Oct 25, 2017
We have become super desensitised to violence in media, and even encouraged to pursue and revel hedonistically in it within gaming. Turning a blind eye to that in regards to the narrative they were portraying would actually have been far, far worse imo. Ludonarrative dissonance got memed to death but TLOU2 is the logical conclusion of where a legit discussion of violence in media takes you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this. In a lot of ways, I noticed that LoU2 was a game designed around either subverting or taking seriously the tropes that games have taken for granted.

Protagonist power, for example. Uncharted is known for Drake slaughtering guys by the thousands and it's just kind of unremarked upon. Why is this one guy able to take out so many dozens of other people, other soldiers who've been trained in combat? And why is it that all these deaths are treated so casually, given that Drake kills like a full stadium of people every game? Well, the only real explanation is that as the main character, Drake has a life and personality outside combat, while the 'bad guys' just exist to be killed. Last of Us 1 dabbled in this as well, with how Joel was somehow just one guy that says over and over that his survival is based on luck, but he's always the one that comes out on top no matter how insane the situation gets.

This is what made playing Abby pretty interesting. First off, there is the obvious Joel death that isn't just brutal, but unceremonious. This character that survived so much actually was just getting lucky all this time, and now his luck ran out the day he met Abby. But more importantly, since Abby is Ellie's enemy, we get to see that protagonist power isn't just limited to Joel and Ellie, but a bunch of different people. Jesse has it too...but then there's that scene in the theater where he runs out and Abby by reflex shoots him through the face. His death is as unceremonious and instant and meaningless (to Abby) as any other of the hundreds of NPC's that she shot exactly like him. The only way Jesse is different is because we knew him through Ellie, and like Joel, he was this guy who could run through an army of infected and WLF...just up until the day he couldn't.

This is one of the few games that actually takes to heart making the player feel like they aren't playing a 'special' character, because in actuality all characters, including NPC's, go through life like Joel and Ellie and Abby until they meet one character who gets that lucky shot on them.


Oct 25, 2017
Strongly disagree with you OP about the violence being too much. Like there more gruesome scenes in other games. But if you aren't playing Part 3 that's fine by me, at least you're being honest.


Oct 25, 2017

This is how she looks

Even this looks normal.

This is some uncanny vallely creepy cyborg. Only scene she looks like this. Its like they places ultra realistic eyes into a video game model.

youre special.

I disagree. This one scene artistically looks nothing like the rest of the game.

Yes nothing else has this "fidelity"

No other cutscene does she look like Will Maisie.

just think it looks uncanny.
LMAO. I finished the game. I hated it the moment I finished it. My GOTY. Im working on permadeath grounded right now to platinum the game. Disappointed in no PS5 upgraded.

They are the same age in that scene. She looks like young grandma Will Maisie for exactly one scene.
im utterly confused how this scene passed. Totally ruins the last scene for me. She looks hyper realistic, and she wasnt sad in the last scene. She was emotionless .

how about you stop being a child.

Some of you are overly protective of this game. Maybe to really set some of you cuties. Abby's tits suck.
Did you really just swerve into people being "protective of the fame" for calling out that drive by shit post that looked a bit creepy?

Lol, come on...


Oct 25, 2017

This is how she looks

Even this looks normal.

This is some uncanny vallely creepy cyborg. Only scene she looks like this. Its like they places ultra realistic eyes into a video game model.

youre special.

I disagree. This one scene artistically looks nothing like the rest of the game.

Yes nothing else has this "fidelity"

No other cutscene does she look like Will Maisie.

just think it looks uncanny.
LMAO. I finished the game. I hated it the moment I finished it. My GOTY. Im working on permadeath grounded right now to platinum the game. Disappointed in no PS5 upgraded.

They are the same age in that scene. She looks like young grandma Will Maisie for exactly one scene.
im utterly confused how this scene passed. Totally ruins the last scene for me. She looks hyper realistic, and she wasnt sad in the last scene. She was emotionless .

how about you stop being a child.

Some of you are overly protective of this game. Maybe to really set some of you cuties. Abby's tits suck.
I mean you could have said it in the first place, but ending your long post with
Some of you are overly protective of this game. Maybe to really set some of you cuties. Abby's tits suck.
doesn't help at all.
Mansa Mufasa

Mansa Mufasa

Jun 17, 2019
Honestly, it was a really weird experience for me. Yes, I've played all the God of Wars (love them) Helios' death was one of the coolest things to me. I was okay with most of the gore here and had no problem. But man, dismemberment.. for me personally there's something just horrifying there and I think Naughty Dog did an excellent job telling the story here because prior to the fight, I was saying, Ellie. Let it go. Just gwan. And then the fight happened and Im like omg here we go.

I was amped and as it's going on, I see Abby get Ellie's hand in her mouth and then saw the fingers flying, and was too much. I've only felt that grossed out before when I watched the Human Centipede. I wouldn't be surprised if my subconscious is now associating Human Centipede with TLOU2 now because of it.


Next Level Seer
May 15, 2020
honestly I didn't think it went far enough, they definitely shied away from some topics. They didn't show ellie banging on nora, they didn't show the interaction with lev's mom, and a lot of the scenes with isaac were subdued.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
I refuse to play games with so much gore in them. I can't understand people who see so much blood and guts flying around and think it's an ordinary thing. Humans have issues.

But with games becoming more mainstream we will hopefully see a reversal.
When movies and TV went mainstream all the gore was gone and didn't increase at all, as we all know.


Nov 27, 2017
Production value is amazing, story choices are very balsy and pretty great.

Story pacing is lazy and character treatment is shit (except probably for owen).

I can't understand why that game had so much praise over the story when they had to bend characters to make the plot fit in. That should be the contrary.


Oct 27, 2017
He already said he is still going to be writing and directing.
Easy to say now but I'm guessing that he'll eventually take a backseat approach kinda like Miyamoto. I guess he might still control the content though and that's the problem from my point of view. He's just too darkminded, he's great at writing characters and relationships but everything he's directing seems to go super dark. Except Uncharted 4, somehow he managed to get a happy ending there.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, it was a really weird experience for me. Yes, I've played all the God of Wars (love them) Helios' death was one of the coolest things to me. I was okay with most of the gore here and had no problem. But man, dismemberment.. for me personally there's something just horrifying there and I think Naughty Dog did an excellent job telling the story here because prior to the fight, I was saying, Ellie. Let it go. Just gwan. And then the fight happened and Im like omg here we go.

I was amped and as it's going on, I see Abby get Ellie's hand in her mouth and then saw the fingers flying, and was too much. I've only felt that grossed out before when I watched the Human Centipede. I wouldn't be surprised if my subconscious is now associating Human Centipede with TLOU2 now because of it.
Yeah, I've definitely had responses like this before. There's no shame in it, though.


Jan 8, 2019
Remember in the first game when Joel gets 100% impaled through the stomach, and then is able to walk and stay conscious for like an hour? And then goes for days before a 14 year old perfectly sews him up?
Haha. It's been a long time since I played it. Can't say I remember that. But it adds up with the second one. I get its a video game, but if they are going for a realistic story, having the characters be super heroes takes you out of the experience pretty quickly


Oct 25, 2017
Easy to say now but I'm guessing that he'll eventually take a backseat approach kinda like Miyamoto. I guess he might still control the content though and that's the problem from my point of view. He's just too darkminded, he's great at writing characters and relationships but everything he's directing seems to go super dark. Except Uncharted 4, somehow he managed to get a happy ending there.
Well it's for a reason, lol. Uncharted and TLOU are different series. He doesn't specifically want to make violent gore fests. He loves making emotional character driven games. TLOU just happens to be in a violent setting.

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
I hate it because of the uneasy feeling they make you feel for the first 15 hours. It's suffocating. The music, art, etc all contribute to it and it isn't great


Oct 26, 2017
The scene has nothing to do with being exhausted or broken. Did you play the second game?
That was her realizing it was all for nothing and Joel was probably lying, she absolutely was exhausted and broken after the Hospital. She literally never gets over it even and it constantly eats away before she just goes and finds out for herself.


Oct 27, 2017
I disagree with every point in the op. The game didn't go far enough. There's zero satisfaction or closure until Ellie (justifiably) puts a bullet through Abby's skull.

If you're going to complain about graphic violence, you should have sat this series out a long time ago. The E3 audience cheered when Joel shotgunned a pleading enemy point blank so many years ago. That was your clue to quietly leave the room and play something else.
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Oct 25, 2017
The scene has nothing to do with being exhausted or broken. Did you play the second game?
That's not what they said. They were talking about it being the end of the first game. In TLOU1 in that scene, Ellie looks like exactly the same as the start of the game. It makes total sense she should look older and more exhausted by that point.
Dec 4, 2019
Did you really just swerve into people being "protective of the fame" for calling out that drive by shit post that looked a bit creepy?

Lol, come on...
Im not concerned about swerving into questioning people's protectiveness, when they are basically calling me a pedo. For disliking graphics and changing a expression on one of the best video game scenes of all time.
I mean you could have said it in the first place, but ending your long post with

doesn't help at all.
Its the truth thought. People really have to relax. Abby has a nice ass. Bad tits. Excuse my heterosexual ass.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
1, Why find blood and gore cool even if it's not real?
2, Isn't the whole point of fiction that it resembles that which is real? E.g. a sad story is meant to make you sad and not laugh. Realistic violence is not meant to be cool.

I don't think blood/gore is cool, I just don't care if I see them in fiction.

What I can't take are movies made to be disgusting like Human Centipede, but I'm sure many people just laugh while watching.

Its the truth thought. People really have to relax. Abby has a nice ass. Bad tits. Excuse my heterosexual ass.

We GameFAQS now


Oct 25, 2017
Im not concerned about swerving into questioning people's protectiveness, when they are basically calling me a pedo. For disliking graphics and changing a expression on one of the best video game scenes of all time.

Its the truth thought. People really have to relax. Abby has a nice ass. Bad tits. Excuse my heterosexual ass.
You made a stupid ahit post that set yourself up for EXACTLY that.

If you aren't smart enough to see this, even now with hindsight and feedback, it isn't on us.


Oct 25, 2017
The Last of Us is a dark and brutal series. If that's not your thing then don't go there. It's like sitting down to watch a Nightmare on Elm Street movie then getting upset that people were killed in it.


Oct 29, 2017
Honestly, it was a really weird experience for me. Yes, I've played all the God of Wars (love them) Helios' death was one of the coolest things to me. I was okay with most of the gore here and had no problem. But man, dismemberment.. for me personally there's something just horrifying there and I think Naughty Dog did an excellent job telling the story here because prior to the fight, I was saying, Ellie. Let it go. Just gwan. And then the fight happened and Im like omg here we go.

I was amped and as it's going on, I see Abby get Ellie's hand in her mouth and then saw the fingers flying, and was too much. I've only felt that grossed out before when I watched the Human Centipede. I wouldn't be surprised if my subconscious is now associating Human Centipede with TLOU2 now because of it.
That's super weird to me. I thought the violence and gore was way worse in God of War. I played the original 3 this year, then TLOU 2 and then GoW PS4.

Just reading the wiki description of human centipede was worse for me than anything that happens in any of the games.


Oct 25, 2017
1. She looks younger in the updated model.
2. You've accused someone of being a creep because of this.

normally I wouldn't but it's not the first nor the last time I've seen gamers griping over how a female character has been changed/updated. I've lost count really. The picture itself has been used in several discussions outside of era deriding how they've "ruined" Ellie. I can't take this fixation in good faith. It's a minor change that doesn't deserve discussion nor as some merit excuse to say this is why so and so game sucks. I don't own or intend to pay Tlou2 before someone thinks I'm some sort of upset fanboy.

Its the truth thought. People really have to relax. Abby has a nice ass. Bad tits. Excuse my heterosexual ass.

See what I mean. Still think I was out of line?
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Nov 12, 2019
I don't think they should tone things down because you felt it was too much. It's not the developers responsibility to make something that fits everyone

Kunka Kid

Oct 27, 2017
lol dude you literally vomited? If I worked for Naughty Dog and read that I'd be like "hell yeah"


Nov 6, 2017
To he honest I think if the game wasnt as brutal as it is it wouldn'tleave the same impact (for me anyway). Game was unbelievably tense and I thought the violence fit the world well...I can understand people thinking its too much though.